Air Guitar

air guitar

Imagine the hoards of adoring fans, sellout arenas, the groupies, these are now virtually within the grasp of anyone who can play a searing solo on the air guitar, thanks to researchers at Helsinki University of Technology.

The Virtual Air Guitar uses a computer to monitor the hand movements of an air guitarist and adds genuine guitar sounds to match the player’s fret work. The innovative application combines gesture recognition with musical interpretation software and could be a boon to all those who aspire for rock stardom, but really cannot be bothered to actually learn the instrument.

The idea emerged at HUT’s Telecommunications Software and Multimedia Laboratory and progressed to the Otaniemi International Innovation Centre (OIIC). It was further developed through the Tekes’ TULI programme to Technopolis Ventures Oy incubator services. The idea was processed into a business plan with the aim of establishing a significant international business.

A Virtual Air Guitar company was set up in February 2006, and in March 2006 it received an award in the second stage of the Venture Cup Business Plan Competition. At the moment, the founders of the company are in the process of negotiating funding and publishing contracts with various parties.

‘The company’s first product will be a console game which will be on the market in time for Christmas 2007, and later on other games applications will be added to the product family. We are working on completely new and unprecedented applications,’ explains Virtual Air Guitar MD Aki Kanerva.

Cellular Barcodes

Fluorescent “barcodes” created by labelling pools of cells with different combinations of dyes could be a boon to researchers interested in performing large-scale cell-based studies for drug discovery and other applications, according to Gary Nolan and colleagues at Stanford.

Protein phosphorylation has a major role in a wide variety of essential cellular functions, and several years ago Nolan and colleagues developed “phospho flow”, an approach for simultaneously characterizing the phosphorylation status of multiple proteins in different groups of cells. However, phospho flow can become impractical when scaled up for the analysis of multiple protein targets in response to a large variety of different compounds.

Now, Nolan and Peter Krutzik have found a new solution to this problem. They have demonstrated that cells labelled with different concentrations of a fluorophore can be readily distinguished, and that combinations of fluorophores – each present at a different concentration – can generate cell-specific “barcodes”. Thanks to these barcodes, researchers can subject large numbers of cell populations to different treatments, then pool the cells for simultaneous phospho flow sorting and analysis, resulting in a considerable savings in efficiency and reagent consumption.

The team shows that with just three barcoding fluorophores, one can easily sort out the phospho flow data for differentially treated cells from a 96-well assay plate – and larger assays should prove equally feasible.

More information in the journal Nature Methods. You can get a free subscription to the print edition of Nature Methods here.

Clearer View of Teary Role

Peter Petrov of the University of Exeter and colleagues have found that tears are a much more complex fluid than previously thought. Their surfaces are, they say, highly structured, almost like cell membranes with a protective coating just two molecules thick.

The tear film that covers and moistens our eyes must keep debris and microorganisms out as well as holding water in and keeping the eye lubricated. Petrov’s team has investigated how this two-molecule coating, made up of a mixture of many different biological molecules, is ordered with the aim of getting a clearer view of its role.

Some of the molecular components of the tear film’s “skin” are soap-like lipid molecules. These are similar to the key constituents of cell membranes, and have a water-soluble ‘head’ and an insoluble ‘tail’. At the surface of water, these molecules tend to sit in layers one molecule thick, with their water-loving heads immersed and their insoluble tails poking up out of the water. But some other constituents of tear films are wholly ‘water-fearing’ (hydrophobic) — they will dissolve readily in fats, but very poorly in water. On their own, such molecules tend to clump together in droplets on the water surface, like droplets of oil or fat.

Petrov and colleagues have attempted to explain how this mixture organize itself in a tear film by bouncing X-rays off the surface of both natural tear films (taken from cows) and artificial analogues composed of a comparable mixture of lipids and oily compounds. Their results show that, in both the real and the synthetic films, the molecules seem to line up at the water surface in regular, orderly arrays, rather like two-dimensional crystals.

When the researchers added fluorescent molecules to synthetic tear films containing just the lipid components, they saw that the lipids separated into two different states: a relatively disorderly state, like a two-dimensional liquid, interspersed with blobs of a more closely packed, crystal-like state. These lipid crystals grew into remarkable patterns shaped rather like flower heads. When the fat-like components were added to these artificial films, they seemed to form a separate later on top of the lipids, which enabled them to remain out of the water. Petrov and colleagues think that this arrangement enables the tear film to keep a relatively constant structure even when it is severely squeezed and stretched, as is likely to happen for example when we blink: squeeze the film and the lipid crystals grow a bit bigger; stretch it out and they become smaller again.

Petrov and colleagues describe their findings at the Condensed Matter and Materials Physics conference in Exeter today.

Rejected Elements

A perennial point of contention among chemists is the issue of naming the chemical elements. At least at the top end of the periodic table. However, the periodic table of rejected elements provides some light relief while concentrating on this crucial chemical conundrum. Where else can you find delirium, sin, and crouton?

I’m sure they meant element 15 (Bs) to be Bosphorus, but somehow missed the s, although Boss Porous would be a great name for a Dukes of Hazard revival set in a lab…

Crystallized Ink

I haven’t mentioned search terms for a while, but one that drew in the punters to the sciencebase site stood out in my recent trawl of the site logs – “crystallized ink”. Now, what’s all that about? I wondered.

At first, I assumed it was someone worrying about their little pot of Indian blue going all glacial on them (as is the wont of certain types of honey and concentrated acetic acid solutions). But, then I thought maybe the pen manufacturers, in a bid to recapture a dwindling market for handwriting implements, had come up with a way to add a glittery appearance to the extruded product of their implements…

A quick Google, however, revealed that crystallized ink, at least on the basis of the page one SERP is a product of science fiction – an ink that can oscillate between two states: visible and invisible. This product could thus be used to create animations on the page without the need for a conventional computer screen. The main citation is on this page Pull back to the top-level and you will a sci-fi game called The Lattice (semantically the name is reminiscent of another sci-fi genre, I’d say). So, that was an intriguing find.


Trawling the logs a bit deeper revealed the keyphrase “clogged printer head”. A quick cross-check revealed that the search had come from the same IP within a couple of minutes. So, I suspect our inkvestigator was actually just looking for information on how to unblock their printer rather than either anything as archaic as Quink or as futuristic as animated ink.


Science Projects Demonstrations Guides Ideas


We’ve got a stack of information available to science students including science homework and chemistry assignment help, science fair projects and science class demonstration guides. The free stuff is fine, but we also offer science project resources in partnership with 24 Hour Science Projects, which you or your parent will have to pay for. We recommend these project packs very highly though as they’re almost guaranteed to help you make the grade in science class as well as improve your understanding of some important scientific principles.

The following pages in the Sciencebase archives will help you find the science project inspiration you need:

Apologies for those typos in some of the file names, they can’t be corrected now, but rest assured we do know how to spell science

A Cadmium Conundrum

How do you clean up waste water contaminated with the deadly metal cadmium and what do you do with the resulting material? French scientists reckon they have found the answer.

The mineral hydroxyapatite, like its natural counterpart found in tooth and bone, has an affinity for the toxic heavy metal cadmium, they say. Now, they have used X-ray diffraction spectroscopic analysis, and electron microscopy to follow the kinetics of uptake and release of this metal from hydroxyapatite and have demonstrated that a solid apatite solution of cadmium is formed. Their findings could have implications for the dual use of this material as a decontaminant and a storage medium for cadmium.

Read on…

Improved Biological Imaging

French researchers have now demonstrated a way to circumvent one of the main problems associated with cellular imaging and can obtain nanomolar concentration readings even for complex biological samples using their approach.

The method has led to an extension of the use of spectroscopy and spectro-imaging to many more parameters associated with cellular activity in both cultured and xenografted cells, and living tissues. No other analytical technique is available that can analyse tissue sections without embedding, fixation, or reagents adding, at the resolution and sensitivity obtained by the team.

Read on…

Traditional Chinese Medicine Analyzed

Huángqí (huangqi) is a plant root used in one of the most common tonics of Chinese traditional herbal medicine with purported activity in cancer, diabetes, inflammation, and nephritis.

As such, there is a lot of interest in the active ingredients of this species as it might lead to novel pharmaceuticals against a range of illnesses. Now, researchers in China have used a powerful spectroscopic technique to identify the active chemical components of this remedy.

Read more…

Greener Toxic Metal Analysis

Improving detection of toxic metals in the environment and trace elements in medical samples is often time-consuming and, worse, reagent demanding, as well as potentially having false positives as samples become contaminated by pre-treatment.Portuguese researchers have now overcome these drawbacks by using an online sample pre-treatment method.

The team has coupled an online high-intensity focused ultrasound system with a more conventional analytical technique, which they say is greener than conventional approaches because it needs less reagents but more importantly avoids contamination and cuts the amount of time taken to analyse metals such as mercury in water and urine samples. The approach should be generally applicable, the researchers say. You can read the full analysis of this research in the latest news round up from David Bradley at