Muddled Environmental Meddling

limestone-lifesaverThe idea of using carbon sequestration to reduce atmospheric CO2 levels has been bandied about for years, I vaguely recall writing about it when I first freelanced for New Scientist in 1990. It struck me then as a ludicrous approach to tackling climate change akin to sweeping the problem under the carpet. Now, a press release from another journal for which I once wrote on a regular basis, Chemistry & Industry (published for the UK’s Society of Chemical Industry) is suggesting yet another madcap approach to climate.

The “open source” concept being put forward by and reported in C&I suggests that we could reduce atmospheric CO2 levels and so ameliorate anthropogenic global warming by heating millions of tonnes of limestone in the world’s deserts to release its locked in CO2, ship the resulting lime to the seaside and dump the rock into the oceans where it will apparently absorb twice as much dissolved CO2. It’s backed by multinational petrochemical giant Shell.

Now forgive me for being uber skeptical but isn’t there something just a little hypocritical about an oil company looking to macro scale chemical engineering to manipulate the environment. The C&I article quotes Tim Kruger, formerly of Shell, and now consulting on the project for Corven as mentioning Australia’s Nullarbor Plain as being a prime location for the process. Lots of energy from sunlight to heat the abundant limestone to calcify it. And, presumably excess energy to sequester the huge volumes of CO2 released at source.

The mention of Australia reminds me of another particularly crass attempt by humanity to control the environment that went badly wrong – the cane toad. The cane toad was introduced into Queensland, Australia, en masse, in the 1930s in an effort to control the cane beetle that was ravaging the sugar cane industry. Of course, cane toads are now one of the most widespread and biggest pests in the region, with no obvious way of controlling their numbers, other than introducing an exogenous, but unidentified predator species.

I suspect that, overall, dumping lime into the oceans will be as successful as dumping cane toads into sugar cane plantations. There will be unknown after shocks that will cause more harm to the environment and global ecosystems overall than anyone could predict.

First, off, there’s the problem of what to do with the CO2 released from the limestone mined in the deserts that serves as the raw material for the process. Secondly, the huge tonnages involved are going to be so big that this project really will never work, especially as shipping all that lime from the desert to the oceans will require energy and release its own huge quantities of CO2 before dumping even begins. But, more than that there will be enormous, unforeseen environmental effects of dumping this material into the oceans on such a scale.

The idea of using even “stranded” energy to release CO2 from limestone, ship the limestone to the oceans, where it will apparently absorb dissolved CO2, has to be fundamentally flawed. There are issues of pH, absorbancy, equilibria, and marine ecosystems to consider. Surely, it would be simpler and more efficient to find a way to tap the stranded energy and supply it to population centres directly, thus cutting our dependency on fossil fuels without attempting to tamper with the oceans. Several macroscale engineering ideas have been bandied about and some, such as iron seeding and nitrogen control, have even been trialled, with little success and evidence of detrimental environmental impact. Let’s not add lime to the list.

I interviewed Kruger for the August issue of Intute Spotlight in which I will cover this topic in more detail. You might also be interested in checking out the Sciencebase page.

Regulatory Placebo

st johns wort flowerMy recent article on the subject of an unnatural approach to diabetes led to some quite intriguing comments from readers especially as I suggested that it would make sense from a safety perspective to bring herbal remedies under the same regulatory umbrella as regular pharmaceutical products.

Eric W a chemistry teacher from Minnesota who goes by the online monicker of “Chemgeek” pointed out that the US Food & Drug Administration (FDA) had attempted to do this several years ago (it’s something that has been mooted in the European Union too), but in the US at least all that happened is that products now have a warning such as: ‘These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA…’ Which is obviously a rather weak stand to take on products that can be potentially lethal in combination with the wrong disease or other medication.

The problem as I see it, is that if any given herbal product has potent physiological activity, then it is too all intents and purposes, a medicinal drug, and should be tested and labelled as such so that consumers can be warned of contraindications. If the herbal product has no physiological activity, other than perhaps to provide some spurious antioxidants for which our needs are not known, then it is little more than a placebo.

Stef Levolger, aka Slevi, is a Dutch medical student with an interesting observation on the issue. “It’s not like [herbal is] all that different from our own basic medicine. Take for example willow bark, sold as a herbal treatment and advertised with [various] uses by the Chinese, by [several] companies and others since the ancient Greeks. And, how do you get it home? Right, you get a bottle filled with pills. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was even produced in the same pharmaceutical factory as where regular aspirin comes rolling down the line, just got a price tag twice as high slammed on it,” he says.

I think Slevi is on to something, certainly a huge number of our so-called modern pharmaceuticals have natural product origins while many so-called natural herbal products are manufactured on neighbouring production lines by a division of the pharma companies.

Canadian blogger Mina Isabella Murray of Weird Science strongly disagrees with the idea of bringing all herbal remedies under the pharma umbrella. “That’s not to say I don’t support the notion of thorough research, safety, monitoring and accountability, but to compare the vast majority of herbals to pharmaceutical preparations is misguided and excessive,” she says, “I vote stricter regulations but ones that are separate from current pharma protocol/guidelines.”

She suggests that the issue is not black-and-white. “The vast majority of herbal preparations aren’t viewed to treat disease in the way that pharmaceuticals are presented nor are they presented as ‘cure alls’, she says, “Sure, we all know the stories of dangerous herbs and dubious advertising but I don’t think that warrants all mainstream herbal preparations being subject to the same testing required for pharmaceuticals. She cites cranberries as an important preventative for urinary tract infection that, of course, cannot displace antibiotics should someone contract a full-blown infection.

But, I’d argue that the efficacy of such a “natural” remedy is dubious at best, but other products, may have genuine effects and so can interfere with the metabolism of certain medications. St John’s Wort is probably a case in point. This product widely used to treat mild depression is contraindicated for anyone with thyroid problems. But, buying St John’s over the counter, off prescription as it were, does not provide the necessary warnings.

I asked chemical consultant Hamish Taylor of Shinergise Partners Ltd how he felt about regulation of yet another area of his broader industry. “I think the answer should be YES,” he affirms, “but perhaps a sensible step is part-way i.e. strong warnings on possible side-effects and a cautionary ‘there is no clinical trial which demonstrates absolute efficacy’.”

Such an approach would allow the placebo effect of “it’s natural, I believe in it, it does me good” to shine through, which is probably no bad thing. “Feeling good is pretty much proven to make people healthier and certainly happier,” Taylor adds. He says that some degree of labelling would however prevent some of the nastier side-effects that can occur.

“By going to this quasi-interim step, it may even encourage manufacturers to undertake proper clinical trials to demonstrate effectiveness and therefore encourage greater use,” Taylor says. Of course, it is not as if the manufacturers have not investigated the potential. “The problem is that if the more popular herbal remedies were indeed 100% effective the drug component would have been isolated and purified by now!” adds Taylor.

Steve Bannister, Scientific Director & Principal Consultant at Xcelience, LLC, a drug development company based in Tampa, Florida, suggests that really the question we should be asking is what level of regulatory resources can we afford?

“Natural products have long provided leads for drug discovery,” Banniester says, “In modern natural-product drug discovery, activity-guided fractionation (often using an isolated receptor) identifies an active molecule and a single molecular entity results from semisynthetic improvement of the phytochemical’s drug properties. The drug-regulatory process includes guidelines for determining safety, efficacy, and quality, as well as for setting acceptance criteria for each.”

However, some herbal products may have efficacy as a result of a combination of components, additionally adverse reactions to such a product may be due to a different combination. “To pass through the current drug regulatory process, a product specification, including identification of the specific active components and their requisite levels, along with identification and limits for the unsafe impurities, is needed,” adds Bannister. He further explains that this specification must be defined in terms of safety and efficacy in humans. “This is an extraordinarily difficult undertaking, and if required, would prevent herbal products from reaching approval,” he says, “This, combined with the fact that some herbals really do work, is the principal reason for a different different set of regulations.”

One has to consider what is an acceptable level of risk and how it is managed? What risks are associated with adulterated products, what are the adverse reactions, and to what extent does lack of efficacy lead consumers away from different, effective, treatments.

As it stands, the fully implemented US Good Manufacturing Practices for herbals are meant to control adulteration but can only do so if there is adequate compliance inspection. Of course, evidence of a significant incidence of adverse reactions is sufficient to lead to a product being banned but again this requires significant surveillance resources. Also, disease-treatment claims can be made only for approved drugs, so consumers may have been led to a particular herbal for their symptoms through hearsay or lifestyle magazine “evidence”. Monitoring of such claims for herbals, such as the neurochemical effects of St John’s Wort also requires surveillance resources. It all costs.

Delano Freeberg, Chief Technical Officer at API Purifications Inc, suspects that the devil is in the details. “In special cases, increased regulation may be beneficial,” he says, “I believe public health is not served by increased regulation. In fact, I believe we will benefit from the application of well-understood scientific and medical criteria for the reduction of regulation. The benefit of this approach to the public is the timely availability of lower-cost drugs. I believe this can be accomplished with no effect on safety.”

He points out that regulation is not required for extracts. “Many herbal remedies are known to have efficacy, even in a crude extract. The composition of this extract often does not differ much from that of the starting biomass (natural herb). If the herb being used is “GRAS” (generally regarded as safe), there is good scientific foundation for believing the extract will likewise be safe,” adds Freeberg, “An important caveat: “Natural” does not imply “safe.” Hemlock extract (Conium maculatum) is 100% natural but also 100% deadly.”

He also suggests that regulation should depend on potency. “Traditional over the counter pharmaceuticals contain a single active component. Natural remedies usually contain several compounds of known efficacy. Green tea, for instance, contains high concentrations of around a dozen different catechin antioxidants. The traditional pharmaceutical OTC preparation must be held to a higher standard of regulation because of the higher purity and potential potency of the active ingredient,” he says.

Regulation should also depend on drug type. “I feel the FDA over-regulates and does not take into consideration scientific findings that provide a basis for reduced regulation,” says Freeberg, “I provide one example. Synthetic statins have moderate to severe side effects in 5% of patients. Cholesterol can be equally reduced by the intake of policosanol (One recent study found no efficacy; however, dosage levels may not have been appropriate), a group of long-chain alcohols from beeswax. Side effects of policosanol were mild – no worse than placebo.”

There is certainly a scientific basis to demonstrate that many natural compounds have little adverse physiological effect, even in high-purity forms. This can be determined from structure-activity relationships and historical clinical and toxicological data.

Florence Leong, an Investment Director at ATP Capital Pte Ltd, believes the answer lies not in regulation but in consumer education. “Consumers need to be educated on the difference between OTC herbal remedies and pharmaceutical products,” she says, “Not all natural products are safe, the reason why OTC have fewer listed side effects as compared to pharmaceutical is because OTC products are not as thoroughly evaluated. Often the long list of side effects in pharmaceutical drugs frightens the consumer and the cursory listing of side effects gives consumer the false perception of safety.” Unfortunately, she adds, consumer education is a long and tedious process and regulation is consider the efficient ‘quick fix’.

She echoes my own earlier sentiment regarding efficacy claims where OTC products are not as robustly proven as pharmaceutical products. “This is an area where regulation should be tightened as many manufacturers of OTC products do try to push the limits by making specific efficacy claims in non-print advertisements. And often they do get away with it,” she says.

The active constituents of pharmaceuticals products are consistent, which ensures reliable efficacy and, on for established products, predictable side-effects. In contrast, efficacy of OTC herbal medications can be variable due to natural variations of the chemicals in different batches of raw materials, contamination, and manufacture unscrupulousness. This means herbal products can swing between no effects and no side-effects, via those that work and have their own side-effects to the wildly hazardous batch of mercury-laden dessicated ordure.

Atmospheric, Spectroscopic, Arsenic

Arsenic poisoningRemote arsenic assessment – A topic I’ve come back to again and again since I first covered for The Guardian the breaking news of arsenic contaminated tubewells on the Indian sub-continent in 1995. Now, an informatics approach to surface data could allow geologists and environmental scientists to identify regions of the world where people are at risk of exposure to arsenic in their drinking water without the need for widespread sampling to be undertaken. More…

Listening to tomographic tales – Researchers in the USA and The Netherlands have pieced together a picture of the most exquisite of molecular machines using electron-microscopic tomography. The team has for the first time obtained a three-dimensional structure of the gossamer-like filament of proteins found within the inner ear that gives us our sense of hearing and balance. More…

Atmospheric NMR – Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy has been used to study the kinetics of atmospheric pollutants in the gas phase for the first time. The method provides an empirical correlation between the atmospheric lifetimes of atmospheric pollutants and their relative reaction rates with chloro radicals at ambient temperatures. Read on…

Ebola spiked – An X-ray structure of the surface spike of the Ebola virus could explain how this lethal pathogen infects human cells and may help researchers devise preventative measures to stop the virus spreading during an outbreak. Full story…

Fair Use Rights

Creative Commons frownIntellectual property, copyright, creative commons, copyleft, open access… These are all terms high on the science and other agenda these days. For example, public-funded scientists the world over are calling for research results to be available free to them and their peers for the public good and for the good of scientific advancement itself. Librarians likewise are also interested in the fullest dissemination and sharing of knowledge and information, while user-creators and the new breed of citizen journalists that are the result of the Internet Age are also more liberal in their outlook regarding the proprietary nature of creative works.

On the other hand, traditional publishers, database disseminators, and the commercial creative industry consider the investment they put into the creation and distribution of works as a basis for the right to charge readers and users and for profit-making. Meanwhile, adventurous organisations that are not necessarily beholden to shareholders, to other commercial concerns, and to learned society memberships, are experimenting with alternative business models with varying degrees of success.

One aspect of copyright that arises repeatedly in any discussion is what is considered fair use and what kind of usage warrants a cease & desist order from the owner of copyright in their works.

Now, Warren Chik, an Assistant Professor of Law at Singapore Management University, is calling for a reinvention of the general and flexible fair use doctrine through the simple powerful elevation of its legal status from a legal exception to that of a legal right.

Writing in the International Journal of Private Law, 2008, 1, 157-210, Chik explains that it is the relatively recent emergence of information technology and its impact on the duplication and dissemination of creative works – whether it is a photograph, music file, digitised book, or other creative work – that has led to a strengthening of the copyright regime to the extent that it has introduced “a state of disequilibrium into the delicate equation of balance that underlies the international copyright regime”.

Copyright holders have lobbied for their interests and sought legal extension to the protection over “their” creative works. But, the law in several countries has undergone a knee-jerk reaction that is not necessarily to the benefit of the actual creator of the copyright work or of the user. Chik summarises the impact this has had quite succinctly:

The speedy, overzealous and untested manner in which the legal response has taken has resulted in overcompensation such that the interests of individuals and society have been compromised to an unacceptable degree.

For some forms of creative works, such as music and videos, there has emerged a protectionist climate that has led to the creation of double protection in law the form of the digital rights management (DRM) system and anti-circumvention laws that allows copyright owners to prosecute those that attempt to get around such restrictive devices. This, Chik affirms, has “inadvertently caused the displacement of the important fair use exemptions that many consider the last bastion for the protection of civil rights to works.”

Chik points out that this tightening of the laws run counter to the increasing penetration of electronic forms of storage and communication, the borderless nature of the Internet and the invention of enabling technologies such as the so-called “Web 2.0”. This in turn is apparently leading to a general social shift towards more open collaborative creativity, whether in the arts or the sciences, and what he describes as “the rise of a new global consciousness of sharing and participation across national, physical and jurisdictional borders.”

Whether that view is strictly true or not is a different matter. At what scale will those who like to share a few snapshots among strangers or a small-scale collaboration between laboratories realise the need for a more robust approach to their images and data? For example, if you are sharing a few dozen photos you may not see any point in protecting them beyond a creative commons licence, but what happens when you realise you have tens of thousands of saleable photos in storage? Similarly, a nifty chemical reagent that saves a few minutes in a small laboratory each week could take on global significance if it turns out to be relevant to cropping a synthesis in the pharmaceutical industry. Who would not wish to receive full credit and monetary compensation for their creative works in such cases?

Chik proposes not to destroy or even radically overhaul the present copyright regime, instead he endorses a no less significant reinvention of the general and flexible fair use doctrine through the simple powerful elevation of its legal status from a legal exception to that of a legal right, with all the benefits that a legal right entails. This change, he suggests could be widely and rapidly adopted.

Currently, he says, fair use exists formally only as a defence to an action of copyright infringement. But, DRM and other copyright protection threaten this defence and skew the playing field once more in favour of copyright holders. “Fair use should exist in the law as something that one should be able to assert and be protected from being sued for doing,” Chik says.

Such a change will render copyright law more accurately reflective of an electronically interconnected global society and also acknowledge the importance and benefits of enabling technologies and its role in human integration, progress and development.

Chik, W. (2008). Better a sword than a shield: the case for statutory fair use right in place of a defence. International Journal of Private Law, 1(1/2), 157. DOI: 10.1504/IJPL.2008.019438

Young Scientists

Young scientistChildren are so bright these days. Allegedly. It seems that not a week goes by without some juvenile prodigy whizzkid, or child genius solving an engineering problem, revising some scientific data or inventing some world-saving gadget.

You probably saw the recent news about a 13-year old boy from Germany, taking part in a science festival, who corrected NASA calculations on the likely impact of asteroid Apophis, shortening the odds of a killer collision with Earth. Agence France Press reported it as follows:

NASA had previously estimated the chances at only 1 in 45,000 but told its sister organisation, the European Space Agency (ESA), that the young whizzkid had got it right.

Prior to that there was the case of the 17-year old Ottawa high school student who, while contributing to a science fair, apparently invented a way to identify and cure influenza. A team of ten students, won second prize for identifying genes that help plants thrive in salty soil, while third prize went to a 15-year-old in the same competition for her discovery of a human gene variation that may help in dealing with bipolar disorder. (More on science comp here).

Then there was the Manitoba student who received the first-ever Triple Crown for high school science with a project finding alternatives to chemotherapy in the fight against cancer, winning first-place finishes in biotech-industry sponsored national challenge. There’s the teen inventor who came up with a new way to make biodegradable plastic bags.

And, of course, who could forget the 11-year old who invented a diabetic dress for her sister. Then there’s the six-year old who discovered rare pterosaur bones on the Isle of Wight. One student even won a major science fair prize for a project entitled: “Identification, Characterization, and DNA Sequencing of the Homo Sapiens and Mus Musculus COL20A1 Gene (Type XX Collagen) with Bioinformatics and Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)”, which makes squeezing an egg into a bottle seem a little trivial to say the least.

Schoolboy boffin beating cancer, cracking computer codes, finding life on Mars? You got it!

The list goes on. There are so many teenage geniuses out there.

Now, is it just me being a cynical old hack with an insider’s view of the media and public relations industries, or does this strike anyone else as odd? All these instances of child prodigies in science, have seemingly achieved what international research teams with industry and academic funding cannot seem to, all for the sake of a science fair or with some direct link to another organisation seeking publicity. Indeed, many of these junior scientific discoveries get reported widely across all media and internationally too. And, therein lies the rub.

While I don’t wish to disrepect the efforts and achievements of any of the students taking part in science fairs and working hard to put together a great project, I wonder just how many of these so-called breakthroughs ever come to anything more than a framed certificate and a nice fat payout from the industry sponsor. Of course, one might level the same criticism at countless science projects being undertaken by adults on a professional basis the world over.

Meanwhile, Jessica Shepherd writing in The Guardian reports that science exams really are more difficult than the arts and humanities exams, and researchers at the UK’s Durham University have the data to prove it. Apparently, there were “substantial differences in the average grades achieved by the same or comparable candidates.”

But, according to the Royal Society of Chemistry, “There is now clear evidence of an alarming gap between the high-quality teaching and curriculum material presently available for science lessons in schools in the UK , and the corresponding simplistic questions being set in national examinations for 14 year-olds.” RSC spokesman Brian Emsley gave me several examples of just how tough the science questions can be at this age, for example:

  • Why is copper used for wires in a circuit?
    (a) Copper does not stick to a magnet
    (b) Copper is a brown metal
    (c) Copper is a good conductor of electricity
    (d) Copper if a good conductor of heat

  • Some stars are bigger than the Sun but they look smaller. Why do they
    look smaller than the Sun?

    (a) They are brighter than the sun
    (b) They are further away than the Sun
    (c) They are the same colour as the sun
    (d) They are nearer the Sun

  • What is hot melted rock called when it is UNDERGROUND?
    (a) Sand
    (b) Magma
    (c) Lava
    (d) Mud

  • In very cold weather, why is a mixture of salt and sand is spread on roads (choose two options from a-c and i-iii
    (a) Salt makes the roads white
    (b) Salt makes water freeze
    (c) Salt makes ice melt
    (i) Sand dissolves in water
    (ii) Sand increases friction between car tyres and the road
    (ii) Sand makes water freeze

One final question Emsley showed me, reminded me of a silly anecdote about vermin and compost heaps and asked: What powers a solar-powered mole-scarer?

“Vast sums of money are being spent by government, industry and other educational bodies to enhance the excitement and delivery of STEM subjects, covering science, technology, engineering and mathematics,” according to the RSC, “but this is being negated by examiners who are reinforcing low expectations, and setting the standards that the weaker schools teach to.”

So, one the one hand, we have a global public relations system marketing high school students as geniuses because they use some big words in a science fair project and yet, there is a major disparity between what these children are learning at school and how they are being tested. So, who are the geniuses here? Answer (a), (b), or (c).

Dirty Dozen Chemicals

Dirty dozen chemicalsWe live in an age of chemophobia, an insidious disease that threatens our way of life, precludes R & D that might solve many of the environmental issues we face and prevents disease-stopping compounds being deployed where they are most needed in the developing world. Chemophobia is an irrational fear of all things chemical and is usually contracted by those already with naturophilia, the irrational love of all things natural.

It usually starts with a dose of nostalgia, pangs for a time when the world was simpler, and an aching for a natural world that we have long since lost. Unfortunately for sufferers, there never was a time of simplicity and natural living. In those halcyon days of yore, infectious disease was rife, infant mortality rates were high, and life expectancy was very low.

Natural, at that time meant, inept remedies for lethal diseases such as polio, tuberculosis, bacterial infections, and plague. It meant poor harvests and widespread famine, and if disease didn’t catch you young, only those who kept their heads very low were safe from interminable wars, rock-breaking on distant sun-bleached shores, or the hangman’s noose, guilty or otherwise. Today, we may have more obesity and diabetes and certainly fare more incidences of the diseases of old age, but that’s because we have more food to eat (in the developed world, at least) and live longer.

Certainly, natural does not equate to good for you – think snake venom, belladonna, and deadly toadstools, whereas most synthetic chemicals have a strong pedigree and have tested safety and toxicity. But throw in the fact that most chemophobics also have risk assessment blindness as well as dystatistica and we see pronouncements on all things chemical and synthetic as being bad.

It is from this, that the UNEP Dirty Dozen Chemicals list emerges. Not only has it a far too conveniently tabloid name to be believed, but several of the entries are not single chemicals but whole families.

Needless to say, several of these, while appearing to be the harbinger’s of doom media hyperbole would have us believe, are not necessarily as dangerous to us or the environment as you might think, and others, such as DDT could be used to help eradicate one of the biggest global killers. Indeed, the WHO now allows for the use of DDT to fight malaria-bearing mosquitoes.

  • Aldrin (pesticide)

  • Chlordane (pesticide)

  • DDT (pesticide, highly effective against malaria-carrying mosquitoes)

  • Dieldrin

  • Heptachlor

  • Mirex

  • Toxaphene

  • Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs, a whole group of diverse compounds, each with
    its own properties)

  • Hexachlorobenzene

  • Dioxins (a whole diverse group of compounds)

  • Furans (a whole diverse group of compounds, each with its own properties)

These compounds are now banned under UNEP, but were not used in manufacturing before this list was created.

There are other lists, such as the List of RoHO prohibited substances, which includes lead, cadmium, mercury, hexavalent chromium, polybrominated biphenyl (PBB) polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) flame retardants, which is fair enough. And, industry-specific lists, such as the Volvo manufacturing black list, which lists all the compounds that may not be used in its production lines, including CFC cooling agents, the paint hardener methylenedianiline, and the previously discussed carbon tetrachloride

In a forthcoming issue of the International Journal of Sustainable Manufacturing (2008, 1, 41-57), Jack Jeswiet, of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, at Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada and Michael Hauschild of the Danish Technical University, Denmark, argue the case that market forces need to inform environmental design. One can only assume that this should be one of the drivers rather than media scare stories, chemophobia and the simplistic blanket precautions of lists.

Greenhouse gas emissions, environmental impact, and toxic substances to be avoided must all be addressed by the EcoDesigner in any design situation, they say. The ecodesigner cannot control market forces, but must aware of them and rules should be followed to reduce the eco footprint.

At the time of writing, a news release from the UK’s Royal Society’s summer science exhibition presented findings from consumers tests being carried out during the event which is open to the public. The researchers involved, from the National Physical Laboratory, are working towards producing the world’s first model that will predict how we perceive “naturalness”. They claim that the results could help manufacturers produce synthetic products that are so good they seem “natural” to our senses and are fully equivalent to the “real thing”, but with the benefits of reduced environmental impact and increased durability.

Meanwhile, a new study shows that companies are significantly hijacking the language of environmentalists to their own marketing ends, presumably hoping to leverage the best out of the movement in selling their products.

Colour MRI, Agent Prion, Testing Testosterone

Martian minerals, courtesy of NASAI’ve got some wide-ranging research to report in this week’s SpectroscopyNOW, including mineral tests, colour MRI, the Agent Smith of prions, and a new approach to spotting doped athletes.

New insights offered by near infrared spectroscopy into the mineralogy of carbonate rocks could help improve the outlook for carbon capture and storage in efforts to reduce the effect of carbon dioxide emissions on the global climate. Although, personally I think the real relevance of this work will be in understanding the mineral found on Mars or other planets rather than some spurious and potentially misguided efforts to control the atmosphere.

Not everything is black and white, perhaps with the exception of MRI. Aside from the artificial colours that can be added by computer, MRI is a technique of contrasts and greyscales. However, that could all change soon thanks to the ongoing development of microscopic magnetic particles by researchers in the US who hope to bring a little colour to MRI.

Meanwhile, NMR spectroscopy (the original molecular MRI) has revealed significant difference between the infectious and non-infectious form of prions, errant proteins that replicate by converting other proteins into copies of themselves. The finding could lead to new insights into how prions cause brain diseases, such as CJD and may one day lead to a way to stop their spread.

Faster and more accurate testing of complex systems such as skin and other turbid media could soon be possible thanks to a laser boost for Raman spectroscopy. The technique has potential applications in pharmaceutical research, forensic science and security screening.

Another analytical boost comes with work being done at Argonne National Laboratory to develop a new super bright source of X-rays that are one hundred million times brighter than any currently operating laboratory source. The sources will open up new avenues in materials science such as the faster and more detailed analysis of high-temperature superconductors.

Finally, in the current specNOW issue, a new analytical approach to testing for testosterone and related steroids in body fluids could spot illicit doping of athletes at coming sports events.

Identifying Digital Gems

DOI logoSciencebase readers will likely be aware that when I cite a research paper, I usually use the DOI system, the Digital Object Identifier. This acts like a redirect service taking a unique number, which might look like this assigned to each research paper by its publisher and passing it to a server that works out where the actual paper is on the web.

The DOI system has several handlers, and indeed, that’s one of its strength: it is distributed. So, as long as you have the DOI, you can use any of the handlers (,, etc) to look up a paper of interest, e.g. will take you to a paper on water supplies on which I reported recently.

The DOI is kind of a hard-wired redirect for the actual URL of the object itself, which at the moment will be a research paper. It could, however, be any another digital object: an astronomical photograph, a chemical structure, or a genome sequence, for instance. In fact, thinking about it, a DOI could be used as a shorthand, a barcode, if you like, for whole genomes, protein libraries, databases, molecular depositions.

I’m not entirely sure why we will also need the Library of Congress permalinks, the National Institutes of Health simplified web links, as well as the likes of PURL and all those URL shortening systems like tinyURL and snipurl. A unified approach, which perhaps worked at the point of origin, the creator of the digital object, which I’ve suggested previously and coined the term PaperID, would seem so much more straightforward.

One critical aspect of the DOI is that it ties to hard, unchanging, non-dynamic links (URLs) for any given paper, or other object. Over on the CrossTech blog, Tony Hammond raises an interesting point regarding one important difference between hard and soft links and the rank that material at the end of such a link will receive in the search engines. His post discusses DOI and related systems, such as PURL (the Persistent URL system), which also uses an intermediate resolution system to find a specific object at the end of a URL. There are other systems emerging such as OpenURL and LCCN permalinks, which seek to do something similar.

However, while Google still predominates online search, hard links will be the only way for a specific digital object to be given any weight in its results page. Dynamic or soft links are discounted, or not counted at all, and so never rank in the way that material at the end of a hard link will.

Perhaps this doesn’t matter, as those scouring the literature will have their own databases to trawl that require their own ranking algorithms based on keywords chosen. But, I worry about serendipity. What of the student taking a random walk on the web for recreation or perhaps in the hope of finding an inspirational gem? If that gem is, to mix a metaphor, a moving target behind a soft link, then it is unlikely to rank in the SERPs and may never be seen.

Perhaps I’m being naive, maybe students never surf the web in this way, looking for research papers of interest. However, with multidisciplinarity increasingly necessary in many cross-disciplines it seems unlikely that gems are going to be unearthed through conventional literature searching of a parochial database that covers a limited range of journals and other resources.

Taste Sensation

Salt crystals by wlodi, from flickrstreamI wrote about the effect of salt on the boiling point of water recently and Sciencebase reader Derek Burney asked why cooks use salt when boiling vegetables, for instance, if the effect on boiling point and so cooking times is so minimal, as I explained.

Well, the small amount of salt (sodium chloride) added to food has very, very little effect on the boiling point and so really does not affect how quickly the food cooks. The fundamental reason we like to cook with salt is that salt has not only its own taste, but also interferes with the bitter-taste receptors on the tongue, essentially blocking them temporarily and so masking the taste of any bitter compounds in the food you eat, therefore emphasising any sweet tastes. It really is purely there as a flavour enhancer. Try it with some raw lettuce, eat a leaf raw and concentrate on the bitterness. Then sprinkle on some salt and eat the second leaf, besides the taste of the salt, you will notice it actually tastes sweeter.

Given how bitter and downright nasty some vegetables can taste raw – think Brussels sprouts, spring cabbage, turnip – and perhaps more so in days gone by when quality may have been even lower, it is easy to see why adding salt to the cooking pot would have become standard practice.

This was covered in New Scientist a while back. The sodium salt of the glutamic acid, commonly known as MSG (monosodium glutamate) does even more, it has the bitter-blocking sodium ions. It adds a frissant through the stimulating “deliciousness” (umami, in Japanese, from the word for savoury) of the glutamate. Some research indicates that there are umami receptors on the tongue representing a fifth taste sensation alongside bitter, sweet, salt, and sour. Different research again adds a sixth taste sensation to our tongues, claiming a receptor for fatty acids.

Given the highly stimulating effects of salt (as taste and bitter blocker), MSG, and fat (in the form of fatty acids) on our tongues it is perhaps no surprise then that salt-laden fatty foods taste so delicious.

Leveraged Knowledge Management

LeverageSeveral years ago, I was called on by a multinational producer of hygiene, food, and cleaning products to pay a visit to their research and information centre. My role was to play editorial consultant for content for their new Intranet.

You see, the company had lots of researchers in one building who were working hard on non-stick ice cream and insect-deterring shaving gel, while the information team were in a separate building trawling patents and fishing for pertinent technology news. Unfortunately, the two teams worked a different shift system and rarely met, and even when they did meet, they didn’t have much to say to each other. One group were more concerned with the latest formulation change that might result in a shift in rheological properties for a new cheese-and-chocolate pie filling or a non-grip floor cleaner, while the other group were interested only in assessing prior art or working out Boolean strings for searching databases.

The new Intranet would, however, bring the two groups together. The system would provide regularly updated news and information about what each team was doing, forums for discussing ways to improve efficiency and, most importantly, offer them an area where ideas might be mashed up to help each see the possibilities of the other’s efforts. It would be pretty much an internal version of what we now know as online social networking. And, as with many mashups we see these days would, the reasoning went, allow the company to come up with novel products and marketing strategies based on the two sides of their knowledge.

At the heart of the solution was the concept of knowledge management. Indeed, the person in charge had KM somewhere in his job title and, unfortunately, the word leverage was also in his job description. [This post’s title is meant to be ironic, in case you didn’t spot it, db]

Now, before this consultancy work, I had not come across the abbreviation KM, nor the phrase knowledge management and had certainly never wittingly used the word leverage. To my mind it sounded like nothing more than market-speak. Nevertheless, I quickly worked out what it was meant to mean and undertook the task with my usual level of workaholic diligence.

Apparently, I’m not alone in my perspective on KM. But, more to the point many people are unaware of the fact that the stuff with which they work is labelled knowledge and that they can manage it nevertheless. In fact, that’s the main conclusion from a paper entitled: “Dimensions of KM: they know not it’s called knowledge…but they can manage it!” published today in the International Journal of Teaching and Case Studies recently (2008, 1, 253).

In that paper, Sonal Minocha a senior manager at Raffles University, Singapore, and George Stonehouse of the Napier University Business School, Craiglockhart Campus, in Edinburgh, UK, have explored how for business students the concept of knowledge is a fascinating one as most of them wonder what is encompassed within “knowledge management” for it to be a subject. Yet these same students, can manage knowledge almost without needing to know precisely what KM is. Perhaps that finding extends into the workplace too. Indeed, following a case study involving the fall and rise of a major vehicle manufacturer the researchers come to the following conclusion:

Competitive advantage, however, depends upon the creation of new knowledge, based upon this learning, centred upon the development of new business, new ways of doing business, improved customer and supplier relationships, and the development and leverage of new knowledge-based core competencies.

Aside from the use of the word leverage and phrases like core competencies, that seems to be a fair conclusion.

Well, by now you may be wondering what happened to that proto-social network pioneered by the manufacturer of anti-shark surfboard wax and child-repellent screen cleaners. My consultancy work lasted a week during which time, I’m not proud to say, I taught the management team a thing or two about how not to flip a flip-chart and almost blinded the team leader with a laser pointer.

At the end of the week, we had a fairly solid outline for how to proceed with the new networking system. Unfortunately, the staff member in charge of the KM project to bring the research and information people together was leveraged out of the company soon after; for reasons unrelated to the incident with the flipchart and laser pointer, I should add.