New treatments for COPD

COPD LungsA plea from a Sciencebase reader asking for more information on new treatments for COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, led me to do a search to find the specific novel therapy the reader mentioned. Apparently, there was a news item on US TV that referred to research in Mexico.

Well, my search turned up several new treatments for COPD. Medical News Today reported in January how combining a long-acting bronchodilator with an inhaled corticosteroid could reduce the number of exacerbations by 35%, but this was work carried out Germany, with no Mexican connection as far as I could tell. Then there were the more recent revelation that helium, the noble gas of squeaky voice fame, combined with 40% oxygen could increase the exercise capacity of patients with COPD by an average of 245%. Again, no Mexican connection, this time the research was Canadian.

A UK and Canadian collaboration has identified an inflammatory mechanism that could explain some of the most extreme symptoms and point to new treatments. Indeed, Imperial College’s Peter Barnes had shown previously that low doses of theophylline, a substance occurring in tea leaves can help relax the bronchial tubes in the lungs and render them more amenable to corticosteroid intervention than they would otherwise be.

It might be that one in ten of COPD flare-ups could be prevented by treating patients with antibiotics to rid them of the bacterium thought to cause these problems in a sub-group of patients.

COPD is the fourth leading cause of death in the US and in January this year the National Institutes of Health put up $13 million to the University of Pittsburgh to help researchers there understand better the disease and potentially find more effective treatments. COPD, some times known as chronic obstructive airways disease (COAD) is most commonly associated with smoking tobacco (you’ve got a hugely increased risk of this disease if you have smoked an average of 20 cigarettes a day for 20 years or more across your lifetime) but the disease can also arise because of coal dust and other pollutants. I say disease, but it’s actually a combination of diseases chronic bronchitis (which is inflammatory, in nature, narrows airways and increases mucus production) and emphysema (destruction of lung tissue).

Still no Mexico connection, not even with a search on NCBI PubMed… Then I received another email from the Sciencebase correspondent who revised the original note to include the word “new” it was New Mexico…not old Mexico. I should have thought of that first off, but I didn’t. However, a quick search with new included brought up the item that I suspect our correspondent had heard about.

Apparently, the Lovelace Respiratory Research Institute is collaborating with Dr Richard Crowell of the Albuquerque Veterans Administration Medical Center to begin a new study over the next three years that will enlist more than 3000 Albuquerque area residents at risk of COPD and lung cancer. Now, this isn’t quite the treatment breakthrough mentioned in the original email, but this looks like another promising lead in dealing with COPD.

Does Traditional Chinese Medicine work

Gingko bilobaMany of the health claims of herbal medicine bear fruit for the pharmaceutical industry, leading to new drugs that are more potent and more targeted than the original remedy. In Traditional Chinese medicine there are many health claims for the likes of Ginkgo biloba and many other remedies that might bear closer scrutiny. Now, pharmaceutical chemist David Barlow and colleagues Peter Hylands and Thomas Ehrman at King’s College London have undertaken the biggest study yet of the active ingredients in TCM and used an analytical system known as a multiple decision tree technique, called Random Forest, to unearth the root of the activity of the natural products in TCM.

Their study seems to vindicate many of the claims of TCM as well revealing several compounds that might be indicated for diseases and symptoms not treated with in the traditional system.

The team built a database containing well over 8000 compounds from 240 of the most commonly used TCM herbs and used a second database of almost 2600 known active plant chemicals and other natural products as a training set for the Random Forest computer algorithm. The team found that about 62% of the herbs they tested in silico against various drug targets (mostly enzymes associated with pathogens or problems in the body) contained candidate drug compounds that might be isolated for treating a single disease without the associated issues of a TCM approach. They also found that more than half of these compounds worked against at least two diseases and so might have multiple applications.

You can read more about this research today on SpectroscopyNOW news round up from David Bradley. I asked Barlow about the wider application of this research and he said it might be applied equally well to other databases. “The same methodology might also be applied in screening other similar databases, constructed, for example, with reference to herbs used in Ayurvedic medicine,” he said.

Identifying the Valentine’s Day murder weapon

Knife murder weapon

The air in the courtroom was so thick you could cut it with a…well…a knife, some broody dame was sobbing in the gallery, and the steno guy snuffled as he bashed the keys. It was a year ago today, Valentine’s Day, that the massacre took place. The investigating team was presenting its evidence, it was obvious to everyone but the judge, who’d stabbed the victim, the knife and the body had both been bagged. Trouble is, there was a thread hanging from the attorney’s Armani, but this was no slapdash haberdashery, this was the proverbial chink in the armour through which a guilty blade could easily slip. The wound was inflicted with the kind of blunt edged kitchen knife you can buy in any five and dime store so it was looking like our felon wasn’t gonna face the chair after all…

But wait, new evidence just in, a study of metal particles found in the valentines day wound reveals the presence of nickel and chromium atoms, exactly the same metallic blend on the accused’s kitchen dagger and in exactly the same ratio as the cutting edge of the knife itself. Crank up the juice Eugene, we got ourselves a fryer!

More cloak and dagger this week in David Bradley takes on Sam Spade, over on SpectroscopyNOW. You do know how to whistle, don’t you?

Seven Deadly Sins

This post touches on the links between the seven deadly sins, offering a psychological perspective. But, do check out the amazing quasi-mathematical strips from Jessica Hagy, think Venn diagrams, charts, and graphs, but amazingly clever and witty.

Seven deadly sins connected by Jessica Hagy, with permission

Rather than being simply mystical or wiccan, pointed stars enneagrams have been used in analysis providing a diagramatic representation of a personality based on nine types and motivations. Hagy’s enneagram reproduced here, instead, focuses on the seven deadly sins and provides definitions of how each possible pair of sins combines to create a particular behaviour. Strictly speaking it should be a heptagram, or septegram, not an ennea-gram (ennea from the Greek for nine, hepta for seven). Deception and fear might have been added to the heptagram to make a true enneagram.

I don’t know if this kind of thing would stand up in psy class, but it’s a nice diagram and offers some rather intriguing insights into the human mind, including the notion of edible undies, where lust and gluttony intersect.

The image (with permission) comes from this page of Hagy’s. I asked her how she came up with the enneagram, “I was just playing with the idea that everything under the sun is linked to everything else,” she told me, “The ‘7 sins’ card is just a verbal play on the idea.”

Newton’s Laws Explained With Lego

Newton gravity appleEveryone who studies any science at school will have come across Newton’s Laws of Motion. His three physical laws explain the relationships between the forces acting on a body and the motion of that body and were first published in 1687 in his magnum opus – Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica.

Newton’s laws underpin so-called classical mechanics, as opposed to quantum mechanics or relativity theory. I’ve summarised them below, but you’ll get a much clearer understanding of bodies in motion if you watch the video.

  1. Objects stay still or move with constant velocity unless a force pulls on them or gives them a shove
  2. Pulling or shoving an object changes its velocity (accelerates it) at a rate proportional to the force of the pull or shove
  3. If you shove or pull an object it will pull or shove back with an equal and opposite force

And remember, gravity isn’t just a good idea, it’s the law!

What are Significant Figures?

Significant FiguresBy definition the use of significant figures in measurement and value is a form of rounding. They represent the the number of digits in a number, beginning at the first non-zero digit and including any trailing zeros. For instance, 0.005746180 has 7 significant figures. All 7 of those digits are significant, if someone were measuring a distance, volume, time period or whatever and they included all those numbers as well as that final zero, you would assume that they had measured the value to seven significant figures. The next number after the final digit would not be reliable and so is not included.

Understanding the application of significant figures is crucial in science and engineering, especially when converting between units, litres to fluid ounces for instance, pounds to kilograms, or feet to metres. Often conversion factors of the kind cited and used at online conversion sites are quoted with long strings after the decimal point. These represent (usually) the level of accuracy the standard measurements are known. However, if you measure the distance from A to B with a tape measure marked in inches, the best degree of accuracy you will obtain will be down to a quart or possibly an eighth of an inch.

Your error will then be + or – a sixteenth or thereabouts. If the value you obtain is 46 and three eighths inches, and the gradations on your tape only go down to eighths then you cannot know for certain any smaller a fraction. That figure would be 46.375 inches. Five significant figures. But, you might round that to three significant figures, 46.4 to accommodate measuring errors.

Now, you want to know what that inch measurement is in centimetres, so you go to your online converter and get the conversion factor. 1 cm is equal to 0.393700787 inches. That’s quite a few digits to tap into your calculator. But, wait! We’ve got nine significant figures in that conversion factor, that’s way about the three we’re looking at in our actual measurement, so we need to round it to the same level of precision. Our conversion factor would be 0.394. 46.4 inches is therefore divided by this factor to give the value in centimetres, 117.766497….

Again, the calculator can fool us into believing we’ve gained some extra accuracy. Remember, we began with only three sig figs, so we should end up with only three sig figs in our converted value. our measured value of 46.4 inches should therefore be 118 centimetres, rounded to 3 sig figs.

One thing you should always remember about doing calculations on measurements. If you have a bunch of different values to different levels of accuracy then you must use the number of significant figures in the value with the least number of sig figs to start with. So if you’re doing an acceleration calculation, for instance, and you have velocity as 1.56 m/s, distance as 12.45 m and time as 82 seconds, then the least reliable value of the three is the time. That’s only cited to two SFs so you have to round your final answer to two SFs too, once you’ve done the calculation.

Intute Spotlight for February

Keypad lockThe latest physical science news from David Bradley can also be found on the intute portal under the Spotlight. This month:

Shedding light on a molecular lock

Logic at the molecular scale has been exploited to build a keypad lock that “opens” only when the correct sequence of inputs is applied. Researchers at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel explain how they have harnessed the principles of molecular Boolean logic to create a nanoscale keypad lock…one you’re going to need very small fingers to key.

Anthropogenic volcanic activity

The first scientific report into the causes and impact of Lusi, the Indonesian mud volcano located in Eastern Java that erupted on 29th May 2006 in the middle of a rice paddy, has now been published. The results provide a damning indictment of the cause of this eruption, laying the blame most likely at the feet of natural gas explorers.

Demonic chemistry

In 1867, Scottish physicist James Clerk Maxwell devised a thought experiment that would help scientists find ways of breaking the law. The second law of thermodynamics, that is. The second law of thermodynamics tells us that heat cannot pass from a hotter object to a colder one. David Bradley talked to David Leigh who has devised a molecule that almost plays a demonic role.

Read the February issue of Intute Spotlight online now.

NearIR Nightly

Organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) are finding applications in a whole range of devices now not least because of their flexibility, in both the physical and viability sense, and their high energy efficiency. Until recently, however, OLED research was focused on visible emission. Now, US scientists have developed a near infra-red OLED, a NIR OLED. They reckon an NIR OLED could be used in future night-vision devices. NIR OLEDs might also one day find use in small-scale, portable NIR spectrometers or lab-on-a-chip systems for medical and environmental analysis, or potentially chemical and bio weapons detection.

Mark Thompson of the University of Southern California and colleagues at Princeton University, Steve Forrest’s group at the University of Michigan, and Julie Brown’s team at Universal Display Corporation have used a phosphorescent platinum-porphyrin complex as a doping agent to create the new class of NIR OLED.

You can read the full story in my SpectroscopyNOW column this week.

If anyone gets the allusion in this post title, drop me a line.

Viagra and steroids

Viagra stanozolol structureSciencebase reader Toar Winter emailed with a rather intriguing question.

Baseball star Rafael Palmeiro tested positive for anabolic steroids in August 2005 after telling the US Congress he had never taken such drugs before and was banned for ten days. He still insists he did not take steroids, or that if he did they were ingested through unprescribed supplements that contained stanozolol, the actual substance for which he tested positive.

Stanozolol is an old steroid and a test for its illegal use in sport has been used successfully for many years. It would actually make little sense for any sportsperson to cheat using this particular drug as it is detected so easily. This is especially true given the plethora of alternative, including human growth hormon (HGH) for which current testing methods are not quite so efficient.

So, back to Winter’s question. First, he points out that Palmeiro’s only advertising sponsor is Viagra, then asks whether or not it could be Viagra that produced a “false positive” for the steroid. After all, there is certainly some overlap between the effects and side effects of viagra and certain steroids. Winter, wants to know whether or not Pfizer in developing Viagra initially altered the structure of stanozolol slightly to produce a ‘different’ drug with similar or more directed effects.

As far as I know this is not the case. Pfizer was developing a drug for angina and high blood pressure in the late 1980s when it discovered that male volunteers in its clinical trials were seeing a rather outstanding side-effect of the drug. They’d actually based their leads on a known, but unmarketed, allergy drug Zaprinast, which inhibits the enzyme phosphodiesterase. The rest is history. This compound is not related to stanozolol as far as I know. If any readers can affirm otherwise, please leave a comment or email me.

Winter’s line of reasoning, however, is intriguing nonetheless. “Think about it,” he says, “not many athletes in today’s world are of the age where Viagra is needed, so drug testing probably wouldn’t detect many offenders.

It’s an intriguing idea, but I don’t think Winter’s theory stands up to close scrutiny. If it did, wouldn’t it be ironic that many of those same (elder) Congressmen pointing the finger at Palmeiro would have also shown positive in the same test?

Meanwhile, in other news, Pfizer has lost its battle to name the Chinese brand Viagra, “Wei Ge” (according to The phrase is commonly used in China, where copycat generics out sell the real thing, but Guangzhou Welman, a Chinese ED drug maker already registered this name and the courts have said it should be allowed to retain the rights to it. I’m sure at least one regular reader of the Sciencebase blog will be able to tell us the origin of that name…

How to Sneeze

How to sneezeKleenex is out, disposable arm bands are not yet de rigeur, so what’s the alternative when you just have to sneeze or cough? Use your sleeve, that’s what. It’s the most effective way to reduce the spread of cold and flu viruses. Coughing into the open air without covering your mouth simply releases a myriad of viral and bacterial particles into the air around you. If there’s no one else around that’s not so bad, but just picture those droplets of spittle and snot flying in the video we’re going to show you here and you’ll think again.

Perhaps worse than open-air sneezing is inappropriate Kleenex use. If you don’t cover your nose and mouth properly then you might as well not bother. Coughing or sneezing into your hand is worse still. Germs will contaminate your hands, you touch a door knob or handle food and those germs get transferred to the next person who touches said objects. The video, which comes from the Maine Medical Association suggests your sleeve is the way forward. Cough or sneeze on to your sleeve and the germs will simply dry out and die.

It’s not just a matter of avoiding the sniffles, if we’re heading for a major viral epidemic from bird flu or something worse then the advice in this video could save lives. Listen to what the panel of experts – Polly Morph, Graham Stain, Blood Hagar – have to say. There’s a useful science fair project that can help you answer the question, “Does covering your mouth stop germs spreading?” and if you’re after more advice on how to avoid colds and flu check out the Sciencebase FAQ on the subject.

For advice on how to stop a sneeze, check out this site.