Spectral Lines

The latest news round-up science news at spectroscopyNOW from David Bradley is now available online. Read about how Crystallography finds missing piece of haem puzzle, Computing enzymes, The inside story of rocks and fossils, Portable IR lays David’s surface bare, Swell idea for medicine, Electronic speed camera; all the latest spectroscopy news and more.

While you’re there you can grab a free subscription to spectroscopy magazine too.

Scurrying Salamanders

TL:DR – Short news article from 2006 about salamanders. The headline alludes to a lyric from a song by the band Genesis, The Carpet Crawlers.

Salamanders can transform from an aquatic juvenile form into their terrestrial, adult form only if the stream bed on which they develop is of the right nature. A study published today in the journal BMC Biology reveals that the Oklahoma salamander Eurycea tynerensis metamorphoses into a terrestrial adult form in streambeds composed of fine, tightly packed gravel but stays in the juvenile form in loosely packed streambeds composed of large particles.

The study by Ronald Bonett and Paul Chippindale from the University of Texas at Arlington, Texas, USA, exemplifies how small habitat differences can influence developmental patterns and morphology, they also suggest that such microstructure changes could influence a species’ evolution too.

Bonett and Chippindale explain that large gravel creates porous streambeds with large spaces between particles, where aquatic paedomorphic salamanders can access sub-surface water during dry months. However, if these spaces are filled in by small particles, metamorphosis is the only way they can survive when surface streams dry-up.

The Inner Secrets of Rocks and Fossils

Researchers at UCLA have produced the first 3D images of fossils embedded in rocks aged between 650 and 850 million years old. New microscopy and spectroscopy techniques allowed them to sneak an interior peek inside ancient rocks without having to crack them open. The research allows them to spot signs of ancient microscopic life, such as fossil cell walls and could be useful in studying extraterrestrial rocks in the search for alien life.

Dig inside the full story in David Bradley’s news page on spectroscopynow.com

Electronic Speed-trap

A speed-trap for electrons joyriding through single crystals based on MRI can reveal their velocities and produce an image showing an electron density map of the electrons in the crystal. In a kind of cold-case re-opened, the technique provides new evidence to show that the electrons are not breaking Ohm’s law.

Noam Kaplan of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and colleagues M Drescher and E Dormann at Karlsruhe University, Germany, have developed a technique to measure electron velocity, separate from the electric current flowing through the material. Current is analogous to measuring the number of cars that pass a speed trap rather than the velocity of individual vehicles. The team used MRI, not to produce an image, but to detect electrons simply by monitoring their spin. To measure electron velocity, however, they scanned the crystal, a radical cation salt, with no current flowing.

You can find out what their experiments revealed in David Bradley’s latest news round-up on spectroscopynow.com

The Alchemist Born Again

For those of you who didn’t know, ChemWeb’s “The Alchemist” was given a new lease of life by chemical searching company Chemindustry.com some time ago now. In fact, I’ve just compiled issue 38 of the “new” chemistry news round-up. It’s live today and covers a diverse range of chemical matter including an expose on how soil-eating microbes can be engineered to produce biodegradable plastics, more revelations on benzene in soft drinks, and the scandal surrounding the US’s refusal to grant eminent Indian chemist Goverdhan Mehta an entry visa

Read on…

Regulatory Compliance

Did you know that all US firms have to keep all records, including e-mails and other electronic records for at least five years under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002? Moreover, if your company is in healthcare, then you also have to hang on to a variety of emails and documents, such as contracts, policy and procedure documents, patient communications, authorizations and consumer complaints for six years! You can find out more and how to manage your email and IM (instant messaging) files in this White Paper

Mormon Crickets Go Cannibal

Mormon Cricket - CannibalismHunger for protein and salt, and a fear of cannibalism, drives the
mass migration of Mormon crickets across western North America, says Stephen Simpson of the University of Sydney, Australia. Mormon cricket swarms, sometimes millions strong covering more than 50 miles in a season. They destroy vegetation in their path and are a severe hazard to drivers.

Locust plagues of Biblical proportions have been with mankind, since, well, Biblical times, at least(!) and usually these creatures swarm in response to a shortage of food. The precise nutritional triggers for the migrations of Mormon crickets though have remained a mystery. Now, field observations by Simpson and his colleagues offer an explanation.

It seems that total starvation is not the driving force, rather migratory crickets preferentially feed at experimental protein-rich and salt rich sources. In the field, crickets were frequently observed feeding on carrion and on each other. When the movement of crickets was experimentally impaired (immobilized by gluing and/or tethering), these insects became targets for cannibalism by neighbouring crickets. These results thus reveal a different model for collective motion, with the crickets’ migration in effect a forced march, the researchers say. The constant threat of cannibalism from the rear appears to push the crickets’ movement as much as the need to find protein and salt pulls it.

Simpson and his colleagues publish further details of their findings today in the online edition of PNAS.

Science Fair Project Guides – Bonus

Although I run sections of the Sciencebase site with science experiments and lesson plans, these aren’t necessarily aimed at the busy parents of a homeschooler with an assignment to complete. For that Sciencebase offers access to some independent science fair resources. These great projects (which I’ve tried with my own young children) are perfect for completing a science fair assignment in a given time, providing a complete list of equipment needed, full instructions, and sample spreadsheets to help young investigators make the most of their own results.

You can download individual project packs (24-hour or weekend) right now, but I’ve negotiated a limited time offer for Sciencebase visitors that isn’t mentioned on the company’s site so that you can get all ten project guides at a discount. Click here to start downloading your science fair project guides.

Manually Adjusting Prolactin Levels

According to The Register, levels of the “satisfaction” hormone prolactin do not reach as high a peak following manual stimulation in men as they do after purportedly procreational activity with a partner.

The original research published in Biological Psychology could explain what The Register describes subtly as a “niggling dissatisfaction” following the former approach to gratification. Needless to say, the remainder of their article is anything but subtle and the link above should only be followed if you’re feeling up to blatant sexual innuendo.

Styrofoam and Polystyrene

It’s not an excuse to use more plastic cups at the office water cooler, but Irish and German researchers have discovered that the soil bacterium Pseudomonas putida can eat polystyrene. This polymer, instantly recognisable in its expanded form is a key component of disposable cups, and in “plastic” plates and utensils.

Turning it into an eco-friendly plastic would significantly reduce the environmental impact of this ubiquitous, but difficult-to-recycle waste stream, according to a study scheduled to appear Kevin O’Connor of University College Dublin and colleagues there and in Germany publish details of their work in the April 1 issue of Environmental Science & Technology, but their research is no joke.

Worldwide, more than 14 million tonnes of polystyrene are produced annually, according to the US Environmental Protection Agency. Most of this ends up in landfills. Although polystyrene represents less than 1 percent of solid waste generated in the US, at least 2.3 million tons of it is dumped in US landfills annually. Just 1 percent of polystyrene waste is recycled.

The microbe is a special strain that can convert petroleum-based plastic waste, produced by pyrolysis to convert it into styrene oil, into a reusable biodegradable form. The result of microbial intervention is a biodegradable plastic known as PHA (polyhydroxyalkanoates). O’Connor suggests that a similar process might be used to convert other types of discarded plastics into PHA.

PHA is used in medicine and for plastic kitchenware, packaging film and other disposable items. It is resistant to hot liquids, greases and oils, but unlike polystyrene, it readily breaks down in soil, water, septic systems and backyard composts.