Sciencebase Siblings

UPDATED: 2011-01-26 2018-07-16

The following sites associated with are now on a perpetual backburner:,,, and However, and remain active. The former as a repository/hub for research news from the journals the latter as a storehouse for my photography and music.

Sciencebase is active on social media: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube etc. Usually available as username “sciencebase” or as David Bradley.

Scuppering the Program Pirates

program-codeProfessors the world over are worried about plagiarism: students simply lifting huge chunks from web pages and passing the thoughts and arguments off as their own. Then there are the Professors who steal from each other and publish their work in supposedly novel research papers and books and present it at conferences as original. This kind of plagiarism seems to be on the increase. No one knows the true extent to which it is being undertaken, but a few high-profile cases have increased awareness in the academic community of the paper pirates who could scupper your research career plans with a few well-stolen words.

It could be that a whole generation of students and unscrupulous Professors are creating an information black market. In the long-term, it is the students’ education, the research community, and the future of progress that will suffer. After, all student assessment is based on the assumption that their work is original and similarly the advancement of any particular area of endeavour relies on originality and credit where it is due otherwise the whole system collapses into nothing more than noise.

For instance, in the world of computer science, students programming submissions has an important effect on the whole computing educational procedure. “It is of a great importance to evaluate the programming skills of each student,” explain Ameera Jadalla and Ashraf Elnagar of the Department of Computer Science at the University of Sharjah, in the United Arab Emirates, “but the evaluation results become misleading and unreal due to the problem of plagiarism.”

The researchers point out that since the late 1970s, concerns about source code plagiarism have risen significantly. Various surveys have shown that up to 85 percent of a representative sample of students had engaged in some sort of academic dishonesty and almost 40 percent in one survey confessed to engaging in at least one instance of cut and paste plagiarism using the internet in the preceding year. Companies that offer to do the plagiarism for you, for a fee, are rife. Studies have shown that male students are commonly more dishonest than their female peers in this regard and science students more than health or educational students. Mature students are less likely to engage in such practices.

The researchers suggest that there are a few fundamental non-technical steps that can be taken to reduce plagiarism.

  • Increasing the number of in-class assignments.
  • Doing more group work, makes it harder to cheat if just one student is honest.
  • Explaining from an early age that plagiarism is unethical and that citation is important.
  • Expecting an oral presentation to show understanding.
  • Giving students different specifications for the same assignment
  • Improving coursework in terms of time, pressure and difficulty to preclude the need to plagiarise.
  • Having flexible deadlines if plagiarism is the other option to completion on time.
  • Using honestly policies and punishment systems.
  • Recognising different plagiarism techniques.

It is easy to see why some students might plagiarise the efforts of others: getting a better grade, laziness or poor time management, easy access to the internet and not understanding the rules. Students are encouraged to use the internet, but there is often no emphasis on the importance of citation or acknowledgement.

Indeed, say Jadalla and Elnagar, the focus of society on end results, the “final certificate”, means that students are under immense pressure to perform while the opportunities for cheating have gone far beyond the simple sharing of notes among themselves and the copying out of textbook paragraphs that were well known in the previous generation. However, no amount of top tips for persuading students not to plagiarise will solve the problem.

There are various programs available that a hard-pressed Professor might employ to spot plagiarism in the work of their academic offspring, but this is usually tailored towards essays and papers. Now, Jadalla and Elnagar, have developed PDE4Java, a new Plagiarism Detection Engine based on the platform-independent system Java that can detect plagiarism in computer science code.

Plagiarism in software was defined as “a program which has been produced from another program with a small number of routine transformations.”

PDE4Java uses data mining techniques to spot content that has been copied from other sources in a given set of programs, usually without attribution. The system “tokenises” the suspect program and then uses data mining, akin to a search engine algorithm, to carry out fast similarity searching of the tokenised index. It can then display side-by-side views of similar programming code and so display clusters of code that look suspiciously similar. These clusters allow the instructors or graders to quickly spot programming routines that the students lifted from each other.

The researchers point out that although modern technology makes it easier for students to plagiarise the work of others, programs such as theirs are allowing Professors to catch up with the cheats and plagiarism sinners.

Search Engine Journal has a nice side-by-side comparison of currently available anti-plagiarism systems including Copyscape, DocCop, Plagiarism Detect, Reprint Writer’s Tool, Copyright Spot. Plagiarism Today also has an interesting post on how to find plagiarism.

Ameera Jadalla, Ashraf Elnagar (2008). PDE4Java: Plagiarism Detection Engine for Java source code: a clustering approach International Journal of Business Intelligence and Data Mining, 3 (2) DOI: 10.1504/IJBIDM.2008.020514

Social Media for Scientists

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NB This post is more than a decade old.

social-media-for-scientistsTowards the end of October 2008, I received a flurry of emails asking me to check out new social networking sites for scientists, I’ve already reviewed the nanoscience community, of course. I suspect that, the academic year having moved into full swing, there were a few scientists hoping to tap into the power of social media tools and the whole web-two-point-ohhhh thing.

This from Brian Krueger:

“I came across your blog during my weekly google search for “science social network.” I thought you might be interested in my website, It’s a social network for the sciences that I’ve had on-line for the last two years and I recently got my University to send out a press release about it. I think you should stop by and check it out. Let me know what you think, I’m always looking for suggestions on how to improve the site.”

LabSpaces has all of the features of a social-networking site with the addition of a daily science newsfeed, lab profiles, a science forum, blogs, and a science protocol database. Apparently, the site provides space for researchers to create their own user profile, add their publication history, upload technical research protocols, blog about science, and share research articles with the community. The site will soon host a free video conferencing service to facilitate long distance collaborations and journal clubs.

New Zealander Peter Matthews who works in Japan emailed:

“I am a full-time researcher from NZ, working in Japan, at a museum with many international research visitors. This multilingual environment made me very aware of: (1) the difficulties that non-English based researchers face when using English, and (2) the difficulties that English mono-linguals face when trying to access or publish research in other important research languages, such as Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, French, and so on. Hence my website: The Research Cooperative – Please have a look, join if you want, and please tell any friends and colleagues about this site if you think they might find it useful.”

Pascal Boels, Managing Director of emailed with a medical tale:

“Our website is for and by medical professionals. It’s a video-sharing site for surgeons and medical professionals to show off their newly minted skills. It makes it easy for medical professionals to upload videos or slideshows and share those with the community. You can search for videos by specialty, organ/region, tissue, etiology, operation type, or technique. Many surgeons perform original and high-quality techniques in their operating room and equally many surgeons would like to learn from these new and inspiring techniques. Up till now it was very difficult, time consuming and expensive to take a look in each others operating room and share practical knowledge, tips and tricks. provides the solution for this problem. We are currently serving over 4000 surgeons from more than 124 countries, sharing over 400 procedures

Priyan Weerappuli had long been interested in scientific research but felt that applied research was guarded by private institutions while basic research was held within the confines of colleges and universities by overpriced journals and an oversimplification that occurred whenever research results were translated for more general audiences. His forum/platform will attempt to open this research to a general audience –

Some correspondents are claiming they’re approaching web 3.0 nirvana:

ResearchGATE is proud to announce a major update: We greatly improved our search functionality and called it ReFind. The name symbolizes the importance of an efficient and result-driven search functionality within research in general and within our network in particular. ReFind is one of the first search engines based on semantic, “intelligent” correlations. It enables you to find groups, papers, fellow researchers and everything else within and outside of ResearchGATE without having to read through dozens of irrelevant results. Just type a few sentences into ReFind or simply copy and paste your abstract. Our semantic algorithm will then search the leading databases for similar work, providing you with truly relevant results.” [Sounds like my Zemanta/ idea, DB]

One observer pointed out, however, that ResearchGate’s semantic search is maybe not the greatest thing to happen to search in a decade (especially, when we have the likes of True Knowledge Ubiquity, and Zemanta. Indeed, some users have said it is not much of an improvement on conventional search.

Then there was:

“ – Science in the 21st century – A wide forum for science – on an interdisciplinary, international and individual level., the only universal online portal for science, advanced teaching and academic research, bridges a major gap in scientific research and learning. is a virtual conference room, lecture hall, laboratory, library and meeting venue all in one.”

But, perhaps the best is saved for last. An Oxford graduate student, who has completed his PhD, Richard Price, has launched, which he says does two things:

“It displays academics around the world in a ‘tree’ format, according to which institution/department they are affiliated with. And, it enables researchers to keep track of the latest developments in their
field – the latest people, papers, and talks.”

Price wants to see every academic in the world on his tree and already has Richard Dawkins, Stephen Hawking, Paul Krugman, and Noam Chomsky as members. But, that’s the hype what about its potential? It resembles BioMedExperts because both use a “social” publishing tree, but is that enough to engage scientists?

It will be interesting to see whether any of these sites gain the traction their creators hope for and how things will pan out as the credit crunch bites harder. “There are a bunch of them out there,” Krueger told me, “It’s kind of scary how many came out after Nature and I went on-line in 2006. There’s definitely a lot of competition out there, it seems like a new one appears every month. I wonder how the economy and loss of tech funding is going to affect the larger start-ups.”
Then, there are those perhaps more well-known social media sites and networks for scientists, some of which are mentioned in Sciencebase and its sibling sites (tomorrow), in no particular order:

  • Nature Network – uber network from the publishing giant (discontinued December 2013)
  • BioMedExperts – Scientific social networking
  • BioWizard – Blogged up Pubmed search
  • Mendeley – Digital paper repository and sharing
  • Labmeeting (blog) – Ditto
  • YourLabData – socialised LIMS
  • SciLink – Sci-Linkedin
  • – mostly workflows.
  • similar to Researchgate. Not particularly social beyond groups and sharing documents with collaborators, but email is better, and arguably more secure.
  • – collaborative science news publishing
  • SocialMD – Med-Linkedin
  • Ozmosis – Ditto
  • DNA Network – network of DNA/genetics bloggers
  • ResearchCrossroads – Socialised grant databases
  • MyNetResearch – Socialised LIMS at a price
  • SciVee – YouTube for scientists (see also Watch with Sciencebase page
  • Scientist Solutions – science chat
  • Twitter science group and Scientwists list

There are so many, I can barely keep up, but if you have any you think I should add to the list, let me know via the comments box below. Or, more importantly, if you have used any of these systems please leave your thoughts.

Meanwhile, my apologies if you were expecting a lesson in how to use the likes of Twotter, FiendFreed, Ding, Pyuke, or Facebok’s feeble science apps, to help you get on in science socially, but I thought it was about time I did some linking out to the web 3.0 brigade in the world of science, so here they are.

Election Special

barack-obamaCongratulations to Barack Obama and well done America, you should feel proud to voted for your 44th President in Barack Obama. But, now that’s done and dusted on with the real news:

In Issue 100 of the relaunched ChemWeb Alchemist, we report on energy is top of the agenda with a record-breaking solar cell material from Australia. New insights into the ripening of bananas reveals they get the blues while crystallography has been thrown a curveball as scientists discover the active sites in many models of protein receptors are not what they seemed to be. The chemistry of alternative medicine sits toxically under the glare of the Alchemist’s lamp and revelations about yet another small molecule with a crucial role to play in cellular control. Finally, a double ACS award for research on the structure and reactivity of molecular oxygen binding to copper and iron complexes, which could have future energy applications.

In SpectroscopyNOW this week, rather than designing and building new instrumentation from bespoke components, researchers in Canada have turned to the laser-based optical read-write technology of DVD and CD players to create a biomedical diagnostics system that requires no hardware modifications. Hua-Zhong “Hogan” Yu and his colleagues Yunchao Li, Lily M. L. Ou in the Department of Chemistry, at Simon Fraser University, in Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada, are all for recycling. They have now developed a digital signal readout protocol for screening disc-based bioassays that uses a standard optical drive (CD/DVD) from an ordinary desktop computer.

blue-bananasAlso, this week “Yes, we have blue bananas!” – Forget the so-called morning banana diet, blue is the new yellow and researchers in Europe and the US have no intention of slipping up when it comes to explaining why ripened bananas glow blue under ultraviolet light.

A gold star for SERS – Scientists at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in Gaithersburg, Maryland, are using surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) to test the properties of star-shaped gold nanoparticles. They have found that these particles have optical qualities that outshine the competition and could make them useful in chemical and biological sensing and imaging.

Athletic support – Researchers have used NMR to show that endurance-trained athletes have a higher resting muscle metabolism than couch potatoes. The work suggests that the dissociation of oxidation and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production could be another route by which exercise improves insulin sensitivity and burns excess energy and may have implications for understanding the development of type 2 diabetes.

Crystals foxed – Obtaining a high-resolution crystal structure of a protein, a receptor or an enzyme, for instance, has been at the forefront of the drug design field for many years. Finding small molecules that will dock with the active site of the protein and either stimulate it or inhibit it is the basis on which many pharmaceutical products were built and are thought to work. But, what if that fundamental concept were wrong? This is the sobering and at the same time very important conclusion made by researchers at Leiden University in The Netherlands and the Scripps Institute, La Jolla, California

Science of Spam

spam ethicsWho hasn’t received a spam email with some kind of clause laying claim to compliance with the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003? They usually say something about the message being anything but spam. But, it quickly becomes obvious, if you actually waste the time to read the content, that it is a generic marketing message for some kind of herbal remedy for enhancing one or other, or two, parts of your body, making you money, or offering an ugly gold-plated watch at a knock-down price.

Of course, the can-the-spam legislation was meant to squash spam forever, although by not making spam officially illegal across the globe, it did nothing of the sort. It was baloney, in a can. In fact, Petur Jonsson, the Professor of Economics and Chair of the Department of Finance, Economics, Entrepreneurship, and Marketing at Fayetteville State University, in North Carolina argues that while CAN-SPAM may have stemmed the tide of traditional marketing spam, it did nothing to protect net users from the subsequent tsunami of malicious spam. The surge of phishing spam, scam spam, and messages bearing malware has washed over many of us time and again left many users beached and hung out to dry, digitally speaking, in its wake.

In 2002, when the Act was first proposed there were some 30 billion e-mail messages being sent across the globe every day, almost half of which were “unsolicited and unwanted” spam. The legacy accounts of many email users, my first ISP email account and work account included, had no filtering or spam protection and were drowned in hundreds of spam messages every day. Some pundits argued at the time that spam would become such a huge problem that it would herald the demise of email. This was at a time when people still worried that if someone’s email signature, their .sig file, was too big it was wasting bandwidth. Oh, the irony…

“The Act banned a variety of deceptive practices,” Jonsson says, but unfortunately, “it also pre-empted the passage of stricter state laws that would have outlawed spam altogether.” Some of the states, led by California, were at the time preparing anti-spam laws that would essentially have outlawed all unsolicited bulk email. But, the CAN-SPAM Act nipped these state efforts in the bud.

Some commentators have described spam as “information pollution”; it is simply the waste product of an industry marketing its product. And, while this is a reasonable analogy when discussing benign spam, it no longer applies to much of the bulk email flooding the net today.

In the last few years, spammers have exploited technological loopholes for malicious ends. Thousands if not millions of computers have been recruited without their owners knowledge into zombie networks or botnets that propagate malicious spam. Open proxies are harvested and their systems used to reroute email rendering it essentially untraceable, while open relays allowing email header spoofing to confuse spam filtering systems on a massive scale as well as allowing slice after slice of spam to be sent at zero cost to the spammer.

The bottom line is that spam pays even if just one in ten thousand recipients is scammed, the spammers are then in profit when sending out millions of spam messages each day. Jonsson points out that the risk of being caught while phishing is smaller than the risk of getting caught peddling illegally imported bogus Viagra. This means phishing makes more sense. Spam is not just about annoyance it is about cybercrime on an enormous scale. The sooner the authorities recognize and respond to that fact the better for all of us.

Research Blogging IconPetur O. Jonsson (2009). The economics of spam and the context and aftermath of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 International Journal of Liability and Scientific Enquiry, 2 (1), 40-52

Melamine in baby formula, an open secret

melamine-eggsThousands of babies had apparently taken ill having drunk formula milk to which the organic compound melamine had been added. The melamine was being added by unscrupulous operatives somewhere in the milk supply chain, to artificially boost the nitrogen content of the product, and so spoof higher protein levels than are actually present.

Subsequently, lists of contaminated products appeared in the media and on the web and as the melamine scandal widened, the Chinese government issued an apology and promised to crack down on the problem.

However, with news this week that batches of eggs imported into Hong Kong from China have tested positive for melamine, which is suspected of causing kidney problems, it now appears that the compound is being added routinely to animal feed in China. According to the BBC, this news has been released into the Chinese state media by a government realising it has far less control over food standards that it ought to have.

The melamine scandal is not new. It is essentially an open secret in China that the compound is added to all kinds of foods, particularly animal feed and pet food to artificially inflate the protein readings at the so-called quality control stage. Melamine was at the heart of the petfood scandal in 2007, but that was simply the first time that the West learned of the problem. It seems obvious that melamine could have been in the food chain much longer than that.

But, whether the open secret of melamine in the food supply is actually as serious a problem as the media would have us believe is down to toxic dose. AP quotes Peter Dingle, a toxicologist from Murdoch University, Perth, Australia, who says that aside from the tainted baby formula that killed at least four Chinese infants and left 54,000 children hospitalized in September, it is unlikely humans will get sick from melamine. The amount of the chemical in a few servings of bacon, for instance, would simply be too low, he said. But he is not recommending that the practice continue unchecked. China should have cracked down sooner on feed companies he and others have said.

However, if the melamine open secret is as big as it appears from the outside, it is unlikely to be stopped any time soon, particularly because of the heirarchical government system in China. “It could take five or even 10 years” before some companies stop adding the chemical to food products, Jason Yan of the US Grains Council is quoted by AP.

Halloween Skeletons and Reactive Chemistry

A jack-o'-lanternIn the latest scary issue of the chemistry news webzine, Reactive Reports: Dating skeletons, sticky feet for Gecko Guy, volcanic chemistry from the depths of Hades, and chasing mad cows.

CSI: Waco – A statistical method that processes spectroscopic measurements very quickly could allow crime scene investigators to determine time of death of skeletal remains more accurately and quicker than before, according to researchers at Baylor University in Waco, Texas.

Stuck On You – Scientists have long been interested in the ability of gecko lizards to scurry up walls and cling to ceilings by their toes. Now, researchers have found a way to mimic those hairy gecko feet using polymers or carbon nanotubes.

Tubular Reactions – Using surface-modified carbon nanotubes to activate an important industrial chemical, butane, without the need for an expensive metal catalyst–Dang Sheng Su and his team present a process that offers a cheaper alternative to the current industrial process for butane activation.

Chasing Down Mad Cows – Researchers in Europe have tracked down the molecular anchor that hooks errant and infectious prions leading to mad cow disease, scrapie in sheep, and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in humans.

Where to find a four-leaf clover

TL:DR – You might consider yourself lucky to find a four-leaf clover, the aberration in this species of plant occurs in 1 in 10000 specimens. You have a chance of spotting one in a large, well-established patch of clover.

Three-leaf clovers are commonplace. The four-leaf clover is an uncommon variation of the common, three-leaved clover. According to tradition, such leaves bring good luck to their finders, especially if found accidentally. According to legend, each leaf represents something: the first is for hope, the second is for faith, the third is for love, and the fourth is for luck. Actively seeking out a four-leaf clover will not bring you good luck. In fact, there is no such thing as luck, so even if you accidentally find one it’s not going to change your life.

An anonymous visitor to the site emailed me: “I found a 5 leaf clover… do you know anything about it? Is it good luck or bad luck?”

It’s just a mutation, like the four-leaf clover, of course. The four-leaf mutation is quite rare occurring once in about 10,000 specimens. Five is rarer still. But, according to this site: Five-leaf Clovers bring extra good luck and attracts money.

Nice, I wonder why the banks don’t breed these things and hand them out to their managers.

Of course, there is no such thing as “luck” and no number of leaves on a member of the more than 300-strong species of plants in the pea family Fabaceae is going to change that. Clover (Trifolium), or trefoil, usually means three-leafed, hence the surprise when one finds a specimen with four, five or more leaflets. The world record clover is an uber clover with 21 leaflets, although the Guinness record site says 18. At the time of writing, Wikipedia had both figures on two different pages. Intriguingly, both the 18 and 21 leaflet specimens were found/grown by Shigeo Obara, a farmer in Japan’s Iwate prefecture.

Clover is found across the globe, most species are found in the temperate parts of the Northern Hemisphere, but many also occur in South America and Africa, particularly at high altitudes in the tropics. Clovers are small annual, biennial, and short-lived perennial herbaceous plants. To “be in clover” means to be living a carefree life of ease, comfort, and prosperity. But, if you’re due for a drug test make sure you haven’t been drinking milk from cows fed on clover. Clover has a small amount of morphine, which can end up in bottled milk. Eating clover itself can trigger blood and urine drug tests. It’s one more excuse for unlucky athletes caught abusing the system.

Any Irish shamrock (trefoil: God, Son, Holy Spirit) religious analogy doesn’t explain the luck associated with the clover’s fourth leaflet. If anything one would imagine that a fourth leaflet would represent something abhorrent added to the Holy Trinity of Catholicism, the Devil, perhaps, and so be bad luck. Although some say it is meant to represent God’s grace. According to the Wisegeek site, when Adam and Eve left the Garden of Eden, Eve is supposed to have carried a four leaf clover. “Curiously, the lore of the white clover plant is also associated with repelling snakes, though it didn’t seem to work in the Garden of Eden,” the site says. I suspect the snake-repellant aspect comes from the Irish St Patrick legend. Ireland famously has no snakes.

As mentioned above, one important aspect of the four-leaf clover myth is that for it to bring luck you must find it serendipitously, there’s no point in searching for one and certainly no point in buying one; several websites offer for sale hand-picked four-leaf clovers! However, if you were a child in the Middle Ages who found a four-leaf clover you would have been given the gift of being able to see fairies and plant sprites…

It seems that searching for four-leaf and beyond clovers is a perennial favourite among children and if it gets them out in to their gardens or the countryside on a long hike to search for the biggest then that’s no bad thing. Indeed, the exercise and fresh air will no doubt bring them luck by helping to stave off obesity and type 2 diabetes. Just don’t let them pick any dandelions…it’ll make them wet the bed, you know? [Not really, that’s Deceived Wisdom]

The original short version of this post originally appeared on Sciencebase – 2005-05-19. Updated 2017-06-21.

Revolutionary Solids

pisa-balloonHistory teachers can always turn to the significant figures and battles to enliven their lessons, biology education has the enormously diverse range of species to point to, and even physics can pull in metaphors and anecdotes for the more esoteric aspects, try teaching gravity without mentioning Galileo and the Leaning Tower of Pisa. But, teachers of mathematics have it tough. They can describes solids and shapes, discuss how Alice and Bob might share out an apple pie fairly between nine friends. But. How does one visualise an abstract equation like this:


A rare few students will cope entirely, finding a way to see what such a formula means, but most struggle (I know I did) to imagine an object like a four-dimensional hypercube, for instance.

Annunziata Cascone, Gerardo Durazzo, and Valentina Stile of the Department of Information Engineering and Applied Mathematics, at the University of Salerno via Ponte don Melillo, in Italy, point out that mathematics obviously plays an instrumental role in technical degrees, science, engineering, computing etc. Moreover, given how common is the use of computers and calculation programs today in these areas it really is critical that students can get to grips with seemingly esoteric mathematical concepts that have direct application but are hard to visualise.

mathematica-model-2The team suggests that Computer Algebra Systems (CASs) are the way forward in teaching mathematics for engineering and other technical subjects. Unfortunately, there are many professors who hesitate to use such technologies. They cite technical, personal or even political reasons, Cascone and colleagues explain. “An explanation for such behaviour can be found in the fact that most teachers were not taught to use CASs when they were studying to be teachers,” they say, and so perhaps don’t recognise the enormous possible benefits.

Writing in the International Journal of Knowledge and Learning this month, Cascone and colleagues describe an approach that can effectively integrate CASs into an analysis course, which they say can improve students’ conceptual understanding significantly.

To improve students’ ability to make some geometric concepts concrete, we developed a Mathematica package that is able to realise and visualise the result of a plane domain revolution in a three-dimensional space.

In other words, the package can generate pictures and computations for an equation that would otherwise not have its significant figures, events, battles, and apple pies. “CASs, when used thoughtfully, allow students to concentrate on conceptual development,” the researchers say, “The same students claim that the use of CASs created the possibility of checking their paper-and-pencil results; it enabled them to discover their mistakes and it clarified the processes to solve problems.”

Annunziata Cascone, Gerardo Durazzo, Valentina Stile (2008). Solids by revolution: materialising an idea International Journal of Knowledge and Learning, 4 (2/3) DOI: 10.1504/IJKL.2008.020651

Ayurvedic Heavy Metal

nagarjunaBefore reading on, and specifically before asking why I’ve used a picture of Buddha in an article about Ayurveda…it’s not Buddha, it’s Nagarjuna, redactor of the Sushruta Samhita a sixth century BCE text on surgery, the only treatise for two of the eight branches of Ayurveda. The snake is part of Nagarjuna and is usually depicted as a protective canopy, I’ve never seen Buddha depicted in that way. Apologies for any confusion, but please no more comments or emails telling me I’ve used an inappropriate photo. I don’t believe I have.

Ayurvedic medicines can contain dangerous quantities of heavy metals, including lead, mercury, thallium and arsenic, clinical toxicologists in London have warned. Writing in the International Journal of Environment and Health, they suggest that recent European legislation aimed at improving safety of shop-bought products will have little impact on medicines prescribed by traditional practitioners, imported personally from overseas or bought over the Internet.

The problem is that the heavy metals are not simply inadvertent contaminants of natural herbal products, they are added deliberately in order to supposedly return the body to health by rebalancing allegedly essential minerals. You can read the full article on this via AlphaGalileo.

There are wide and wild claims for Ayurvedic medicine including the ability to treat diabetes, flue, cancer, asthma, flu, acne, boils, diarrhoea, headaches, and that perennial of the alternative remedy market, sex drive. Unfortunately, Ayurveda, although ancient, is no panacea.

Some practitioners are hoping to modernise the Ayurvedic system. However, until it is more widely recognised among users that adding arsenic, lead, thallium and other potentially toxic heavy metals to so-called medicinal preparations is unacceptable, it will remain a practice more associated with the past than contemporary medicine.

Paul I. Dargan, Indika B. Gawarammana, John R.H. Archer, Ivan M. House, Debbie Shaw, David M. Wood (2008). Heavy metal poisoning from Ayurvedic traditional medicines: an emerging problem? International Journal of Environment and Health, 2 (3/4), 463-474