UPDATE: 22 Apr 2019, I wasn’t there but apparently, still Shorties at Burwell Fen.
Short-eared Owls (Asio flammeus) like to spend their winters where it’s slightly warmer than their native lands of Iceland, Scandinavia, and Russia. I say warmer, they migrate to northern, eastern, and parts of central southern England especially around the coast. But, they also seem to have favoured NT Burwell Fen this winter.
Got quite close to the Owl photographed above without spooking it, but there was a group of people up ahead who had an even better view when it landed right in front of them, but they decided to blunder ahead and get even closer than 20 metres for their photos, scaring the bird and ruining everybody else’s chance for a closeup.
There have been sightings of six or so Short-eared Owls over the last few weeks. I have seen at most two at one time there in the last few days, but possibly a third. Other photographers and birders there suggest only two remain. They will only be here for a few more days, maybe weeks, the weather and food source will perhaps dictate how much longer they will stay.
A 7- or 8-mile hike from NT Wicken Fen car park out through Burwell Fen to The Anchor in Burwell and back via the electric sub-station. Timing was perfect, just ahead of sunset by the time we got to the western side of Burwell Fen, there were about 20 others with cameras waiting for the local Short-eared Owls (Asio flammeus) to emerge for their late-afternoon prandials. Reckon we saw three of possibly six that live around this Fen.
Like I say, there were quite a few people on the Fen watching out for owls and hoping for a great photo.
Oh, and here’s that 7.65 mile route to the pub and back via the owls…
Then, there were these snappers who seemed to be snapping me rather than the shortie heading across their bow.
Oh, and one last shot just the sun was sinking and one of the shorties headed off over the Fen.
I haven’t yet been to see the Snipe (Gallinago gallinago) living on the edge of our village pond, but a visit to RSPB Fen Drayton today allowed us good views of a pair roosting and then feeding on the little islands right in front of the Coucher Hide there.
This species is incredibly well camouflaged in its normal environment. I spotted the first of two, Mrs Sciencebase the second. A fellow birder couldn’t quite home in on the places we’d seen them until the birds began to move to feed with their classic sewing machine bill action. Not to be confused with the Jack Snipe, which has shorter legs, a shorter bill, is a little smaller, and has more detailed and stronger markings but lacks the central yellow stripe on the crown of its head.
Here’s a shot from the hide of the more distant of the two Snipe we saw. This image is as it came out of the camera, uncropped, with no sharpening or processing, other than to resize for the web to reduce file load. Spot the Snipe!
The bird gives its name to the term sniper in reference to how British soldiers in the 18th Century used to hunt the species in India.
I made a start on a bird book, but there are so many around, it seemed like a futile effort, once I’d done a bit of due diligence and spoken to my publisher. My plan was originally for a nice, bright and glossy, book of full-colour plates, but they’re expensive to repro in print. The unique selling point (USP), aside from my photos, was to be discussion of the etymology of the different birds’ names, their recognised names, their folk names, and their scientific names. But, then I found and read Stephen Moss’s excellent book Mrs Moreau’s Warbler, which basically covered it.
So, here, in part-work form are the first few chapters from the sampler of what was to be Chasing Wild Geese – Spotting your first 100 birds. Apologies if you put your name down for a more positive update regarding a hardback, unless somebody wants to take up the option this book may never materialise. That said, my list is up to well over 100 birds now, so I could add new chapters over the coming months if there’s enough interest.
Chasing Wild Geese – PDF sampler version with bonus chapter about the author
Did a bit of a marathon fenland crawl yesterday. Started mid-morning at Kingfisher’s Bridge Nature Reserve and learned a lot about the local setup and the Cranes, the Marsh Harriers, the otters, and the buffalo there from Bruce Martin. That’s a name any Cambridgeshire birder will know, he holds the record for the longest ticked list of species in the county, apparently, well over three hundred. Here are a few snaps from Kingfisher’s Bridge, NT Wicken Fen and Tubney/Burwell.
View from the left-hand hide up the mountain facing out over the lakeUnwanted otter in the lake despite the predator barrier (500m away)
Marsh Harrier harrying coots. It didn’t catch one.Marsh Harrier chasing MallardOnly mares allowed. The Konik pony stallions have been relocated to preclude breeding.Disgruntled Sparrowhawk failed to catch the Kingfisher he chased into the reed bed.Reach Bridge takes you over the waterway to NT Tubney FenReach Bridge and reeds at NT Tubney FenRusty Fenmen – Skater, Eel Catcher and Entomologist. Public art at NT Tubney Fen.
Birdlist for the day: Marsh Harrier, Coot, Wigeon, Pochard, Shelduck, Shoveler, Pintail, Whooper Swan, Sparrowhawk, Goldfinch, Greenfinch, Long-tailed Tit, Great Tit, Blue Tit, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Mallard, Mute Swan, Kingfisher, Reed Bunting, Wood Pigeon, Collared Dove, Robin, Kestrel, Lapwing, Black-headed Gull, Lesser Black-backed Gully, Great Black-backed Gull, Herring Gull, Cormorant, Greylag Geese, Canada Geese, Egyptian Geese, Gadwall, Tufted Duck, Wren, Blackbird, Fieldfare, Starling, Little Egret, Teal, Black-tailed Godwit, Little Grebe, Moorhen, Buzzard, House Sparrow. Mammals seen: Buffalo, cattle, Muntjac deer, otter, grey squirrel, Konik ponies.
St Mary’s Church at Burwell viewed from the western bank of NT Tubney FenWhooper Swan over NT Tubney Fen, Cambridgeshire
TL:DR – Birds you might see or here in an English country garden. My Cambridgeshire garden ticklist is below.
Some time ago, my dear friend and fellow bigMouth singer John Stanford asked me to put together an article for our village newsletter about the birds we are likely to see in our gardens here in South Cambridgeshire. Your mileage will vary depending on where you are in the country, what kind of habitat your garden offers, feeders you use or don’t (it’s not essential and not always recommended). But, I do have an article on how to attract more birds to your garden.
Robin, seen most days in our garden
Of course, which of our feathered friends turns up in your garden is down to many different factors, the size and layout of your garden, tree and other plant species, the presence of cats, whereabouts you are relative to patches of woodland, farmland, and whether or not the visitors find a useful supply of food in the form of berries on your bushes, seed feeders and bird tables, coconut shells full of suet, and whatever else you might put out to attract them.
Dunnock, often in our garden
Some birds will arrive in great numbers to feast on fatballs for instance. Most of us have been perplexed to see expensive fatballs disappear in a matter of minutes when a flock of starlings turn up. Other food, such as nyjer seeds in a specialist feeder will draw in Goldfinches and occasionally for some Redpolls. Sunflowers seeds with the husk intact, sometimes referred to as black sunflower hearts, will keep Greenfinches, Blue Tits, Great Tits, Coal Tits, and Long-tailed Tits busy, and if the nyjer seeds run out the Goldfinches too.
Redwing, one snowy winter, a few in our back garden
Robins, Blackbirds, Wood Pigeons, Collared Doves, Dunnocks, will spend much of their time pecking around under the feeders, although the Blackbirds will join Mistle and Song Thrushes plucking insects from the lawn. And, Thrushes will famously grab snailshells and smash them on the ground to get at the occupant. If it’s very cold out on the farmland, the winter thrushes – the Fieldfares and Redwings – will come into the warmer more urban areas and attempt to snaffle berries from your bushes and trees much to the consternation of the Blackbirds who will attempt to make them flee.
Redpoll, once on nyjer feeder in back garden
You might also spot Bramblings during the winter. They are another finch resembling the Chaffinch but brighter and more orange colours. I have heard from people living on the edge of our village who see them in their gardens occasionally, but they are more likely to be elsewhere.
Blue Tit, commom in our garden
Unusual but increasingly common in the winter are Blackcaps, a type of warbler normally considered a summer visitor, but turning up in our gardens from Germany and Eastern Europe rather than heading to the Iberian Peninsula and North Africa. Speaking of summer, by the time you read this birds that you might see above your garden or heading into your eaves may have started to arrive: House Martins first, then the Swallows that don’t necessarily a summer make, and finally the Swifts. Listen out for Cuckoos too. Certainly, houses on the edge of our local village green backing on to farmland have regular cuckoos visiting for the breeding season.
If you have ants among your plants, you might see Green Woodpeckers, also known as Yaffles for their scoffing call in flight. Ants are the staple diet of yaffles, so hold off the powder if you want to see them pecking at the ground in your garden. And, speaking of woodpeckers, there are quite a few Great Spotted Woodpeckers around, which will often come to garden feeders. Of course, if you’re attracting lots of small songbirds to your garden you might also attract predators including Sparrowhawks and less obviously egg-eating Magpies, and chick-chomping Jays. Great Spotted Woodpeckers will also peck into birdboxes to eat baby Blue Tits and the like.
Here’s our garden ticklist of the 60 species we’ve noted) during the last quarter of a century, in, over, or very close to our small, relatively “sub-rural” garden. Some of the species we see often, many less frequently, I’ve added notes if there was something interesting about a particular appearance:
Barn Owl (daytime neighbours 2 Jan 24, prev. Merlin app app late Oct 23)
Blackbird (Common, seen using the pond for drinking and/or bathing)
Blackcap (some winters, male and female)
Black-headed Gull (common, overhead)
Blue Tit (common)
Buzzard (raiding Blackbird nest behind shed, 2000s, often overhead)
Chaffinch (less common these days)
Chiffchaff (bathing in pond, 2022)
Coal Tit (occasional sightings)
Collared Dove (Usually present, seen using the pond for drinking and/or bathing)
Cormorant (occasionally overhead)
Dunnock (Often seen, also using the pond for drinking and/or bathing)
Fieldfare (Beast from the East winter)
Goldcrest (early 2019 first time, occasionally hear them still)
Golden Plover (once, overhead)
Goldfinch (fairly often, also seen using the pond for drinking and/or bathing)
Great Black-backed Gull (overhead)
Great Tit (frequent visitors)
Great Spotted Woodpecker (2023, possibly also late 90s)
Green Sandpiper (once heard)
Green Woodpecker (perhaps once)
Greenfinch (not so common now
Grey Heron (taking frogs, 2021, but also seen since 2017, often on roof)
Hobby (overhead, 2x taking Swifts consecutive years, early 2000s)
House Martin (attempted nesting under rear gable early 2000s)
House Sparrow (Fairly common, seen using the pond for drinking and/or bathing)
Jackdaw (occasionally)
Jay (once, perhaps)
Kestrel (occasionally overhead)
Lapwing (occasionally overhead)
Lesser Black-backed Gull (overhead)
Linnet (once overhead, mid-Sep 24)
Little Egret (very occasionally 0verhead)
Long-tailed Tit (periodic flock)
Magpie (regulars)
Marsh Harrier (some time after 2018 overhead?)
Mistle Thrush (two on rowan mistletoe and at no. 16)
Oystercatcher (once heard overhead and on Merlin night 28 Mar 24)
Pheasant (spent a winter in our and the neighbours’ gardens)
Pied Wagtail (snowy winter in back garden 2018
Prize Pigeon (present, summer of 2023?)
Redpoll (once to new nyjer feeder 2018)
Redwing (3 or 4 one snowy winter)
Red Kite (common overhead now)
Redshank (heard and seen overhead once)
Robin (Regulars, also seen using the pond for drinking and/or bathing)
Rook (Once to bacon rind on bird feeder, commonly on rooves)
Song Thrush (quite rare visitor now)
Sparrowhawk (feeding once or twice, but occasionally see flying through)
Spoonbill (fast along Pelham Way above roofline, 3pm, 18 Apr 23)
Starling (common)
Stock Dove (once)
Swallow (once or twice, overhead in summer)
Swift (every summer, overhead)
Tawny Owl (hear frequently on Pelham Way and behind us)
Whitethroat (Tricia saw in pyracantha, 2 Aug 23)
Willow Warbler (once, but may well have been Chiffchaff)
Wood Pigeon (Common, and seen using the pond for drinking and/or bathing)
Wren (Often, and seen using the pond for drinking and/or bathing)
Merlin pickups, for some can hear bird on recording
Brambling (Merlin app, late Oct 23)
Raven (Merlin app, late Oct 23)
Grey Wagtail (Merlin app, late Oct 23)
Marsh Harrier (Merlin app, late Oct 23)
Ringed Plover (Merlin app, Oct 23, end of Pelham Way)
Waxwing (Merlin app, early Nov 23)
Meadow Pipit (Merlin app, early Nov 23)
Reed Bunting (Merlin app, early Nov 23)
Yellow-legged Gull (Merlin app, early Nov 23)
Siskin (Merlin app, late Dec 23 and again Mar 24)
Black Redstart (Merlin app early Jan 24)
Ring-necked Parakeet (Merlin app, 14 Jan 24)
Tree Sparrow (Merlin app early Feb 24)
Hawfinch (Merlin app early Feb 24)
Yellowhammer (Merlin, mid-Nov 24)
Stonechat (Merlin, mid-Nov 24)
Nuthatch (recorded one at All Saints, Cottenham, 11 Apr 21
I could add a lot of other birds to this list if I were to consider my village sightings rather than just my garden sightings: Little Owl (farm next to Les King Wood), Great White Egret (Cottenham Lode), Little Egret (Cottenham Lode), Whooper Swan (Fen Bridge Farm and behind Smithy Fen), Corn Bunting (Broad Lane), Peregrine (Rampton Spinney and Broad Lane farmland), Kingfisher (Cottenham Lode), Black-winged Stilt (Smithy Fen Flood), Little Stint (Smithy Fen Flood), Little Ringed Plover (Smithy Fen Flood), Snipe (Smithy Fen Flood), Teminck’s Stint (Smithy Fen Flood), White Stork (Smithy Fen Flood), Grey Wagtail (Smithy Fen Flood), Red-legged Partridge (farmland).
Waxwing, I missed the one in Cottenham in late 2023
I’d consider this a quite rare sighting over our usual Rampton (Cambridgeshire) stamping ground but we saw a large hawk flying over a sheep-laden field adjacent to the spinney. Looked like a big Sparrowhawk (Accipiter nisus) and indeed that is what it is. Not a Goshawk (Accipiter gentilis), wrong underwing patterning, apparently.
One of my RSPB bird books actually describes the Goshawk species as “essentially a giant version of the Sparrowhawk” but also points out that a large female Sparrowhawk would be about the same size as a small male Goshawk. Both birds are adapted for the same niche: hunting prey on the wing in woodland. So, not a new one for us, after all; we’ve had Sparrowhawks in the garden nomming on the tits).
Several birders I’ve bumped into over the last couple of years have mentioned Lynford Arboretum in Norfolk as being a good place to see Hawfinches, Crossbills, Siskins, Firecrests, Bullfinches, and other bird species. We took a trip there on a very grey day (which means high ISO, noisy photos) and so quite a few bird species but no Firecrests, no Crossbills and no Hawfinches, unfortunately.
Young BramblingMarsh TitBlue, Great, Long-tailed TitsLong-tailed TitsCoal Tit
On the list of 26 species we did see were, in no particular order:
UPDATE: He was showing well this morning, eating black honeysuckle berries, got a half-decent shot of him from the back bedroom window.
I have mentioned the Blackcap (Sylvia atricapilla) before. It’s a warbler and a summer migrant. We usually only expect to see them in the UK in the summer. But, those that spend their summers in Eastern Europe and Germany sometimes end up migrating, not to the Iberian Peninsula nor North Africa as we expect, but to the UK. Here, they will often find a decent food supply in feeders in the relative shelter of our gardens.
Above is pictured a male Blackcap (the females have a chestnut brown cap) taking flight the instant a Blue Tit (Cyanistes caeruleus) lands on the black sunflower seed feeder hanging in our apple tree.
Photographed from my office window on a very dull, grey day where light levels are treacherously low and the camera’s ISO disarmingly high.
You can read a little more about the scientific explanation as to why Blackcaps are over-wintering in the UK and not the Mediterranean as was once their wont: Glob Chang Biol. 2015 Dec;21(12):4353-63. DOI: 10.1111/gcb.13070. This is the takeaway from the paper:
“Increased availability of feeding resources, in the form of garden bird food, coupled with climatic amelioration, has enabled a successful new wintering population [of Blackcaps] to become established in Britain.”
When the so-called “Beast from the East” snowy cold-snap hit the UK in March 2018, there were a lot of Fieldfares and Redwings that came in from the cold fields and settled on our garden bushes. Regular readers will perhaps recall I shot some video of one chilly Fieldfare eating the berries from the firethorn bush in our front garden. Admittedly, I shot the video through the double-glazing from the comfort of our living room rather than venturing out into the cold (it would’ve spooked the bird, anyway, and that’s the excuse to which I’m sticking like glue).
Working on my laptop from that same spot, today I watched as one of our resident garden Blackbirds munched its way through a few of those berries. It’s cold outside, but no snow forecast. Here are a few snaps taken from the warmth of the sofa.
There’s not a lot of light out there, the bush is also quite shaded and the camera ISO had to be quite high to get anything out of the lack of photons, so the snaps are quite noisy.