Rehearsing with C5 the Band last night for forthcoming gigs. Got back to catch a glimpse of the partial lunar eclipse, a quick hello to the family, and then out to the UV scientific moth trap on a balmy, partially cloudy night to see what was around.

There were lots of moths, beetles, caddisflies, lacewings, and more. By morning counted more than 200 specimens of moth of more than 44 species. It had been a dry, much warmer night, still with a minimum of 13 Celsius though. Numbers and diversity were much improved on previous nights. Two new for me macro species: Dusky Sallow and Small Emerald.

There were two lovely Yellow Shells (just one pictured), and a Thistle Ermine.

There were a couple of Agapeta hamana (one richly coloured (pictured), the other much paler), Smoky Wainscot, and Bulrush Wainscot, new for me), and Codling moth, with a bronze ring.

![Smoky Wainscot Mythimna impura (Hübner, [1808])](

Least Carpet and Chrysoteuchia culmella were joint first on numbers at about 25 each, there were also four Privet Hawk-moths, but no other HMs. I think I saw a couple of Canary-shouldered Thorns on plants in the garden before bed, but didn’t get a positive ID. Maybe later in the week.

Several of the species new to me that I’ve blogged about here and added to my Lepidoptera gallery were identified or confirmed with the assistance of @MothIDUK and members of the Moths UK Flying Tonight Facebook group. Any labelled incorrectly, that will be entirely my fault, please let me know if you spot any ID errors on any species on the blog or in the galleries over on Imaging Storm, thanks.