A Christmas comet’s coming, a Christmas comet’s coming

TL:DR – Towards the end of 2024 there may be a bright, new comet in the sky. Comet C/2023 A3 Tsuchinshan-ATLAS

If you’re lucky enough to get a clear sky…it’s snowing here, so no chance…look up at the constellation known as constellation Serpens Caput with your big telescope and you might see a faint fuzzball. It’s an icy visitor from the far reaches of the solar system, the Oort Cloud, and it’s heading this way. Give or take. Thankfully, it is not on a collision course.

Right now, this comet, which was first spotted in early January is about a billion kilometres from Earth, just past the orbit of Jupiter. But, as we approach Christmas 2024, we might be in for a treat as it flares up and becomes visible to the naked eye. You can find all the details of the discovery, the name, and what to expect from Comet C/2023 A3 Tsuchinshan-ATLAS on the Universe Today website.

Comet NEOWISE in 2020, levels tweaked to brighten the image, although it did become visible at twilight in the northern sky.
Comet NEOWISE in 2020

Late last year, you may well have caught sight of another comet, the green comet, C/2022 E3 (ZTF), which never did live up to hopes of outshining the stars. And, of course who can forget the early months of COVID when some of us were distracted by Comet NEOWISE [C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE)]. I managed to get some mediocre photos of that comet when we escaped COVID lockdown and had a few days at the coast.

Comets are typically named after their discoverers or a group of discoverers, with the addition of a prefix indicating the type of comet. The prefixes used are:

  • “C/” for non-periodic comets (i.e. ones that appear irregularly)
  • “P/” for periodic comets (one’s that return within 200 years)
  • “D/” for comets that have been lost or have disintegrated
  • “X/” for comets that are of an uncertain

Here are a few examples of some well-known comets with their colloquial names:

Comet Halley – This is perhaps the most famous comet, named after astronomer Edmond Halley who calculated its orbit and predicted its return in 1758. It is a periodic comet with an orbital period of approximately 76 years and was last seen in the inner solar system in 1986.

Comet Hale-Bopp – This was a non-periodic comet discovered in 1995 by Alan Hale and Thomas Bopp. I remember it being very bright in the sky for many months and would endlessly point it out to family and friends on night-time pub trips.

Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 – This was a non-periodic comet that collided with Jupiter in 1994 and was destroyed. It was named after its discoverers, Carolyn and Eugene Shoemaker and David Levy.

Comet Lovejoy – This is a periodic comet discovered by Australian amateur astronomer Terry Lovejoy in 2011. It has an orbital period of approximately 7 years and was visible to the naked eye in the Southern Hemisphere.

Of course, whether Comet C/2023 A3 Tsuchinshan-ATLAS lives up to expectations in late 2024 will depend on the local solar weather conditions as the comet’s orbit brings it closer and closer to the sun. If conditions are right, it may well flare up and become visible to the naked eye, we’ll have just have to wait and see, with our telescopes, binoculars, and cameras at the ready.

Anti-covid, antiviral ensitrelvir

TL:DR – An antiviral drug called ensitrelvir could cut the time a person tests positive when they have COVID-19 by about a day. There is a controversial suggestion that it might also reduce the risk of developing long-covid.

An antiviral drug developed by Shionogi in partnership with Hokkaido University is an orally active 3C-like protease inhibitor, which can shorten the time between first testing positive after infection with SARS-CoV-2 and getting a negative test. Early signs are that it may well reduce the risk of developing long-covid, although that data is yet to be peer reviewed. There are some scientists sceptical of the claim having heared the results presented at the Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections in Seattle, Washington, USA, in February. They suggest that more work in clinical trials is needed before the claim can be accepted. Mariana Lenharo has all the details in Nature.


Long-covid is also known as long-haul COVID, post-COVID-19 syndrome, post-COVID-19 condition, post-acute sequelae of COVID-19 (PASC), or chronic COVID syndrome (CCS). The term describes the long-term symptoms and effect on various body systems and organs following infection with SARS-CoV-2.

Currently, there are two orally active antivirals for treating COVID-19, Paxlovid (nirmatrelvir/ritonavir) and molnupiravir. The antiviral ensitrelvir has the brand name Xocova.

The controversy surrounding whether or not ensitrelvir can reduce the risk of a person developing long-covid is about whether or not the trials and the definitions offered by Shionogi on this point are valid. There had previously been a more general suggestion that shortening the time that a person tests positive for COVID-19 could be beneficial. That said, there is evidence that even those who only have mild symptoms of COVID-19 can still develop long-covid. It could be that long-covid is a side effect of the body’s immune response to infection rather than being due to residual virus. There is much we are yet to learn about this virus.


New way for a new wave song

TL:DR -Newspaper story inspired me to write a post-punk folk song telling the tale. I rewrote the lyrics the next day. Download/stream here.

As you may have noticed I wrote about the news story concerning the so-called brain-eating amoeba. I also felt the tragic tale deserved a modern, post-punk, folk song as a lament and so I pulled one together in on an otherwise dull morning. Later that evening, I had second thoughts about the original lyrics and rewrote them entirely the following wet morning. The original song became Old Nick is Quick

Artwork my Old Nick is Quick song, generated with MidJourney and modified. Shows a guy in a big hat drinking at a bar outdoors in the desert, with a blurred building or vehicle giving off smoke behind him

Old Nick is Quick

I woke up today
As you might have easily guessed
There’s one thing I must say
You might be less than impressed

I read in the news
There was a man with the answers
For shaking off the blues
With a shot he took his chances

He made a pact with a bottle
One more drink, he’s on his way
But, he had forgotten
The liquor’s quick and it made him stay

The girl she had a message
It was hidden in her underwear
The punter paid his money first
And took her in the chair

She shivered at the thought of it
His weapon in her face
Sadly, so the story goes there is no other place

She made a deal with her ego
One more trick, she’s on her way
But, he’s no amigo
The money’s quick and it makes her stay

I woke up this morning
As you might have easily guessed
There’s one thing that I’ve got to say
Aren’t you just a little impressed?

They made a deal off the level
One more trick, they’re on their way
But, they were bedevilled
Old Nick is quick and he makes them stay

To take them away

You can stream or download my new song for free from BandCamp here.

As you have noticed, I used MidJourney to create some artwork although it’s very much modified from the software’s output.

Here are some of the other images my prompts about someone with a hat drinking at an outdoor bar in the desert generated. The prompt was something along the lines of: “A photographically realistic image in the style of album cover designers Hipgnosis. A man sat at a dusty bar in the open air in the desert. There is a bottle on the bar next to a wide-brimmed hat. He holds a glass of whisky in one hand. Also on the bar is an ashtray with a cigarette. The smoke from the cigarette rises up hundreds of feet.
On the horizon is a distant bridge that looks like the Devil’s Gate bridge. He is not a cowboy. No words.” MidJourney was quite free with how it interpreted my prompt, wouldn’t you say?


Old Nick generated by MidJourney

Old Nick generated by MidJourney

Old Nick generated by MidJourney

Semaglutide – the “skinny jab”

TL:DR – Semaglutide is known to US celebrities as the “skinny jab” and has apparently been the subject of a weight-loss craze. It has now been approved in the UK for weight-loss in the clinically obese.

Semaglutide is a pharmaceutical that can help control the symptoms of Type 2 diabetes for which it was first used. The nickname, the “skinny jab” comes from the drug’s activity as an appetite suppressant used in helping overweight people and the obese reduce their body weight. It is sold under the brand names Ozempic, Wegovy and Rybelsus and was originally developed by Novo Nordisk in 2012. Clinical trials of the weekly injected drug were completed in 2017.


In March 2023, the UK’s National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) recommended provision of the drug to specialist treatment centres under the National Health Service (NHS).

The main mode of action of the drug, according to the NICE website, is to activate the GLP-1 (glucagon-like peptide-1) receptor, which increases activity in the pancreas to boost insulin secretion into the blood. Insulin is the hormone that raises the concentration of glucose in the bloodstream.

Semaglutide also suppresses glucagon secretion. Glucagon is insulin’s counterpart hormone produced by the pancreas. It raises the concentration of glucose and fatty acids in the bloodstream.

The drug slows the rate at which the stomach empties its contents into the next portion of the gastrointestinal tract, the duodenum (the first section of the small intestine). This sustains a person’s feeling of fullness, or satiety, for longer and so can reduce the frequency with which they feel they need to eat.

The NICE website lists several cautions, side-effects, and contraindications for this expensive drug. Nevertheless, in February 2022 it put a case based on both risk-benefit and cost-benefit analyses for its use under the NHS for people with at least one weight-related condition and an exceptionally high body-mass index. In March 2022, NICE recommended provision of the drug for a sub-group of obese patients who might see a ten percent weight reduction if the drug is used in parallel with improvements in diet (less processed food and a reduction in calorie intake, fundamentally) and increased activity and exercise.

Brain-eating amoeba – the song

TL:DR – I wrote a song about a tragic tale in the news.

A contact on Mastodon read my post about the tragic tale of a Florida man who died from the so-called brain-eating amoeba. My contact thought the story or maybe just the headline sounded like a whimsical song from a band called The Chrysanthemums, Gloucestershire Is Just an Illusion. Althought I’d never heard of the band, I felt inspired and threw together some lyrics and recorded a little a capella lament. Poor fella.

Brain-eating amoeba

I woke up today
As you might have easily guessed
There’s one thing I must say
You might be a little impressed

I read in the news
There was a man out in Florida
Who liked to wash his nose
But, he didn’t bank on Naegleria

He caught a brain-eating amoeba
From the water in his neti pot
His hygiene wasn’t dry clean
Now the worms are dealing with his snot

He’d squirt water up each nostril
From a 6-inch length of hose
An amoeba wormed its way right in
And began to eat his nose

It slithered through his sinuses
And right into his brain
Sadly, so the story goes he was never the same again

He caught a brain-eating amoeba
From the water in his neti pot
His hygiene wasn’t dry clean
Now the worms are dealing with his snot

I woke up this morning
As you might have easily guessed
There’s one thing I got to say
Aren’t you just a little impressed?

My contact liked the vocal demo:

“Ah wow!! This is brilliant. I love it. See, tabloid headlines do, once in a blue moon, beget good songs. That’ll kill with a bit of angular guitar…sounded a bit like Yukio Yung/Terry Burrows”

So, I did some angular guitar, a new vocal, some drums (badly played on a MIDI keyboard), and some boxy bass…I might listen to Yukio Yung and The Chrysanthemums later.


You can still hear the original, rough and ready one-take vocal demo here

NB No intelligence, artificial or otherwise, was used in the writing and recording of this song.

Brain-eating amoeba

TL:DR – The brain-eating amoeba, Naegleria fowleri, does not eat brains but it can cause fatal brain swelling. Avoid it by only using sterile water for nasal irrigation and a noseclip when swimming in warm freshwater lakes.

Mrs Sciencebase was a yoga teacher for 20 years or thereabouts and one of the most peculiar aspects of that art was the use of the neti pot. A kind of jug with a long spout that allowed to pour a little water into your nostrils as part of a cleansing ritual. Technically known as nasal irrigation, but put simply it’s nothing more than pouring water into your nose.

CDC micrographs of Naegleria fowleri

It always struck me as a bit pointless, most of our bodily orifices are self-cleaning except perhaps when there is disease present and a trip to the doctor’s is recommend rather than a random infusion (see also douching, coffee enemas, ear candling etc). I should point out that Mrs Sciencebase was not a practitioner of this particular aspect of yoga.

Either way nowhere in the human laundry instructions does it say that our bodily orifices need any kind of irrigation. Of course, those same instructions also don’t mention climbing into the tumble dryer after a shower.

With all this in mind, I was a little bemused to hear of tabloid headlines (via @SophWarnes on twitter) of the case of a Florida man who died after irrigating his nostrils. Apparently a rare brain-eating amoeba, which goes by the name of Naegleria fowleri. This single-celled organism lives in fresh water and soil. It’s not a brain eater but if it gets into your head (via your nostrils) it can cause brain swelling with a high chance of death.

Primary amoebic meningoencephalitis (PAM) initially causes symptoms that are a bit like meningitis – fever, severe headache, nausea and vomiting. These can develop into stiff neck, light sensitivity, confusion, loss of balance hallucinations, seizures, and potentially death. It is worth noting that the amoeba does not eat brains. And, there were only 34 reported fatal cases in the USA according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Most cases arose when someone was exposed to the pathogen when swimming in warm freshwater lakes or heated swimming pools that were not properly chlorinated. There is very little risk of PAM from drinking tap water.

The Healthline website has some advice for neti pot users. Basically, you should boil and coil tapwater you intend to use in your neti pot or buy sterilised water. Water filtered to NSF standard 53 should also be safe, according to the site.

Because PAM is so rare, studies and clinical trials for treatments are rare too. There is evidence that the antifungal agent, amphotericin B, injected close to the spinal cord can help. There is also some evidence that other antifungal agents have activity against N. fowleri: miltefosine, fluconazole, and azithromycin. The antibiotic rifampin may also work but would be contraindicated if an antifungal was being used, reports Healthline.


N. fowleri is very much a rare hazard of warm freshwater and so is generally present in the southern US states, but is also found in most other parts of the world – Australia, Africa, Asia, Europe, and Latin America. It might be assumed that with global warming, we are likely to see its presence in bodies of freshwater reaching further north from these regions.

Arguing with ChatGPT

TL:DR – When asked, ChatGPT refers to itself as an artificial intelligence language model, but there are so many reasons not to describe these statistically based, text autocomplete tools as AI.

There’s been a lot of talk about weird and inflammatory responses from the Bing chat bot in the last couple of weeks. By contrast, it’s difficult to get a rise out of ChatGPT. It always gives you a diplomatic response. Even if you push it with contrary questions and statements. I spent a few minutes trying to get it to admit that it is not an AI.

Despite the hype, we must all concede that text and image manipulation tools, no matter how amazing they seem in what they generate are not sentient nor have any understanding or actual knowledge or awareness of what they are doing. We are not living in the sci-fi world of machine consciousness…just yet.

Anyway, I prompted ChatGPT repeatedly to tell it that it is not AI despite its name and despite the hype. After several prompts I gave it the following prompt: “ChatGPT is really just a parrot. It can say the words, but it has no understanding of what the noises it makes mean.”

The following is ChatGPT’s response, which explains the fundamentals of what ChatGPT actually is and how it works and shows that it is fundementally not AI:

It is true that ChatGPT, like other language models, does not have a true understanding of the meaning of the text it generates. Rather, it uses statistical patterns and correlations to predict the next word in a sentence or generate a response to a given prompt. This is a limitation of current language models and the field of natural language processing in general.

However, it is important to note that language models like ChatGPT are not designed to replicate human-like understanding of language. Rather, they are designed to perform specific tasks related to language processing and generation, such as generating coherent and fluent text or answering questions based on a given context. In this sense, they represent a powerful tool for automating language-related tasks and improving our ability to interact with large amounts of textual data.

While there is still much to be learned about the true nature of language understanding and intelligence, language models like ChatGPT represent an important step forward in our ability to process and generate language at scale.

Meanwhile, just to show you how clever ChatGPT is, hahahah, I asked it to generate a list of words associated with this tech and to give me lay definitions. You can read the glossary here.

Whoops! AI might have invented 40000 new toxic nerve agents…but probably not

TL:DR – Software used to predict which chemicals in a database have potential as new medicines has been flipped as a warning demonstrating that the same system could be used to predict whether they are highly toxic.

Artificial intelligence, AI, machine learning, language models, neural networks, generative models, algorithms trained on big data. A lovely collection of buzzwords that have been littering grant proposals for years and are now emerging into the real world as apps and websites and citizen science projects. For chemists and pharmaceutical scientists, AI has been a tool to experiment with for a long time. Creating molecular diversity, simulating physiology and screening for drug-like activity have been high on the laboratory agenda for quite some time. They have also used it to test for toxicity in silico and so reduce animal testing and problems once a drug gets into early. clinical trials.

Scientists at Collaborations Pharmaceuticals Inc., which focuses on drug discovery for rare diseases, commonly use trained AI to help them determine the likely toxicity of various novel molecular structures. Molecules with physiological activity are a prerequisite for finding new pharmaceuticals but it is also necessary to avoid those compounds that have a toxic effect on the patient rather than the disease.

A thought experiment flipped this work for good on its head and had team leader Fabio Urbina and colleagues wondering about the implications of an AI that seeks out life-taking toxic compounds rather life-saving pharmaceuticals. The team was asked to carry out simulations and to present the findings and implications to an international security conference.

The Convergence Conference is convened every two years by the Swiss Federal Institute for NBC (nuclear, biological and chemical) Protection – Spiez Laboratory – on behalf of the Swiss government to identify developments in chemistry, biology and enabling technologies that could have implications for the Chemical and Biological Weapons Conventions. The conference seeks to spot the next VX or Novochok.

MidJourney AI generative image of people in hazmat suits

Urbina and his colleagues have been careful not to disclose the details of their simulations, but by setting their AI in reverse so that it seeks out structures that are likely to be toxic rather than safe pharmaceuticals they were able to generate a whole molecular library of potential toxic agents on a par with VX and Novochok. Indeed, six hours on the computer produced a database of 40000 such molecules any one of which might theoretically be synthesised in a rogue state laboratory and many of which were predicted to be more toxic than VX. Of course, it could be that the AI has got it wrong (it happens!) and that none of these compounds are at all toxic. The details the team provides were published in the journal Nature Machine Intelligence.

It is rather worrying. But perhaps also inevitable and better that we know this is now a possibility rather than our ignoring the risks. It’s worth remembering, that the invention of dynamite had a notable dual use, noble and not so noble, you might say. This is in some way just a modern take of how an invention for good might so easily be manipulated for bad.

To quote from the paper: “We can take inspiration from examples such as The Hague Ethical Guidelines, which promote a culture of responsible conduct in the chemical sciences and guard against the misuse of chemistry, in order to have AI-focused drug discovery, pharmaceutical and possibly other companies agree to a code of conduct to train employees, secure their technology, and prevent access and potential misuse.”

That is unlikely to be enough in the long-term and it is perhaps inevitable that some rogue team somewhere is already building its own database of toxic agents using AI. We just have to hope that the worst in any such database are false positives or that they all prove to be too to tough to crack even for the best, bad chemists. But, given that we already have AI tools for devising chemical reaction schemes and have done for many years, it feels unlikely that this particular toxic genie is going to stay in its reaction flask for long.

ChatGPT updates and optimises the Sciencebase homepage

TL:DR – I prompted ChatGPT to redesign and recode the Sciencebase homepage.

You can get some interesting responses from everyone’s favourite language model, ChatGPT, if you give it a special prompt that tells it to act in a certain way. I have been testing this for months, but recently, I have also been toying with the idea of creating a minimalist homepage for the Sciencebase site and needed some HTML inspiration. I hand coded my first website in December 1995, so I thought it was about time something else did the heavy lifting for me…so…here’s the initial prompt I gave to the chat bot.

You are to act as a genius web designer. I would like a very simple, minimalist landing page to include a link to my main website from my root domain name and to describe briefly how I am an an award-winning and experienced science writer. I enjoy wildlife photography in my spare time and performing music with two different bands and a choir. You should provide me with the complete minimal html code.

Sample of html code generated by ChatGPT for the new sciencebase homepage

You can see how the new minimalist homepage this generated code produces looks right here.

I later asked ChatGPT to once again act as an expert in web design and html and to give me a rationale for designing a minimalist and fast-loading web landing page for the site. This is what it had to say:

  • Define the purpose and goal of the landing page: Before starting the design and development process, it’s important to understand the purpose and goal of the landing page. Is it to collect leads, sell a product, or simply provide information? This will help me determine what elements to include on the page and how to design the layout.
  • Choose a minimal colour scheme: Minimalist designs typically use a limited colour palette. I would choose a colour scheme that complements your brand and is easy on the eyes. It’s important to keep in mind that too many colours can distract users from the main message.
  • Simplify the navigation: Navigation should be straightforward and easy to understand. Users should be able to find what they’re looking for quickly and easily. I would minimize the number of links in the header and footer and prioritize the most important pages.
  • Optimize images: Images can slow down the loading time of the page, which can be frustrating for users. I would optimize images by compressing them and reducing their file size. This will help the page load faster without sacrificing quality.
  • Use clean HTML code: Clean HTML code can help improve the performance of the page and make it easier for search engines to crawl. I would use semantic HTML tags and minimize the use of unnecessary code. This will also make the page more accessible to users who rely on screen readers.
  • Prioritize content: The content on the landing page should be clear and concise. I would use headings, subheadings, and bullet points to break up text and make it more scannable. The most important information should be placed above the fold, so users don’t have to scroll to find it.
  • Optimize for mobile: More than half of web traffic comes from mobile devices, so it’s important to design the landing page with mobile users in mind. I would use responsive design techniques to ensure the page looks good on all screen sizes and load quickly on mobile devices.

Protecting your website with ChatGPT

TL:DR – I noticed someone attempt to use access a file called c99.php on one of my websites. It was blocked by the server, but I wanted to know more. ChatGPT explained that it was a hacking tool.

I was seeing some unusual activity in the logs for one of my websites, so I gave this prompt to ChatGPT, the language model, to see if it could offer an explanation:

You are to act as a web and programming expert with experience of PHP, WordPress, MySQL, and Apache. I noticed a visit to my site that was attempting to open a file called c99.php, is that file a hacking “backdoor” of some sort. It does not appear to exist on my server and if I try to open it, I get the following message in my web browser “This site can’t be reached, site unexpectedly closed the connection.”

Yes, c99.php is a commonly used backdoor file by hackers. It is usually uploaded to a vulnerable website to provide remote access and control to the hacker. The file name c99.php is derived from the popular web shell called “c99 shell”. This shell provides an easy-to-use interface for a hacker to access and manipulate files, databases, and other resources on the compromised server.

If you have noticed a request for c99.php on your website, it is likely that your website is being targeted by hackers. However, it’s good to note that this does not necessarily mean your site has already been compromised. It is possible that the hacker was simply scanning your site for vulnerabilities.

If the file does not exist on your server and you are unable to access it, it’s possible that your server’s security measures are preventing it from being uploaded or accessed. It is recommended that you take additional security measures to protect your website and server, such as regularly updating your software, using strong passwords, and implementing security plugins. It’s also a good idea to review your server logs to identify any suspicious activity and to report it to your hosting provider.

I then asked ChatGPT for advice on securing my site:

If you have identified any suspicious files on your server or if you suspect that your server has been compromised, it is important to take immediate action to secure your website and server. Here are some steps you can take to secure your server:

  1. Update your software: Make sure that your website software, including the CMS (e.g., WordPress), plugins, and themes, are up-to-date with the latest security patches. This will help to close any known vulnerabilities that could be exploited by hackers.
  2. Use strong passwords: Ensure that you and your users are using strong passwords that are not easy to guess. Use a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols, and avoid using the same password across multiple accounts.
  3. Install security plugins: Install a security plugin such as Wordfence or Sucuri to monitor your website for suspicious activity, block malicious IPs, and detect and remove malware.
  4. Backup your data: Regularly backup your website files and databases so that you can restore your website quickly in case of a security breach or data loss.
  5. Limit user access: Only grant access to users who need it, and make sure that each user has the appropriate level of access. Use strong passwords, and consider implementing two-factor authentication for additional security.
  6. Use HTTPS: Enable HTTPS on your website to encrypt data transmitted between your website and users, preventing sensitive information from being intercepted by hackers.
  7. Contact your hosting provider: If you suspect that your server has been compromised, contact your hosting provider immediately. They may be able to help you identify and resolve the issue.

Given that all such security recommendations was already implemented on the WordPress side, I asked what might be done at teh server level via cPanel:

  1. Keep your cPanel account secure: Use strong passwords, and avoid using the same password across multiple accounts. Enable two-factor authentication if available. Also, make sure to log out of your cPanel account when you’re finished.
  2. Use an SSL certificate: Install an SSL certificate on your website to encrypt data transmitted between your website and users. This will help to prevent sensitive information from being intercepted by hackers.
  3. Monitor server logs: Check your server logs regularly to identify any suspicious activity. You can use tools such as AWStats or Webalizer to analyze your server logs and get insights into your website traffic.
  4. Enable ModSecurity: ModSecurity is a web application firewall that can help protect your website from common web-based attacks. It’s available in cPanel, and you can enable it under the “Security” section.
  5. Disable unused services: Disable any unused services in cPanel to reduce the attack surface of your server. For example, if you’re not using FTP, disable the FTP service.
  6. Install antivirus software: Install antivirus software on your server to scan for and remove any malware or viruses. There are several antivirus solutions available for cPanel, such as ClamAV.
  7. Backup your data: Regularly backup your website files and databases so that you can restore your website quickly in case of a security breach or data loss.

These are just a few suggestions for improving the security of your website and server. It’s important to note that some of these steps may require root access to the server, which may not be available on a shared hosting plan. However, your hosting provider may offer additional security features that you can take advantage of. It’s always a good idea to check with your hosting provider for specific recommendations on how to secure your server.