Satirical cartoonist Peter Welleman contacted Sciencebase some time ago to
suggest a collaboration and we're only to pleased to say that over coming weeks
we will be incorporating some of his great sketches and cartoons in forthcoming
science news articles.
Peter lives in The Netherlands and has had his artwork featured in books, board games, magazines, museums and, of course, web sites and even web games. His eye-popping style suits a young audience, but his work isn't limited in content to the youth of today...his illustrations cover a wide range of subject areas from political-satirical to pseudo-technical cutaways showing the technology within various machines. I especially enjoy his sciency cartoons, which are sometimes so near the knuckle as to cause grazing, and hilarious with it.
As a jobbing freelance, Peter can turn around work very quickly and to-brief, but moreover he's open to negotiation on price and can come up with the goods no editor can baulk at. Sciencebase gladly recommends his work and suggests you check out his portfolio on the following two sites to see just how accomplished he is - and - and watch out for upcoming appearances on the sciencebase site itself.