Revenge of the toxic zucchini

Allotmenteers growing courgettes on their plot might be thankful if they stockpiled loo roll during the lockdown as it has emerged that a batch of zucchini seeds may contain seeds that will grow into toxic hybrid plants. The courgettes that grow from these hybrids contain high concentrations of a natural plant steroid called cucurbitacin E, which is very bitter but also acts as a potent laxative.

A warning about the putative lavatorial impact of these courgettes was first reported in June on the Brighton and Hove Allotment Federation web site. A lively discussion with frequent interruptions has grown on their site ever since. Members eventually worked out that the source of the seeds was Mr Fothergill’s. Within the last hour, the seed company has posted a recall notice on its website, Twitter and elsewhere:


It has come to our attention that a batch of our Courgette Zucchini seeds, labelled batch code "I", could contain a small number of seeds that could produce bitter-tasting fruits. This could be due to unusually high levels of cucurbitacins...

So, if you’re harvesting your courgettes (zucchini) this weekend check your seed packet batch number before starting that stirfry and don’t eat any courgette that tastes very bitter.

Interestingly, the toxic effects of cucurbitacin E exists in this family of plants to protect them from aphids, it acts as a natural insecticide. However, it may also have medical applications. The compound and its chemical cousins are being investigated for their anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and even anticancer properties. Of course, the pharmaceutical scientists will have to modify the structure to reduce the alimentary effects of the compound if it is to be a successful medicinal drug.

Is that okay tonight?

I suspect most Sciencebase readers are not particularly interested in my songwriting process, but I’ve been posting different strands of my songs, snaps, and science for so long now that if you’re still with me, then you’re still with me and I thank you for your patience and loyalty!

Anyway, I talked about the process of a new track – “That’s okay, tonight” – a few days ago, it was always on the cards, though I was in denial, that what was an annotated instrumental would inevitably become a song.

That’s okay, tonight

Step up to the light, learn you’re not the only dreamer
Find a place for you to shine
Try as you might, you won’t find another schemer
Who twists the knife like you’re not mine

…and I’m telling you…
You were the calm before the storm,
You told the lies that kept me warm
And you had it all, though I could’ve sworn you’d thrown it all away

No, I don’t want another fight
I’ll see you in the glare of the morning light
No need to cry tonight
No, I don’t want another fight
We’re okay for tonight

Musical portmanteau – portmantunes

Meanwhile, on a deadline and so needless to say, distracted by a twitter game a guy called Geoff on twitter triggered…

He started it with:

“Woke up, fell out of bed
Dragged a comb across my head,
My shaving razor’s cold,
And it stings.”

A Daydream Believer In The Life

Which I think would work better as “In the life of a daydream believer”…

That made me come back with:

“There’s a lady who’s sure all that glitters is gold and she’s buying a highway to hell” — LedC/DeeC

and “Ground control to Rocket man” — Elton Bowie

and “It’s a godawful small affair to the girl with the broken smile” –Maroon Bowie

He mentioned list songs that could work really well – Nothing Ever Happens, Parklife, We Didn’t Start The Fire, End Of The Workd As We Know It). “They are probably a goldmine for this, the Kevin Bacon of lyric mashups,” he tweeted.

So, I did: “That’s great, it starts with an earthquake
Birds and snakes, “The King and I”, “The Catcher in the Rye”
We didn’t start the end of the world as we know it” – Billy Rem

and he came back with

“Telephone exchanges click while there’s nobody there,
The Martians could land in the car park and no one would care.
And then you’re in the man from Mars
You go out at night, eatin’ cars” — Del Ablondie, Nothing Ever Raptures


“It’s oh so quiet
Shh shh
It’s oh so still
Shh shh
You’re all alone
Shh shh
And so peaceful until
Wednesdays, when I get rudely awakened by the dustmen.” — Blürk


“Let them know it’s Christmas time,
Mistletoe and wine…” — Cliff Aid

and I did

“My sugar pie, honey bunch brings all the boys to the yard and they’re like, it’s better than yours”

and he did

“Open the door, get on the floor,
Everybody be cool, this is a robbery!”
*bass riff* — Was Not Dick Dale
(From the Jurassic Fiction soundtrack)


“Mama, it’s raining men,
Put a gun against his head,
Let myself get soaking wet….”

“It’s Raining Bohemians” by, I added, the Weather Queens?

and I alluded to The Move and The Beatles fruity overlap

“Goodbye Blackberry Fields Forever”

and I also did

“Sweets for my sweet sugar sugar for my honey honey” — Archie Drifter


He also suggested the following as a hypothetical thesis: Subject Diversity In Lyrics And The Impact On Mashups: A Small Hairy Ball World Theory Analysis Bacon, Erdős, Osbourne et al

to which I replied: Hermann Goering, MC Escher, JS Bach?

Blürk is the best, he wins!


As a footnote, checked with Geoff if he was happy for me to blog these…his DM response: “Go for it…or better still – Book ’em, Chewie!”

That’s okay, tonight

Sometimes a guitar lick comes out of nowhere…it just finds itself morphing from sub-cognitive neuronal activity to muscular movements and takes on a life of its own. I noodled about on the guitar with one such riff recently. Simple stuff really, the basic chords were a few majors and a minor, but working up the neck rather than standard first positions. Then a repeat of that but ending with a turnaround taking it back down.

It was reminiscent of a hit song by Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons which we sing with bigMouth occasionally. Classic song, Northern Soul style. I left it for a while, I couldn’t just write a new version of The Night.

A couple of weeks went by, the arpeggio was still in my head, shifted it up a third to give it a different vibe and added what one might call a chord progression for a putative chorus, almost with a flamenco bouquet. I wanted to build it into something but step well away from trying to do a Northern Soul song. So, I turned to the fantastic drum recordings of previous online collaborator, Klaus T. He had a recording in his archives on WikiLoops that was perfect, but only one minute thirty long.

I downloaded the wav file and overdubbed a bit of directly injected Taylor acoustic guitar, capo 3, with the chord progression arpeggiated. Sounded fine, but his track was too short for a complete song and there were fills and endings I needed to edit over to extend it for a full-length song. With that done, I redid the acoustic overdub to make it a complete song of about 3 minutes, then added a Yamaha bass lick. With that nailed, a heavy funk guitar was needed and that was done on Fender Telecaster.

Next step would be to write some words to make it into a song. Something I often do while trying to think of a lyric is to lay down a guitar solo over the whole song to give me an idea of what the melody might sound like once the words are ready, so that was done. Then I overdubbed some random burbling words following the guitar solo as a pseudo guide vocal.

It wasn’t working as a song…so I did a second take on the guitar solo and changed the sound a bit…then I had a thought, why not have both guitar solos vying (pardon the pun) off each other? So, the intro was held centre stage, and once we get to the turnaround, I panned one solo left and the second right…sounds good, but still no words. Maybe this is destined to be a perpetual instrumental, I thought.

It’s so far away from what I’d started with and certainly is no longer reminiscent of The Night. I tried playing in a bit of Hammond Organ to experiment with a different vibe altogether on the off-chance that would trigger some lyrical thoughts. But, that wasn’t to be either, just sounded too retro and like I was trying to ripoff the aforementioned seasonal song.

Then, another brainwave…how about choral harmonies nodding to The Beach Boys and Queen, that ought to keep it away from Northern Soul. So, I overdubbed six harmony parts, just singing “oohs” to fit the main riff. Applied some equalisation, reverb, the usual stuff, panned and stereo spread them to make it sound like a vocal ensemble rather than just my voice singing along to myself over and over. These became a standalone intro ahead of the instrumental drums and bass intro and are reprised later in the track a couple of times.

Finally, I chopped that chunk of choral to make it sit with the two-chord shuttle at the end of the song, where I abandon the chordal ascent, turnaround and descent and just sit on two major chords a I and a II before shifting up to a III, and not the minor chord (iii) as you’d expect. I later added a final bar of “aahs” also in six-parts just to add a tail to the piece, giving it a nice finale and takes us well back into the 1960s or early 1970s progressive rock in terms of style, I think.

A melting pot, a dash of The Four Seasons, a sprinkling of Chili Peppers, maybe some Placebo and The Manic Street Preachers, Queen, The Beach Boys, 10cc, The Eagles, who else? No idea, none of it was really deliberate and I still cannot call it a song, it’s definitely an instrumental.

That’s okay…tonight.


I attempted to video myself from a couple of angles miming the guitar parts to the tune, but it all got a bit complicated trying to frame just my hands and the guitar without recruiting Mrs Sciencebase to assist. Instead, I went looking for a Creative Commons video that would fit the mood of the song and could be used freely. Found a nice montage of interesting video recordings from a Flickr contributor “illbethesun” aka Yug_and_her from Hyderabad. There are some lovely vignettes in the montage, all very atmospheric and evocative. I stretched and reversed and chopped and duplicated, and added some effects to make it long enough and intriguingly somehow tell the tale of this lyric-free song.

Unfortunately, I then noticed that although the search had supposedly brought back C0 content, this video actually had a rather limiting licence that precluded remixing and also commercial use. So, I searched again and found a properly C0, no rights reserved video, which is not quite as intriguing but it at least it allows me to use it as I please. It’s drone footage of Hong Kong at night. I added some thoughts in caption form to make this an instrumental with words.

I’ve messaged the creator of the original video to see if I can get permission, but have set it private on Youtube, it probably won’t play, but I’m leaving the code here ready for his hopefully positive response.

Silver-washed Fritillary butterfly

We visited Somerset in the summer of 2019 despite neither of us being fans of cider. We stayed on a beautiful part of the county’s north coast and did a lot of walking and visited a few nature reserves in the hope of seeing bird and insect species we might not commonly see in Cambridge where we live.

The Silver-washed Fritillary, Argynnis paphia, was one of the Lepidoptera I hoped to photograph. The species is widespread over the South West and Ireland (see here) and we saw several on flowers in the gardens of a cafe we visited after a five-mile walk. Spotted them only after I’d taken off my walking boots to cool my feet, so I was painfully tiptoeing over their gravel walkways to get a close-up.

Turns out the butterfly’s range extends all the way up to Cambridge, so we needn’t have gone that far if “ticking” that one species had been the sole aim of the trip. Yoga buddy Celia sent me a photo of paphia she had snapped in Hayley Wood Nature Reserve just west of Cambridge earlier this week.

So, on Friday I drove the 13 or so miles to this Wildlife Trust reserve with the aim of getting some new snaps of the species. I tramped up and down its empty footpaths for two or three hours. I passed one other person, a jogger, the whole time I was walking and then saw a Dad with his two teenage kids when I was at the top of the reserve’s observation tower.

Silver-washed Fritillary (M), rearview showing underside of wing

Anyway, I had seen very few birds, various butterflies (Comma, Meadow Brown, Peacock Red Admiral, Ringlet, Skipper, White (Large and Small) and having sat at the top of that tower was packing up my camera kit and readying to head home when I spotted a Hummingbird Hawk-moth flitting about among the fallen branches at the foot of the tower. This is the first one I’ve seen in this country since two of them were feeding on our Red Valerian in our back garden last September. Anyway, camera out, again…moth photographed.

Hummingbird Hawk-moth

Heading back to the car I took a 90-degree detour up a narrow and somewhat narrow footpath, which is when I spotted the first paphia of the day…and then another. They were too quick for me to raise my camera and get a shot, disappearing as they did into the overgrown foliage. I doubled back, maybe it’s a favoured spot, I thought…and thankfully it was indeed, another appeared, perched on a leaf, happy to be photographed at the requisite three metres of my 600mm zoom. Then another two.


Unless the butterflies had also doubled back, I hazard a guess that I saw five in this spot within the space of twenty minutes. I only ever saw two simultaneously, so it is possible there were actually between two and five.

Rutpela maculata

The silver-washed fritillary butterfly has black spots on deep orange wings, and can be about 50 to 70 millimetres across when wings full open. The males are a little smaller and paler than the females. The name is derived from the character of the underside of the wing which is green with “artistic wash” silver streaks instead of the silver spots seen on other fritillaries. The adults feed on the nectar of bramble, thistles, and knapweeds, all of which were present lining the footpath.

Lots of Blackcaps and Wrens calling in the woods, but didn’t see much avian activity until I got back to the car, Whitethroat and a Red Kite overhead, quite low.

Red Kite

Coming out of Covid lockdown, I don’t think so…

Fundamentally, we are still riding (just) the first wave of the global Covid-19 pandemic. If there are sudden spikes now, that’s still part of the first wave. Nothing has changed for the virus except that some people have been avoiding contact with other people, so the rates of infection in some places have slowed giving health services a bit of space to mop up and treated those seriously ill with the virus. But, at the time of writing half a million people, at least, have died from Covid-19.

I don’t really know how I feel about this coming out of lockdown, to be honest. I suspect that having asthma and being in my 50s might make me more susceptible to being badly symptomatic with the coronavirus. Colds lay me out sometimes for weeks. But, there are far worse off people.

The infection rate is very low in our neighbourhood, and indeed in our county as a whole, 51 in a million people infected as opposed to well over 140 in a million in Leicester, where a local lockdown has been implemented to try and reduce this number before it ravages the population there.

I run a website and social media for a local pub. They’ve announced that rather than open on the 4th July when they have permission to start serving again, they will open on Monday the 6th to allow them to ease into the week. It will be incredibly busy, people will feel unleashed and gasping for a pint. But, to my mind, it only takes one infected person to cough in your face to almost guarantee that you’ll inhale virus…and so I’ll be giving the pub I love a miss, at least for the foreseeable future.

I’ve hated lockdown, hated the lack of social life, hated the fact that it’s effectively dragging us down into a serious recession. I’ve tried to jolly along with lots of silly creative ideas such as my PondWatch series, spoof/satirical phonecall videos, Rock-around-the-Wok cooking with music, writing and recording some of my own songs, and creating a VE Day 75 video with various local singers and performers (all done remotely). Getting back together with C5 The Band for a socially distanced rehearsal last week and a trip to the coast with Mrs Sciencebase were much needed tonics as were sitting at a distance drinking at and chatting with some friends in their garden. My mood is nowhere near as swing low as it was two weeks ago, thankfully. I also got hold of a Canon 7D mk ii, which has made bird photography a joy once again with a much faster focusing capacity and the virtual upgrade in zoom lens from 600mm to 900mm by virtue of moving from the 6D full-frame to 2/3 of the 7D.

There was talk this morning of a secondary type vaccine that won’t stop you becoming infected but may well keep you asymptomatic. A normal vaccine would aim to block infection, but this might not be possible for coronaviruses. If that’s developed sooner than later we could all get back to something like a new-normal situation far quicker than we otherwise might, but it’s possible it won’t be ready until next year. We’ve got the coming flu season to get through before then too! There are a couple of drugs that seem to be working for seriously ill patients, which is a good thing, but I’d rather not have to be in such a state that I’d need either, thank you very much.

So…the long and short of it: Will I be going to the pub next Monday? No!

RSPB Snettisham and beach

Thursday, 25th June…I believe it was the hottest day of the year, so far. So, as lockdown eased somewhat and we are allowed to cautiously travel away from our homes, we headed for the beach. Not Bournemouth nor Lulworth Cove…North Norfolk and specifically Snettisham. We saw barely another soul other than an RSPB Warden who was reminding people not to walk on the areas of the beach and shoreline where birds are nesting.

Cock Linnet

We also saw a handful of other birders and a dogwalker or two and nodded to each from at least 20 metres rather than the requisite two. The virus hasn’t gone away, governments and people visiting Bournemouth think it has…but…no.

Anyway, as we pulled into the car park there was a Sparrowhawk hauling itself into the air with a female Blackbird in its talons (sorry, no picture), and as we parked up, a Red Kit with a missing wing feather circling above.

Red Kite

Peregrine Falcon circling above the shoreline scaring the Oystercatchers with their nests and chicks on the lower ranks of the sloping sea defences as the high tide retreated.

Juvenile Oystercatcher vulnerable to predation at the water’s edge when a Peregrine is about, I suspect.
Alarmed parent Oystercatcher, possibly scared of us walking past, but more likely the Peregrine circling above
Peregrine Falcon, possible cause of the Oystercatchers’ alarm rather than us walking past
Safe and sound, the danger’s passed

Lovely Turtle Dove turring from a tree on the fishing lakes back inland. Also seen Ringed Plovers, Pied Wagtails, and Black-headed Gulls, all with chicks, Sedge Warbler. On the Lepidopteral front Ringlet, Whites, Meadow Brown (far fewer than Cottenham) butterflies, Cinnabar moth.

Black-headed Gull and chick
One of a pair of Egyptian geese hanging out with the mucky ducks
The Cinnabar

There were also huge numbers of ladybirds that seemed to be swarming in from across The Wash, an irruption perhaps?

Ladybirds mating on mullein
One of a couple of Ringed Plover with nests on the hot shingly sand
Solitary Turtle Dove, have previously sighted half a dozen in this area in summer.
Half a pair of Egyptian geese hanging out with the mucky ducks
Greylag Goslings
Northern Marsh Orchid
Wild Labrador chilling in her pup tent

Lepidopteral Garden Safari – Part 96vii/d

Obviously, it’s not really Part 96vii/d (that’s just one of my perennial jokes). I think it’s probably the thirtieth or so post of moth garden safaris though…these are some of the varied species that made an appearance in the garden last night, drawn to the ultraviolet lure. My garden list is almost at 350 different species, there are some 1800 species in the British Isles overall, so still a long way to go and some species will never been seen in this little corner of England.

Three Privet Hawk-moths, UK’s largest moth
Gold Triangle, one of the smaller moths
A dark, but not 100% melanic form of Peppered Moth
Ruby Tiger
Swallow-tailed Moth
The Old Lady
Common Emerald, new for me in 2020
The Flame