Alchemy, Hydrogen Economics, Lead-free Crime

Toy gun crime

In my ChemWeb Alchemist column this week, German chemists have constructed nanoscopic balls from DNA, researchers in the UK have discovered natural antibiotics in Greek cheese that could prevent food poisoning, and Stateside, researchers have developed a low-pressure hydrogen storage material that might pave the way to a hydrogen economy (if we want it). I also report on ancient color in statues and relief as well as another chemical scare story. This award in this issue represents more than four decades of surface science and was presented to UCB’s Gabor Somorjai at the ACS meeting.

There’s cancer news over on SpectroscopyNOW this week with my report on findings suggesting a link between raised heavy metal levels and cancer, whether or not it is a cause or an effect of a change in metabolism in cancer is not yet known, but it represents a new avenue in research.

I also report briefly on a review of the state of the art in determining the absolute configuration, the definitive shape and structure of organic molecules using special add-ons for NMR spectroscopy and X-ray crystallography. Speaking of X-rays, in the XRD ezine, I report on the recent work from the Pyle group at Yale University who have unravelled some of the secrets of DNA’s message bearing cousin, RNA.

Finally, I got a chance to use a couple of my gun photos, which are heavily Photoshopped images of a toy gun, in a piece on forensic science and the problem of gathering hard evidence now that ammo has gone lead-free.

Colourful Scare Stories

Strawberries and creamThe British media had a feeding frenzy over artificial food colourings again last week, following pronouncements from the UK’s Food Standards Agency (FSA) urging manufacturers to voluntarily remove six additives from their products. The additives in question were linked in a Southampton University study funded by the FSA and published in The Lancet that linked them to hyperactivity in children.

Ingredients with bright names, such as Sunset yellow (E110), Quinoline yellow (E104), Carmoisine (E122), Allura red (E129), Tartrazine (E102), and Ponceau 4R (E124), are compounds that contain a doubly bonded N=N group sandwiched between two aromatic rings. The shuffling of electrons across the group allows them to absorb specific wavelengths of light and reflect others (depending on the chemistry of those rings) and so they have strong colouration. The FSA points out that these products do not exist in nature and give colour only artificially to a range of foods including tinned mushy peas, tinned strawberries, and fruit juice cordials (orange squash, for instance). Not being natural is not, of course, reason to ban an additive. The bright colouring, cochineal, for example, is entirely natural, but is also an apparent carcinogen.

It is true that the original tests that allowed these compounds to have their “E” safety rating were carried out two decades ago, but the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) announced that the conclusions of The Lancet study were not strong enough nor adequately definitive to warrant a change to the safety labelling.

No parent wants to feed their child, non-nutritious products that could harm their health. But, if that’s the case why are the burger bars and other fast-food joints stuffed full every weekend and why are ready-meals and TV dinners still so enormously popular? More to the point, if parents are really so concerned about the food their children eat, why do we still see supermarket shelves stacked with tins and packets full to the brim with brightly coloured food? It is not as if this latest scare is anything new. Growing up in the 1970s and 1980s, I remember food colourings being talked about repeatedly, tantrums and tartrazine were linked way back when, not just in this one recent paper. We could so easily live without a blush of tinned strawberries and mushy peas that are a whiter shade of pale, surely?

Regardless, of whether these compounds really do cause behavioural problems in children, or whether such problems are due more to social deprivation, hard-pushed single parent families, and poverty is another matter. If as many column inches were set aside for promoting fresh air, exercise, and campaigning for more affordable seasonal fruit and vegetables as there are for every food scare that comes along, we’d all be a lot healthier and the market for artificial foods would simply dry up. Now, where’s whipped cream for my tinned strawberries?

Science and Business Meetingplace

Science and business meetWhere do business and science best meet, an apparently simple question with apparently multifarious answers. For instance, chemical industry consultant Hamish Taylor says that they meet, “At the crossroads of human need and scientific curiosity where meaningful breakthroughs can advance human lives, whereas bioinformatician Mark Pitman believes that, “Science and business meet best when they both understand the role of the other party instead of just assuming the role, or at the very least, understanding the assumptions of each side.”

One might say that there is fundamentally a synergistic relationship between science and business, but this relationship relies on there being a shared language. Rajalakshmi Swaminathan, Principal Scientist in Plant Molecular Biology, at the MS Swaminathan Research Foundation in Madras, India, says that, “Most often, scientists do not understand commerce and vice versa.” This communication breakdown is mainly due to the jargon-filled sentences used by both factions that do not necessarily translate. “So far, science and industry have met when the needs are clearly spelt out by industry or when the results from scientific discovery have obvious commercial implications.”

Sarita Chauhan, an intellectual property strategist at DuPont, thinks that science and business are so deeply integrated, or rather infused into each other, that form part of the very fabric of human society and its economics. “But, where science and business is no longer clearly defined,” says Chauhan.

Mark Pitman a self-proclaimed sales and business development guru at Geneva Bioinformatics, explains the overlap differently. “Science is mostly concerned with discovery – you aren’t given grants to discover something someone else already discovered. So there is a huge push to find something, anything, new.” He adds that savvy business leaders should endeavour to understand that researchers don’t have the time or the funding to validate their discoveries. Smart businesses can exploit this to find creative solutions to shared problems coming out of laboratories. “Businesses need to realize that they need to expend the effort to go into the labs, find the solutions they need, and then spend the money to commercialize the solution,” he says.

A database administrator at a major corporation who wished to remain anonymous agreed: “Science and business meet whenever there’s a need to sell science,” he says. “In this era of globalisation, science and business essentially meet anywhere and everywhere. Where science and business meet will have a huge positive impact on society but only if humane values are taken into account too.” Lalith Kishore an Application Scientist at GE Healthcare echoes the humane sentiment in raising the issue of how science can be used and abused. “Nobel’s dynamite was used to build bridges and tunnels but it was used in gory wars too,” he says, Just ask any non-scientific person what he thinks of cloning! The first questions are: Can we make a Hitler clone? Can we create a Frankenstein? Why not “Can we re-create a Gandhi or a Martin Luther King?”

Science and business best meet where the incentives are aligned. Michael Strassberg, President, of NYC-based Hamesh Group, has a great example of this from the biotechnology and pharmacuetical industry. “There is an imperative to invest resources in science that may ultimately result in meeting a business objective – profit,” he explains, “The process of developing a new drug can take between 10 and 15 years and can cost around $800 million but there is no guarantee that the drug will be a success due to the complexity of regulations, adoption by the medical community, and competing drugs.”

Science and business can meet, but other observers, such as Chris Todd a process consultant at Foster Wheeler, suggests that they are mutually exclusive and one becomes the dominant force. “In research, science will prevail over business,” he explains, “but in manufacturing, business with prevail over science.” He qualifies this assertion by pointing out that the underpinnings of the science that drive the business must first define the business opportunity. “In the early stages of a project it may be very science driven until a business case is evolved. At this stage the balance may shift to a business perspective and therefore the meeting point could be described as the point of conception of the business case, he says.

Gerald Lo, Director, Engineering at Nycomed in NYC, posits that the best of science and business are represented in academia, where funding from business can nurture common learning. “Many recipients of advanced degrees seem at a loss to apply their learning, while some who have ties to the industrial community and their areas of specific interest seem to make a more or less sustainable transition between both worlds,” he says. However, he adds that without business, science is mere abstraction while business without science cannot make the transition from abstraction to technology. “The mechanics of industry (service, soft or hard) are inextricably bound up in the manifestations of science, in servers, fibre optics, humble machinery, nuts and bolts, and grease.”

Adrian Petrescu, a Texas-based “Signaller” who hopes to drive innovation by systematically questioning assumptions, suggests that technically science and business don’t meet, they are like the Sun and Moon chasing each other across the sky. However, he adds seriously that, “They have a continuous relationship of mutual support and growth one from the other.” He adds, “Scientific discovery leads to further technological innovation and improvement. Markets and profits as well as nations’ need for military and economic power drive the search for and application of technological innovation.”

But, it is joker Gerry Mann, a senior IT leader at Unitrin Business Insurance, in Texas, who has the last word. Where do science and business best meet?” he asks, “Starbucks. Where else?”

All answers to my initial question – Where do science and business best meet? – can be found here. If you wish to join me on LinkedIn, please send me a non-standard invitation.

Biodiesel and Political Crop

Biodiesel car

Biofuels seem to be reaching the headlines on an almost daily basis, with some activist groups touting their benefits as part of a planet-saving strategy for fossil fuel alternatives. Other groups, of course, point out that you don’t get something for nothing and that ravaging ecosystems in order to plant crops for conversion does not provide as straightforward an answer as some people would have you believe. This is perhaps especially so for newer untested biofuel crops that may actually require more energy to produce and process into fuel than they save in unused fossil fuels.

Anyway, putting aside the politics aside and the balancing of energy equations, one question that car owners hoping to go green will want to know is – will biodiesel damage my engine? Writing in a forthcoming issue of the International Journal of Global Energy Issues (2008, 29, 303-313, in press), researchers in Turkey have begun a research program to try and answer that question. Their initial findings suggest that the answer is no.

Cem Sensogut, of Dumlupinar University, Kutahya, Turkey, and colleagues point out that biodiesel is not a twenty-first century invention. Diesel fuel derived from biomass as opposed to oil has been used as an alternative fuel since the early 1900s. The original diesel engine from 1895 was actually designed to be run on a variety of fuels rather than just petroleum-derived products. Moreover, Brazil pioneered the use of biofuels even before World War II with sugar-derived ethanol from sugar cane being trans-esterified to fuel in a major program that escalated during the 1970s oil crisis. Other countries have adopted biofuels quietly ever since for public transport and other initiatives.

Today, with the rising price of oil and an apparently urgent need to find other fuel sources there is renewed interest in making vehicle fuel from crops:

Biodiesel, in its purest form, consists of short chain alkyl esters derived from the transesterification of vegetable oils, animal fats, and algae. They can be used alone or blended with conventional diesel in unmodified diesel engines.

Sensogut and colleagues have analysed engine and vehicle components to discover that biodiesel does not cause long-term engine health problems. Of course, the manufacture of engines and vehicles is energy intensive and so if the environmental benefits of biofuels are offset by a shorter half-life for the global fleet of vehicles, then their use would be unviable in ameliorating pollution and climate change.

The researchers came to the following key conclusions for biodiesel made to ISO 14214:

  • Pistons, intake valves, and engine exhaust are undamaged
  • Engine power is unaffected by using winter biodiesel made from canola or soybean oils
  • Engine power decreases by about 5% with summer biodiesel made from palm or sunflower oils
  • Summer biodiesel leads to starting difficulties at temperatures below 15 Celsius
  • Winter biodiesel, as the name suggests is best for autumn and winter use, but there starting difficulties at below 0 Celsius.
  • No modifications are needed to a diesel engine except that fuel tank, fuel tank particle strainer and fuel filters have to be changed and cleaned regularly

Having obtained such positive results so far, the researchers are now investigating the effects of biodiesel on fuel-system components, injectors, pressure pumps. Should this ongoing work demonstrate conclusively that diesel engines are entirely safe with biodiesel fuels, then it will then only be a matter of resolving the political and environmental quandaries…simple…

Spying on the Chemical Spy

Chemspy users may have noticed a few outages recently, at least on the blog section of that site, so rather than spend many an hour trying to upgrade servers, I’ve decided to re-host just the blog content from that site on Sciencebase. The databases and chemical search tools will remain in place over on that site. The following is a small selection of recent items about informatics, online science tools, and drug design, which will hopefully be of just as much interest to Sciencebase readers.

I’ve imported all Chemspy blog content as it stood on April 4, 2008, so you can access the Chemspy archive in the Sciencebase chemspy category. Hopefully, the few dozen Chemspy posts won’t stream into the RSS feed, doesn’t look like they have yet, as they’re all simply date-stamped with their original post dates dating back to early 2007. Apologies for any glitches. At some point, I will migrate the Chemspy newsfeed over to Sciencebase too, so please subscribe to the Sciencebase feed (there is a chemistry category) to keep up to date with Chemspy updates.

Balloon Party Tricks

Balloon trick

Unlike Monday’s wind power video, this one is no joke. In fact it’s testament to the strength of balloon rubber, the force of gravity, fluid mechanics, and high-speed photography. The clip lasts about 32 seconds, but the actual action is taking place in a fraction of that time. Recorded on a Photron
ultima APX at 2000 frames per second. If you view the original high-quality clip you can use the play controller to scroll through the video slowly and observe each stage of the process at your leisure.

“I do so love it when water balloons distort themselves for our viewing pleasure. This one certainly did not disappoint in that regard. The water balloon can be seen undulating in a very odd fashion prior to its equally odd compression and explosion.”

There are a lot of similarly high-speed clips on the makers’ site at, including a burning lightbulb, a cannonball landing in a pond, compressed air blasted into water, a scanner being dropped from a great height, a jiggling electric light filament, a gasoline (petrol) fireball, a woman running etc etc. There’s a whole category on balloon fun, you get the picture (pardon the pun).


I first wrote about MEMS – microelectromechanical systems – some time in the early 1990s. There was a promise at the time of scalable, modular reaction units that would eventually preclude the need for chemical plants to have multi-gallon reaction vessels and enormous distillation towers. Last time I looked, most chemical plants still had those vessels and towers but MEMS technology has nevertheless moved on apace. It has made enormous, or should I say tiny, inroads into the analytical arena in chemistry and life sciences.

One obstacle that stands in the way of the widespread adoption and further rapid development of MEMS technology is the fact that these devices are becoming increasingly sophisticated and so harder and more expensive to prototype.

Some MEMS designs are as complex as microelectronics circuits. But, whereas conventional chip designers can simulate their systems with software relatively easily, MEMS designers need something more solid to carry out simulations of the microscopic movements of fluids and energy in a MEMS device.

Now, Liao Ningbo and Yang Ping of the Laboratory of Advanced Design and Manufacturing at Jiang Su University, in Zhenjiang, and Yi Huijun of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, at Nanjing Institute of Chemical Technology, China, think they have the answer. They have turned to the collaborative and interactive design framework made possible by the concept of web-manufacturing.

In their approach, technologies used in dynamic web Java Server Pages (JSP) and computer graphics Virtual Reality Modelling Language (VRML) are integrated to allow them to model a MEMS device. “VRML, is a scene description language that can be used to describe 3D models of objects and scenes with the capabilities of interactive operations on them,” the researchers explain, “These models can be viewed using a web browser with a free plug-in for VRML2.0.” they add that several tools exist to convert almost any computer-aid design (CAD) format to VRML, which enables geometric models to be easily imported from pre-existing formats without having to redraw them. “VRML can be used to simulate fluid flow, of cause, with the description of fluid equations,” Nigbo told Chemspy.

SOURCE: International Journal of Materials and Product Technology, 2008, 31, 259

Doing Science

An interesting item on doing science from Chad Orzel represents more than a nod and a wink to the late, great Carl Sagan, although I didn’t see his name mentioned for whatever reason. Anyway, Prof Orzel distils the scientific process down to the following and has triggered an interesting debate nevertheless:

Science is a Process, Not a Collection of Facts The essence of science, broadly defined, is that it is a systematic approach to figuring out how the world works:

  1. look at the world around you
  2. come up with an idea for why it might work that way
  3. test your idea against reality
  4. tell everybody you know the results of the test

Put those steps together, over and over, and you have the best method ever devised for increasing our store of reliable knowledge.

That’s basically it. Not too scary is it? So, why do we seem to have such a vast gulf in understanding between those who eschew science and its proponents?

Online Science

How can science benefit from online social media?

My good friend, Jean-Claude Bradley of Drexel University, a chemist and host of the UsefulChem Blogspot blog, who is very keen on the use of information technology and the notion of the open notebook was first to respond to my question when I asked a variety of contacts for their opinions: “For me the answer is clear: it is a great way to find new collaborators whom I would otherwise not have met.” I’d have to agree, I’ve known JCB for quite some time now, although we’ve never even shaken hands. He was one of the early interviewees for my Reactive Profiles column. We didn’t meet virtually through online media, however, but through a mutual friend Tony Williams, then of ACD/Labs and now increasingly well known as ChemSpiderman.

Erik Mols, a Lecturer in Bioinformatics at Leiden University of Applied Science, The Netherlands, echoed JCB’s remark: “It gives me the opportunity to discuss with people I never would have met,” he said, and added that, “It creates possibilities for my students to do their internship abroad.”

Another good friend, Egon Willighagen, who is a post-doc at Wageningen University & Research Center, provided a quite detailed answer: “It provides one with the means to mine the overwhelming amount of information,” he says, “For example, searching for some scientific piece of software is more targeted when I search amongst bookmarks of fellow bio/chemoinformaticians than if I were to search Google.” He points out that the Web 2.0 services are most useful when one’s online friends have labelled or tagged particular tools, or better still commented or rated them, as can be done with, for instance. This concept holds just as true for publications, courses, molecules, and other content.

Willighagen points out that conventional search engines do fill an important gap (WoS, Google, etc), “But, they lack the ability in itself to link this with expert knowledge,” he says, “This is particularly why Google, I think, is offering all sorts of services: to find a user profile from a mining point of view. FOAF, social bookmarking, etc, makes such profiles more explicit, allowing more targeted search results.”

Personal contact Joerg Kurt Wegner, a scientist at Tibotec (Johnson & Johnson), suggested that my original question might be couched in slightly different terms: “The question is rather why ‘social science’ is different to ‘editorial science’?”

He suggests that one of the best visualizations for this difference is Alexa’s web ranking statistic comparing Wikipedia and Encyclopaedia Britannica. Wikipedia is a social information gathering process and Britannica is an editorial process. The graph shows that Wikipedia increased its access and popularity dramatically compared to Britannica. “Based on this, I would conclude that the benefit (not only the plain access) is higher for the social service,” Wegner says. He then emphasises that there is indeed a shared problem among scientists, that of information overload.

“Honestly, I cannot see how any editorial process can cope with this problem,” says Wegner. Social software in contrast might be able to tackle this challenge. “Social software is driven by small dedicated user groups (oligarchies),” he explains, “So, compared to an editorial process the number of ‘real’ contributors might actually not be higher. However, the enrichment of diverse and really interested people might be better. If you think that you need for science the smartest set of diverse people, then ‘social software’ cannot be a bad choice, right?”

Wegner suggests that anyone who does not believe this to be the case should carry out a search for their collaborative partners using conventional information sources. The likely result once again will be information overload. More information but no increase in our reading capacity. “Information overload solutions and social software looks like a matching relationship to me,” he adds. The final obstacle is for social software, web 2.0, online networking, social media, whatever you want to call it, to be accepted by the majority and to mature. “Has social software reached a mature status in Gartner’s hype cycle,” asks Wegner, “that means that even conservative people will realize that it is highly recommended to adopt this technology. The question here is also not if science benefits from social media, but how steep the benefit curve is. The longer you wait, the flatter the benefit curve.”

Deepak Singh of the business|bytes|genes|molecules blog adds that, “Historically communication among scientists was limited, e.g. you could get together with your peers from around the world at a conference, or through newsgroups. That’s where collaborations were born, but the scale was limited out of necessity.” Things have changed significantly. “Today, with resources like open wet-ware, etc, and more avenues for online conversation, including blogs and wikis collaborations become a lot easier and feasible.”

In addition, Singh suggests that science is no longer restricted to peer-reviewed publications as the only means of formal communication within the scientific community. “You could publish a paper and blog about the back story, or like some others, e.g. Jean-Claude Bradley, you could practice Open Notebook Science.” He points out that the likes of videos and podcasts only add to the options now available for communicating science.

Nature NetworkHowever, there is another thread to the idea of social media benefiting science and that is that it could also benefit the public with respect to science. “For some reason,” says Singh, “science ended up becoming this silo and preserve of the experts and we ended up with a chasm between experts and others.” Social media could close this gap and make it easier to create virtual communities of people who have common interests, like to share their knowledge, are just curious about things, or are lobbyists and others. “One area where I see tremendous opportunity is education,” Singh adds, “whether through screencasting, or podcasts, or just video lectures and wiki-based learning, that’s probably the one area where I am most hopeful.”

Find David Bradley on Nature Network here and on Nanopaprika nano science network here.

Curing Pubmedophobia

Scienceroll’s Bertalan Meskó has come up with a solution for PubMed fatigue. It’s a debilitating condition that leads to feelings of inadequacy, but it’s not the patient who feels inadequate it’s the PubMed bot itself. “For a site that is as vital to scientific progress as PubMed is, their search engine is shamefully bad. It’s embarrassingly, frustratingly, painfully bad,” says Anna Kushnir on her nature networks blog.

So, Meskó has been connecting up some pipes on the interwebs to come up with the Scienceroll Search. Basically, a personalized medical search engine powered by “You can choose which databases to search in and which one to exclude from your list,” he explains, “It works with well-known medical search engines and databases and we’re totally open to add new ones or remove those you don’t really like.” I almost have a feeling it is something that might have been done with a personalized Google search, but I doubt it could be taken to this logical extreme in Google. So give it a try and leave feedback on Meskó’s site.