The golden moth that laid the eggs

Among the dozens and dozens of Yellow Underwings of various kinds, the milieu of Rustics, the Rose-flounced Tabbies, the Mouse Moth, the Least Carpets, a solitary Elephant Hawk-moth, and several tens of other species, there was a crispy-looking golden wonder that came to the actinic light trap in the night yesterday.

A female Oak Eggar, Lasiocampa quercus.

Oak Eggar, Lasiocampa quercus
Oak Eggar, Lasiocampa quercus

The species is sexually dimorphic, so it was obvious this was a female even before she laid a dozen eggs in the specimen pot.

Incidentally, the species is called Eggar because the silky cocoons the larvae make are quite large and obviously ovoid (as Peter Marren explains in his book, reviewed here earlier this year), although the pupa of this species also looks like an acorn, hence the “Oak” in the name, the larvae don’t feed on Quercus tree species, they prefer heather, bilberry, bramble, sallow, broom, blackthorn, hawthorn, hazel, and sea-buckthorn, according to UKMoths. The red-brown males are day-flyers, the females nocturnal.

Oak Eggar eggs
Oak Eggar eggs, they’re quite hard and almost 2mm long

Cutting back on emoji

For a while back there I had emoji on my twitter profile splitting it to the seams. I’ve trimmed them back again now, but for posterity, here’s how it was. Thanks to @bef_xoxo for asking why I had so many. She is part of the team running NUSU Freshers at NCL this year.

You might also note that I have only about 42500 followers as of July 2019. Not two or three years ago that number as closer to 54000. Ah well, general attrition of users leaving and unfollowing over time and a slower rate of uptake by new followers. If you want to follow the new emojically abbreviated @sciencebase, that’s the handle, as ever.

A year of mothing

It’s a year to the day since I first got bitten by the mothing bug, as it were. Initially, it was all about seeing what turned up at the scientific trap and trying to get a photo or two of anything interesting. I did keep a record of new species and I think had logged and photographed approximately 130 of the 2600 or so species we see in the British Isles by the end of the long, hot summer of 2018 and into the winter.

Canary-shouldered Thorn
Canary-shouldered Thorn, first one of 2019 for me

I kept on lighting up until well into December in the vain hope of spotting some of the late autumn and early winter moths with marvellous names such as Merveille du Jour and the more obviously named November and December Moths. It wasn’t to be, but a few others did turn up late in the season, no Mervs, but a November or two.

I started occasionally lighting up again in February 2019 and then more seriously into the spring as the Quakers and Muslins began to turn up. As of my first year anniversary, I have logged and photographed 270 moth species. So a little more than 10% of those we might see across the country.

Least Yellow Underwing, new for me 25 July 2019
Least Yellow Underwing, new for me 25 July 2019

Weirdly, the temperature yesterday and today are the same as they were this time last year and I had high hopes for some of the summer highlights, the less common Pine and Convolvulus Hawk-moths, some Garden Tigers and the like too (they’re spotty and used to be called Leopards). None of those last night, but I did have my first Canary-shouldered Thorn of the year (it was very worn) and a motley crew of Mottled Rustic and the usual greys and browns, and small flat moths that look like bird much, such as the Lime-speck Pug, and the black and white Carpets, Least and Garden. Also new to me was the Least Yellow Underwing, pictured above.

Buff-tip on Silver Birch twigs
Buff-tip on Silver Birch twigs, tree favoured by its larvae

You can see my moth-trapping logs here. And, just so you know, all moths are released unharmed at dusk away from the trapping site. I’m still holding out for some more NFM species this week as the heatwave persists. Meanwhile, I asked the good people of the Moths UK Flying Tonight Facebook group what they were hoping to see.

Claire W got 2 Ruby Tigers “which was lovely” and said she too would love a Pine Hawk!

Mandy H is hoping for “Small and select.”

Dave M had a small trap out in woodland last night, and got a Pine Hawk! Also got a Gypsy and Oncocera semirubella, not normally found in such habitat! I have another trap out at my place of work for tonight. Either I’ll get something amazing or be knee-deep in LBJ’s.

Jo W lit up last night and got her first Green Silver Lines and Least Carpet. I always find it amazing how something is common for one area yet rare in another!

Rory M asked how we all find these moths and was advised by Sue T that it’s usually a trap

Andrew D had a jersey tiger last night

Stephen T said any Hawk would be good.

Bill M (the VC29 County Recorder) suggested Crimson Underwing, Clifden Nonpareil, Scarce Bordered Straw, White-spotted Pinion, True Lovers Knot, The Latin, Spoladea recurvalis all in his dreams. Although he reckoned two of those are possibilities and that a Jersey tiger would be nice also.

Leonard C was not too worried about what turns up but an Orache would be nice.

Dennis C said an Old Lady (any old lady!) would make my night … I disturbed one behind the garage once soon after we moved in, but I’ve never seen one to photograph. He did have three Jersey Tigers, which are on several people’s wishlists.

Wayne C is after Buff Arches and Bagworm Moth.

Alan S told us he is lighting up. Had a big haul in the field last night including Leopard, Pine Hawks, Small “Ellie” Hawk. Feels like another good one tonight.

Elarna R said a Jersey Tiger flitted past in the garden a little while ago (SE London) she was worried she wouldn’t see any this year, he’s a bit late! [This species was one of the first I saw on my first night trapping at home, dB/]

Paul H revealed he’s not fussy about what turns up “just as long as there’s something new to science in tonight’s catch.”

Su R told us her dream is an Alchemist! and Allan R is after a Sycamore

Celebrating more than twenty years on the web from 1995 and beyond

UPDATE: It’s August 2024 and I just found one of my New Scientist cuttings that mentions my website in my byline! The article is dated August 1994. So I’ve had a website for thirty years!!!

Back in the day, I had a news website (it was a blog before blogs, you might say). It was called Elemental Discoveries, first issue was published in December 1995, although I’d had a personal website for about a year by then. Elemental Discoveries was an online spin-off from my regular column in the RSC youth section magazine, New Elements (to which I gave that name after a redesign from the old Gas Jar).

Elemental Discoveries existed on various American university freeserve sites I could access via Telnet at the time and was then supported by a chemistry software company on their servers but editorially I was 100% in control. Eventually, though, to grow, I needed a proper home for my (originally) chemistry news site. I registered this site’s domain on 20th July 1999. was born.

It became prominent in the early days of the science web featuring in a lot of directories (remember those), being reviewed in the papers and magazines and so on. Won a few awards. Peaked at 20000 visitors every day! Countless other science sites came online, then web 2.0 arrived, and social media. Meanwhile, I created several other sites of a similar ilk for other organisations (Reactive Reports for more chemistry news, Spotlight for general science, and a couple of others, as well as being there for the launch of the original ChemWeb (and later for BioMedNet), and of course, SpectroscopyNOW.

The Sciencebase site has morphed from mainly chemistry news where I’d link out to my professional writing in The Guardian, New Scientist, The Daily Telegraph, Proc Natl Acad Sci, Bio/Techniques, Nature, Science, the aforementioned ChemWeb, Chemistry in Britain then Chemistry World, SCI’s Chemistry & Industry, the ChemIndustry website, the also aforementioned SpectroscopyNOW, BioMedNet, etc, et cetera.

Today, I’m using Sciencebase as a hub to point to my other creative pursuits: photography and music and to blog about #PondLife #AllotmentLife #Birds #Lepidoptera and #WildLife.

There is still the occasional splash of chemicals from the world’s laboratory benches, but at the moment it is mostly moths and butterflies, plants and soil, birds and animals. And music, always music, and occasional stories about scientific discoveries concerning music.

You can, of course, get even more of my science and stuff on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, BandCamp

Oh, what it was to be a pioneer, back in the day! Hahaha!

Wilding the garden #WildFlowers

Part of our plan with the re-digging of our pond, #PondLife, was to create a slightly wild area behind the pond and a second patch adjacent. I planted various seeds and also let the grass grow, mowing up to an imaginary curved border tangential and sweeping from pond to compost bins.

We have some Red Campion (one flower showing), St John’s Wort, Foxgloves, Sweet Basil, all making a start, and several other species of weed that have self-seeded, including Meadow Crane’s-bill, (one flower showing of that too!).

Seedlings of nyjer and sunflower have grown where the bird feeders were hanging. Among these flowers there might be some from the Seedball I mentioned a while back, the yellow flowers perhaps, the cornflowers, and possibly the Lacy Phacaelia. Poppies were either sown or self-seeded from previous years.

There are also various strains of cornflower and some nasturtiums, and probably a Common Ragwort.

Red Campion, Silene dioica
Red Campion, Silene dioica
Meadow Crane's-bill, Geranium pratense
Meadow Crane’s-bill, Geranium pratense
Unannounced yellow-flowered weed
Unannounced Common Ragwort, Jacobaea vulgaris?

If this is ragwort, then I should’ve made the association with The Cinnabar moth, Tyria jacobaeae. Its larvae, caterpillars, eat ragwort and related species, hence the second part of their scientific name. Usually, you see lots on any given plant, recently, I’ve seen solitary larvae, a couple of times. Most recently during #AllotmentLife. Ragwort is toxic, but the larvae have enzymes to break down the toxins and so can gorge their wriggly black and orange selves on it all they like.

Cinnabar moth larvae, Tyria jacobaeae
Cinnabar moth larvae, Tyria jacobaeae feeds on Jacobaea vulgaris, Ccommon ragwort
Blue Cornflower, Centaurea cyanus
Blue Cornflower, Centaurea cyanus
Pink cornflower, Centaurea cyanus
Pink cornflower, Centaurea cyanus
Curling purple flowers
Lacy phacaelia, Phacelia tanacetifolia

Moths come full circle

As regular readers will know, I borrowed a scientific (albeit home-made) moth trap from my good friend Rob, here in Cottenham on the edge of the Cambridgeshire Fens. He had been telling me about mothing for a while and how he and his kids had been keen back in the day. The trap was lying dormant in his garden workshop.

Copper Underwing, Amphipyra pyramidea
Copper Underwing, Amphipyra pyramidea

I had occasionally snapped the odd large moth, a Hummingbird Hawk-moth in France a Pale Tussock in our conservatory, some Cinnabar moths and Six-spot Burnets along footpaths of Aldeburgh and other places. The inspiration came to borrow the trap and have a go at mothing properly on the 23rd July 2018. Mrs Sciencebase spotted a rather large and patterned moth on the warm, west-facing outside wall of the conservatory. It turned out to be a Copper Underwing (Amphipyra pyramidea, Linnaeus, 1758).

Copper Underwing, Amphipyra pyramidea
Copper Underwing, Amphipyra pyramidea

I photographed this specimen and then contacted my friend Rob to ask if I could borrow the trap. He set it up for that night and I paid a visit the next morning to see what had come to the actinic ultraviolet light (lots of species!). After we photographed and released those back into the wild, I left with the trap and got ready to set it up in our back garden with its attendant egg trays (they act as nice resting places for the moths that enter the trap where they can roost overnight). Next morning, I had a good haul of Lepidoptera, Ruby Tiger, Burnished Brass, Large Yellow Underwings, and so many more. It got me hooked, although I wasn’t recording the specimens properly at that time. That came early in 2019, with the installation of a new UV bulb and the emergence of the spring moths.


Copper Underwing, Amphipyra pyramidea
Copper Underwing, Amphipyra pyramidea

I have been keeping quite fastidious records since and confirming new species of which I couldn’t be sure of an identification via the Flying Tonight UK Moths Facebook Group, the @MothIDUK Twitter (aka Sean Foote), as well as the UK Moths website, and my Collins Complete Guide to British Butterflies and Moths (Sterry, Cleeve, and Read, 2016).

Copper Underwing, Amphipyra pyramidea
Copper Underwing, Amphipyra pyramidea

Anyway, night of 17th July 2019 it was balmy and dry. Post-pub, took a look outside to see what kind of activity there might be around the moth trap. Plenty! Including, you guessed it, a Copper Underwing. He brings me full circle with the mothing. Of course, this just represents a punctuation mark, a comma if you will (that’s a butterfly, Polygonia c-album), and I will carry on logging old and new species. Indeed, the final haul on the morning of 18th July 2019 was more than 180 moths of 50+ species. Most of those I have seen several times before.

There were four Elephant Hawk-moth, a Pebble Hook-tip, Brimstone, endless Least Carpet and Garden Carpet, lots of Rose-flounced Tabby, various Yellow Underwings, Bird-cherry Ermine, Thistle Ermine, Buff Ermine, a good crop of Dark Arches, and more. You can see the complete list in that record sheet I mentioned above.

By the, way the labial palps field note for Copper Underwing vs. Svensson’s has been shown to be unreliable, definitive marker is a pale, central patch on the underside of the hindwings of the former as seen above.

All in a night’s mothing

Rehearsing with C5 the Band last night for forthcoming gigs. Got back to catch a glimpse of the partial lunar eclipse, a quick hello to the family, and then out to the UV scientific moth trap on a balmy, partially cloudy night to see what was around.

Maximum of partial lunar eclipse, night of 16th July 2019
Maximum of partial lunar eclipse, night of 16th July 2019

There were lots of moths, beetles, caddisflies, lacewings, and more. By morning counted more than 200 specimens of moth of more than 44 species. It had been a dry, much warmer night, still with a minimum of 13 Celsius though. Numbers and diversity were much improved on previous nights. Two new for me macro species: Dusky Sallow and Small Emerald.

Dusky Sallow
Dusky Sallow, Eremobia ochroleuca ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775)
Small Emerald Hemistola chrysoprasaria (Esper, 1795)
Small Emerald, Hemistola chrysoprasaria (Esper, 1795)

There were two lovely Yellow Shells (just one pictured), and a Thistle Ermine.

Thistle Ermine Myelois circumvoluta (Fourcroy, 1785)
Thistle Ermine, Myelois circumvoluta (Fourcroy, 1785)
Yellow Shell, Camptogramma bilineata (Linnaeus, 1758)

There were a couple of Agapeta hamana (one richly coloured (pictured), the other much paler), Smoky Wainscot, and Bulrush Wainscot, new for me), and Codling moth, with a bronze ring.

Agapeta hamana (Linnaeus, 1758)
Comon Yellow Conch, Agapeta hamana (Linnaeus, 1758)
Smoky Wainscot Mythimna impura (Hübner, [1808])
Smoky Wainscot, Mythimna impura (Hübner, [1808])
Codling Moth Cydia pomonella (Linnaeus, 1758)
Codling Moth, Cydia pomonella (Linnaeus, 1758)

Least Carpet and Chrysoteuchia culmella were joint first on numbers at about 25 each, there were also four Privet Hawk-moths, but no other HMs. I think I saw a couple of Canary-shouldered Thorns on plants in the garden before bed, but didn’t get a positive ID. Maybe later in the week.

Bulrush Wainscot Nonagria typhae (Thunberg, 1784)
Bulrush Wainscot, Nonagria typhae (Thunberg, 1784)
Single-dotted Wave Idaea dimidiata (Hufnagel, 1767)
Single-dotted Wave, Idaea dimidiata (Hufnagel, 1767)

Several of the species new to me that I’ve blogged about here and added to my Lepidoptera gallery were identified or confirmed with the assistance of @MothIDUK and members of the Moths UK Flying Tonight Facebook group. Any labelled incorrectly, that will be entirely my fault, please let me know if you spot any ID errors on any species on the blog or in the galleries over on Imaging Storm, thanks.

The height of summer – Marbled White

It doesn’t seem like five minutes that I was itching to get started photographing the summer migrant bird species. But, it was April that I saw my first Swallow of 2019, House Martins, had been around a few days at that point, and the Swifts came quite a bit later.

I went looking for the local Turtle Doves today, which were still turring last weekend somewhere in the trees along the recently opened bridleway between Fen Bridge Farm and the Les King Wood, in Cottenham, VC29. I didn’t hear nor see them this time. Maybe they’ve already started their journey back to southern Africa, the Cuckoos are long gone, after all, although Reed Warblers are still chattering in the Balancing Pond and along Cottenham Lode.

The Swallows on the barn at Broad Lane seem to be gathering together on the overhead wires, lots of youngsters perhaps wondering why. There were about fifty on one wire and a dozen or so on the barn roof. Will they soon be gone? It’s only mid-July and the Painted Ladies forecast a hot, dry summer to come and abundance of their thistle-eating caterpillars (#AllotmentLife). Indeed, the Swallows were still here at the end of August 2018, but it was an exceptionally hot and dry summer that seemed to start in May and carry on through to September with little respite. Who knows? When they’re gone, they’re gone.

I mentioned the so-called June Gap in butterfly activity between Spring and Summer. It’s a bit of #DeceivedWisdom really, there is such huge overlap between species we usually consider to be Spring species and those of the height of Summer that generally emerge in July. Today, I saw lots of Skippers (Large and Small), Whites, (Small and Large) Small Tortoiseshell (no Large), Painted Lady, Peacock, Meadow Brown, Small Heath, Gatekeeper, and new to my photo gallery Marbled White (Melanargia galathea, Linnaeus, 1758). UPDATE: June 2022 – I’ve seen a lot of Marbled Whites in various places since I first ticked the species and photographed it for Sciencebase, even added it to the garden list in June 2022.

It’s been a while since I mentioned #PondLife. There doesn’t seem to have been any repercussions of last week’s tapwater overkill, overspill. The water is still lovely and clear, the snails seem to be thriving and today I saw a pair of Ruddy Darter dragonflies mating on the wing over and around the water as well as at least one Common Blue damselfly (again). It is becoming a little bit of what I hoped for.

Lock up your boxes – there are invaders

The Box-tree Moth (Cydalima perspectalis, Walker, 1859) is an invasive species that has reached the British Isles. It originated in Asia and its larvae feed on, as the name would suggest, various species of Buxus, box tree (known as boxwood in the US). It turned up in my scientific trap night of 11th July 2019. I almost missed logging it as it flew up to a window as I was opening the trap. I’ve sent a record to the Cambridgeshire County Record.*

Box-tree Moth (Cydalima perspectalis)
Box-tree Moth (Cydalima perspectalis)

It’s a pretty pearlescent moth and was first seen in Europe in 2006, in Germany, specifically. It is most likely to have hitched a ride on imported Boxus plants as eggs or larvae. It was first recorded in the British Isles in Kent in 2007, spread to Surrey, into London and the home counties and beyond. It is not known which counties it is now resident in, but there have been sighting, often to moth traps, across most of Southern England and further North. It has been recorded in Fife in Scotland. Spotted in Toronto, Canada in 2019.

The larvae will devour Buxus leaves and so disfigure ornamental and topiaried Buxus. Of course, it is the importing of particular species of these plants that has allowed this moth to spread, reinforcing the mantra that planting native species should be the ethical horticulturalists way forward.

* Bill Mansfield the County Moth Recorder got back to me this morning with a response to the Box-tree Moth sighting:

Box tree is pretty well established in Cambridge city from Trumpington to North Cambs so no surprise you've got it too. I dread it arriving in Ely, if it's not already here. I've 20-metre of box hedge I've nurtured for eight years against everyone's best advice...

More and more moths

Amateur Lepidoptera expert friend Leonard has not “ticked” one of the species that were new to me in last night’s scientific trap experiment. The species in question looks quite remarkable: Marbled Clover, Marbled Clover (Heliothis viriplaca). So, that’s bonus points to me today, surely?

In fact, a day later, it seems that quite a few of the experienced moth-ers on the Facebook group there have not seen this species. It usually inhabits The Brecks, but there is evidence that there are migrants. We’re not that far from The Brecks here, but this could well be a traveller that just turned up almost randomly here.

Marbled Clover
Marbled Clover

Overall the haul for the night of 10th July 2019 and into the morning was more than 210 specimens of more than 56 moth species. There was a lot also among the folds of the white sheet I have hanging by the trap.

The Herald
The Herald

It would be interesting to know whether the sheet really makes a difference, as there are several species that don’t seem to enter the trap often that I have seen in the dark close to the trap (the large, lemon sherbert coloured Swallow-tailed moth, for instance), but are attracted by the ultraviolet let, and simply hang around the folds of the sheet. But they might just as easily roost on the brickwork and glass of the conservatory, in fact some do. Old Lady has appeared in the trap twice now (different specimens) and they’re not really even meant to be attracted to light.

Bordered Sallow
Bordered Sallow

I also wonder if all my wildflower planting and cultivating night-scented plants (Nicotiana, Stock) in the garden is making a difference, attracting moths by scent that are then drawn to the UV. I only started this experiment at the end of July 2018, so it is impossible to know, and the weather was very different in the summer of 2018, so there’d be no comparison even if I had started earlier and kept detailed records then.

Lozotaeniodes formosana
Lozotaeniodes formosana

Either way, I’ve just passed 250 species identified and photographed. This, I’d say is the half-way mark, given that two other moth-ers in the village here are both at the 500 mark after several years of scientific trapping.

Common White Wave
Common White Wave

If you want to follow the detailed logging of the experiment, my spreadsheet is available here.

The Coronet
The Coronet

All of the photos on this blog post are of species new to me on the day or writing. 11th July 2019.

Rhyacionia pinicolana
Rhyacionia pinicolana