Molecular model of bleach

TL:DR – David Bradley Science Writer provides the molecular structure of bleach

It seems to be something of an obsession with visitors, but for some nothing would delight them more than to discover the systematic name for bleach, the chemical formula for bleach, the molecular structure of bleach, or to find a molecular model of bleach.

Well, the structure of bleach depends on what you mean by bleach. There are various kinds of chemical agents that will “remove” the colour from pigmented materials. Perhaps most commonly considered bleach is the liquid mixture that contain sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl, Na for sodium, O for oxygen, Cl for chlorine atoms). This is the active ingredient in the common household bleaches that “get right up under the rim” and “kill all known germs”It is the “hypo” part of the name that gives it its bleaching properties without the O it would simply be sodium chloride or common salt, and if the O were in the wrong place – NaClO – we’d have sodium chlorite (a less powerful oxidising agent used to whiten textiles without harming cellulose fibres).

There are now several non-chlorine bleaches available for domestic use such as those containing hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), this material is well known as a bleach and often associated with people who allegedly have more fun). To the right you can see a simple molecular model of hydrogen peroxide.

Bad motor scooter

Scooter computer

I received an intriguing press release the other day. It arrived with a photo of someone on a pink motor scooter touting a new service: London-based Scooter Computer. At first, I thought the release was alluding to a new built-in gadget for sexually ambivalent bikers, but it turns out not to be anything of the sort. So, forgive me for having such a politically incorrect thought.

In fact, the press release is about a UK startup company who ride to the rescue of those bewildered by IT problems at home, in the office, or SOHO. According to the release, the high-tech scooter cavalry come to the rescue on “quirky pink scooters” and will help fix your computer, install software, sort out your digital camera and even set you up on Facebook or help you download from iTunes and other sites if you are unsure as to how to go about that. Now, there have always been peripatetic quick fix tech people around almost since the moment the first person had a PC delivered to their home and discovered they couldn’t figure out which wire went where and broke their coffee cup holder on day one.

So, what makes the pink scooter computer guys any different, apart from the fact that they ride gaudy bikes? I figured that any technically inclined assistant charging a plumber’s rate could help set up a silver surfer with a Facebook account just as easily as shove a big chunk of RAM into a bored housewife’s computer…without getting bogged down in small talk.

Apparently, unlike plumbers and cable guys, the Scooter Computer mob will save you money on tech support lines and will talk you through what they are doing to fix or setup your gadget or computer so that you have the information to hand for future reference. I suspect this means that you would not need to call them out again for the same problem, again, very unlike a plumbing problem. Mark Dixon, a spokesman for Scooter Computer, says this is “the ideal service for anyone with IT/Tech/gadget problems.”

I have to admit, one thing I never do if I have a problem with a computer or gadget is call the technical support line, which should I call and expensive toll number and essentially pay the manufacturer to fix something that shouldn’t have been broken in the first place. The next thing I don’t do is take it back to the point of purchase, if that happens not to be an e-shop.

Finally, the last thing I do is not to read the manual. A much quicker solution is simply to Google the problem and if that doesn’t produce an answer, then there is always the manufacturer’s press office. But, then that’s probably not accessible to most users outside the world of journalism. But, it often helps, as regular readers who remember my Dell Inspiron laptop problem, the ntl netguard issue, and the VirginMedia OpenDNS debacle will recall.

One thing I almost always do when I figure out what’s wrong with a gadget, computer, or website is to blog it on, that way I have a record of what I did to rectify the situation for future reference. Moreover, since many of the problems I come across and ultimately solve turn out to be quite common, also acts as a repository for other people who may suffer from tech fallout too.

Scooter Computer founder Will Foot said: “We spotted that people did not have the knowledge or the time to get the most out of their computers and gadgets. With iPods, Blackberrys, digital cameras and millions of home computers it was clear that there was a demand for reliable IT support in the home.”

The team offer computer testing, installation of parental controls, virus protection advice, data backup and general troubleshooting. They will also sort out your digital photo needs, iPod storage questions and even offer training in your own home. It’s likely that the idea if it is truly successful will be hijacked by other companies. Foot adds that big American companies and large retailers are looking to move in on this area of business and he’s happy for the competition, having found a way to bring the helpdesk right to your home or SOHO with no traffic or parking problems, a deliberate lack of jargon, all on seriously gaudy motor scooters.

Nuclear Threats

Earlier this week I highlighted the views of Jesse Ausubel, who argues that renewable energy sources will not be sufficient to fulfill global energy demand and that nuclear power is the only viable option for powering the world. See Renewable Myths and Nuclear Heresies. Almost left unsaid, in his argument, although alluded to, are the inherent security and safety issues that surround the maintenance of a widespread nuclear industry. This week, a trio of security serious vulnerabilities surrounding the use of nuclear power have been published.

The first threat is at the source of the raw material for nuclear power itself, the uranium mine, processing plant, and transport route. Here, physical protection and security are at a much lower level than at a nuclear installation in the developed world, according to Austrian scientists writing today in the International Journal of Nuclear Governance, Economy and Ecology.

The second threat is from saboteurs with expertise in the industry and the security of nuclear installations. Researchers from the US Environmental Protection Agency suggest that such saboteurs on the inside could wreak havoc and cause a serious environmental and health threats with only small, shaped explosives or even no explosives at all.

Finally, at the waste end of the nuclear industry, a second US team point out that the significant quantities of spent radioactive fuel could also represent a security nightmare. The team from environmental health and safety consultants S. Cohen and Associates, in Montgomery Alabama, point out that there is no secure central repository for nuclear waste. Any one of the waste storage or processing plants could be vulnerable to a terrorist attack.

Friedrich Steinhäusler and Lyudmila Zaitseva of the Division of Physics and Biophysics, at the University of Salzburg, Austria, have investigated the potential security threats facing the industry at the initial mining and milling end of the nuclear process. They explain how there are several points at which someone intent on terrorism or other purposes might intercept highly radioactive material. For instance, terrorists or saboteurs might instigate illegal mining of an officially closed uranium mine or diversion uranium ore from a mine or mill, or more obviously demolition of facilities with the intention of causing environmental harm.

The Austrian team believes such threats are very real. Uranium mining has been carried out in almost twenty countries, although 90% of world production takes place in ten of these, with seven of these states having been associated with clandestine nuclear activities.

“The current control system is inadequate as it could allow rogue nations or terrorist groups to traffic uranium or enriched yellow cake in at least 24 countries on three continents,” say the researchers, “There is a critical need to counter the threats resulting from an uncontrolled acquisition of these radioactive materials in a coordinated manner.”

Anthony Honnellio of the Emergency Response Branch OSSR and Stan Rydell of the Pesticides Toxics and Radiation Unit, both divisions of the US Environmental Protection Agency in Boston, realised that have been many reports on nuclear security that focus on terrorist attack from outside. However, they explain that sabotage by individuals with a detailed knowledge of security procedures, plant layout and the functional nature of the critical components of a nuclear power plant, could exploit their knowledge to catastrophic effect.

They speculate on how small explosives might be brought into secure areas and reveal that despite post-9/11 security improvements, banned items nevertheless slip through the metal and explosive detection equipment at airports, so could just as readily be brought into a nuclear installation. But, their concern does not lie only with the impact an explosion at a carefully chosen site my cause. They suggest that damage to a critical component could disable a power station and lead to widespread power outages, with significant civil disruption to those dependent on the supply.

In their consideration of security at the waste end of the nuclear industry, Edwin Sensintaffar and Charles Phillips of S Cohen and Associates point out that a recent review of safety and security at commercial spent nuclear fuel plants suggested that such facilities are vulnerable to terrorist activity. A deliberate fire at such a facility could cause widespread radioactive contamination, which could affect the local and wider population as well as cause serious environmental damage.

Sensintaffar and Phillips describe a scenario based on such an event to demonstrate the potential impact resulting from the release and dispersion of spent fuel products. “The radioactive contamination that could be released into the environment from such an event could contaminate thousands of square kilometres, result in billions of dollars in economic impact and large numbers of both early and latent cancer deaths,” the researchers say.

The three papers are in International Journal of Nuclear Governance, Economy and Ecology

Vol. 1, No. 3, 2007, p 286 – “Uranium mining and milling: material security and
risk assessment” by Friedrich Steinhäusler and Lyudmila Zaitseva

Vol. 1, No. 3, 2007, p 312 – “Sabotage vulnerability of nuclear power plants” by Anthony L. Honnellio and Stan Rydell
Vol. 1, No. 3, 2007, p 278 – “Environmental impact resulting from a fire at a spent nuclear fuel storage facility” by Edwin L. Sensintaffar and Charles R. Phillips

Renewable Myths and Nuclear Heresies

Electricity pylon

Renewable does not mean green. That is the claim of Jesse Ausubel of the Rockefeller University in New York. He explains that building enough wind farms, tidal power stations, hydroelectric dams, and electric generators running on biomass to meet global energy demands will wreck the environment rather than save it.

Ausubel has analysed the amount of energy that each so-called renewable source can produce in terms of watts of power output per square metre and compared this with what might be possible using nuclear power instead. “Nuclear energy is green,” he claims, “Considered in watts per square metre, nuclear has astronomical advantages over its competitors.”

While vast sums of money are being invested in alternative energy sources based on wind, water, and biomass, nuclear industry expertise is being squandered. “In order to grow, the nuclear industry must extend beyond its niche of electric power generation,” says Ausubel. He suggests that the nuclear industry could form an alliance with methane suppliers to produce green power in the form of hydrogen for powering electricity-generating fuel cells, not only in vehicles but in other areas inaccessible to the conventional electricity grid. Such technologies will succeed when economies of scale form part of their conditions of evolution, Ausubel explains. In contrast, there are, he suggests no economies of scale involved in simply erecting more and more wind turbines.

Underpinning Ausubel’s argument is the need for “decarbonisation”, by which he means our reliance on producing energy by converting carbon compounds, coal, oil, and gas, into carbon dioxide and water. Hydrogen, in contrast, is as innocent as an element can be, ending combustion as water, with no carbon dioxide greenhouse gas emission. The intrinsic problem in developing a hydrogen-based power economy as opposed to one that relies on carbon compounds, is that energy is required to produce hydrogen. Hydrogen production could be the future role of the nuclear power industry, Ausubel explains – the use of its entirely renewable and almost endless energy supply in the production of hydrogen.

Ausubel considers each so-called renewable in turn. He points out that hypothetically flooding the entire province of Ontario, Canada, about 900,000 square km, with its entire 680,000 billion litres of rainfall, and storing it behind a 60 metre dam would only generate 80% of the total power output of Canada’s 25 nuclear power stations. Put another way, each square kilometre of dammed land would provide the electricity for just 12 people.

Similarly, biomass, which produces less than a fifth of the USA’s renewable energy, is almost as energy inefficient. Most biomass comes from the liquor of paper pulp mills, which is burned to economise the heat and power of paper factories. But, in terms of decarbonisation, this biomass, which initially comes from farmed trees, represents a 10 to 1 ratio of carbon atoms per hydrogen atom, which is less than oil at 1 to 2.

Some people would argue that the use of biomass would be carbon neutral because trees absorb carbon dioxide to grow. However, in order to fulfil the energy requirements of a large proportion of a nation based on biomass, a large proportion of the land area would have to be planted to biomass forest. To obtain the same electricity from biomass as from a single nuclear power plant would require 2500 square kilometres of land working at optimal efficiency. Growth, harvesting and collection are not 100% efficient, relying as they do on high yields and powered equipment and vehicles.

Offshore wind turbines

Turning to the issue of wind, Ausubel points out that while wind farms are between three to ten times more compact than a biomass farm, a 770 square kilometre area is needed to produce as much energy as one 1000 Megawatt electric (MWe) nuclear plant. Moreover, wind farms can only be operated at two of the four wind speed ranges. Calm air means no power, of course, but gales faster than 25 metres per second (about 90 kilometres per hour) also means shutting down the turbines to prevent serious damage. To meet 2005 US electricity demand and assuming round-the-clock wind at the right speed, an area the size of Texas, approximately 780,000 square kilometres, would be needed.

Economies of scale stop with wind. One hundred windy square metres, a good size for a Manhattan apartment, could power an electric lamp or two, but not the laundry equipment, microwave oven, plasma TV, and computer. New York City would require every square metre of Connecticut to become a wind farm to fully power all its electrical equipment and gadgets.

Ausubel gives short thrift to solar power too, which he points out still operates at less than 10% efficiency despite three decades of research. A 1000 MWe photovoltaic solar cell plant would require about 150 square kilometres plus land for storage and retrieval.

The energy density of nuclear fuel is between 10,000 and 100,000 times as great as the most “efficient” carbon fuel, methane. While the full footprint of uranium mining might add a few hundred square kilometres and there are considerations of waste storage, safety and security, the dense heart of the atom has much more to offer than so-called renewables in terms of powering the world, Ausubel believes.

Cooling towers

“My conviction is that our best energy doctrine is decarbonisation, and let us complete it within one hundred years or sooner,” he says, “this will happen only if we abandon wishful thoughts of a renewable Eden.

Ausubel, who is Director of the Program for the Human Environment and Senior Research Associate at The Rockefeller University in New York City, provides details of his analysis in Int. J. Nuclear Governance, Economy and Ecology, 2007, 1, 229-243

Open Access Science

John Wilbanks, executive director of the Science Commons, and his colleagues are now focusing on access to the literature, obtaining materials, and sharing data. Science Commons recently introduced a set of tools to allow authors greater control over papers published in scientific journals.

This week, they have launched the Neurocommons project, an open-source research platform for brain studies. This system uses text-mining tools and analysis software to annotate millions of neurology papers, so that researchers worldwide can find relevant information in a matter of minutes. Other sciences will follow. Wilbanks spoke with Popular Science magazine about his vision for open access science.

Blogging tips

For readers who don’t already know, I thought I’d let you into a little secret, I’ve been unfaithful to the Sciencebase Blog. While bringing you a regular daily dose of science news and views on Sciencebase I’ve also been running around with a frisky little site that goes by the name of Significant Figures. Here’s a summary of what I’ve been getting up to with that site lately:

  • Boost Your RSS Subscribers With Easter Eggs

    The Internet Duct Tape site offers blogging, programming, technology, and lifehacks as does Significant Figures, but IDT is way ahead of the game when it comes to attracting RSS subscribers. One of the neat little ideas the site describes is how to create a secret Easter eggs page for your blog’s…

  • Click an Orange, Feed the World

    Ever wondered what those little orange icons that litter blogs and websites are all about? If you have, where have you been, those little oranges are the key to the amazing world of newsfeeds.With this post we’re launching Click an Orange Day with the slogan – Click an orange and feed the world,…

  • Season of Compliments

    Just a few recent comments from our regular readers for your delectation:Great work with this one, nicely done!Your site is very interesting, very calming effect just reading it. Will spend more time with certain areas. Well done and good luck with your work.Hello everyone. Nice to meet you here!The…

  • Accepting Comment Spam

    In the past, you have focused on avoiding comment spam on your blog using tools like Bad Behavior and Akismet. These coupled with wary moderation allow you to stave off the cr*p flood of phentermine, tramadol, lager breast, and bigger member spams that hit your comment queue in a regular tsunami of…

  • Feedburner Competition

    Now that Google has acquired Feedburner and we can all use MyBrand for free, I would like to open up a little competition for Significant Figures readers who have their own blog running a Feedburner feed.Here’s the deal. Look up your Feedburner subscriber number and leave a link to the counter…

  • Dump the Blogroll

    Wayne Smallman over on the technology news site BlahBlahTech dumped his blogroll this week. He had several very good reasons, not least was that a lack of context for all those links to external sites means the blogroll has had its day and is no longer providing a service to readers. Shame, he tells…

  • Converting a WordPress Blog into a Static Site

    Some time ago, I built a simple little website for UK hydroseeding company CDTS Ltd. Cambridge Direct Tree Seeding convert brownfield and other sites into lush landscaped areas.Initially, I suggested to the company that there would be several advantages to running their site as a blog, allowing them…

  • How to Boost Your Feed Readers

    Recently, I left a comment on a fellow blogger’s site suggesting he add a small link to a ‘What is RSS?’ post close to his feed subscription button. My rationale was based on my experience with Sciencebase subscriber numbers and some insider knowledge on web surfing habits and how these might…

Digital Cameras and Imaging

Advanced Imaging subscription

If you’re in North America, you can sign up for a free subscription to Advanced Imaging. The magazine is published monthly and provides some 55,000 imaging professionals in industry, science, medicine, the arts, broadcasting, and the media with the latest news on imaging hardware, software and peripherals (digital cameras, CCD etc) that are used in capturing, displaying, manipulating and storing images.

According to the magazine’s blurb, if you are working on a daily basis with all forms of digital imaging for various applications, on any computer platform, then you can get a free subscription and find out about the available imaging tools and techniques used by fellow professionals in their work.

For more freebies and offers, grab the Sciencebase Science Newsfeed where you can gain access to additional offers, including invites to web 2.0 sites, such as Pownce (Twitter on steroids) and Joost TV, as well as the chance to get a free text link on Be sure to add the newsfeed to your reader ASAP and check back for updates to the Sciencebase secret subscribers’ page.

Getting into the Cochrane Library for free

Cochrane Collaboration

Today, I was following up a press release about a review of clinical trials. The analysis suggests that the cannabinoid receptor antagonist rimonabant could help people quit smoking without gaining weight.

The research was published today in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, a repository of clinical trials data and analyses that is an invaluable resource for those in healthcare, medical research, patient advocacy groups and patients and their carers, the medical media, and others. Anyway, more on the actual story later this month in the summer issue of Reactive Reports.

Now whenever I have needed access to information held in the Cochrane Library database previously, I’ve simply gone through the usual journalist’s route to get at such nuggets. However, the press release pointed out that Cochrane Library publications are also available entirely free of charge to particular groups and to members of the public depending on where you are.

Guest users can access abstracts for all Reviews in the database, but if you live in any of the following places, there are special access points through which you can get publications for free from the Cochrane Collection (either that or the country tag of your computer’s IP address gives you free access:

New Zealand
South Africa

So, now you know how to get into the Cochrane Library for free. Of course, if you are in Michigan, Montreal or Moscow you may have to move house.

When Blogging Gets You Fired

Blogger fired

You wouldn’t think that writing up a few random thoughts in a blog could get anyone into trouble, would you? Obviously, if you’re making libelous statements then some day soon you are going to be sued, allegedly. But, most of us are sensible enough not to slander anyone in print, in person, or online, aren’t we?

No, the issue to which I am alluding to is the case where you, as a blogger, overhear some juicy gossip, perhaps not all the details, but enough to make you respond strongly enough that you want to tell the world. You do a short write-up, expressing your opinions about the turn of events as you heard them, you mention no one by name, make no direct connections to the place or time of the happening, and do all this in a personal blog.

Next thing you hear, someone connected with the gossip has made the connection, found out where you work and emailed a serious complaint, cc’ing your boss. The complaint alludes to an abuse of privacy laws, trust, and customer-client confidentiality. You panic, confess all to your boss, a meeting is called with the bosses and HR and before you know what’s hit you, you’re fired.

There have been several instances of medical professionals and others being barred from writing blogs recently. There is usually a serious conflict of interest between the public discussion of medical matters and the confidentiality inherent in the Hippocratic Oath. It’s the same when professionals present case studies in their trade publications, particularly if they mention any two of the following, portable vacuum cleaners, potatoes, genitals, the rectum, or hot-tubs, in the same sentence.

Seriously though, what can you, as a compulsive blogger, do to minimise the risk of employment cessation? Here are my top tips, which you can take or leave, but which do not represent secure advice in the legal sense but merely some common sense thoughts.

First off, decide whether the benefits of blogging and the risks it might entail actually outweigh the benefits of gainful employment. I suspect 99 times out of 100 they won’t, unless you’ve optimised your ads really, really well.

Second, double check your employment contract and any professional oaths you take to make sure there is no conflict of interest or that you are not automatically precluded from revealing your inner thoughts to the public.

Third, do not under any circumstances use your employer’s computing equipment, services, web connection, email, telephone or anything else for personal use and particularly not in relation to your blog, unless you have explicit permission. Even then, be very cautious of blogging from a work IP. They could string you up on a technicality if you even used the phone once to call your grandmother. In fact, they could fire you for all kinds of reasons on this one whether you’re blog breaks the rules or not.

Fourth, ensure your blog is entirely personally run, owned, and in no way tied to your employer. (Also see item 3 in this regard).

Fifth, make sure that what you are saying is legal and does not defame anyone, it’s a basic rule of journalism, and if bloggers are staking a claim on that realm, then they ought to learn the rules, for their own safety.

Finally, a bonus tip. Go back to point one and decide whether running a blog to vent off steam is really a better outlet than a trip to the pub with friends where you can ruminate to your heart’s content with (usually) no fear of losing your job. Ask yourself, does my blog shed a good light on me as a professional or my employer as the entity paying my bills?

In a recent report from American Medical News, some physician-bloggers have found that what they wrote could be used against them. That doesn’t mean you have to stop, or never start, says the report. But, people do get sacked for running blogs and saying the wrong thing, at the wrong time.

Incidentally, this post is NOT autobiographical. I didn’t. Honest. But, I’m not going to embarrass the blogger who did get fired this week, having essentially failed to adhere to those safe blogging rules.

Meanwhile, more public cases of blog firings that show this is nothing new. Read ’em and weep:

When Blogging Gets Risky

Blogging Blunders Could Lead To Pink Slip

US Blogger Fired by Her Airline

I Was Just Fired for Blogging

Of Blogging and Unemployment

5 Reasons Blogging Leads to the Unemployment Line (You’re Fired!) – Adds, the caveat that you must sure you’re not late for work or slacking cos you’re blogging.

Be warned though, not blogging can get you fired too!

And, it’s not just blogging that could get you into trouble, your boss could “own” your Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, Pownce, etc accounts if you even mentioned running one at work, under your contract of employment. Just as a research chemist who invents a new life-saving drug, attempts to take out a patent in their own name will most likely discover that anything they produce while employed will defer to the intellectual property of their employer. Unless their contract contains a get out clause or an IP sharing paragraph, they will not profit from their invention even if they did it in a home lab.

The same might apply to your StumbleUpon account, your Digg page, your bookmarks, and links you share with others using the Share This plugin displayed below.

Harry Potter and the Terrorist Threat

Harry potter and the deathly hallows

Could the UK government’s response to the terrorist threat since 9/11 be the basis of plots and story lines in the Harry Potter series of books? Judith Rauhofer of the University of Central Lancashire believes so and has carried out a study of JK Rowling’s fictional accounts of the exploits of the child wizard with the infamous scar. She has found several subtle parallels in the books written since September 11, 2001, with contemporary society and suggests that the allegorical nature of these novels could underpin much of their appeal to adult readers.

Since the publication of the fourth book, “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire”, the publishers, Bloomsbury, has acknowledged that a large part of the readership is among adults, by publishing an adult edition alongside the children’s version. Many commentators suspect that one possible rationale for this is to allow adults to read the book in public without embarrassment.

Jon Howells of Waterstone’s told me that, “Based on our pre-order statistics we estimate that some 45 per cent of Harry Potter book 7 sales will be of the adult edition, which is up on about 23 per cent for the last book.” Book 7 – Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – goes on sale Saturday 21st July.

According to Rauhofer, book five in the series was the first Harry Potter book to be written entirely after the terrorist attacks in New York City, Pennsylvania, and Washington. “Until then, the Harry Potter series could be seen as nothing more than a simple story of good versus evil,” says Rauhofer. But, after that, “JK Rowling’s work evolved into more of a social commentary on current events.”

Rauhofer believes that with the Harry Potter series Rowling has created a parallel world highlighting many of the steps taken by the British government, which she says are mostly unfair and unjustifiable, in the name of the war on terror. For instance, in the fifth book, “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix”, all wizards are issued with emergency pamphlets. “Most people who received the UK government’s ‘Preparing for an-emergency’ pamphlet through their letterbox in 2004 will recognise the irony of Rowling’s plot detail here,” says Rauhofer.

Several key plot features hint at parallels between the wizard world and the so-called “muggle” world of humans, says Rauhofer. The marginalising of an ethnic group, for instance, by the muggles themselves, identity issues with Death Eaters masquerading as others, detention without trial of Knight Bus conductor Stanley Shunpike on suspicion of Death Eater activity, interception of Arthur and Molly’s post while in The Burrow in the name of safety, and many other examples.

“Rowling’s description of an alternative society and its government traces recent events in contemporary society,” Rauhofer adds, “The political thread going through the series largely focuses on the way in which the Ministry of Magic deals with Lord Voldemort’s return.” If Voldemort, whom of course should not be named, is the terrorist threat in disguise, then the anti-Voldemort security measures taken by the Wizards could be seen to reflect various legal and political changes that have occurred in the UK since 9/11.

Of course, it could simply be that, like countless books before it, readers find ways of looking between the lines to see hidden messages that are simply not there. Unfortunately, JK Rowling is rather busy this week and was unavailable for comment at the time of writing.

Rauhofer’s treatise appears in