Hannah Hutchins 1 H 1.0079 |
Periodic Table of Science Bloggers by David Bradley, Sciencebase![]() |
Health 2 He 4.0026 |
DB on LinkedIn 3 Li 6.941(2) |
Beatrice 4 Be 9.0122 |
Bordado Ingles 5 B 10.811(7) |
Diamond LightSource 6 C 12.011 |
Notrocket Science 7 N 14.0067 |
O'Hara 8 O 15.9994 |
Sciencebase 9 F 18.998 |
Nature Networks 10 Ne 20.180 |
Nature SkepChem 11 Na 22.990 |
MilkyWay Galaxy 12 Mg 24.305 |
An unusual periodic table where each element represents a different science blogger. Bio sites are green, grey for physics, mathematics blue medical, red chemical, black are space, my sites are in gold, bronze gen'l/uncategorised. This Periodic Table was created in December 2010. Things have moved on, some of the links will no longer be active, there are many more science bloggers now! | Allochthonous (Highly) 13 Al 26.982 |
SixHat 14 Si 28.086 |
Phylogenomics 15 P 30.974 |
Science Digestive 16 S 32.066(6) |
Clock (BlogAround) 17 Cl 35.453 |
Argent23 18 Ar 39.948(1) |
Kent Jackof 19 K 39.098 |
Carbonbased Curiosities 20 Ca 40.078(4) |
SciScoop 21 Sc 44.956 |
Twitter 22 Ti 47.867(1) |
Voltage Gate 23 V 50.942(1) |
Corrie Baker 24 Cr 51.996 |
Mental Indigest 25 Mn 54.938 |
Functional Neurogenesis 26 Fe 55.845(2) |
Conserv bytes 27 Co 58.933 |
Nobel Intent 28 Ni 58.693 |
Sciencemade Cool 29 Cu 63.546(3) |
Zoonomian 30 Zn 65.39(2) |
Genome Alberta 31 Ga 69.723(1) |
German Fischblog 32 Ge 72.61(2) |
ASchooner ofScience 33 As 74.922 |
Sciencetext 34 Se 78.96(3) |
Branwen 35 Br 79.904(1) |
Kristin 36 Kr 83.80(1) |
Research Blogging 37 Rb 85.468 |
Spinneret 38 Sr 87.62(1) |
Your Dailypill 39 Y 88.906 |
Zygoma Rules 40 Zr 91.224(2) |
NeuroWhoa 41 Nb 92.906 |
MoCostandi 42 Mo 95.94(1) |
2020Science 43 Tc [97.907] |
Ruthenium Fanboy 4 Ru 101.07(2) |
Research EPA 45 Rh 102.906 |
OpenParachute 46 Pd 106.42(1) |
Agence SciPresse 47 Ag 107.868 |
CultureDish 48 Cd 112.411(8) |
Indigenus 49 In 114.818(3) |
Scientifics Net 50 Sn 118.710(7) |
Sciencebase 51 Sb 121.760(1) |
Testing Hypotheses 52 Te 127.60(3) |
InBed WithMed 53 I 126.904 |
XanInvader 54 Xe 131.29(2) |
ChemSpy 55 Cs 132.905 |
Barmonger Science 56 Ba 137.327(7) |
Lanthanides 57-71 * |
Hannah Flynn 72 Hf 178.49(2) |
TheAtavism 73 Ta 180.948 |
WhatOn Earth 74 W 183.84(1) |
Reactive Reports 75 Re 186.207(1) |
NickOswald BitesizeBio 76 Os 190.23(3) |
Irishperson inexile 77 Ir 192.217(3) |
Photochem 78 Pt 195.084(9) |
CarinBondar 79 Au 196.967 |
HenryGee 80 Hg 200.59(2) |
TheLabrat 81 Tl 204.383 |
Pharmboy 82 Pb 207.2(1) |
Bioethics Bytes 83 Bi 208.980 |
Kristen Kulinowski 84 Po [208.982] |
AstroProf 85 At [209.987] |
RenatoFisica Interessante 86 Rn [222.018] |
Free ScienceMags 87 Fr [223.020] |
RoyalSoc ChemBlog 88 Ra [226.0254] |
Actinides 89-103 ** |
Lauren Rutherford 104 Rf [263.113] |
David Bradley 105 Db [262.114] |
Stumble Upon 106 Sg [266.122] |
Brady Haran 107 Bh [264.1247] |
Benno Hansen 108 Hs [269.134] |
Matushiq 109 Mt [268.139] |
Deepsea News 110 Ds [272.146] |
Robajackson 111 Rg [272.154] |
Chemoton 112 Cn [277] |
Universe Today 113 Uut [284] |
Unklar 114 Uuq [289] |
Skymania 115 Uup [288] |
Skeptic Wonder 116 Uuh [292] |
Ununseptium 117 Uus [294] |
U O'Neill? invitrodreams 118 Uuo [294] |
Laikas 57 La 138.905 |
CenBlog 58 Ce 140.116(1) |
Pharma Strategy 59 Pr 140.908 |
Nutrigenomics Dietome 60 Nd 144.242(3) |
Psyconoclasm 61 Pm [144.913] |
Standup Maths 62 Sm 150.36(2) |
AEuropean's BiotechLife 63 Eu 151.964(1) |
Genomics Daniel 64 Gd 157.25(3) |
(No)Thinking Beyond 65 Tb 158.925 |
Delicious 66 Dy 162.500(1) |
HillarySut cliffeBlog 67 Ho 164.930 |
Elements 68 Er 167.259(3) |
TheMolBio 69 Tm 168.934 |
Stratedg Yblog 70 Yb 173.04(3) |
Laude (MagmaCum) 71 Lu 174.967(1) |
Misha Angrist 89 Ac [227.027] |
Thoughtful Animal 90 Th 232.038 |
Paula Salgado 91 Pa 231.036 |
Useful Chem 92 U 238.029 |
Crikey Creek 93 Np [237.048] |
Physics Terning'sView 94 Pu [244.064] |
Amazing Phage 95 Am [243.061] |
Chem Mistress 96 Cm [247.070] |
AlanBurdick 97 Bk [247.070] |
Other California 98 Cf [251.080] |
Ennis Cath 99 Es [252.083] |
Former Model 100 Fm [257.095] |
Math Dude 101 Md [258.098] |
Nobel Prize 102 No [259.101] |
LawReport (Genomics) 103 Lr [262.110] |