Recent Scientific Discoveries in the Spotlight

Discoveries in astronomyTo keep up with the latest science news and views from Sciencebase add the site newsfeed to your Google Reader, Bloglines, My Yahoo! or click here to subscribe to the RSS. Meanwhile, in my old Spotlight column on news in the physical sciences I reported on all aspects of astronomy, chemistry, geology, materials, nanotechnology, physics, and space. I now host the site myself as Sciencespot and keep it up to date with lots of science and business research news.


Emerging environmental chemistry [Dec 2006 - chemistry]
More than forty research papers highlight the effects of emerging contaminants on human health and the environment in the December 2006 issue...

Straightening the fish-eye view [Dec 2006 - physics]
The classic fish-eye lens gives photographers the visual equivalent of surround sound, capturing an all-encompassing view. But, ...

One fell swoop [Dec 2006 - earth]
Despite the conspiracy theories that claim the killing was down to a network of terror, the latest undercover investigations, just made public, reveal that the dinosaurs and the vast majority of animal life on earth died in a mass extinction ...

Grey to green [Nov 2006 - chemistry feature length article]
Peace talks and an IRA ceasefire were only dreamed of the last time I visited the city of Belfast in Northern Ireland and the Queen's University. Indeed, at the time there were still a few grey armoured vehicles on the streets and the city centre was still gated ...

Canary holidays safe