Alpine Swifts in the UK and Ireland

TL:DR – The bird report pages noted what seemed to be quite an unusual number of Alpine Swifts across the UK during March 2023.

Back in 2019, we took a trip to Greece, the first in many years, we saw lots of wildlife, including Alpine Swift, Tachymarptis melba, careening way above our heads in Athens.

The alpine swift is a medium-sized bird with a wingspan of around 540-600 mm. It has a dark-brown body with a slightly paler throat and underbelly. In flight, it is easily identified by its long, narrow wings and its distinctive white belly patch, which contrasts sharply with the dark body. It is a skilled and agile flier, capable of catching insects on the wing with great precision. Indeed, it rarely touches down, spending almost its whole life, once fledged on the wing, except perhaps when incubating eggs in their nests. It will only very  rarely land on the ground.

Alpine Swifts flying against a blue sky above central Athens, 2019
Alpine Swifts

During the breeding season, which typically runs from May to August, Alpine Swifts build their nests in crevices and holes in the rocky cliffs and mountainsides of southern Europe to the Himalaya. They use their saliva to glue together small twigs and feathers, forming a shallow, cup-shaped nest. The female lays a clutch of 2-3 eggs, both parents take turns to incubate the eggs for around three weeks.

After the breeding season, the Alpine Swift migrates south to spend the winter in sub-Saharan Africa. They are known for their long-distance flights and are capable of covering up to 1000 km in a 24-hour period. They will return to the same nest sites year after year.

As I was writing this, yet another “ping” came in on my rare bird sightings app to alert me to another Alpine Swift having been spotted in the UK. It’s March 2023. Quite early for the Common Swift, which we always see in the UK each summer. Alpine Swifts though? Very unusual. They have been sighted in numerous places in the UK and Ireland this spring.

Sightings have been reported since mid-March this year in the following counties: Antrim, Armagh, Cheshire, Cork, Cornwall, Devon, Dorset, Down, Dublin, Dumfries & Galloway, East Sussex, Essex, Forth, Glamorgan, Gloucestershire, Isle of Man, Isle of Wight, Kent, Leitrim, Lincolnshire, London, Lothian, Mayo, Norfolk, Northumberland, Pembrokeshire, Somerset, Waterford, Wicklow, Yorkshire.

The early reports were marked as “notable” rather than “mega”. In 2022, there was just one noted in March, although later in the year a few others were sighted.  Similarly for previous years. So, while I admit, I’d not known about their habits this far north and west of southern Europe, it does seem that a large number have appeared in British and Irish skies very early in the spring this year.

One cannot make generalisations about animal behaviour based on data from a single year, of course. However, the appearance of Alpine Swifts in numbers, this early in the year, suggests something may have changed for them this period. It could simply be changes in weather patterns and wind currents, whether or not those are due to climate change is a different matter. It is known that Alpine Swifts to range quite widely during their migration so maybe this is not an aberration at all and just a reversion to a pattern they followed some time in the distant past.

Stephen Moss discussed the recent irruption of Alpine Swifts in The Guardian some time after my original post and alluded to the fact that because of climate change, this species may well begin breeding in the UK at some point in the next few years, if it hasn’t already done so.

A foreboding of petrels

TL:DR – The problem of deteriorating plastic waste at sea and how it attracts birds to eat it when they really shouldn’t.

I have just finished reading the latest novel in Steve Burrows’ series of “birder murder” stories. This one was called A Foreboding of Petrels and hinges on apparently unconnected murders on the North Norfolk coast and at an environmental research station in The Antarctic.

The plot of the novel alludes to the Storm Petrel, perhaps the world’s most abundant avian species. It and related species have an incredibly sensitive sense of smell and can detect keystone odourant molecules on the wind. Compounds such as dimethyl sulfide (DMS) are released into atmosphere when other organisms are feasting on algae for instance. The compound thus attracts the predators to the places where their prey are themselves feasting.

A fulmar in flight against a rocky backdrop
The Fulmar is one of the procellariiforms, a group that also includes the petrels

The novel alludes to plastic waste in the oceans and how the combination of algal growth on that plastic waste coupled with degradation of the plastic through the action of seawater and sunlight could lead to the release of the same odourant molecules that attract these birds and lead to them ingesting plastic rather than prey. This is obviously detrimental to the birds’ health. Numerous studies discuss this possibility and provide evidence to support the hypothesis.


DMS carried on the oceanic wind attracts predators, such as petrels, albatrosses, and fulmars, to food sources, and in the modern age, unfortunately, plastic waste. This chemical confusion is seemingly leading some pelagic bird species to ingest a lot of potentially lethal plastic waste instead of food.

Whooper Swans spread their wings thanks to nature reserves

TL:DR – Even small wetland nature reserves could help boost Whooper Swan wintering populations in the UK.

A new study has shown that protected wildlife areas are crucial for the survival of Whooper Swans, a species of migratory bird. These protected areas are important for species conservation, but it has been uncertain how effective they are when species move between protected and nonprotected areas throughout their lives. The research, conducted by Stuart Bearhop, Richard Sherley, and their colleagues, analyzed data on more than 10,000 Whooper Swans (Cygnus cygnus, also known as the Common Swan) over 30 years at 22 different sites in the UK, three of which are managed as nature reserves.

The study found that although Whooper Swans (pronounced hooper, silent W) were less likely to breed when wintering inside nature reserves than outside of them, their survival rate for all ages was significantly higher and their population growth rates were 30 times higher inside the reserves compared to outside of them. The researchers also noted that there was a net movement of Whooper Swans from nature reserves to areas that were less protected than reserves.

whooper swan

It’s worth adding that the Whoopers we see in England will have migrated from Iceland, Scandinavia, and elsewhere and will head back each spring to their breeding grounds in the far north. There is no expectation that this species, nor the closely related Bewick’s Swan (Cygnus bewickii) would breed on our wetland nature reserves.

The study’s population models projected that the protective effects of nature reserves could double the population of Whooper Swans wintering in the UK by 2030. The authors emphasized that even if protected nature reserves are relatively small and only used for a part of a species’ life cycle, they can still have a significant impact on the populations of migratory bird species that live in them.

These findings highlight the importance of protecting wildlife areas and managing them effectively to support the survival of migratory birds like the Whooper Swan.

There are commonly several hundred Whooper Swans on our patch each winter and thousands slightly farther north.

A Brecon Beacon of light in the winter

TL:DR – The Brecon Beacons are a delightful place to visit any time of year, but a winter visit is magical when the sun shines on snowy caps.

Just back from a lovely trip to the Brecon Beacons in Cymru to stay with friends. Didn’t do as much walking as we normally would because I have an obstinate ankle injury. It was a bit awkward getting into stable positions to photograph wildlife or indeed anything else, but I had a go, as you do.

Snow-capped views of Pen y Fan and Corn Du as seen from our friends' back garden - what a view!
Snow-capped views of Pen y Fan and Corn Du as seen from our friends’ back garden – what a view!
European Dipper, Cinclus cinclus, perched on a mossy stump
European Dipper, Cinclus cinclus, perched on a mossy stump. The Dipper is so-called because of its bobbing action when perched like this or on a rock, although it also dips its head under water to hunt invertebrates, fish, and amphibia for food, diving in and swimming with its wings underwater.
Grey Wagtail, Motacilla cinerea, perched a branch overhanging the River Usk between Trallong and Penpont, South Wales
Grey Wagtail, Motacilla cinerea, perched a branch overhanging the River Usk between Trallong and Penpont, South Wales
Flyfisher on the River Usk between Trallong and Penpont, South Wales
Flyfisher on the River Usk between Trallong and Penpont, South Wales

If you’re ever in the area and unable to scale the peaks and you’re into beer and music, then it’s definitely worth visiting the Antur microbrewery in Three Cocks, Haystacks Music and the Wye Fret guitar shop in Hay-on-Wye. The Gwernyfed Walled Garden (also in Three Cocks) and Hay Castle, obviously also in Hay, are worth a visit too.

I asked ChatGPT to tell me more about the Brecon Beacons, here’s what it had to say, lightly edited:

The Brecon Beacons is a mountainous region in South Wales that offers a unique blend of rugged natural beauty and fascinating history. This stunning area is located in the southern part of the country and is a popular destination for outdoor enthusiasts and history buffs alike.

The Brecon Beacons is a range of mountains that is part of the larger Brecon Beacons National Park. The park covers an area of over 500 square miles and is home to some of the most breathtaking scenery in the United Kingdom. The highest peak in the Brecon Beacons is Pen y Fan [picture above], which stands at 2,907 feet and offers stunning views of the surrounding landscape.

The geological history of the Brecon Beacons is as fascinating as its natural beauty. The mountains were formed during the Carboniferous period, around 350 million years ago, when the region was covered by a shallow sea. Over time, the sea receded, leaving behind layers of sediment that were eventually compressed into the rock formations we see today.

The Brecon Beacons are also home to a variety of wildlife, including Red Kites, otters, and badgers. The area is also home to several rare plant species, such as the purple saxifrage and the lady’s slipper orchid (successfully reintroduced after it was lost to the area).

For those interested in history, the Brecon Beacons has a rich and fascinating past. The area was once home to numerous Iron Age hillforts, including the impressive fort at Pen y Crug. The region also played an important role in the Roman occupation of Britain, with several forts and roads still visible today.

One of the most impressive historical sites in the Brecon Beacons is the ruined castle at Carreg Cennen. The castle was built in the 13th century and was once a stronghold for the Welsh princes. Today, visitors can explore the castle ruins and enjoy the spectacular views of the surrounding countryside.

In addition to its natural beauty and historical sites, the Brecon Beacons is also a popular destination for outdoor activities such as hiking, rock climbing, and mountain biking. The area is crisscrossed with numerous hiking trails, ranging from easy walks to challenging multi-day hikes.

For those interested in exploring the area on two wheels, there are several mountain biking trails that offer a thrilling ride through the mountains. Rock climbers will also find plenty of challenges in the Brecon Beacons, with several world-class climbing spots located throughout the area.

If you have your sights on the stars, it’s worth noting that the Brecon Beacons has a Dark Sky Reserve status, making it an ideal destination for stargazing enthusiasts and amateur astronomers.

In conclusion, the Brecon Beacons is a stunning mountainous region that offers something for everyone. Whether you’re interested in exploring its natural beauty, delving into its rich history, or seeking outdoor adventure, the Brecon Beacons is a destination that should not be missed. So pack your bags and come discover this mountainous gem.

Birding and wording

TL:DR – An answer to the question why are so many science writers also birders?

Someone on social media asked me as a science writer why so many science writers are also birders. My initial thoughts were as follows: Well, to be a science writer, I think you have to be curious, analytical, interested in lots of stuff…a polymath. Birds are interesting, identification requires analysis, writing about them is fun and if you’re a togger [birder-photographer], you always have a decent photo to illustrate your article.

Wind-blown Short-eared Owl perched on a fence post
Short-eared Owl

One possible explanation for the prevalence of birding among science writers is the concept of “flow.” Flow is a state of deep engagement and enjoyment that occurs when a person is fully absorbed in an activity that is challenging but also within their skill level. Birding can be a highly immersive activity that requires focus, attention to detail, and knowledge of ecology and behaviour. Science writing also demands a similar level of engagement and attention to detail. Thus, individuals who enjoy birding may be drawn to science writing because it provides a similar experience of flow. [In my case, I’d say it was the reverse, I was drawn to birding, because I had a scientific mind and was a science writer and wanted an additional creative outlet].

A flock of 80 or so Avocet
A flock of 80 or so Avocet

Another possible explanation is that birding can serve as a form of “nature therapy” that provides mental health benefits. Research has shown that spending time in nature can reduce stress, improve mood, and increase creativity. Science writing can be a demanding and intellectually stimulating profession, and birding may provide a healthy balance by allowing individuals to connect with nature and recharge their mental batteries.

Red Kite flying against a blue sky
Red Kite

Finally, it’s possible that there is simply a correlation between the personality traits that make someone a good science writer and those that make someone interested in birding. For example, curiosity, attention to detail, and a broad range of interests are all traits that are valued in both professions. Additionally, both birding and science writing are activities that can be pursued alone or in groups, providing opportunities for social interaction and a sense of belonging. [I definitely think of myself as a wannabe polymath, hence my “songs, snaps, science” motif].

Overall, while there is no definitive answer to why so many science writers are also birders, it’s likely that a combination of these factors plays a role. Regardless of the reason, it’s clear that the intersection of birding and science writing provides a rich and fascinating field of exploration.

Knots landing again

TL:DR – Tens of thousands of Knot murmurate over The Wash visible from the north Norfolk and Lincolnshire coasts.

We spent the night in North Norfolk, tried to have an early night at a cheap hotel, and were up well before dawn to get to Knots Landing (RSPB Snettisham). We hoped to be in plenty of time for the high tide and the potential for a Wader Spectacular. We, and dozens of other green-clad, enthusiasts were not disappointed.

Knot at dawn
Knot at dawn, RSPB Snettisham, Norfolk

The weather was damp and drizzly and very cold and we got soaked through, but we witnessed tens of thousands of Knot (Calidris canutus) murmurating over the advancing tide as we headed for the landing site.

Most have at this point already been pushed off the deluged mudflats of The Wash, their low-tide feeding grounds, and into the air. Within minutes, the murmurs flood the banks of the inland lagoons with birds crammed tightly together to ride out the high tide. They wait patiently for a distant trigger that calls them once the ebbing tide retreats along the muddy shoreline.

Flocking Knot looking like a live Escher etching
Flocking Knot looking like a live Escher etching

As the tide turns, they flock back to sea, murmurating along the way – strength in numbers – to confuse any preying Peregrines. Ultimately, the seem lost to the waves but are merely gone from view.

Murmurating Knot
Murmurating Knot

This is not the first time we’ve seen the Knot murmurations, although it is the first time we’ve made a special trip to catch them at a dawn high tide. We visit the area often and have seen these wondrous flocks on numerous occasions and caught one wader spectacular just as the sun was setting a few years ago. Always amazing to watch the sun set over the sea when one is ostensibly on England’s east coast. You’ll have to look at the map for Snettisham, Norfolk to see how that can be. (Video from 2018 visit here).

Knot crammed together to find refuge on the banks of the lagoon at Snettisham to escape the high tide
Knot crammed together find refuge on the banks of the lagoon at Snettisham to escape the high tide

The bird’s name comes from the name of the King who demonstrated his fallibility to his subjects by failing to turn back the tide – King Cnut – better known to us Brits as King Canute. The bird’s scientific name is Calidris canutus. Kalidris, or skalidris, was a word used by Aristotle to describe various grey-coloured shore birds, waders. The (Red) Knot, C. canutus, is the “type species” of the genus, although unusually does not have a tautonym (it would have been Calidris calidris).

Knot heading back out to sea with a few Godwits along for the ride
Knot heading back out to sea with a few Godwits along for the ride

Meanwhile, on the same trip taking in a visit to nearby RSPB Titchwell we also clocked Avocet, Bar-tailed Godwit, Black-headed Gull, Black-tailed Godwit, Brent Geese, Chaffinch, Common Gull, Cormorant, Curlew, Dunlin, Gadwall, Golden Plover, Goldfinch, Great Black-backed Gull, Grey Plover, Greylag Geese, Herring Gull, Lapwing, Linnet, Mallard, Marsh Harrier, Meadow Pipit, Mediterranean Gull, Mute Swan, Peregrine Falcon, Pintail, Redshank, Red Kite, Reed Bunting, Robin, Sanderling, Shelduck, Shoveller Duck, Skylark, Snipe, Spoonbill, Teal, Turnstone, Water Pipit, Wigeon, Wren, and others.

One of a couple of Snipe feeding at RSPB Titchwell
One of a couple of Snipe feeding at RSPB Titchwell

Do this if you want your photos to really take flight

TL:DR – Tips on choosing which photo to process how to denoise and sharpen software, adjust levels, and crop.

Recently, I wrote about the beautiful Short-eared Owls that turned up on our patch over-winter in the slightly warmer climes of the Cambridgeshire Fens. I got photos of three hunting in the hour before dusk. The photos were okay, but I knew I could make them better with a few simple tools.

UPDATE: The SEOs are back. At least six of them on the fen. I got a few more shots late November 2023 including this one of a grumpy-looking Shortie that had just missed catching a vole.

Short-eared Owl hunting over the fen
Short-eared Owl hunting (unsuccessfully at this point) over the fen

The problem is always hand-holding a big lens when the light’s fading. There’s camera shake and a short shutter speed is also needed to freeze the action. This adds up to the camera switching up the sensitivity, the ISO, and that makes for more photographic noise.

So, what can you do to improve a noisy photo that might also have a bit of motion blur. First off, you must make sure you’re shooting in RAW mode. RAW mode lets you download what is essentially an unprocessed digital negative of the photo you took.

I’ll run you through what I do with the RAW files out of my camera. First, I select from the photos the one I think is the most dramatic or has the most character, the best light, the sharpest. I also try to pick one that doesn’t have distractions like foreground twigs or foliage or a cluttered background. Often your choices are limited with bird flight photography as the birds appear on their own terms and where you happen to be standing at the time determines a lot of that. A slight movement left or right might help sometimes in terms of foreground and background.

So, I’d picked this photo as the best of one of the owls flying in front of me. It was fairly close. Background isn’t too bad. The blurred building in the background almost adds to the composition although might have been more appropriate if it were a Barn Owl. That stem in the bottom left is a distraction and could do with being removed. We’ll see.

The original photo was shot at 600mm zoom, 1/3200s shutter speed, f/6.3 aperture and ISO 6400. That ISO number is way too high and I might’ve got a similar result if I’d used a slower shutter speed to get the ISO down a few stops.

I resized the photo to fit the website, but other than that with this first view it’s not cropped nor processed or edited other than a basic RAW to JPG conversion to make it displayable and to add my logo. The website loads the image as 1024 pixels wide with a JPEG compression of about 90%. It’s quite noisy, not as sharp as it could be, the levels (contrast, brightness, saturation etc are not optimised). And, in terms of composition, it’s not how I’d want the final photo to look.

TOP TIP: Push the sliders on whatever adjustment you’re making to the point where it is immediately obvious that you’ve made an adjustment and then claw them back ever so slightly. This way you will hopefully avoid making the photo too painterly. If you’re having to push anything beyond about 12% of the way up, then it might be worth abandoning the photo, unless you’re after a painterly effect.

So, stepping back I first feed the RAW file to DxO PureRaw. This removes a lot of the noise from any photograph really well. It also applies basic corrections that are known to be needed for the specific camera and lens setup used. I’ve zoomed in on the program in action so you can see, on the left just how noisy the photo was originally, and in the right of the frame, how well the noise reduction works.

The frame below is that same image saved in DxO PureRaw. Hopefully, you can already see some improvement from the original RAW capture above and displayed at the same composition. PureRaw lets you export as a DNG file, which is like a generic RAW format so you can do the subsequent processing as if the file were fresh from your camera.

At this point, I generally make an important choice. I can either simply open the denoised image from DxO in my photo-editor (PaintShop Pro) or add another step and open it in Topaz Sharpen AI. This software does denoising too but it can also sharpen and remove motion blur. Either way, at this point, I would first crop the image to give me the composition I would like in the final image and perhaps mirror the image so that the subject is facing in a more pleasing direction (flying left to right is better to my eye than having the bird fly off to the left.

The following photo is cropped and reversed to give me the composition I am after. I’d usually do a square crop for Instagram.

I am quite happy that this image is fairly sharp and so I won’t apply Topaz in this instance. Instead, I will use PSP to adjust various parameters: Overall brightness (raised 14%), shadows (up 10%), and highlights (no change). Saturation up 8%, Focus/sharpening up 66%. I’ve left the white balance as it was. I then brought in the blacks by 6% and the whites by 4%.

I then raised the vibrancy, which is an adjustment related to saturation but slightly subtler, I gave that a 12% boost, which I think gives the photo even more of a “golden hour” glow. Also added a few percent of “fill highlight” and boosting “clarity” by about 10%.

That grass stem sticking up from the bottom right is a bit of a distraction, so I removed it using what PSP calls the Scratch Remover tool. PSP also has a tool called Magic Fill which can do a much better job of removing objects from a photo if they’re not simple, thin lines.

Once all that’s done, the final couple of steps are always to apply a moderate “unsharp mask” to make the final image even crisper and then to add my dB/ logo.

So that’s probably as far as I’d take it. To my eye, it looks fine. At the very least, it looks a whole lot better than the RAW original, but that’s to be expected, you don’t expect to look at negatives instead of prints of photos. All photographs have to be developed, they always have been, in the digital age, we have more sophisticated tools to do the job for better or worse.

When looking close up at the originals (pixel peeking), I can see marked improvements with each stage of the above processing and would be confident that cropped closer it would still print nicely in a print magazine, screening at 300 dpi, at up to 6 inches width, but perhaps no bigger in this case.

Just for completeness, I did do a Topaz process on the DxO output and it does reduce the speckles of noise still further. However, there was also a bit more of a loss of detail. The image below was DxO then Topaz and then the same PSP processing as before. I cropped it a bit tighter for what I might use as a photo to accompany an article about this species, or owls in general, showing a bit less of the fenland background.

Instagram-ready version below

DxO and Topaz are the leaders in terms of denoising at the moment, I’d say. I prefer what DxO does though, but Topaz has the sharpening options that DxO PureRaw lacks. I trained on Photoshop but have stuck with PaintShop Pro for editing for many years, PSP has almost all of the same tools as Photoshop for the basic processing I do. Lightroom has advantages and there are, of course, many alternatives out there to all these programs. I must confess that I usually use SnapSeed for photos on my phone and sometimes for a landscapes, architecture, flowers, moths etc. I might do use the above workflow but then open the file on my phone in SnapSeed to bump what that app calls “Ambience” and “Structure” and adjust saturation a little more.

Short-eared Owls on the Fens

TL:DR – Information about and photos of local Short-eared Owls.

I’ve discussed the Short-eared Owl, Asio flammeus, previously. Beautiful bird that occasionally overwinters in the UK, having spent the summer months in Iceland, Russia, or Scandinavia.

We are lucky to see them hunting on the fens sometimes. These photos were taken in the hour before sunset at NT Burwell Fen. There were three shorties hunting.

We usually anticipate their arrival in October, November, but they can sometimes arrive earlier and will stay until early April. There were half a dozen at Burwell a couple of years ago and one of them with damage to its wing (it could still fly) stayed through the summer months.

Shorties will hunt over fens, grasslands, marshes, and other open habitats.  In my experience, the best time to catch sight of them hunting is in the hour before sunset, but others report seeing them at any time during the day when the owls hunt small mammals such as voles, mice, and shrews.

The owl has a distinctive, buoyant, and “floppy” flight style, they usually follow a “flap-flap-glide” flight pattern, and will often perch on fence posts or bushes, looking out for moving prey. They will often perch quite close to birdwatchers and photographers.

Also see on the same trip to Burwell Fen – Peregrine (in flight over the Wicken side), several Common Kestrel, Barn Owl, and Common Buzzard.

Fowl play: old gravelpits as birdwatching hotspots

TL:DR – Gravel pits that have been converted into nature reserves can offer some lovely scenery and the opportunity to see interesting and even rare wildlife.

There are lots of old gravelworks in our area some of which are earmarked as nature reserves as I’ve mentioned before, a couple of times, and some are used as fisheries. Where there’s water and reeds and trees there will most likely be birds regardless of the anglers or visitors.

Great White Egret perched on a half-submerged tree stump
Great White Egret perched on a half-submerged tree stump

On this almost sunny Friday morning, I headed to the fishery lakes adjacent to Meadow Lane, St Ives – known to some as Meadow Lane Pits. I was hoping to see and perhaps get photos of the five Smew, a type of diving duck, that had turned up there earlier in the week. Birders had reported three drakes (males) and two females, known among birders as “redheads” for their obviously different appearance to the males.

A female "redhead" Smew flanked by two drakes
A female “redhead” Smew flanked by two drakes, an additional redhead and another drake were on the water nearby

I parked up and trekked around the muddy footpaths, trouser bottoms tucked unfashionably into my walking socks, to try and catch sight of the Smew. En route I saw (in no particular order) Tufted Duck, Black-headed Gull, Bullfinch, Starling, Blackbird, Gadwall, Little Egret, Goldeneye, Egyptian Goose, Wigeon, Great White Egret, Great Crested Grebe, Lesser Black-backed Gull, Grey Heron, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Coot, Cormorant, and at some point quite early on, one or two of the Smew, and then all five.

Great Crested Grebe in Winter plumage
Great Crested Grebe in Winter plumage

Old gravel pits, particularly those that have been allowed to fill with water, can be nice spots for birdwatching for various reasons. First, there is the potential for habitat diversity. Gravel pits can develop a mix of habitat types, including open water, reedbeds, mudflats, and vegetated areas. This can attract a variety of bird species but it also cultivates large numbers of invertebrates as well as small mammals, amphibia, and fish which can all thrive there if given the chance.

Where old gravelpits have been managed there are often large areas that are not open to the public, so there can be far less disturbance to the wildlife in those areas and along the margins this spills over into the publicly accessible areas. As they mature, these old gravel pits often become tranquil areas of scenic beauty. Many are rather peaceful, hardly see any visitors, have attractive vegetation and in short, the overall combination of habitat diversity, food availability, and lack of disturbance make them excellent spots for a bit of peace and quiet and a spot of birdwatching.

New Year in Norfolk 2023

TL:DR – New Year trip to North Norfolk – diary entry blog post.

As has been our habit for the last few years, we have eschewed the midnight festivities of New Year and escaped to the coast. This time, we straddled the New Year with three nights in a cosy cottage in Wells-next-the-Sea. We enjoyed the local hostelries in the evenings during our trip, but the main focus was to walk as far as we could manage each day (usually 7 or 8 miles) and to take in the birding and other sites of nature en route.

Pallid Harrier in flight over marsh edge at Warham, Norfolk, about 1200 metres from the camera
Record shot: Pallid Harrier in flight

Wells, Warham, Titchwell, and Holkham Gap were the main areas, beach, woodland, marsh, and nature reserve. A couple of Muntjac (one deceased), two or three Grey Squirrel, half a dozen Grey Seal, and 1001 dalmations and others dogs were the limited list of mammals we saw.

Red Kite with fishy prize
Red Kite, Holkham Gap

The birding list was much better as you’d expect, for starters, we saw a rare vagrant over the marsh at Warham east of Wells, a Pallid Harrier, along with a couple of Hen Harriers on the same marsh. It was dull and grey at that point and the low-light photos of the harriers are just my record shots.

Shorelarks in flight, Holkham Gap
Shorelarks in flight, Holkham Gap

The Pallid Harrier, Circus macrourus, is a migrant that breeds in Eastern Europe, Iran, and central Asia, wintering in India or Africa depending on its migratory wont. It is rare in Western Europe and the UK, but occasional vagrants are ticked here. That said, the species is now known to have bred in The Netherlands (2017) and Spain (2019). A changing world means a changing world for the birds too.

We saw dozens of other species (around 80). Many of those we had seen before, some many times, but one was rather special and we’d only seen it once before, in Poole Harbour in the autumn of 2022 – White-tailed Eagle. An immature specimen flew over us as we were heading back along the beach to Holkham Gap from the westward marsh end of the patch. The bird itself was heading to its roost on the marsh where it had been reported at roughly the same time for the previous couple of days. We don’t know at this point whether the bird we saw was one of the two we saw in Poole, these Isle of Wight reintroduction birds do cover a lot of ground on their travels.

Immature White-tailed Eagle
Archive shot: Immature White-tailed Eagle in Poole Harbour

On a smaller scale, but much more numerous, we had some lovely views of visitors from The Arctic, Snow Buntings (30+), which are distant cousins of the Yellowhammers and Reed Buntings. We also saw Shorelarks (about 11) at Holkham Gap despite the best efforts of uncontrolled dog walkers to repeatedly scare the birds away.

Parial flock of 30+ Snow Bunting, Holkham Gap
Flock of Snow Bunting, Holkham Gap

Below is the, hopefully complete, list of birds we saw, we may have a few others that we may have glimpsed in passing but are not claiming for the list, Grey Partridge, Bullfinch, Whooper Swan, Sparrowhawk. There were no feeders at the RSPB Titchwell cafe area on this visit, so no sighting of Coal Tit on this visit.

Grey Plover in flight along the coast at RSPB Titchwell
Grey Plover

Avocet, Black-headed Gull, Bar-tailed Godwit, Black-tailed Godwit, Blackbird, Blue Tit, Brent Goose, Buzzard, Cetti’s Warbler, Chaffinch, Collared Done, Common Scoter, Coot, Cormorant, Curlew, Dunlin, Dunnock, Egyptian Geese, Goldcrest, Golden Plover, Goldeneye (F), Goldfinch, Great Black-backed Gull, Great Crested Grebe, Great Tit, Great White Egret, Grey Heron, Grey Plover, Greylag Goose, Hen Harrier (ringtailed: F or Juv), Herring Gull, House Sparrow, Jackdaw, Jay, Kestrel, Kingfisher, Knot, Lapwing, Lesser Black-backed Gull, Little Egret, Little Grebe, Long-tailed Tit, Magpie, Mallard, Marsh Harrier, Meadow Pipit, Moorhen, Mute Swan, Oystercatcher, Pallid Harrier (NFM 2023), Pheasant, Pink-footed Goose, Pintail, Pochard, Red Kite, Red-breasted Merganser (pair, twice to locations), Red-throated Diver, Redshank, Reed Bunting, Ringed Plover, Robin, Rook, Rough-legged Buzzard, Sanderling, Shelduck, Shore Lark, Shoveller, Skylark, Snow Bunting, Starling, Stock Dove, Stonechat, Teal, Tufted Duck, Turnstone, Water Rail, White-throated Diver, Wigeon, Wood Pigeon, Wren.

Ringtail Hen Harrier in flight at Warham, Norfolk, over the marsh bridge
Record shot: Ringtailed Hen Harrier

I fed this article paragraph by paragraph to an AI chat bot, ChatGPT, and have put together a post showing the call-and-response artificial conversation I had with the bot. I also followed up that article with a bit of discussion about AI and its role in human creativity and innovation. But, and here’s the clever bit, I didn’t provide my own thoughts, I asked the bot a question and it came up with an answer for me.