Good anger, bad anger

Anger management is not all about controlling and stifling anger especially if you want to be good to your heart.

It’s not five minutes since researchers revealed that anger, particularly among men could cause heart problems. Now, it seems a different group has observed the opposite effect – expressing anger may protect against heart attack and stroke. So, should we chill out or indulge that road rage? Vote now.

Frustrated magnets

Scientists sometimes take magnetism for granted. But some materials behave badly and scientists funded by the UK’s Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) are trying to find out why. They are looking at the conventional wisdom of modern theories and finding it does not always stick to exotic magnets.

Scientists from archaeologists to zoologists are attracted to magnetic measurements. Archaeologists use magnetic artefacts to date sites, while a zoologist might be investigating the effects of magnetism on bird brains. Magnetism is fundamental to science, but despite their ubiquity scientists still cannot fully explain magnetic materials.

Professor of Solid State Chemistry at Edinburgh University, Andrew Harrison hopes with the help of EPSRC funding to get inside some exotic magnets, which could provide insight into more common magnetic materials and ultimately help in the design of computer memory and electrical devices. “The study of the fundamental properties of magnets gives us valuable insights into the principles that govern the structure of solids,” he explains, “This has implications that stretch beyond magnetism and into superconductivity.”

The conventional picture of a magnet says each atom in a material acts like a tiny magnet. The magnetic moment, or direction of the North-South divide on the atoms line up parallel (in permanent ferromagnets like iron) or anti-parallel in an up-down arrangement in antiferromagnetic materials, such as manganese oxide. “The reason why such materials behave this way,” says Professor Harrison, “is that below a certain critical temperature the magnetic moments ‘freeze’, or become locked in position.” For an iron magnet this critical temperature is well above room temperature but for other materials they have to be cooled near to absolute zero before they become magnetic. The picture was fairly simple until high-temperature cuprate superconductors were discovered and started throwing up strange results. For instance, some of these materials, at first sight seemed not to have frozen magnetic moments. Such findings inspired researchers to seek new understanding of magnetic materials.

Because the magnetic moments in some superconducting magnets were very small, quantum fluctuations in their orientation overpower the usual forces that normally lock the magnetic moments in place. In the case of lanthanum cuprate, this is not quite enough to upset the conventional picture but a new ingredient – frustration – changes completely the conventional picture. Frustration is found in materials where the magnetic moments are on a triangular rather than a square lattice. “You cannot physically align all the moments antiparallel with their neighbours!” says Harrison. In such a ‘frustrated’ lattice, the conventional forces between magnetic moments are much reduced and the quantum fluctuations are more influential. This kind of magnet may never freeze and the material fluctuates between different states with the moments twitching between the sides of the triangles. The result is that the material exists as a “spin fluid” and such materials could help explain magnetism and possibly superconductivity.
According to Harrison, however, materials that have a small magnetic moment in a frustrated lattice are very rare and have proved difficult to synthesize. “Such a material is one of the Holy Grails in this area of science” he muses There are many materials with triangular lattices, such as vanadium(II) chloride, but they have conventional magnetism. “The challenge is to swap the elements such as vanadium, which have relatively large atomic moments, for magnetic copper ions, which have small atomic moments, while retaining a triangular lattice. So far the wrong lattice forms,” adds Harrison, “It’s as if nature doesn’t want to produce such a material with this kind of unstable ground state, what happens is that the magnet distorts to some other form as it cools down.”
Harrison and collaborators have tried an alternative material type over the last few years. A material of chemical formula ABO2 (A and B are two different metals, O2 is oxygen) can crystallize with the rock salt, sodium chloride NaCl, structure but instead of Na-Cl-Na-Cl? it would contain A-O-B-O-A-O? making a triangular lattice. If A is magnetic and B non-magnetic, as in NaTiO2, one might be able to make a frustrated magnet. Making this material was a huge challenge but eventually Harrison’s collaborators Matt Rosseinsky (Liverpool University) and Simon Clarke (Oxford University) succeeded. Unfortunately, on cooling below its critical temperature, the atoms in the initially triangular lattice layers, jostled each other and the structure distorted. “The strategy of simply knowing which materials might produce the right lattice structure does not always produce a positive result,” says Harrison.
“With our EPSRC grant we are setting our own agenda as chemists, so instead of saying, ‘right nature gives us these materials to work with’, we could try and direct the lattice’s architecture by choosing chemical groups, or ligands, to join the metal ions.” One approach was to build a template that would bind to three metal ions, but not only that it would have to allow the magnetic moments of the metal atoms to couple with each to produce a magnetic material despite their being locked in a triangular lattice.

Working with chemist Neil Robertson the team is trying to design a ligand for the job. They are exploring hexathiabenzene – six-carbon rings with sulfur atoms attached to each carbon. Pairs of sulfur atoms can grab metal ions like pincers, so each hexathiabenzene links three metals together giving a triangular building block for the lattice. Smearing of the electrons – delocalization – through the benzene ring then provides the machinery for magnetic coupling between building blocks. “Although there is an element of design in this, there is also an element of luck,” says Harrison. The team is now investigating what happens when hexathiabenzene templates a copper or cobalt structure, but he admits, “We are still just finding our way around what works, designing a material is a black art.”


The team has a couple of likely products – magnetic materials with what they hope is a triangular, frustrated lattice, which will make them behave as spin fluids. The problem remains that these materials form only fine powders, which means no conclusive crystal structure. The other problem they are yet to overcome is that for their materials that critical temperature is a rather chilly five degrees above absolute zero. “The long-term challenge of building molecular magnets that might have technological applications remains a distant target,” explains Harrison. But, while that remains so, they are developing interesting structures that are helping them probe the inner mysteries of magnetism. “Our and other studies might conceivably lead to new generations of functional magnetic materials, for computing and other applications, but I’d be wary of saying it’s just around the corner because it isn’t!”

Nature is not entirely mean. The magnetic jarosite minerals used as rich orange-red pigments and cosmetics for millennia contain iron. Harrison spotted the parent compound, potassium hydroxy iron sulfate, as containing a frustrated crystal lattice while still a post-doctoral researcher in Canada.
He and Andrew Wills of the Laue-Langevin Institute and colleagues, have since studied natural and synthetic jarosites from hundreds of rock samples. “We’ve also adapted the ‘natural preparation’ to include ions not commonly found in nature,” says Harrison. The resulting “spin glasses” are providing insights into magnetic phenomena.

By the way, if you want an answer to the question, “is there a material that blocks magnetic forces?”, check out the SciObs blog, the succinct answer is no.

Red car crash

Numerous visitors to the Sciencebase site seem to arrive from the search engines using the phrase “red car crash”. I am not sure I had any specific content among the 4000 articles posted here since 1995 that would be useful to them and I am not entirely sure what they are hoping to find with that search. I suspect they’re perhaps musing on the risks associated with driving a red car as opposed to a car of any other colour.

MidJourney AI generated image of a red car crash

The #DeceivedWisdom suggests that red cars are somehow safer to drive because we associate red with danger and other road users are warier of cars of that hue. Conversely, red is often a popular colour for high-performance vehicles and muscle cars with greater acceleration capabilities than lesser cars and so perhaps they are actually less safe to drive because they spend more of their time accelerating rapidly and being driven at higher speeds.

Search engines suggest that their users might be looking to answer any one of the following questions when searching for red car crash:

  • Which Colour car has most accidents?
  • Are red cars more likely to crash?
  • What was the worst UK road accident?
  • What is the safest color?

However, some studies have shown that you are more likely to be involved in a crash if you’re in a black car, rather than a red one, other studies found the opposite and that 60 percent of road traffic accidents (RTAs) involve a red car. Yet another study suggests that white cars are 12 percent less likely to be involved in an RTA than black cars, others suggest yellow is slightly safer than white. Given the almost random nature of the studies cited by the search engines in offering these so-called facts, I think we need a solid study to tell us once and for all whether a red car crash is more common than any other. This study goes some way to offering an insight, but considers the colour of the car of the driver who was not to blame for the car crash.

Importantly, driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs, distractions such as using a mobile phone, aggressive driving, and driving at a higher speed than is appropriate for the road conditions will most likely outweigh any consideration regarding the colour of one’s car.

Alternative Germans

A federal health report by the Robert-Koch-Institute in Berlin, Germany, has revealed that three quarters of Germans use, or have used, complementary medicine and so-called alternative remedies and 90% would recommend such treatments to others. Since 1995, health insurance companies in Germany have had discretion in including or excluding complementary medicine from the treatments they cover. A lack of definitive medical research could be said to assist the companies in reaching their decisions over certain treatments. Stats source: BMJ.

Telesales taken to task

A paper in a recent issue of the journal Archives Of Otolaryngology – Head & Neck Surgery (2002, Vol 128, Issue 5, pp 571-577) discusses the problems facing telesales people, particularly with regard to voice problems. Telesales staff, the study, led by Katherine Jones of the University of Nebraska found, were twice as likely to report one or more symptoms of vocal “attrition” compared with controls, after adjusting for age, sex, and whether they were smokers or not. Apparently, voice problems and “occupational vocal load” can adversely affect productivity and “are associated with modifiable risk factors.”

We hung-up before finding out what these factors are but was left wondering whether the researchers cold-called the people and whether those interviewed were in the middle of dinner or had had to get out of the bath to answer the phone. In a more malicious moment we’d like to think so.

Cancer mismatch

UK scientists believe a map of how cancer research funding is distributed might help streamline the R&D process and spot underfunding in particular areas. The National Cancer Research Institute has produced the first map of its kind to analyze the distribution of some $390m of cancer research funding from charities and government in the UK. The map revealed that most of the money is spent on the biggest cancers but some rare disorders are being funded disproportionately. (Brit Med Journal)

Wireless power

Cambridge start up Splashpower hopes to commercialize wireless power technology for recharging all your rechargeable devices, cellphones, mp3 players etc, without having to worry about plugging different chargers into power outlets.

Their approach has two parts: the first is a sub-millimeter thin receiver module that can be customized to just about any size, shape or curve of a device. The second part is a thin pad (less than 6 mm) that acts as a universal wireless charging platform and is plugged into the power outlet. Any device fitted with a SplashModule instantly begins to recharge when placed anywhere on the pad.Several devices can be charged at the same time.

Major benefit cited by the company include:

  1. Contactless, efficient, wire-free power
  2. Fast and safe charging rates
  3. Low-cost technology
  4. Low profile

Nothing new under the sun

Concerns about acrylamide, an organic compound formed in foods when they are heavily browned or even burnt have been raised. The compound has worryingly been classified as a probable carcinogen. But acrylamide from cooked foods is very unlikely to be a cause of cancer in humans. Cancer Research UK stated that the notion that eating burnt food would cause cancer is deceived wisdom, a “myth”.

Anyway, for those who think the revelation that carcinogens are formed in the non-enzymic browning reaction known as the Maillard reaction is something new, take a look at the following article I wrote for New Scientist back in the day: Science: Cooking up carcinogens – The chemicals generated in our food, New Scientist vol 127 issue 1729 – 11 August 1990).

Chemical reactions that take place during cooking, baking and preserving generate products that are very important in giving different foods their distinctive aromas and colour. Recently, researchers have discovered that many of these products can reduce the food’s nutritional value, and some can actually be toxic.

Franze Ledl of Stuttgart University and Erwin Schleicher of the academic hospital Munich-Schwabing in West Germany have studied many of the reactions involved, which are known collectively as the Maillard reaction. They believe that the reaction products could cause some diseases, including certain forms of cancer (Angewandte Chemie, International Edition in English, 1990, vol 29, p 565).


Keeping chicken under wraps

A ton of chicken salad was recalled for destruction by the US Department of Agriculture at the beginning of August, because batches were found to be contaminated with the potentially fatal microbe Listeria monocytogenes. The latest development in food science could keep such ready meals on the menu by blocking and killing the bacterium before it can contaminate the food.

Cling film (clingwrap) made from protein rather than plastic could help make outdoor parties and buffet lunches a much safer mealtime. A thin layer of this engineered protein protects those marinated chicken wings and other ready-to-eat meats by stopping those tummy bug microbes in their tracks, according to US researchers.

Food scientists Marlene Janes of Louisiana State University and Mike Johnson of the University of Arkansas have designed and synthesised an entirely edible film from two protein-based substances, which they say can prevent the food poisoning microbe Listeria monocytogenes on ready-to-eat chicken. The team has tested the protein film and reckon they can keep bacterial counts below detectable levels for almost a month.

“Food production occurs in several stages, each of which provides potential opportunities for bacterial contamination,” explains Johnson. He points out that generally chickens grown for commercial food production live in crowded conditions that are ideal for the spread of bacteria. While thorough cooking will kill most pathogenic bacteria that worm their way around food industry safety measures pre-cooked foods can easily be contaminated between cooking and final packaging steps.

Stick that ready-to-eat meal in the fridge and leave well alone and you provide a breeding ground for listeria, which can then cross-contaminate other foods in the chiller, such as deli meats and hot dogs. The perfect recipe for a disastrous barbecue, in other words. Listeria poses a particular risk to children, the elderly, and pregnant women, and can cause serious illness and even be life threatening.

Johnson and Janes (now at Louisiana State University) have explored the protective ability of a protein substance called zein, blended with nisin, a natural preservative protein that kills bacteria. They tested the effects of the protein film on chicken breasts from their local supermarket. First, they trimmed off the skin and cut them into five-gram pieces. They froze the pieces and then blasted them with radiation to eliminate any spoilage bacteria found on the chicken.

They then cooked the chicken pieces (without sauce or condiment) and cooled them. They then marinated the cooked chicken in a listeria brew and coated it with the zein-nisin film and put into sterile sample bags in the fridge.

Usually chilling food in the fridge will be enough to prevent bacteria from multiplying too rapidly. But, that is not the case with listeria, which positively thrives in the cold. Leave that cooked chicken at room temperature or uncovered in the fridge overnight and it could be seriously contaminated by the time you’re lighting the barbecue the next day. Just one mouthful could make someone ill.

The Arkansas team carried out a bacterial headcount on their chicken pieces after 4, 8, 16 and 24 days. They found that even after 24 days in the fridge the treated chunks of chicken were free from live listeria. The blended protein film, which Johnson says is perfectly harmless to humans, kills listeria stone dead.

For Johnson and other food scientists, food safety is a matter of minimizing risks as much as possible, risks that will never completely go away. Pathogenic bacteria, he says, are tiny but formidable adversaries. There were some 65,209 food-poisoning cases in the UK not picked up while abroad in 2000. The Food Standards Agency wants to take Salmonella, E. coli O157, and Listeria monocytogenes off the menu wherever possible. Johnson told us that, “The zein-nisin coating will only work when cold refrigeration temperatures of 4 Celsius are used and only low numbers of the pathogen Listeria monocytogenes are encountered, say about 1,000 per gram. This strategy will not work for temperature-abused foods left out at room temperature.”  Now, where’s that tarragon and lemon dressing?

SOURCE: Journal of Food Science.

Dead parrot sketch

woman brought a very limp parrot into a veterinary surgery. As she lay her pet on the table, the vet pulled out his stethoscope and listened to the bird’s chest. After a moment or two, the vet shook his head sadly and said, “I’m so sorry, Polly has passed away.”

The distressed owner wailed, “Are you sure? I mean, you haven’t done any testing on him or anything. He might just be in a coma or something.”

The vet rolled his eyes, shrugged, turned and left the room, returning a few moments later with a beautiful black labrador. As the bird’s owner looked on in amazement, the dog stood on his hind legs, put his front paws on the examination table and sniffed the dead parrot from top to bottom. He then looked at the vet with sad eyes and shook his head.

The vet fussed the dog and took it out, but returned a few moments later with a cat. The cat jumped up and also sniffed delicately at the ex-bird. The cat sat back, shook its head, meowed and ran out of the room. The vet looked at the woman and said, “I’m sorry, but like I said, your parrot is most definitely 100% certifiably…dead.” He then turned to his computer terminal, hit a few keys and produced a bill which he handed to the woman. The parrot’s owner, still in shock, took the bill.

“£150!,” she cried, “£150 just to tell me my bird is dead!” The vet shrugged. “If you’d taken my word for it the bill would only have been £20, but what with the Lab report and the Cat scan…”