Who Needs Genes?

It seems that a meeting underway in Exeter this week may very well draw the conclusion that genes, the mainstay of the whole of the last half century or more of biological science, don’t actually exist, at least according to the published abstract from UPenn’s Karola Stotz and colleagues (link died since time of writing).

Stotz explains that daily findings from the life sciences continually imply that the gene as a particulate entity in the genome is not supported by the evidence. They also suggest that science journalists, as both reporters and critics, perhaps have a role to play in the public understanding of post-genomic science. Presumably, this means we should somehow be mediating the discovery of a supposed gene for this disease or that behaviour, and explaining clearly that there are very few biologists now who see “genes” as the particulate entities that explained Mendel’s findings all those years ago. Indeed, headlines shouting about an “asthma gene”, “a gene for homosexuality”, or “the gene controlling suicidal tendencies” must be spiked as of now (and maybe always should have been). I’ll be on my best behaviour in this regard from now on, although I cannot promise I don’t have the gene for being contrary and so might renege on my promise…

Buckyballs redux redux

I received an interesting comment from reader Martin G over at OhPurleese.com following my note about the “dangers of Fullerenes”:

“I wouldn’t be surprised if they have some toxic effects – but . . .

They’re all around us and have been for millions of years. Any old soot contains a fair percentage of Bucky balls, tubes etc etc.

The wonder was it took so long for us to find them!”

He’s certainly right, but I still think that won’t stop the scaremongers shouting down any new research in this and almost every other chemical field.

Buckyballs redux

As some Sciencebase visitors will know, I was on the editorial team that published Sir Harry Kroto’s original paper on fullerenes many moons ago. Now, I see there’s something of a reason not to be cheerful regarding this discovery, at least according to research published by the ACS.

In a challenge to conventional wisdom, scientists have found that buckyballs dissolve in water and could have a negative impact on soil bacteria. The findings raise new questions about how the nanoparticles might behave in the environment and how they should be regulated, according to a report scheduled to appear in the June 1 issue of Environmental Science & Technology.

Recent studies showed that even low concentrations of fullerenes could affect biological systems such as human skin cells, but this latest study is among the earliest to assess how buckyballs might behave when they come in contact with water in nature.

Fullerenes have until been thought of as insoluble in water, which suggests they pose no imminent threat to most natural systems. “We haven’t really thought of water as a vector for the movement of these types of materials,” says Joseph Hughes of Georgia Tech and lead author of the study.

But, Hughes and his collaborators at Rice University in Texas have found that buckyballs combine into unusual nano-sized clumps – which they refer to as “nano-C60” – that are about 10 orders of magnitude more soluble in water than the individual carbon molecules.

In this new experiment, they exposed nano-C60 to two types of common soil bacteria and found that the particles inhibited both the growth and respiration of the bacteria at very low concentrations – as little as 0.5 parts per million. “What we have found is that these C60 aggregates are pretty good antibacterial materials,” Hughes says. “It may be possible to harness that for tremendously good applications, but it could also have impacts on ecosystem health.”

It will be interesting to see how the media takes to these findings, especially given that buckyballs are nanoscale objects. No doubt it will be just one more objection from the chemophobes to the development of new chemical technologies.

3D Printers

UW-Madison’s Biology New Media Center has added a new tool to its gleaming fleet of technology dedicated to making biological concepts come to life. The Z-Corp Three-Dimensional Printer, purchased for $57,000 can create customized and remarkably lifelike 3-D replicas of virtually anything under the sun.

Ted Pan, a technology specialist in the center, exhibited a table full of early experiments with the printer, including double helices, complex proteins, bacteria flagella, animal skulls and – for kicks – a toy sports car. One particularly menacing looking mass of horn-shaped proteins was a replication of the anthrax bacterium. Another model was of a new protein discovered by a UW-Madison scientist, who is bringing handy “copies” of the structure with him to conferences.

The 3D scanner looks very much like a printer, except with a curved glass top that covers the ink-jets and a deep tray of white polymer powder. The jets move back and forth over the tray, creating the object one layer at a time based on a three-dimensional computer image. Most of the larger objects are made hollow to reduce material costs.

The objects come out of the printer fairly brittle, but are then fortified with glues that make them remarkably strong. The printer can make things up to 10 inches tall and literally create moving parts, such as a spool encased with ball bearings.

Pan says that educators are excited about the academic uses of the new device. Even with the level of 3D sophistication in computing, sometimes there is no substitute for picking something up and looking it over.

“The technology has been around for some time and has been widely used by architects and engineers,” Pan says. “What’s newer are the applications as a teaching tool. This is especially useful when teaching about complicated structures like molecules or viruses, where having something in hand makes it easier to conceptualize.”

Pan’s goal is to make the new technology available for broader campus use beginning this fall. He is describing the possibilities of the new tool at the annual Teaching and Learning Symposium in May, which showcases classroom innovation.

Located in the Biotechnology Center, the Biology New Media Center is devoted to enhancing the visual potential of discovery, with video editing suites, large-scale printing, online materials and 3D computer monitors. It can also translate the real into the virtual with a scanning device that makes three-dimensional computer programs out of real objects. The center is widely used not only for instruction, but also for scientific presentations where visual enhancements are crucial.

Eau D’Asparagus

There is an old WebMD item about why your urine smells funny after eating asparagus. I only bring it up because the stalky delicacy is once again in season; delicious they are too from our local farm shop. Anyway, the WebMD item mentions that it’s the presence of a sulfur compound known as mercaptan in the asparagus (also found in rotten eggs, garlic, onions and skunk scent) that leads to the smell.

The article says, and I quote: “When your digestive tract breaks down this substance, by-products are released that cause the funny scent. The process is so quick that your urine can develop the distinctive smell within 15 to 30 minutes of eating asparagus.”

I’m not sure they’ve got that entirely straight though, it is definitely a sulfur compound being metabolised that releases the methanethiol giving urine the smell, and most researchers would suggest the amino acid methionine is the source. If it weren’t we’d also talk about asparagus poo as well as pee as the breakdown product would be present in both.

A+ Science Fair Projects

We used to host some great middle school science projects on our roster. If you’re after an A+ science fair project, then one of the best resources you should check out is Janice VanCleave’s books. She offers the scoop on A+ Science Fair Projects and more. And if her style doesn’t suit, there’s always Science Fair Projects for Dummies (no offence!).

Search Sciencebase for science fair projects that can be done in 24 hours or over the weekend. There are also great ebooks out there such as ones with 101 science projects.

Plastic Guitars Strike a Chord

The plastic guitars I originally wrote about in Reactive Reports the chemistry webzine years ago are almost ready for market according to the SciScoop Science News Forum: Plastic guitars strike a chord

The inventors of the plastic guitar, based at Loughbourough University, are showcasing a range of innovative, high-quality acoustic and electric guitars made almost entirely from polymers. The three models, a hybrid wood/polymer acoustic, an all-polymer acoustic and a semi-hollow electric, feature patented foamed polymer technology that gives outstanding sound quality, apparently. Personally, I’m holding out for an Alex Lifeson signature Gibson ES355 in white (of Rush Natural Science fame).

Causes of viral infections

I wrote a report for the Royal Society about one of its discussion meeting on emerging viral infections some time ago, so it’s quite interesting to see that visitors who hit the Sciencebase site via Google are still reaching the site searching for causes of viral infections. I suspect the visitors are after solutions to their own diseases…the main cause of viral infection, I felt like saying in facetious mode, is a virus…

The SARS bacterium?

The journal Chemical Communications forever trying to publicise its papers, recently highlighted a “hot” paper about removing harmful bacteria from an airstream using a titania photocatalyst. That’s all well and good but “LJ”, who wrote the highlight, seems to imply that the inspiration for this works comes in the wake of the SARS outbreak. To quote: “The recent SARS outbreak has triggered concern over airborne bacteria and the diseases they can cause.”

Well, forgive me, but isn’t SARS a virus? The researchers themselves mention Legionella and the virus SARS but LJ presumably felt Legionnaire’s disease was not topical enough to catch the eye of any science writers prowling the Chem Commun hot papers page. Well, LJ, I’m afraid your mention of SARS caught my eye, but for all the wrong reasons.