Advanced photons in science

David Bradley is currently working with Argonne National Laboratory on a series of articles for the annual report of the ANL's Advanced Photon Source. Elemental Discoveries offers a preview of the advanced science featured in my report. Advanced Photon SourceElemental Discoveries shows how X-rays reveal more of the inner secrets of the world around us as seen under the illumination of ANL's Advanced Photon Source:



Are films ferroelectric?
Discipline for gold nanocrystals
Photosynthetic system
Dissecting the atom
Catalytic clues
SAXS and the water channel
Digging in the dirt
X-ray movies


Protein based sensors

A new class of sensor for important biomolecules, pollutants, and compounds relevant to defence is on the horizon thanks to studies into how proteins fold into their active shape.

Kevin Plaxco of the University of California Santa Barbara and colleagues used BioCAT and BESSRC/XOR beamlines at the Advanced Photon Source and beamline 4-2 at the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory to probe the nature of the random coiling of proteins and to compare the dimensions of these coils with chemically unfolded proteins. Their research offers important clues about the behavior of proteins and will help their effort to exploit proteins in real-time optical and electronic sensors for the biotechnology industry and in biomedicine.

Previous research using various spectroscopic techniques, such as nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, led to the tantalizing conclusion that many proteins can keep their shape even in chemical conditions that would quickly denature, or break down, the structure of lesser proteins. For instance, NMR showed that even in urea or guanidine hydrochloride, two strongly denaturing chemical reagents, several proteins display ordered structure. These findings suggested that this residual structure might play a role in the initial folding kinetics and thermodynamics of certain proteins.

However, small angle x-ray scattering studies appear to give a different picture of these proteins, revealing them to behave in certain respects as random coils completely devoid of any organized structure.

Plaxco and his colleagues hoped to explain this discrepancy using a detailed study of several proteins that researchers claimed were robust to denaturation. He explains that if there were residual structure, as the spectroscopic studies suggest, then the dimensions of these tough proteins would not follow the same rules as a randomly coiled peptide chain. "A hallmark of random-coil behavior is a power-law relationship between peptide chain length and the ensemble average radius of gyration (RG)," There is a highly characteristic relationship between the length of a polymer, and the dimension of the bundle it forms. This power-law relationship can distinguish between a random coil and a coil with structure. Plaxco suggests a simple analogy. Take the mean distance between the two ends of a piece of yarn floating in a swimming pool, he suggests, they will naturally increase for longer pieces of yarn. But, if the yarn is wrapped into a tight ball, the end-to-end distance will be related to the length of the yarn by its "1/3 power". If, on the other hand, the yarn is unwound and adopts an expanded, random structure, the increase in end-to-end distance will follow the "0.588 power" of the length instead. This 0.588 power rule holds for any fully random polymer, whether a length of yarn or a sub-microscopic protein molecule.

Plaxco and his colleagues investigated 28 proteins that had a claim to denaturation resilience and found that only two deviated from the expected 0.588 behavior of a random coil. If there were true resilience, he explains, one would expect all of the proteins to deviate significantly from this relationship.

"It appears that, if there is residual structure in the unfolded states - structure that might guide the folding process - it is too subtle to affect the mean overall dimensions of the unfolded state," says Plaxco, "This should put strong constraints on our mental model of the unfolded state and, we think, should have profound consequences for our understanding of folding."

Plaxco suggests that a clearer understanding of protein folding could ultimately allow him and others to develop new simple and efficient sensors based on the folding of proteins, peptides and DNA when they come into contact with compounds of interest in a sample. Indeed, the motivation for this research was Plaxco's efforts to build optical sensors based on the binding-induced folding of normally unfolded proteins. "If the unfolded state is truly random, then this binding-induced folding represents the largest possible change in protein conformation (from random to perfectly structured), suggesting that they are an ideal means of coupling binding events with optical or electronic outputs" he explains.

Sensors based on this behavior would be inexpensive and easy to use and so might allow sensor technology to become more readily accessible in home testing kits and in the sensors for the developing world.

See Jonathan E. Kohn,1 Ian S. Millett,2 Jaby Jacob,3,4 Bojan Zagrovic,5 Thomas M. Dillon,6 Nikolina Cingel,6 Robin S. Dothager,3 Soenke Seifert,7 P. Thiyagarajan,4 Tobin R. Sosnick,3,8 M. Zahid Hasan,9 Vijay S. Pande,5 Ingo Ruczinski,10 Sebastian Doniach,2 and Kevin W. Plaxco,1,6,5 "Random-coil behavior and the dimensions of chemically unfolded proteins," Proc Natl Acad Sci 101, 12491-12496 (2004).

Author affiliation 1Interdepartmental Program in Biomolecular Science and Engineering and 6Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106; Departments of 2Applied Physics and 5Chemistry, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 92343; 3Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and 8Institute for Biophysical Dynamics, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637; 4Intense Pulsed Neutron Source and 7Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL 60439; 9Department of Physics, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544; and 10Department of Biostatistics, Bloomberg School of Public Health, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21205

This research was supported by the National Institutes of Health (K.W.P. and V.S.P.), the Packard Foundation Interdisciplinary Science Program (T.R.S. and P.T.), and a faculty innovation award from The Johns Hopkins University (to I.R.).