My older photos online

Before my current penchant for avian and Lepidoptera photography, I took a lot of photos of bands at festivals, masses of landscape shots, and a stack of architecture. If you fancy digging deep into roughly a quarter of a century of photography, check out my 500px, GuruShots, and Flickr galleries. I used sciencebase as its own link shortener to get you there quickly:




Bird ID apps

I’ve been using the Merlin bird ID app for several years and often recommend it to friends. It listens to the nature sounds around you and uses AI to identify the tweets, chirps, and whistles of the birds calling and singing. I have a garden ticklist to which I add the IDs the app records in a separate list. Merlin includes a bird photo ID component, which works a bit like iNaturalist’s Seek or Google Lens, but just for birds and better. The app works for birds anywhere in the world and is simple to use…but…


Since the app’s last major redesign and update I’ve noticed it seems to ignore some birdsong even though I can very clearly hear them and later on the recording the app saves. So, that’s become rather annoying. I also find that if I let Merlin run past its usual 10 minutes, a much longer recording will usually crash the app when trying to load and analyse the sound file.

Great Tit
Great Tit

I’m not sure what’s going on, Cornell Uni, the creators of the app need to get these issues sorted. Until then, I have sought a replacement and found BirdUp. BirdUp does the same kind of sonogram analysis as Merlin, but seems to pick up more in the tests I’ve run this morning in the garden. Unlike Merlin, it lists in sequence what it hears and doesn’t collate the soundings into a shortlist, which makes the timeline seem fussy.

However, with each sound it picks up you get more immediate details (sound volume, likelihood of that bird being the one it reports, and also details about the sound itseld and the frequencies the birds call or sing at). Speaing of which, unlike Merlin, BirdUp defines the bird sound as call or song and in some cases even offers a description. On one of my long test recordings from a previous Merlin session, it was picking up Robins and labelled the first few sounds as the call, but then a subsequent sound was flagged as a Robin’s alarm call. It picked up the “ping” call of Chaffinch, the “wheezy song” of Greenfinch, and “rattle call” of Great Tit, as opposed to the other types of call and song these birds produce.


Additionally, I’ve been able to run some of those over-long sound files from Merlin using BirdUp and getting a decent list of what was around at the time. Some of those files were from our biology field trip holiday to northern Greece and Lake Kerkini in 2024, so it’s nice to be able to pluck out the Cirl Bunting, Golden Oriole, and Nightingales from those files.

Eurasian Jay

The bottom line is that Merlin doesn’t seem to work as well for me as it had over the years and while I still recommend it, I’m going to switch to BirdUp for regular use and check back in with Merlin periodically to see if there has been a major update to improve the issues I’m experiencing.

Why I am not using REDNote

REDNote, also known as Xiaohongshu (Little Red Book), is a Chinese social media platform. It was launched in 2013. It has hundreds of millions of users. REDNote is a bit like Instagram and focuses on lifestyle topics such as travel, fashion, and beauty. Well used and well liked by young women in China, apparently.

When the US looked like it was about to ban TikTok, American users signed up for REDNote in huge numbers. Interestingly, for a brief moment before TikTok was reinstated in the US, there were some cross-cultural revelations as many Americans interacted and encountered people from China online, perhaps for the first time. Indeed, given that unlike TikTok, REDNote prioritizes content tailored to user interests over follower-based algorithms, it has fostered those cultural exchanges as Chinese users welcome American newcomers, helping them adapt to the platform.

I was curious about the app’s safety credentials and asked a security expert friend of the blog, Adam Stewart, whether I should sign up for REDNote and see what all the fuss is about and he simply said “Avoid!”

Now, despite my usual eagerness to try any new social media outlet, I was on Plurk even before Twittr [sic], I have taken Adam’s advice and not downloaded the REDNote app and not signed up for an account; the T&Cs are in Mandarin so that was something of a barrier anyway as my Mandarin is not as good as my Cantonese, and that’s non-existent. Meanwhile. Adam, being a security expert did install the app, but on a burner phone, and ran some network and security test to see exactly what this app is doing.

“REDnote connects out to various China servers,” Adam told me.” Also, some streams are not encrypted and some don’t do proper certification checks.”

This sounds worrying, to say the least. All those new American users perhaps unwittingly sharing data from their phones with servers unknown in China. Given the political landscape of that country, I’d also want to know whether the Chinese government or other agents have hooks in those third-party servers. Indeed, given that all technology there is potentially monitored and subject to governmental oversight under China’s cybersecurity laws, it is reasonable to assume that the government could indeed have access to any of your harvested data via those third-party servers if it needed to get hold of it. At the very least, there is the potential for any data on any app in China to be accessible to the government.

Perhaps the warning signs were already there. In December 2022, the government of Taiwan banned public sector employees from using Xiaohongshu on official devices due to national security concerns. But, REDNote is yet to face the same scrutiny as TikTok from privacy advocates and security experts. It has to be said that its data policies and transparency may not align with what those e outside China would consider acceptable. If you must use the app, I’d advise reviewing all the permissions and avoid sharing sensitive information on the platform.

Of course, it’s worth adding that TikTok and REDNote are not particularly special in collecting data, hundreds of the apps we all use every day collect data, sometimes without us really knowing. Moreover, if that data is not end-to-end encrypted and you’re based in a rogue state or even the land of the free, governments can easily compel companies to hand over their users’ data. Your privacy could be compromised in an instant by almost any app.

You might think that using a Virtual Private Network on your phone would offer some protection. VPNs are useful in many contexts such as connecting to public Wi-Fi hotspots. But, as Adam points out, apps like REDNote and others tend to link to your phone number and use it for registration so having a VPN won’t help with where that data ends up and how it is linked to you individually.

If you feel you can’t live without REDNote at least consider the following security advice when installing:

Review the permissions it requests – Block or disable any with which you’re not comfortable, such as microphone, contacts, location.

Use a burner phone – Because the app hooks into your phone number, perhaps use a secondary non-mission-critical phone or a secondary SIM.

Use a disposable or non-critical email account – Don’t link the app to your other social media or main email account(s), especially not mission-critical ones or work accounts.

Consider carefully the things you share on the app – If you don’t want it on the internet, don’t put it on the internet. Something us ancient net users have been saying for decades, long before the web, social media, and apps.

Stay up to date with developments – Keep up with the tech news and especially any stories about data breaches or hacks, it might be too late once an app is breached or there is an issue, but you might be able to salvage some privacy or security, if you’re aware of what’s happening.

Oh, and one more thing. People often ask “why are you worried about privacy, if you’ve got nothing to hide?” A good response is to ask them why they have frosted glass for their bathroom windows!

This article is intended for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal nor formal cybersecurity advice. Readers are encouraged to consult with experts for specific guidance.

Paxton Pits Nature Reserve

It’s quite some time since we last visited Paxton Pits Nature Reserve in Cambridgeshire, well before the covid pandemic, March 2019, in fact, if my photo archive dates are to be believed and before that January 2018. Tempus fugit, as they say. And, speaking of things that fly and sound a bit Latin, there were plenty of Regulus regulus among the fir trees not far from the site’s visitor centre.

Goldcrest at Paxton Pits Nature Reserve
Grumpy Goldcrest at Paxton Pits Nature Reserve

The nature reserve is, like so many of our local sites gravel pits that have been turned over in whole or in part to nature. It saves the aggregate companies having to back-fill once they have excavated all the millions of tons of sand and gravel they need and gives nature a chance to thrive in areas that would otherwise be turned back into unused flatland. The Paxton reserve was, until World War II, largely farmland on the edge of the village of Little Paxton. The gravel excavations were started during the war. There is still activity, but a large area is now lakes for wildlife, trails, and some lakes for fishing and boating activities.

Goldcrest taking flight at Paxton Pits Nature Reserve
Goldcrest taking flight

Not far from the visitor centre was the site of the former farmhouse. The historical sign there tells visitors about the farmhouse that once stood on this spot and about the provenance of the row of quite tall fir trees that stand in front of where the farmhouse once was. Apparently, they were Christmas trees! They have now grown so tall that you’d need the longest of long ladders to put the fairy on the top and hang your baubles.

Anyway, it was among these fir trees that numerous R. regulus were darting about. Readers that are regulus as clockwork will know that this species is the UK’s joint smallest bird, the Goldcrest, as I’ve mentioned it before. Its equally diminutive partner is the slightly less common but equally tiny Firecrest.

A fellow photographer, who turned out to be on the reserve’s bird-ringing team, pointed out that the Goldcrests we were photographing were probably winter visitors from Scandinavia enjoying the slightly warmer climate of East Anglia and the rich pickings to be had on a sunny January day among the fir trees. She wasn’t entirely certain, but seemed to imply that there aren’t usually any in this location during the summer months although she had witnessed nesting in one of the Xmas trees previously.

Goldcrest are so small, so fast moving, and often spend their time in the depths of the needles of fir trees, that it is commonly rather difficult to get a good snap in sunlight. If you’re hearing isn’t shot, you can usually pick up their very high-pitched hissy tweets. However, the Scandinavians were rather obliging today and at least I got a couple of nice shots of these delightful creatures with their golden crests.

A Kestrel for a Knave

A Kestrel for a Knave was a book by Barry Hines published in 1968. It was adapted for the Ken Loach film Kes.

Kestrel perched on a solitary, vertical branch

The protagonist, Billy Casper, was played by actor David Bradley who later had to adopt the stage name Dai Bradley, because there was already an EQUITY member, the RSC actor David Bradley. You may know the latter from many a TV drama, as unintelligible Arthur Webley in Hot Fuzz, as Filch in the Harry Potter films, as the first Doctor in Doctor Who and as William Hartnell in An Adventure in Space and Time, and Walder Frey from Game of Thrones, etc…I met him once, I mentioned it before.

As for Dai Bradley, he was also in the film Zulu Dawn, a couple of other films and various TV parts.

When the book was reprinted after Kes the film, they used the infamous scene of Billy sticking two fingers up for the cover…I grew up with this book…I was infamous by proxy as a child.

The waxing and waning of the Waxwing

In the winter of 23/24 we had a Waxwing irruption. This is a sudden influx in large numbers of a species driven from its usual habitat and habit because of changes in the local conditions. In the case of Waxwings (Bohemian Waxwings, specifically) they spend their summers in breeding grounds in the far north, Scandinavia, largely.

As winter encroaches a few will head south and west and the Scots often report sightings early in the season. However, if there are plenty of berries on the bushes and trees in Scandinavia, the majority will stay put. Each bird can eat dozens, if not hundreds, of berries every day, so there is occasionally a chance that demand will outstrip supply. When this happens the birds, along with the winter thrushes (Fieldfare and Redwing) will be forced to head south to find food.

The birds will occasionally head south in waves. Large flocks might turn up in seemingly unusual places like city parks, supermarket car parks, churchyards, and other urban sites and even gardens. Usually, it’s wherever there are berry-laden rowan trees, although the birds will eat mistletoe, ivy, and any other winter berry they can find. Birders usually report the flow of birds south and it often seems like the Waxwings specifically follow the roads. Roundabouts and service stations often have berry trees, after all!

waxwing benton 2 e1523904354898

In the winter of 24/25, we’ve barely had any Waxwings in England. A handful! In early January, 2024, Mrs Sciencebase and myself were watching a flock of 30+ that were hanging around the ivy-encrusted trees near a local railway station and alighting on the rowan trees. This year, there has been a bumper crop of berries much further north and at the moment, the birds have no need to head south.

That said, they will, if there are sufficient birds, eventually eat most of those berries and the birds will then need to head south to feed. I remember about eight years ago a flurry of Waxwing activity on rowans at the bus stop close to the Cambridge Science Park and that was in April…so there is time yet.

Interestingly, BBC Winterwatch had a short piece in episode 1 this season about the species, discussing how the bird’s tongue has a barb to help them gulp down berries whole. The team didn’t mention the fact that we’re unlikely to see an irruption this season, sadly.

Counting crows… no… sorry… Starlings

If you’ve been captivated by the starling murmurations this winter, you may be wondering how many birds are in those vast swirling flocks. There’s no easy way to count them on the wing, but you if you can get a decent photo with the bulk of them in the frame, there’s a simple technique to get a rough estimate that will give you a good idea of numbers

A grid overlay on your murmuration photos can help you guesstimate how many birds are in the flock
A grid overlay on your murmuration photos can help you guesstimate how many birds are in the flock. Probably works better with a photo with no trees!

So, here’s a photo of a small murmuration I took locally. As you can see, I overlaid a grid on the photo. The simplest way to estimate bird numbers is to zoom in on a representative looking square and count them in just that one square. An average looking square in my photo has 70 or so birds in it. There are a few squares that have no birds (ignore those) some that look like they have just a couple of dozen and some that are much denser, so perhaps 100 or so.

So, counting all the squares with birds and multiplying by 70 would give you a rough number. A slightly more accurate way, might be to count only the average looking squares, multiply that number by 70. Then pick a sparse square and do a count, 30, say, multiply that by the number of sparse squares and add to the earlier tally. Then, do the same with the more densely populated squares. You could tally the sparse and dense as an average by counting how many squares and halving it and adding that instead. Lots of ways to do it.

While I was watching this murmuration, I guesstimated about 3000 birds in the flock. Using the method above the number comes out at double that! About 6000 birds, just in this frame. There were actually more that aren’t in the shot!

I did the same sort of counting at RSPB Ouse Fen at Earith in March 2024 where a friend had suggested the murmurations contained about 100,000 birds. The evening I was there the sky was filled with starlings. I took a lot of photos to get all the sections of this vast flock. I then did a grid count as above. I got a much larger number – 500,000 to 750,000. There may have been a few more. That’s the biggesst number of birds I’ve seen in one place!

SWT Lackford Lakes

First trip of the year to the Suffolk Wildlife Trust nature reserve known as Lackford Lakes. 2nd January 2025, glorious sunny day, first such of the year and the first for quite some time.

Nuthatch, Sitta europaea on *the* log at Lackford Lakes
Nuthatch, Sitta europaea on *the* log at Lackford Lakes
One of several Marsh Tit picking at titbits on the Lackford Log
One of several Marsh Tit, Poecile palustris, that were picking at titbits on the Lackford Log, bird seeds and bird fat placed deliberately by birders and toggers.
Blue Tit on thorny branch
Blue Tit on thorny branch
Great Tit, Parus major
Great Tit, Parus major. Should be known as the Black-masked Gold Tit, I reckon

Having seen four raptors on the journey there – Buzzard, Kestrel, Sparrowhawk, Red Kite – a trek through the reserve to see what we could see then gave us:

      1. Blackbird
      2. Black-headed Gull
      3. Blue Tit
      4. Buzzard
      5. Canada Goose
      6. Chaffinch
      7. Cormorant
      8. Coal Tit
      9. Coot
      10. Dunnock
      11. Egyptian Goose
      12. Gadwall
      13. Great Tit
      14. Great White Egret
      15. Greenfinch
      16. Greylag Goose
      17. Grey Heron
      18. Kestrel
      19. Lapwing
      20. Little Egret
      21. Long-tailed Tit
      22. Mallard
      23. Marsh Tit
      24. Moorhen
      25. Mute Swan
      26. Nuthatch
      27. Pheasant
      28. Pochard
      29. Red Kite
      30. Robin
      31. Siskin
      32. Snipe
      33. Song Thrush
      34. Sparrowhawk
      35. Teal
      36. Treecreeper
      37. Tufted Duck
      38. Wigeon
      39. Wood Pigeon

There was also a very odd looking bird being harried by a Blackbird in a tree. It was probably a juvenile Blackbird, but it seemed to have a rufous bib and a very pale, speckled breast for a brief second I imagined it might be an Asian vagrant in the form of a Red-throated Thrush. But, very, very doubtful.

2nd January 2025 was also our first outdoor picnic of the year! Is an indoor picnic an oxymoron?

North Norfolk New Year’s Eve 2024

Once again, we headed for the North Norfolk coast for the end of the year. Decent weather on arrival so a trek along the beach from Old Hunstanton in search of Glaucous Gull and Shorelarks although we saw neither.

Old Hunstanton, Sunny Hunny
Old Hunstanton, Sunny Hunny

The Glaucous Gull had been reported as feeding on a dead seal, we saw at least a couple of seal carcasses above the tideline, but perhaps too many people and dogs even for a brute like a Glaucous Gull to sit tight for a meal. It was reported on the 2nd January, so it was still around. Funnily enough, there are two Glaucous on the dump near our village at the moment, although no seals.

Black-winged Stilt, with copper ring on left shank. Fish supper in bill. RSPB Titchwell
A rather rare Black-winged Stilt, with copper ring on left shank. Fish supper in bill. RSPB Titchwell

From Sunny Hunny, we drove on towards Holkham and stopped briefly on Lady Anne’s Drive where a Long-billed Dowitcher had been spotted in previous days. I took photos of the much larger Black-tailed Godwits and other birds on the flood to the east of the Drive. The LBD is 11 inches bill to tail whereas the BTG is 17″). Once back home, I could zoom in on the long shots and could see I had got a snap of the LBD. So obviously smaller than the BTG but somewhat similar in appearance otherwise. It’s an American bird that presumably got lost and headed south down the wrong line of Latitude some time ago. They have been reported in North Norfolk previously and elsewhere in the UK.

Long-billed Dowitcher, Limnodromus scolopaceus, Lady Anne’s Drive, Holkham

Once in Wells-next-the-Sea, we checked in at the Arch House Rooms in Wells (run by the Globe Inn) before a sunset walk through the town and out along the East Fleet and then on towards the lifeboat station. Amazing sunset.

Sunset, Wells-next-the-Sea
Sunset, Wells-next-the-Sea, 30th January 2024

We were back in time for a half-decent supper at the Globe Inn, although the pub was not quite as nice as we remembered it from a previous meal there a couple of years ago. But, at least we got fed, one couple didn’t get their choice of drinks, none of the food options they chose were available, and they walked out hangry.

Brent (Brant) Geese, Branta bernicla, East Fleet, Wells-next-the-Sea
Brent (Brant) Geese, Branta bernicla, East Fleet, Wells-next-the-Sea. The flock of ~200 took flight seconds after I took this photograph and headed for the fields on the far side of the sea wall.
Curlew wading in the East Fleet at Wells-next-the-Sea
Curlew wading in the East Fleet at Wells-next-the-Sea

We had planned to walk to Holkham from Wells on New Year’s Eve and perhaps hop on the bus back, but given the windy, wet weather forecast for New Year’s Day, we changed our minds about that and drove to RSPB Titchwell instead. Titchwell is often our NYD haunt, but while it was windy at least it was dry.

The same BWS with another fish
The same Black-winged Stilt with another fish
Hawthorn Shield Bug that landed on Mrs Sciencebase rucksack while we were having a snack in between birding sessions.
Hawthorn Shield Bug that landed on Mrs Sciencebase rucksack while we were having a snack in between birding sessions.
Wren snacking on millipede while we were having a snack
Wren snacking on millipede while we were having a snack
The Eurasian Jay, Garrulus glandarius, one of the corvids. The blue on its wings is second only to the green on the nape of the Eider's neck
The Eurasian Jay, Garrulus glandarius, one of the corvids. The blue on its wings is second only to the green on the nape of the Common Eider’s neck
Ruff, Calidris pugnax
Ruff, Calidris pugnax, RSPB Titchwell
Black-winged Stilt standing out of the water showing off its magnificent legs
Black-winged Stilt standing out of the water showing off its magnificently long legs

I realise it’s not all about lists, but we recorded 60+ bird species on this trip. One of them new to us, that Long-billed Dowitcher. Titchwell was also the closest we’ve ever been to the rare Black-winged Stilt (a ringed specimen that had dropped in a couple of days before). Interesting to see that the reserve still has a Tawny Owl hiding in the same ivy-covered tree that we’d peered at on our previous visit to Titchwell earlier in 2024. We also noted a couple of species of fungi we’d not noted before – Scarlet Elf Cup and Candlesnuff.

Scarlet Elf Cup, Sarcoscypha coccinea
Scarlet Elf Cup, Sarcoscypha coccinea
Candlesnuff fungus, Xylaria hypoxylon a bioluminescent fungus, also known as carbon antlers or the stag's horn fungus.
Candlesnuff fungus, Xylaria hypoxylon, a bioluminescent fungus, also known as carbon antlers or the stag’s horn fungus.
  1. Avocet
  2. Black-headed Gull
  3. Black-tailed Godwit
  4. Blackbird
  5. Black-winged Stilt
  6. Blue Tit
  7. Brent Goose
  8. Buzzard
  9. Chaffinch
  10. Cetti’s Warbler
  11. Collared Dove
  12. Cormorant
  13. Curlew
  14. Dunnock
  15. Dunlin
  16. Gadwall
  17. Goldfinch
  18. Golden Plover
  19. Great Black-backed Gull
  20. Great Tit
  21. Greenfinch
  22. Grey Heron
  23. Greylag Goose
  24. Herring Gull
  25. Jackdaw
  26. Jay
  27. Kestrel
  28. Lapwing
  29. Lesser Black-backed Gull
  30. Linnet
  31. Little Egret
  32. Little Grebe
  33. Long-billed Dowitcher (New to me, 2024)
  34. Long-tailed Tit
  35. Magpie
  36. Mallard
  37. Marsh Harrier
  38. Moorhen
  39. Oystercatcher
  40. Pheasant
  41. Pink-footed Goose
  42. Pintail
  43. Red Kite
  44. Redshank
  45. Robin
  46. Rock Dove
  47. Ruff
  48. Sanderling
  49. Shelduck
  50. Shoveller
  51. Skylark
  52. Snipe
  53. Starling
  54. Stock Dove
  55. Stonechat
  56. Tawny Owl
  57. Teal
  58. Tufted Duck
  59. Turnstone
  60. Water Pipit
  61. Wigeon
  62. Wood Pigeon
  63. Wren

The Merlin app claims to have picked up Hawfinch, Firecrest, and Long-eared Owl at Titchwell. Fairly unlikely, but who knows?