TL:DR – An update on my butterflying efforts in 2023.
Regular readers will know I’ve been making a concerted effort to see more species of butterfly during the last couple of summers. Obviously, most people will have seen the relatively common ones – Brown Argus, Comma, Common Blue, Green-veined White, Large White, Orange Tip, Painted Lady, Peacock, Red Admiral, Small Copper, Small Tortoiseshell, Small White.
But, there are many more including various fritillaries, hairstreaks, other types of blue, other types of white that are not seen so frequently. They have limited ranges and sites, nectar and lay eggs only in particular environments, and are generally not seen in gardens or on general walks in the countryside, unless you’re very lucky.

So, here’s a list of the species I’ve been targeting over the last couple of years, some I’m yet to see, others I have “ticked” as it were:
Blue, Adonis; Blue, Chalk Hill; Blue, Silver-studded*; Blue, Small; Camberwell Beauty*; Clouded Yellow; Fritillary, Dark Green; Fritillary, Glanville*; Fritillary, Heath*; Fritillary, Pearl-bordered*; Fritillary, Silver-washed; Fritillary, Small Pearl-bordered*; Grayling*; Hairstreak, Black; Hairstreak, Brown*; Hairstreak, Green; Hairstreak, White-letter; Hairstreak, Purple; Marbled White; Purple Emperor; Skipper, Chequered*; Skipper, Dingy; Skipper, Grizzled; Swallowtail*; Wall; White Admiral; Wood White*.
*Ones I have not seen nor photographed in the UK. Although I have seen Swallowtail larva.

I’ve put together a spreadsheet so I can see the where and when and am sharing a portion of that here for you. It’s centred on Cambridge, but spills over into neighbouring counties where there are species that don’t yet appear in this county. I add the best photos I get of the various species to the butterfly gallery on my Imaging Storm website.