Macro Safari

Usually, I carry a “blimey, that’s a big one” lens the size of which passersby seem to have no reservations in commenting on. It does have a focal length of 600mm, but it’s tiny compared to some of the fast professional sports and wildlife prime lenses of similar focal length out there.

Anyway, today I took a tiny lens. A 90mm prime, macro 1:1, lens. It means you have to get closer to the subject to get the shot, which means it’s no good for photographing birds perched, flying, or otherwise, except if you’re somehow in a hide or otherwise well hidden. But, I wanted to capture a few of the mini beasts in the countryside around us: A few micro moths maybe, the butterflies fluttering by, hoverflies, May flies, beetles etc.

And, I did. I revisited the Field Scabious on the banks of the Cottenham Lode and sat down with metallica (the Brassy Long-horn moth, Nemophora metallica), snapped some Skippers, some Common Red Soldier Beetles (Ragonycha fulva), and a couple of Swollen-thighed Beetles (Oedemera nobilis).

Large Skipper butterfly
Large Skipper butterfly
The green insect is Swollen-thighed Flower Beetle
The green insect is Swollen-thighed Flower Beetle
Battered Speckled Wood butterfly
Battered Speckled Wood butterfly
Brassy Long-horns
Brassy Long-horns
Brassy Long-horn closeup, lens was about 120mm away, this is cropped though, moth is 10mm

Citizen Science Moth-trapping

In case you hadn’t noticed, Sciencebase is now moth central, at least for the time being. I’ve been using a scientific trap with a 40W actinic UV light for almost a year now. Have identified (often with help) and photographed almost 250 different species of moth. That’s a mere 10 per cent of the number of species seen in the British Isles. Some rarities have been seen beyond the trappings of our back garden too, including the Brassy Long-horn, logged with the County Recorder and back in the trap, Light Feathered Rustic.

Meal Moth, Pyralis farinalis
Meal Moth, Pyralis farinalis – Rare migrant or grain-store dweller

Anyway, this morning’s haul was quite vast. Biggest count ever – 200+ moths of 50+ species (not counting a few stray micro moths). I managed to ID all but one of them. The spare one isn’t in my Collins guide to Lepidoptera. It’s a micro moth known as a Meal Moth, Meal Moth (Pyralis farinalis).

Buff Arches
Buff Arches – The moth with a hint of flint

The Meal Moth is not normally interested in lights and usually spends its time in buildings (what it did before buildings I don’t know…caves…woodland hollows, presumably). Its larvae eat stored grain, so the kinds of buildings it prefers are grain stores and barns. Now, we’re not too far from farmland and some of the local crops are wheat and barley, but there are no grain stores close to us. It might be that this species, rather than being a dingy building dweller is something of a scarce migrant. Neil Croton on one of the mothing Facebook groups ID’ed it for me and told me he’d had the same species last night too:

It's a lovely-looking moth, deserves to be a rare migrant rather than an overlooked moth of old farm buildings

I sent a record to Bill Mansfield the County Moth Recorder for Cambridgeshire (VC29). He told me that the Meal Moth turns up consistently and he had noted a recent mention on social media for Cambridgeshire.

Chinese Character – The piece of poo moth
The Spectacle – The moth with the glasses on
Buff-tip – The sticky moth
The Phoenix
The Phoenix – The rising from the ashes moth
Marbled Beauty
Marbled Beauty – The beautiful and marbled moth

Thrash metal moth – Nemophora metallica

UPDATE: June 2021 – I have recently negotiated with the UK Environment Agency to reschedule the mowing of the Lode banks on which this moth has been thriving these last two or three years – Saving Lode Life.

A gentle tale of heavy metal insects…a summer walk along the flood-bank of Cottenham Lode, usually with a camera, often turns up an interesting bird or two, Reed Warblers, Skylarks, Reed and Corn Buntings, and their cousins the Yellowhammers. There are often Linnets and various raptors and herons.

Earlier this week, I was chasing butterflies – Meadow Brown, Skipper, Painted Lady, Red Admiral, etc. A rather mundane and almost throwaway snapshot of a Green-veined White perched on the Field Scabious on the bank of the dog-leg in the lode where it deviates towards Rampton Bridge turned up something interesting. I thought I’d spotted a hoverfly, but when I looked at the photo closeup, it turned out to be a moth with very long antennae.

I tweeted the photo @MothIDUK who could only pin it down to one of various Nemophora species. It wasn’t his fault, the overblown reflections of the moth’s forewings hid any detail. However, Ian Ellis, a fellow moth-er in Cottenham, saw my tweet and went to the Lode himself to check out this day-flying moth. He saw eight longhorns and reckons the one in my photo is Nemophora metallica. A great moth name for heavy metal fans, one has to admit.

I took another trip to the dog-leg in the Lode and photographed the species again, this time deliberately and with a tripod so I could get some fairly sharp photos where I was homing in on the moth rather than random butterflies. Amazing creature, the male’s antennae are about three times the length of its body, although its body is just 8 or 9 millimetres long, but…still!

In my photos, the moth is feeding on its target plant, the field scabious, Knautia arvensis. They’re known in East Anglia, but relatively rare and this could be a useful record for Cambridgeshire, VC29.

Buff-tip – the sticky moth

Any moth-er will tell you, a lot of moths are shit…that’s not to say they don’t like them, rather lots of moths have evolved to resemble bird droppings. Among those that have camouflaged themselves as guano are the wondrous Chinese Character, the Lime-speck Pug, the Least Carpet and the Garden Carpet, and several others. They are unaware of their superficial resemblance to a dollop of tacky avian ordure. Anyway, it’s what’s on the inside that matters and moths have feelings too…sort of.

Other moths have a grander perspective on camouflage, Buff Arches, as previously mentioned looks like a chunk of knapped flint and so can hide among the stones on the woodland floor with predators unaware of its presence.

But, today I want to talk about a sticky moth. I don’t mean the species has adhesive qualities, although if you let it walk on to your finger you can feel it clinging on to your skin. No, the moth we know as the Buff-tip looks like a piece of broken twig. A twig from a birch tree to be precise. Unfortunately, the best twig I found was from our wisteria, so he had to make do. In my first photo, it is difficult to see where moth and twig begin and end. Is that twiglet the alpha to the moth’s omega or its yang to its yin? You decide.

In this photo, the moth was still clinging to its twig, almost for dear life, and in my photo it’s more obvious which is which, but…are you sure, you’re seeing it the right way?

The Old Lady with the Black Underwing and the Grave Brocade

As the summer moves on, so the diversity and numbers of moths (Lepidoptera) active each night grows. We’re coming to the end of the first week of July and already one night’s haul has passed 200 specimens of 40 different species, logged, identified, and the interesting and ones new to the garden photographed.

Old Lady moth. Mormo maura
Old Lady moth. Mormo maura, one of the larger moths of the British Isles

160+ moths of more than 30 species were drawn to the actinic light of the scientific moth trap on the night of 5th July. I had heard and possibly seen an Old Lady (Mormo maura) in the garden a few nights ago, but this morning she was nestled in one of the egg trays in the trap awaiting her photocall. This species is large (30mm along the edge of the forewing). Far bigger than the many micros that I didn’t log in detail. You can see the morning logs for the leps here.

The Old Lady, also known as a Black Underwing, and in an earlier time, the Grave Brocade, was accompanied by two Privet Hawk-moths (the UK’s largest species of moth) and a single Elephant Hawk-moth both of which I’ve photographed and written about here previously. The Old Lady is not commonly drawn to light according to the UK Moths site, although my Collins lep guide says they will often come indoors attracted by the light. Regardless, this one definitely was drawn to the light and settled in for the night. It had a chunk missing from its left forewing, so I did a little ‘shopping to tidy her up.

Why is this noctuid, or owlet, moth, called Old Lady, you are probably asking? Well, the sombre answer is that the dark and funereal colours of this moth reminded those who named it of the penchant of elderly widows of Europe for wearing black. This was long before the Victorian era though.

The delicate patterning of the moth’s wings, according to Peter Marren in his book of moth names, Emperors, Admirals, and Chimney Sweepers, resembles that kind of black lace. Intriguingly, adds Marren, the scientific name – Mormo maura – The first part of the name is the name of a hideous she-monster used by Greek parents, apparently, to encourage errant children to behave. “Mormo will come and bite you, if you don’t behave! The second part of the name alludes to the Moors. In Holland, the Old Lady, Marren tells us, becomes a black orphan – Zwart weeskind.

Pondlife clarity

Our pond has, this week, started to show signs of clarity, we can see the gravel at the bottom now and although it’s not perfectly clear it seems to have achieved some kind of balance at last. That said, it occurred to me after writing the initial draft of this blog post that the thing that did it was transplanting one of the plants into a bigger pot of aquatic soil; that was about a week ago. The low-nutrient aquatic soil has presumably added something to the water or is acting as a filter and led to this new clarification. Of course, what this now means is I need to find a way to camouflage the tubs and the hose you can now see at the bottom of the pond!

There have been sporadic sightings of at least a couple of frogs for a few weeks now. I added some water snails from a friend’s as previously mentioned, and I could actually see them moving around in the newly clear water. I also added a couple more plants including the mimulus in the photo above, maybe that helped with the clarification too.

Damselflies have been investigating again today…which is good…and there is an abundance of mosquito larvae…not so nice.

Wimbledon 2019

I could waffle on about the materials used in modern tennis rackets, the balls, the clothes the players wear, the compounds they used to weed and feed the grass courts, but I won’t here, just for the sake of it, are a few snaps from a trip to Wimbledon myself and Mrs Sciencebase made this week. All shot on my relatively old Panasonic DMC-TZ35 Lumix with the Leica lens and the 20x optical zoom.

Wimbledon Hat
Wimbledon Hat in monochrome
Privileged to see British hopeful Heather Watson vs Kontaveit
Privileged to see British hopeful Heather Watson vs Kontaveit
Playing for victory
Playing for victory
Umpire, security, management
Umpire, security, management (Members of HM Armed Forces volunteer to take security roles at Wimbledon)
Wimbledon Second Round: Kontaveit defeats Watson
Kontaveit defeats Watson, gracious in victory and defeat
Feliciano López
Second match of the day on Court Number 1 with Feliciano López
Between sets, the ultimate victor, Russian player Karen Khachanov
Between sets, the ultimate victor, Russian player Karen Khachanov
Wimbledon line judge and ball boy
Wimbledon line judge and ball boy
Wimbledon practice courts with Jo-Wilfried Tsonga
Wimbledon practice courts with Jo-Wilfried Tsonga
Tennis fans, Henman Hill, Wimbledon
Tennis fans concentrating hard, Henman Hill, Wimbledon
Live tennis at Wimbledon, far more intimate than it might seem from this photo
Live tennis at Wimbledon, far more intimate than it might seem from this photo
Wimbledon umpire
In the umpire’s seat
Court No. 1 Floral Tribute at Wimbledon
Court No. 1 Floral Tribute at Wimbledon

The June Gap

UPDATE: Reading Oates, I realise now that the June Gap is more widely appreciated, particularly by beekeepers rather than butterfliers. Indeed, the gap isn’t really about the invertebrates at all, it’s about the flowers. The spring flowers come and go and there is commonly a gap between their final blooms and the emergence of summer flowers.

It is this period that beekeepers think of as The June Gap, a period when there is far less nectar available for their apian charges. This, of course,  means there is less food for other nectaring species, such as butterflies, and so they have adapted to cope with this in terms of their flight periods and reproductive cycles, hence the hibernators, the spring emergers, and the summer species.

However, climate change and change ecosystems now mean that much is altered from when the notion of a June Gap was first discussed and indeed, the very notions of the immutable four seasons in the temperate zones are being disturbed by global effects driven by rising atmospheric carbon dioxide levels.

There always seems to have been some overlap between what we might call the spring butterflies (Orange Tips, Brimstone, Peacocks etc) and the emergence of the summer species, like this Ringlet, the Heaths, the Blues, and the Meadow Browns, Skippers etc. But some of those Spring species keep going well into the summer and some of them have a second brood too.

Ringlet butterfly, with swollen-thighed beetle bottom left
Female Ringlet butterfly, with swollen-thighed beetle bottom left
Comma (left), Ringlet (right)
Comma (left), Ringlet (right)
Large Skipper
Large Skipper

So, while there may have been a June Gap in flowers (that too is changing), insects and plant life don’t tend to obey our qualitative rules. Indeed, many years there are commonly more butterflies and more butterfly species on the wing in June than in the earlier spring months or later in the summer.

For more of my butterfly photos, check out the Lepidoptera galleries on my Imaging Storm website.

Coastal Lepidoptera

UPDATE: The huge numbers of very worn, migrant Painted Lady butterflies that we and many other people saw at the end of June and into July. It was an irruption and is a good indicator of a coming long, hot summer.

Apparently, this species which migrates into Europe from North Africa never gets its weather forecast wrong. They only turn up in such large numbers here when the weather is going to be good. Their larvae feed mainly on thistles, including the notorious creeping thistle, the bane of the allotmenteer with a bad back. #AllotmentLife.

Painted Lady, Vanessa cardui, North Norfolk, 29 June 2019
Painted Lady, Vanessa cardui, North Norfolk, 29 June 2019

The second generation will hatch from eggs laid on those thistles and will be much more richly coloured than their migrant parents who lose so many of their wing scales on their journey to these shores.

However, we need to talk about Vanessa. Vanessa cardui is the Painted Lady in Cynthia’s group. No, not the backing singer in an all-girl 1960s Northern soul outfit, she’s a butterfly. On our hike from the campsite in Stiffkey to the pine-backed beach huts at Wells, a ~16km round trip along the coastal footpath, we saw dozens of V cardui and very few other butterfly species. There were a few Small Tortoiseshell and lots of Meadow Brown, and the occasional Speckled Wood.

I don’t recall ever seeing so many Painted Ladies at one time. They migrate to Britain and Europe from North African and the Mediterranean region in Spring. For whatever reason, there seems that a large number has arrived on these shores.

Silver Y feeding on and pollinating wildflowers along the Norfolk coastal path at dusk.
One of many Silver Y feeding on and pollinating wildflowers along the Norfolk coastal path at dusk.

On the return journey from Wells, as dusk ultimately fell we also saw plenty of grass moths of different species and dozens of feeding and pollinating wildflowers Silver Y (Autographa gamma) and one Yellow Shell (Camptogramma bilineata), and a Cinnabar (Tyria jacobaeae).

Stiffkey campsite to Wells and the pine woods, 10 miles there and back
Stiffkey campsite to Wells and the pine woods, 10 miles there and back


Spooning in Stiffkey

Mrs Sciencebase and I visited our peripatetic holiday house* to High Sands Creek campsite in Stiffkey, Norfolk, this weekend, turned out to be the hottest weekend of the year so far. Lots and lots of rather worn looking Painted Lady butterflies during the day and Silver Y pollinating the wildflowers at dusk.

A long, hot walk to Wells-next-the-Sea from the campsite was peppered with the usual seabird suspects of summer in this area – Oystercatcher, Curlew, Red Shank – and quite a few warblers in the trees along the footpath. It’s quite a hike from the east end of Wells to the pine-backed beaches of golden sand and beach huts to the west. The aroma of the pine and the heat of the day might make the somnambulant visitor imagine dreamily that they are on a Mediterranean island. It is quite beautiful and one of the many reasons we make return visits to this part of the world and have done so for almost thirty years.

Anyway, we had at various points along the hike seen what we thought were large, odd-looking herons overhead. It was only on seeing one wading and feeding along the shore of the inlet, East Fleet, that we realised that what we had been watching were Spoonbills (Platalea leucorodia).

There are a few of the birds at Holkham, further west around the coast, perhaps one might describe it as a breeding colony and ironically enough they were spotted at Stiffkey Fen a couple of days before our arrival. The “spoon” shaped bill of this bird, Mrs Sciencebase remarked is quite something, but perhaps a more apt name would The Spatula-billed Heron.

Sadly, this species is of European conservation concern and is actually only a rare breeding bird in the UK. It is thought there are only up to 4 breeding pairs in the UK. That said, on a fairly recent visit to RSPB Minsmere we caught a glimpse of around 30 Spoonbills (out of breeding season some of them arrive here to over-winter). I’ve seen two previously at RSPB North Warren on the northern outskirts of Aldeburgh, Suffolk.

But, on this more recent coastal trip to North Norfolk we may have seen a total of half a dozen, with one or two spotted in flight at different times over the weekend and the individual above I photographed in Wells-next-the-Sea.

Amazingly, only one other person in the town walking along the East Fleet seemed to notice the bird, he ran down to get a photo with his phone shouting about it being a “dessert spoonbill” to his friends and, of course, he spooked it and it took flight…which did give me an opportunity to snap it in flight much closer.

*Our tent.