Peter Panto 2023 – Cottenham Theatre Workshop

My annual view from the pit as guitarist with the band and as “assistant musical director” alongside our proper Musical Director Barbara Duckworth on piano. What a show it’s going to be. We’ll also have Adam out of off of C5 the band on drums, Christian on cello, and Tanara on clarinet.

Anyway, these are my photos of the grownup actors in no particular order. Cottenham Theatre Workshop (CTW) will share my photos of the youngsters in character on their website and socials.

Sleeping Pan

Still some tickets available for the Saturday matinee and early evening show, but those are almost sold out. Reasonable numbers on sale for Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday evenings – buy them here.

Wendy and Hook

Pirates tricia and Natalie

Tik Tok Crok

Starkey compere

The Darlings


Pirate Tom

Wendy Tink loathing

Pirate Paul

Pirate Amanda

Pan scowling

Pan Wendy Tink2

Love Islanders

Rocking out

Hook in his boat


Hook upset

Camp Tinkerbell

Added a few phone snaps from the dress rehearsal


Capt Hook


Tink2 Wendy Peter

Love Island Liz

Pirates Megan and Debs

Lost Child, archery

Shocked Tinkerbell


Pirate Code

Mary, Narrator

Hook and Tootles


Director Kerry

Panto cast backstage

Panto cast backstage

Auntie Babs, MS

Spectacles and bowler hat

Do you need a hand?

Like a flame to a moth – a song

Having collaborated with two of my very good, musical friends this month on two distinct songs, I assumed that would be the end of my musical inspiration, at least until 2024. But, then I was on Threads, and happened upon the account of singer-songwriter janapochop.

Cut to the chase, here’s my new song – Like a flame to a moth. It’s NOT about moths…

In the spirit of finding new music, I checked out her Spotify and there are some wondrous songs to be heard. In particular one called Pretty Please. Jana describes this, her latest song, as having been “produced by me in my bedroom in Brooklyn…but I tried to make it sound like the New Mexico desert night sky.” It is wonderfully evocative and having visited New York and New Mexico a long time ago it struck a chord.

It also struck something else and made me think that I hadn’t tried to write that kind of imagery in a song for a long time. So, I sat down and let the lyrics flow. I then thought about grabbing a guitar and doing my usual singer-songwriter type approach to coming up with the chords and a melody, but nothing felt right. So, I turned to my music software and grabbed a few built-in loops, some harp, some strings, a few beats, and pulled a song structure together with the intention if ad libbing the lyrics over the top of it and then recording live instruments to fit after the fact.

Well, the loops were nice enough and the lyrics evolved, a melody came forth. I pulled a weird middle section together with live guitar and bass. Somehow, this spilled into the following loop section and nudged me to restructure the lyrics and to create something of a refrain. Fun AND games.

Needless to say once I had a demo, I re-recorded the vocals, added some harmonies, pulled together a proper guitar track, added a solo, did a fairly heavy and funky bassline to fit and then mixed it down. A couple of days later I was extending the refrain, adding a little more vocal and mixing it down to the song that’s on my BandCamp page right now. As with most of my songs, it’s genre fluid, starts off a little proggie, builds to a power ballad thing, breaks to some funk rock and then goes full-on crossover for the finale. I suppose bottom line, it’s like Peter Gabriel was doing Big Time while he was still with Genesis in 1973…ish…

Anyway, Jana had a listen, which pleased me no end, and had this to say:

“HOLY this is AWESOME!! This is a whole journey and it’s already stuck in my head – glad to have maybe sparked this but you created a whole world here!!”

…which pleased me no end again.

Long-time collaborator Andrea T had this to say about the song:

“It sounds fantastic – I especially like the chorus, with that driving rhythm and the way it all builds around the swirling arpeggios. The kind of ‘spare’ quality of your voice is quite Peter Gabriel adjacent, and the timbre of some specific words in this one, especially ‘firedoor’, ‘heartbeat’, and ‘blame’… quite uncanny. Actually, think it’s one of the best things you’ve done!”

Like a flame to a moth

Someone’s running up the stair
Brushing metal, stepping hard
The trembling painted banister
The firedoor, insanely barred

There’s no smoking in the kitchen
But, the fire’s out of control
The flames they flickered with your heartbeat
The smoke it lingered in your soul

Like a moth to a flame
Like a flame to a moth
You’re finding its caress
Feeds the burning of the cloth

Like a flame to a moth
Like a moth to a flame
You’re hiding your distress
in the playing of the game

Like a moth to a flame
Like a flame to a moth
It’s knowing your success
Is someone else’s loss

Like a flame to a moth
Like a moth to a flame
It’s the ticking of the clock
The acceptance of blame

There’s a light on in the hallway
Its wires they go deep underground
It’s pulsing to the time of your heartbeat
Yet it didn’t make a sound

Here’s the link to the song again – Like a flame to a moth

Genre Fluid

Just packaging up six of my most recent songs and musical collaborations that cross over some diverse styles. I’m releasing them as a maxi-EP or a mini-LP, depending on whether you’re glass half-full or half-empty, under the title Genre Fluid for the bargain-bin price of $5 or a dollar each if you want each song separately.

AI generated album cover. Surrreal desert scene with what looks like a long-haired man in a suit standing on a rock starting at an enormous shiny vinyl album in front of which are various contraptions and devices that resemble some kind of radio-punk, as opposed to steam-punk drumkit. In the foreground is a silver and black orb with wires and to the right of that a silvery blob that could almost be a discus of solid mercury. Perhaps if it were liquid that would fit with the genre fluid idea...
AI generated album art – surreal desert scene

It’s Not Our Time for the Sea is the most recent of the collection with lyrics by Andrea Thomson (from C5 the band) and me. It’s about the abusive relationship between man and Mother Earth, a mish-mash of prog, pop, funk, rock and dare I say it hip-hop and gospel.

My Light, My Sky is about displaced friendships with lyrics by yours truly and Simon Oliver, whom you may know from Clive-upon-Sea’s Fragments album, which was produced by yours truly. This song is a largely percussion-free acoustic singer-songwriter tune, a bit of a Floydian slip if you ask me with some pedal steel guitar suggested by long-time Sciencebase online friend Steelfolk, aka Dr Keith Walker.

Ticking Clocks kicks off like a prog rock song but flips into lounge lizard jazz with Adam Stewart from C5 the Band on drums and synth. It’s lyrically a kind of sequel to She’s Leaving Home.

Take the Waters was inspired by a conversation with Rachel another member of our choir The TyrannoChorus. The track is another singer-songwriter thing with pseudo-choral harmonies, maybe next time I’ll bring the choir together for my songs.

Old Nick is Quick is an uptempo punky little number about getting away with it, or not, as the case may be.

Festival Friends are Cool as Folk is a fingerstyle guitar instrumental improvised after I took part in a guitar workshop with Nigel Wearne.

Here’s that link again – Genre Fluid, the max-EP, or mini-LP.

Alternative album cover for Genre Fluid. AI generated shows an acoustic guitar floating downstream in a ravine towards the sun
Alternative album cover – guitar floating on a river in a rocky gorge

It’s not our time for the sea – a song

Andrea T from C5 the band, mentioned in passing that she’d had a dream where she wrote a song, but she could only remember the following line – “She said, it’s not my time for the sea”.

AI generative artwork based on a prompt asking for forest fires and the sea in the style of Hipgnosis
Hipgnosis-style generative art cover

Well, having worked with co-founder and erstwhile member of our Arts Night collective Simon Oliver on a song last week (My Light, My Sky), I felt like I was on a roll and came up with some lyrics to hang around Andrea’s phrase. The words evolved over the course of a couple of days with input from Andrea as well as a beautiful additional verse from her.

I then set about pulling together some music using various loops and adding my own bass playing, lead guitar, acoustic intro, and vocals. You can think of the final song as being about an abusive relationship, where humanity is the abuser and Mother Earth is the victim.

It’s definitely a genre fluid song – starts with a pseudoclassical figure on my Taylor acoustic guitar, goes into a proggie-folk section, which builds to me playing some heavy Lifesonesque guitar on an Ibanez electric, then breaks down into a sort of Radiohead meet The Lotus Eaters mid-section before heading into funk-rock with a splash of gospel, leaning into a bit of hip-hop with a nod to Adamski and Seal via Chic and George Benson. My bass part nods knowingly to The Temptations’ song My Girl. Did I already say it was genre fluid?

It’s not our time for the sea

You’ll never know what hit you
You’ll only bear the scars
You’ll never find the peace in you
just staring at the stars

Beyond the pain there’s yearning
to chase away the night
The futile hope of turning
the bending of the light

I’ll tell you what your problem is
You never can concede
Give and take will always fail
when there is wanton greed

You’ve got to find a shelter
in your happy place
It’s not about your pride
it’s not about saving face

We walked through barren fields
We saw the forest fires
We raised up all our wicker men
The silhouetted pyres

We felt the rising of the tide
Our homes we had to flee
She said “The world will always turn
but it’s not my time for the sea”

They say that water always wins
but that’s the nature of the game
The seasons are eliding
yet the land can still reclaim
She said ‘Those scars will heal with time
as dust returns to earth’
The sea remains but still
we chase the hope of our re-birth

Barefoot in the water seems a lesson out of class
Tread carefully now, there may well be a little broken glass
If the pressure’s on the rise, the change could crush our pride
And in the end, my dear, we could always say that we all tried

Birders versus Toggers

Broadly speaking, birders are avian enthusiasts, people interesting in seeing birds. Sometimes birders are twitchers, they like to see a bird so they can “tick” that species off a list, often it involves travelling far from their patch to see a species new to them. Twitchers are often not birders, they’re more akin to collectors, but aren’t necessarily interested in the birds per se. Then there are people with cameras who are also birders, twitchers, or both. Birders and twitchers often refer to these birding photographers as toggers, it’s a rather derogatory word.

Now, if a bird of interest shows up on a patch, the Short-eared Owl for instance, several of which we see out on the Cambridgeshire Fens in winter, then birders, twitchers, and toggers, and every permutation thereof, will generally hear about it and head for the patch, to get a look at the bird through their binoculars, and scopes, to tick their list, and to get that perfect photo.

Often the groups overlap, especially on a small patch, or where there’s a good vantage point. There’s often some sneering among the snobbish members of whichever group who see their particular hobby as being the more righteous.

None of these hobbies have any real claim to righteousness, all of us who indulge are impinging in some way on the wild patch that the birds have chosen to inhabit however temporarily. The presence of humans may well be disrupting the birds’ normal behaviour. So, it’s interesting to hear different people complain about the presence of members of the other groups of enthusiasts if they perceive the activity of the others as being more detrimental to the birds and the environment than their own activity. There is an argument to say that people should leave the wild to the wildlife.

One comment I read on a birding group recently was lamenting the number of people who had turned up at one of our local Cambridgeshire Fens to see and photograph the aforementioned Short-eared Owls (Shorties or SEOs). They said, apparently in all seriousness while lugging their scope up and down the Fen, that all these toggers running around were agitating the birds and making the place like a theme park. They asked the question: “How many photos of one bird do they need?”

Well, without getting into the art and craft of bird photography and why you might need to take more than one photograph, I wonder how they perceive their own position in terms of simply looking at the bird…surely the question might be asked of them “How many times do you need to look at one bird?”

Anyway, I personally feel that I’m just a bird enthusiast with a camera. I don’t think of myself as a proper birder, I don’t know enough. I’m not a twitcher, I’ve rarely “twitched” a species (successfully the European Roller that turned up not far from here, the European Bee-eaters in Norfolk when we were visiting, and the Black-browed Albatross that we failed to see at Bempton Cliffs). And, what photographer would call themselves a “togger”?

Enthusiasts and hobbyists of all creeds need to get over themselves, get over their self-righteousness. They need to not start this kind of argument on a public forum for the sake of assuaging what is probably their own guilt about their hobby and whether it is ethical to impinge on the wild in the first place.

We should all take more care to minimise any detrimental impact we have on wildlife and the environment. And, we should all take care to minimise our snarky comments, which can lead to bad feeling between different factions within a wider community that are to all intents and purposes seeking the same positive satisfaction from their interaction with nature.


My Light, My Sky – AI artwork for a song

I realise there’s a lot of ongoing debate regarding generative AI tools, especially those that have putatively been trained on copyright material without permission from the creators. It’s generally impossible to know what work has been used as source data for the likes of Dall-E, ChatGPT, and MidJourney etc, unless you work in their back office, presumably. However, I do know that some of my copyright material, books, potentially website content, photos, and perhaps even some of my music, will have been used to train various AIs over the last few years.

AI generated artwork with sullen sky, mountains, a central tree and a weird river
AI-generated artwork with sullen sky, mountains, a central tree and a weird river

I think there needs to be some kind of permission system in place and a royalty/payback system to compensate artists and creators for the use of the output as training data. I suspect that horse has bolted, as it were, and neither of those things will come to pass. Meanwhile, I feel that given that a lot of my content is likely to have been used to train AIs, I’m almost justified in clawing something back from those AIs.

In this case, I have used a couple of tools to generate an image as artwork for my latest song, My Light, My Sky, the origins of which and the development thereof I mentioned here recently.

First, I asked ChatGPT to come up with a prompt for an image AI to help me generate some Hipgnosis-type artwork for my song. My initial prompt to ChatGPT told it to “act as an expert in album artwork” and to “give me a prompt to use with a generative AI for creating images”. I added the lyrics from my song as part of the initial prompt and this is what ChatGPT came back with:

Generate an album cover in the style of Hipgnosis that captures the essence of a journey, the intertwining elements of water, dreams, and loss. Incorporate surreal and symbolic imagery such as raindrops turning into streams, rivers flowing to the sea, and scenes of introspection. Use a color palette that conveys both the beauty and melancholy of the lyrics. Ensure that the cover evokes a sense of mystery, emotion, and the passage of time. Consider including elements like shattered dreams, reflections, and a connection to the sea as central motifs.

I then used that prompt in Img2Go’s AI Creator Studio to get it to produce an appropriate image to which I could add the song title and my name. It looks rather evocative and Hipgnosis-like although that tree that looks like a Cedar of Lebanon or a chink of broccoli is reminiscent of Yes album artist Roger Dean.

I ran the AI a second time and got a similarly evocative image, but without the tree. I imagined this one as the back of the record sleeve for my putative 7-inch. I added the lyrics to the graphic:

A couple more iterations with some minor tweaks to the prompt that ChatGPT had given me generated some amusing images with silhouetted figures. In one, a woman is seen standing up to her waist in water and carrying an umbrella. This is quite a nice idea for an album cover…very Hipgnosis, very Magritte. The ludicrous notion of being soaked up to the waist but protecting one’s upper half from the rain with an umbrella! The album might have been entitled “Staying Dry” or “Underwater” or something…

Another version of the same prompt, simply adding the word umbrella to the end generated this:



Chronic collaboration – My Light, My Sky – a song

TL:DR – Latest song from David Bradley out now on BandCamp, original lyrical inspiration from Clive-upon-Sea: My Light, My Sky.

I’ve worked with Simon Oliver (Clive-upon-Sea) on various musical collaborations since April 2012. At that time, we set up what we hoped (in retrospect) would be a Bowie-style Arts Night. It was very successful with a lot of people passing through the doors over the years.

One of the concepts was to pick a discussion topic and write a song or a poem, or create an image for the next session. We wrote a lot of songs in the first few years. Eventually, we played a few gigs, I produced and played on Simon’s album, Fragments, (available on CD and from BandCamp). It was also the Arts Night that brought together the wonderful and talented people with whom I formed C5 the band.

One thing that Simon/Clive and I had never done was to write a song together. I’ve been struggling to find lyrical inspiration this year, although I did release a 4-track EP earlier in the year. I’ve been pestering Simon for years to offer me some lyrics. He having left the area and thus the Arts Night during the first year of covid, Simon felt it was time to say something lyrically about separated friends.

“I deliberately wrote you something about the sea because half your songs seem to reference it!” he told me, adding “And I wanted to do something that was yours rather than shoehorn my own lyrics into your headspace.”

If that was Simon’s intention, then the lyrics I added were kind of a riposte as a lot of his own songs are about faith and relationships and I wanted to add some of that to the mix, as it were.

The untitled song struck a chord. It’s too easy to watch the years roll by and grieve for friendships, relationships, lost faith…I typed up his lyrics and added a few words of my own. Strung some chords together on guitar and recorded a very rough-and-ready demo. I gave it the title My Light.

I then set about recording it properly. One thing I often struggle with is creating a song without singing and playing guitar to lay down what they call a 1+1. This means the vocal and guitar track are all in the same sound file and cannot be manipulated individually. Thankfully, there’s an AI tool that lets you separate a vocal from other instruments, they used something similar for that “new” John Lennon song that’s been in the news. So once I had a solid demo, I used the AI to tease apart my voice from my guitar. I could then treat the guitar sound to make it brighter and if I’d wanted to, the same with the vocal. In the end, I re-recorded the vocal completely because the lyrics had matured as time went on.

I added some harmonies and did a rough mix. Then added some synth strings and piano to give it more texture. The closing section would lend itself to a full gospel choir, but I don’t have one to hand at the moment, so I just overdubbed my voice, a couple of times, added some handclaps and some finger clicks and a kick and snare.

You can probably hear some clicking in the opening of the song, computer keyboard sounds as I set up my sound-recording software, a familiar and ever-present noise in the pre-edited music files from endless recording sessions. I thought I’d leave them in at this point in the song as an aural reminiscence of our recording sessions. [UPDATE: I’ve muted those noises in the latest version of the “final” mix.]

There are a few other proggie bits in this song. A little SOS-type figure that plays over the guitar solo is something that countless songs from Bowie to Glen Campbell to The Supremes used and I’ve written about morse code in music before. It seemed apt to use it here given the theme of the sea and emotional rescue. The guitar solo itself is a little pastiche of the bass riff from the second half of Fleetwood Mac’s The Chain. Simon has always said that he wouldn’t come to see C5 the band live until we add The Chain to our repertoire. We’ve not risked it live yet. There’s also some reverse-reverb on my vocal for opening bar of one of the choruses, which music tech heads might recognise from various songs such as Rush’s Hyperspace (Part ii of Natural Science) and White Buffalo by Crown Lands.

There’s a little reminiscence of the song I do like to be beside the seaside, which is a personal feeling, having been brought up on the coast, I found myself landlocked thereafter while townie Simon has ended up living near the coast.

Once the pseudo-gospel concludes, there’s a little spoof of Pink Floyd’s Wish You Were Here. It’s a joke between us that he was too crazy to be in C5 the band, it’s not true, but it’s an interesting allusion. At the end of that, I whisper “Hello Syd” and you then hear Simon say “Okay, let’s do this!” which was a snippet I pulled from one of the recording sessions we did earlier in the year for his new mini-LP.

The lyrics have evolved as I’ve worked on the song. I’d say Verse 1 is pretty much as he wrote it. It seems to be about friends separated by circumstances and the sea. I added Verse 2 to allude to feelings of grief and how difficult it can be to allow oneself permission to grieve, especially for anyone whose spiritual faith has been rocked. I added Verse 3 to allude to the impact of change on a relationship. Verse 4 then gives the song some kind of resolution, with acceptance and release, and the friend/brother saving the protagonist. You can think of it as saviour or simply a brotherly friend, as in Bobby Scott and Bob Russell sense of the word, He Ain’t Heavy, He’s My Brother. I was also perhaps picturing St Christopher walking through the waves, carrying a child.


Verses: FM7/A – CM11 – E7s4 – A

Pre-chorus: Em – A – FM7/A – Em11 – A

Chorus: A – FM7/A – Em – A

Coda: Em – A

Simon’s original finale talked of a beautiful sky, a beautiful light. And brings the seemingly resolved song back down to earth, suggesting that although there is support and friendship, ultimately there are things that cannot be reconciled. Usually, a gospel ending in a pop song, think Blur’s Tender or Elbow’s One Day Like This, will be an uplifting finale. While the end of our song sounds uplifting, the lyrics do perhaps tell another tale.

Simon has also built his own version of the song and when he next visits, we will record it from scratch with him on guitar and vocals…

Settling into social media

I’m usually as early an adopter as I can be with the various tools and apps that come online in the world of social media and social networking. For instance, I was one of the very early users of Plurk and subsequently twttr, although I think when I signed up in June 2007 it had already become twitter.

Anyway, there’s lots of activity at the moment with people shuffling allegiances. As you’d expect, I’m on Threads, BlueSky, Mastodon, even Spoutible. If you want to find me on your favourite site, and I will almost certainly be there, just use a URL like this:

Swap the word social for your chosen site: pixelfed, Instagram, mastodon, the aforementioned spoutible etc. The link above will open my page with active links to all my social media outlets.

Anyway, the main point of this blog was to discuss whether or not it’s worth homing in on a particular site at the moment. Most of the discussion seems to be around Threads versus BlueSky. Very few people are talking about any of the others, at least it seems that way in my timelines. Personally, I’m seeing some interesting discussions and a little engagement on Bluesky. My recent mineral moon photo did better there in terms of likes and reposts. But, some of the bird photos do much better on my Mastodon page. I’m having more conversations on Threads, but I am not seeing likes or reposts of photos, or indeed, anything that even gets into double figures.

At the time of writing, I have almost 40000 X followers still, although I used to have 55000. On threads not even 300, BlueSky less than 100, but on Mastodon, I have 1339, although I suspect a large proportion of those were active in November 2022, but have not even logged in since, if my followees are anything to go by. I realise it’s not all about the numbers, but if you don’t have some numbers then it’s hard to gain any traction or get any reach for engagement or conversation, and certainly not for sharing widely.

It’s hard to know what to do. Most of it is watercooler banter and little more. Back in the day, twitter helped me get into the bestsellers lists with my book Deceived Wisdom, it also helped me get enough votes for a major charity grant for our village community centre, but I doubt I could get any of that to happen today. I will perhaps just maintain my ad hoc approach. Posting as and when and hoping that at least a few of you still enjoys my songs, snaps, and science…

Four angst-ridden songs on the beach and a fifth in the snow

I have lots of songs that have been with me for many, many years. Rush songs, Beatles stuff, Bacharach and David covers, Bowie, Queen, Chic, and on and on. But, three songs written and recorded in the late 70s and one in the mid-80s are not only close to my heart, but feel like they are related. Hashtag: #BeachAngst

The first is Message in a Bottle by The Police. This song hangs on Andy Summer’s arpeggiated riff, which goes from a C#min9 to an Amaj9, B7, and finishes with an F#m. It’s a fairly standard chord progression, although Andy Summers plays it with an interesting, wide inversion of each chord, which I discussed in my Classic Chords series some time ago. Incidentally, the opening C#min9 is equivalent to a C#sus2. The D# note being the 2nd and not in the C# major scale and the ninth in C# minor.

The second song is Martha and the Muffins’ Echo Beach. This tune also hangs on an arpeggiated guitar riff Am-D-C, Am D-Em. It doesn’t really sound like Message in a Bottle, but it shares an edgy guitar tone and the arpeggiation.

The third song is part i of a bigger opus, the Tide Pools movement from Rush’s Natural Science. Once the strummy acoustic of the intro has ended, an arpeggiated guitar riff builds to an edgy tone – Em-C(add9)-D-G-C(add9). This riff does resemble the Echo Beach riff, albeit in a different key. Both written and recorded around about the same time by two Canadian bands. However, if we simplify the chords and put this riff and The Police riff in the same key there’s a more obvious overlap, especially as C-major is the harmonic counterpart of A-minor:

Tide Pools – Em C D C
Message –      Em C D Am

Then, if we simplify the riffs from Echo Beach and Drive, She said and put them in E-minor too, we get this.

Echo – Em A G
DriveA G Em

The fourth song is Drive, She Said by Stan Ridgway. The arpeggiated guitar of this song is like a desiccated version of Message in a Bottle splashed with Permanent Waves on Echo Beach watched over by Kim Carnes’ Bette Davis eyes. Bette Davis substitutes snow for sand. Meanwhile, chords from Bette Davis Eyes hanker after the Rush’s permanent waves and The Police’s lonely desert island.

Eyes – C Em D

Now, many years later, I suddenly had a revelation. All of these songs are angst-ridden and all of them allude one way or another to beaches, the coast, a rocky shoreline…have I really taken this long to spot that figurative connection. So, it begs the question what led all of those disparate songwriters back in 1979 to hang their song on an edgy arpeggiated guitar riff and sing about longing, with the beach as allegory?

The marine connection is obvious in Message in a Bottle – a guy stranded on the desert island that is loneliness sending out an SOS. Martha hankering nostalgically for the far away escape that is Echo Beach. Rush worrying about our little lives in the Tide Pools, ignoring the big changes, the science and nature, the permanent waves. But, what about Drive, She said? That’s about a taxi driver being coerced into being a getaway driver. But, yes, in his fear-infused imagination, he pictures an alternative reality with his gun-toting, bank-robbing passenger:

“I thought I saw the both of us on some kinda tropical island someplace
Walkin’ down a white sandy beach”

See? Angst and beaches!

Incidentally, I recorded a solo cover of Message in a Bottle many years ago, we perform Echo Beach with my band C5, but we’re yet to include any Rush in our cover songs repertoire. That said, we do Journey’s Don’t Stop Believing, which is basically a musical clone of Rush’s The Spirit of Radio. I might see if the others in the band fancy doing a mashup of Stan Ridgway and Kim Carnes.


Having shared my thoughts on social media, I started getting other examples of other angsty, beach songs, although they don’t necessarily have a compact guitar figure:

From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea by The Cure – from Robin McCarthy

All for Leyna by Billy Joel – from Kevin Sargent

Staring at the Sea by The Cure – from Andrea Thomson

On the Beach by Neil Young – from Andrea Thomson

Godrevy Point, Wind in the Wires by Patrick Wolf – from Andrea Thomson

Invasive species in the UK

Invasive species, a term referring to non-native species introduced to new environments, often establish self-sustaining populations with negative impacts on local ecosystems, economies, or human health.

These invaders, encompassing plants, animals, fungi, or microorganisms (refer to the foot of this article for examples), typically arrive due to human activities such as trade, travel, or intentional release. In rare cases, invasive species might reach the UK through natural avenues, such as animal migration or wind dispersal. Climate change exacerbates the situation, creating new ecological niches due to shifts in temperature and persistent weather changes. Alterations in landscape, urbanization, and habitat loss add pressure to natural ecosystems while simultaneously creating new opportunities for invasive species.

In the context of the United Kingdom, invasive species present significant challenges for various reasons:

Ecological impact: Invasive species can outcompete native species for resources including food, water, and habitat. They may have no natural predators in their new environment, allowing their populations to grow unchecked. This can lead to the decline or extinction of native species, disrupting the balance of the ecosystem.

Biodiversity loss: The displacement of native species by invasive ones can lead to a loss of biodiversity. Native species are often adapted to specific ecological niches, and the introduction of invasive species can disrupt these relationships, leading to a reduction in overall biodiversity.

Human health and safety: Some invasive species can pose risks to human health. For instance, certain plants may be toxic, and some animals may carry diseases that can affect humans. Additionally, invasive species can create safety hazards; for example, certain plants or animals might be harmful if they interfere with buildings, bridges, transportation systems.

Economic consequences: Invasive species can have economic impacts on agriculture, fisheries, and forestry. For example, invasive plants can reduce crop yields, while invasive animals may damage crops or compete with native species for resources. Invasive species can also impact infrastructure, such as clogging waterways or damaging buildings.

Increased management costs: Controlling and managing invasive species can be expensive. Governments, communities, and individuals may need to invest significant resources in efforts to control or eradicate invasive species and mitigate their impacts.

In the UK, various organizations and initiatives actively monitor and address the issue of invasive species. This global concern necessitates efforts to prevent introductions, manage existing populations, and control their impacts, preserving biodiversity, ecosystem health, and human well-being.

It’s crucial to note that some invasive species in the UK have been present for centuries, becoming integrated into local ecosystems. For example, the sycamore, recently in the news having been vandalistically felled at Sycamore Gap on Hadrian’s Wall in Northumberland, had long been part of the landscape but sycamores arrived with the Romans. Distinguishing between long-established non-native species and recent arrivals is crucial for effective management.

Despite confounding factors, certain invasive species contribute to ecosystem services, such as soil stabilization, water filtration, and habitat provision. Invasive crayfish used as food in mainland Europe have established themselves in the lakes of France and Spain and this in turn has allowed ostensibly African and Mediterranean birds such as the Great White Egret and Glossy Ibis to spread further north. It was only a short hop for them across the English Channel to the UK where they are no beginning to establish themselves, without apparent harm to native species or ecosystems it seems.

Indeed, some invasive species may enhance overall biodiversity by providing new habitats or food sources for native species, fostering a more diverse and resilient ecosystem. Additionally, there’s potential for utilizing invasive species in agriculture, forestry, and horticulture.

Examples of invasive species present in the UK


American Skunk Cabbage (Lysichiton americanus)
Australian Swamp Stonecrop (Crassula helmsii)
Chilean Rhubarb (Gunnera tinctoria)
Cotoneaster species (Cotoneaster sp.)
Cotula Silverweed (Argentina anserina)
Curly Waterweed (Lagarosiphon major)
Floating Pennywort (Hydrocotyle ranunculoides)
Floating Water Plantain (Luronium natans)
Giant Hogweed (Heracleum mantegazzianum)
Himalayan Balsam (Impatiens glandulifera)
Hottentot Fig (Carpobrotus edulis)
Japanese Knotweed (Fallopia japonica)
Japanese Rose (Rosa rugosa)
Parrot’s Feather (Myriophyllum aquaticum)
Rhododendron (Rhododendron ponticum)
Small-Flowered Water-Weed (Elodea nuttallii)
Spanish Bluebell (Hyacinthoides hispanica)
Water Fern (Azolla filiculoides)
Water Primrose (Ludwigia grandiflora)
Winter Heliotrope (Petasites fragrans)
Yellow Azolla (Azolla caroliniana)


Asian Hornet (Vespa velutina nigrithorax)
Asian Tiger Mosquito (Aedes albopictus)
Box-tree Moth (Cydalima perspectalis)
Chinese Mitten Crab (Eriocheir sinensis)
Emerald Ash Borer (Agrilus planipennis)
Harlequin Ladybird (Harmonia axyridis)
Harlequin Shrimp (Hymenocera picta)
Horse Chestnut Leaf Miner (Cameraria ohridella)
New Zealand Flatworm (Arthurdendyus triangulatus)
New Zealand Mud Snail (Potamopyrgus antipodarum)
Oak Pinhole Borer beetle (Platypus cylindrus)
Oak Processionary Moth (Thaumetopea processionea)
Quagga Mussel (Dreissena rostriformis bugensis)
Red Swamp Crayfish (Procambarus clarkii)
Rosemary Beetle (Chrysolina americana)
Signal Crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus)
Spanish Slug (Arion vulgaris)
White-Legged Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei)
Zebra Mussel (Dreissena polymorpha)


American Bullfrog (Lithobates catesbeianus)
American Mink (Neovison vison)
Black Rat (Rattus rattus)
Canada Goose (Branta canadensis)
Chinese Water Deer (Hydropotes inermis)
Egyptian Goose (Alopochen aegyptiaca)
Grey Squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis)
Muntjac Deer (Muntiacus reevesi)
Parakeet sp.
Pumpkinseed Sunfish (Lepomis gibbosus)
Raccoon (Procyon lotor)
Red-Eared Slider (Trachemys scripta elegans)
Ruddy Duck (Oxyura jamaicensis)
Sika Deer (Cervus nippon)
The Red-Eared Slider terrapin (Trachemys scripta elegans)
Topmouth Gudgeon (Pseudorasbora parva)
Wallaby (Macropus sp.)
Yellow-Bellied Slider terrapin (Trachemys scripta scripta)


Chalara Ash Dieback (Hymenoscyphus fraxineus)
Dutch Elm Disease (Ophiostoma ulmi)
Horse Chestnut Bleeding Canker (Pseudomonas syringae pv. aesculi)
Phytophthora Ramorum (Phytophthora ramorum)
Sudden Oak Death (Phytophthora sp.)