The (New) Elements Song

I mentioned my friend Helen Arney‘s marvellous update of the classic chemical song by Tom Lehrer a while back (December 2016). Now, the team from the Royal Society of Chemistry’s Chemistry World magazine, led by another, Ben Valsler, have crowdsourced a choir to join Helen and Waterbeach Brass (the brass band from the village eastwards across the A10 road from us here in Cottenham) to record a new rendition as we come to the finale of the International Year of the Periodic Table. It’s super!

Science on TikTok

UPDATE: Well, it was worth a try…some of the vids I posted had a few hundred views and a handful of likes, one got 1500+ views and a few dozen likes. But the vast majority of the stuff on there is pointless nonsense and there seems to be little engagement to be frank. Even attempting to find STEM people has not really worked so far. I am going to leave it to brew on the backburner for a while over the Christmas period and come back to it next month.

You may have heard about TikTok, it’s a fairly new video platform (actually, it’s ancient, founded in September 2016!). Rumour has it that’s mostly youngster doing silly stunts and pranking each other and if it’s not that then its craftspeople and builders and decorators showing off their skills in plastering, bricklaying, tree-felling, carving, plastering, and other stuff. There’s been some 15-second activism that hit the headlines recently and seems to be growing…

I registered with the app soon after it launched, but never used it at the time. Well, as I mentioned here a few days ago I was inspired by engineer-inventor Dr Lucy Rogers to take a closer look as I imagined that there could be potential for engaging and perhaps even inspiring some of those youngsters with some sciencey videos.

My early postings are a bit eclectic, some music, some moths, a stylish stile, silly snowy filters, and others bits & bobs. Some seem to have been viewed several hundred times and liked by a few dozen users; others don’t seem to have hit the target at all.

Anyway, as I did with Twitter more than a decade ago, I thought it might be nice to start compiling a list of STEM people active on TikTok and maybe even encourage a few who aren’t but who have content that they share on other social media to take a look. So, I’ve made a start and will add anyone who is in STEM and sharing experiments, demos, and other pertinent stuff, just let me have your handle and I’ll take a look.


The International Space Station, ISS

I totally forgot that I’d had another got a photographing the International Space Station, ISS, as it flew overhead a few nights ago. The photos were not very good, so I headed outside to try and catch this evening’s very bright, overhead flypast and was a little more successful.

If it’s flying over where you live and it’s night time and the sky is clear, look to the western horizon for a steady, bright light that travels across the sky heading East, it will take several minutes to cross the sky, it moves quite quickly so hard to get a focus lock on with a big lens. There’s no twinkling, no flashing lights, just a very bright steady and steadfast light.

This was the best of a large sequence of photos I snapped where you can definitely see the shape of the beast and how it is rotating as it travels across the sky. Full-frame SLR with a 600mm zoom lens, EV turned down a few notches, ISO as low as I could go and get an exposure. f/5.6 but that’s irrelevant and a short shutterspeed to preclude shake while handholding the machine.

This is a 48×48 pixel crop from my original 5472×3648 photograph scaled up 4x and coupled with a NASA photo of the ISS so you can see better what it is you’re actually looking at here!

Below is a 768 pixelwidth crop of the original. The white speck in the middle is what I’ve cropped to in the view above

Spare a thought for our winter visitors

Many people are well aware that the British Isles welcomes a lot of summer visitors – the cuckoos, swifts, swallows, house martins, and many other migratory species that head north in the spring from their season in the sub-Saharan sun. But, there are also visitors in the winter, birds that head south from the cold to catch a little of the warmth of the Gulf Stream. As far as we know many birds adopted migratory behaviour in response to the Ice Age and having evolved to cope with that are locked into that pattern, at least until climate changes in a significant way once more.


I wrote about a winter visitor that reaches our shores some time ago in this newsletter – the starlings. While we have lots of starlings all year round, those vast flocks we know as murmurations occur when the starling forces are bolstered by visitors. If you head out to the local nature reserves and even just the outskirts of the villages you are likely to see many other visitors among the flocks of gulls and crows, for instance. Among the grey and white clouds of the more well-known gulls, there might be something a little less common, an ivory gull for instance or perhaps even a glaucous gull and we did have a hooded crow on the outskirts of our village, Cottenham, last year.


Among the other winter visitors that turn up in greater numbers are a couple of thrush-type species, related to the blackbird and the song thrush, namely the fieldfare and the redwing. Both species will make a winter home on farmland and use the hedgerows and bordering trees and woodland. Both eat a lot of berries and will attempt to out-compete the resident blackbirds and thrushes for supplies. Should the weather turn foul, as happened when we had the so-called “Beast from the East”.

These birds headed for the relative shelter of our gardens and began stripping firethorn and rowan trees of any remaining berries. Another reason not to be too tidy in pruning back your bushes in the autumn. Incidentally, there were still fieldfares to be seen in the trees that border the allotments and the recreation ground as recently as April, despite most winter visitors having departed for their northern summer homes.

waxwing benton 2 e1523904354898

Of course, having some vast wet spaces and in being so close to Norfolk, we have plenty of waterfowl visitors in winter – geese, ducks, swans. These head south from Scandinavia and elsewhere to take advantage of the relative warmth here when the chills really do set in up north. Many readers will no doubt have visited WWT Welney to see the large numbers of Whooper and Bewick’s swans and other waterfowl that arrive each autumn there.


Among the less common birds you might see around the village and in local woodland that turn up for the winter are goldcrests. This species holds joint first place with the firecrest as our smallest bird species, far smaller than the resident wren, which is our most common resident. That said, you can see goldcrests and firecrests at any time of year.

Whooper Swan

Another relative rarity to watch out for, especially around trading estates and supermarket car parks where there are often lots of berry-laden trees is the waxwing. This elegant and bohemian species spends the summer in the far north, but is peripatetic, rather than migratory, in the winter, and often turns up unannounced in large flocks to those berry-rich sites when food is short in the north. Watch out for huddles of people in olive green and beige with thinly insulated hats hanging around The Beehive Centre or the guided busway parking areas with binoculars and ‘scopes pointing them hopefully at rowan trees and the like and you might just spot an elegant visitor.

Why do crabs walk sideways?

Edited straight from the Wikipedia entry on hermit crabs

As the hermit crab grows in size, it must find a larger shell and abandon the previous one. Many species form housing chains to get a new shell. When an individual crab spots a new empty shell it leaves its own shell and tries the vacant shell for size. If the shell is too big, it goes back to its own shell and waits near the vacant shell.

As new crabs arrive, they do the same forming a group of dozens of individuals, holding on to each other in a line from the largest to the smallest crab.

As soon as a crab arrives that fits the vacant shell and claims it, leaving its old shell empty, then all the crabs in the queue swiftly exchange shells in sequence, each one moving up to the next size.

The answer to the title question…because they do like to be beside the seaside, oh they do like to be beside the sea…

The eyes have it

Eyes are a worry aren’t they? I use mine a lot…but I have all these little floater things bobbing about, I see them when I use my PC, when I’m on the phone, when I’m outside on a sunny day, sitting reading, watching TV, playing guitar, taking photos, singing.

All the time, actually.

They’re always there. I was getting worried.

Couple that to the need to find my glasses to read anything at all or look at an object any smaller than an inch across, and it’s all a bit worrying.

So, nice to have an eye test where nothing truly untoward is revealed, just a slight and inevitably sliding into age-related long-sightedness and a new prescription for computer glasses and reading glasses. Those floaters, apparently, I’ve not got many at all, all very normal and healthy in there. Look, here’s your retina, how healthy is that?

Oh, but there’s glaucoma in the family and my eye pressures were slightly different from each other (15 in the right eye 19 in t’other). That means I have to have a so-called “field test” Look at the tiny, faint white lights on this screen and click a button to say you’ve seen one as they illuminate randomly across your field of vision.

I was not seeing the light in the field test, well, one faint point. I was consistently missing it in the test and had missed the same point point the last time…retinal damage, something amiss? Immediate neurotic conclusion is that blindness is coming and I need to get to the hospital urgently, but also my inherent urgent not to be anywhere near a hospital despite chronic hypochondria had me making a request of the optician:

Can I do the test again just to be sure?

Of course!

So, I did it all again and this time I scored 100% for both eyes. Didn’t miss a single point of light across my visual field, so that’s good, no damage, just a transient, albeit repeated, ocular glitch. All good. Pressures tests showed both eyes the same, give or take, 13 and 14 units; smack in the middle of normal.

My new computer glasses do look a bit trendy and they let me have a Calvin Klein case for them, even though they’re not CK, so any fashion-conscious friends can feel envious. I will undoubtedly wear that at gigs so I can see my music, they’re focal length is a couple of feet, which is right for PC monitor and music stand alike.

Eyes really are a worry…

Tik Tok, TikTok, what you waitin’, what you waitin’ for?

My friend Dr Lucy Rogers tweeted something she’d posted on Tik Tok, a short clip of an English oak in its autumnal finery. Very nice I thought…

…more fool me. Ten minutes later I had re-registered on Tik Tok and was scrolling through vids like a man possessed. If Youtube was the previous tech generation’s cocaine, then Tik Tok is basically crack. If it’s not crack cocaine to Youtube’s cocaine, then it’s definitely its crystal to Vimeo’s meth, or perhaps it’s just “tirami” to Vine’s “su”.

Needless to say I have now posted a few snippets to test the water, got a few likes already and a tiny clutch of followers including Dr Lucy Rogers.

So far, I’ve posted a Fieldfare feeding in our garden during the Beast from the East weather period, a folk band in a Greek Taverna, the rotating propellers of an aeroplane on which we flew in September, one of us driving over the Tyne Bridge, and am just about to put up a video of our dog running in the snow. Exciting stuff, huh? What a time to be alive! Oh, yes, I’m @sciencebase as you’d probably expect.

UPDATE: Lucy highlighted a couple of other TikTokers in our realm: RuthAmos and RobIves. I will add to the list as new STEM people turn up.

Mistle Thrush and Mistletoe

Mistle Thrush (Turdus viscivorus) in our mistletoe-infected rowan tree. I was poking the camera out of the bedroom window hoping to catch sight of the Goldcrest (Regulus regulus) calling from our bushes when a male Blackbird and this Mistle Thrush had an altercation and the Thrush ended up perched in the tree right in front of me.

He’s been around for a couple of weeks now, but spends his time hiding in a neighbour’s tree which has lots of berries and lots more female mistletoe (with berries), our rowan has already had all of its offspring predated by birds and the mistletoe growing on our  tree, as you can presumably see, is male, so no berries.

Mistle Thrush and mistletoe

We are assuming it’s the same Mistle Thrush that roosted in their tree last winter; life expectancy is three years, but can be much longer, and, of course, much shorter. They are a resident species and territorial they will scream their cackling call and fend off other thrush-type birds that try to feed on their berries. We hadn’t seen nor heard the bird since last winter, so presumably it was active elsewhere in the area through Spring and Summer and into the Autumn.

Aside from the more raucous call and song that sets it apart from the dulcet tones of the Song Thrush and even the Blackbird, the bold, brown spots on the cream breast of the Mistle Thrush do not have the “heart” or “arrow” shape of those on Song Thrush. The BTO has a nice video describing the distinctions between Song and Mistle.

Long exposure trees

It’s an old photographic trick, set a relatively long exposure time and move the camera while pressing the shutter and after, you get blur. But, if you’ve got focus on the subject you might just get some nice abstracts. Here are a few efforts in a local woodland (Fen Reeves Community Wood). Most of the photos were down swinging the camera vertically either up or down. The second-last one below, above the orange and brown Autumn Leaves, one is a horizontal swing.

1/6s exposure f/8 150mm zoom ISO 200
1/6s exposure f/19 150mm zoom ISO 200
1/6s exposure f/8 150mm zoom ISO 200
1/6s exposure f/9.5 150mm zoom ISO 200
1/3s exposure f/6.3 150mm zoom ISO 200
Horizontal swing. 1/2s f/11 160mm ISO200
“Autumn Leaves” Worts Meadow Nature Reserve, Landbeach Long exposure, 1/2s f/22, 600mm, ISO100 with vertical movement of camera during exposure.

Developing murmurations in Cottenham

For those of you intrigued by such things, you might like to know that the scale of the Starling flock murmurating into the reed bed at the Broad Lane balancing pond in Cottenham has increased by an order of magnitude since I last took a look.

On my first visit this year, I estimated 3-4 flocks of 200-300 birds. This evening just as the sunset, there were 3-4 much bigger flocks each of three times those number and several smaller flocks of 100+ thereafter. Estimate the total number of birds roosting there at 2000-3000 at the moment, which is about 1000-1500 fewer than the peak last winter. More will arrive from Europe as winter chills come on I suspect.

At the moment, they’re bedding down in quick succession. If there were raptors around, mainly Peregrine falcons or perhaps owls, they’d murmurate longer before going to roost to avoid being taken on the wing or caught just before hitting their reed bed.