Dave Bradley Photography

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Regulars to my social media will know that the birds carried on flying this year but I also added Lepidoptera in July 2018 to my galleries and reorganised Imaging Storm into tighter categories to cover all kinds of animals, events, macro photography and other photos.

Sciencebase regulars of these last (almost) three decades or so will know me as a science journalist, but I also write a few songs and play in a couple of bands. The third passion of my Science, Songs, Snaps, tagline is my photography, of course. I love to create photographs of all kinds of festivalgoers and bands at Strawberry Fair and the like, architecture, abstracts, and most recently birds, more than 100 different species in the gallery now, some of perched birds, others in flight, this gallery will potentially form the basis of my forthcoming book “Chasing Wild Geese” (free sampler available on request). Also taking my interest over the last couple of years Lepidoptera – moths and butterflies.

There are countless sites for depositing and sharing one’s photos online. Mine are scattered across Flickr, 500px, Facebook, GuruShots, Instagram and various others as well as on my Imaging Storm Photography website.


UPDATE: I recently signed up for yet another photography website, GuruShots, users get to vote on each other’s work and there are prizes…I’ve taken up several of their challenges recently and am rattling up the ranks having gone from newbie to rookie in a couple of weeks…oooh! Subsequently, went from Challenger, Advanced, to Veteran, and thence to Expert and then Champion. Still to make the leap to Master and the final accolade Guru.

What would you rather bee?

Well, this might look, at first glance, like a bee, but look again, especially at those huge compound eyes, the mouthparts, and those wings – this is a hoverfly. In fact, it’s one of the biggest, as ID’d for me by friend of the blog Brian Stone – Volucella bombylans.

“One of the bee mimic hoverflies and you get two for the price of one. Same species has two forms, one like this (variety bombylans) that mimics red-tailed bumblebees (primarily Bombus lapidarius) and another with yellow on the thorax and a white tail (variety plumata) that mimics other bumblebee species (B. lucorum and B. terrestris). Although they use the bumblebees’ nests to lay their eggs they aren’t particularly harmful to the bees.” Brian has photos of the other form of this hoverfly on his blog.

This is an example of Batesian mimicry wherein a harmless species has evolved to imitate the warning signals of a harmful species directed at a potential predator. English naturalist Henry Walter Bates first described this kind of mimicry in butterflies of the Brazilian rainforests.

Two cuckoos flew over no nest

Early evening walk (31st May 2017, farmland south of Rampton, Cambridge, relatively close to the Guided Busway), hoping to catch sight of our local fen edge barn owl (Tyto alba), but could hear a cuckoo (Cuculus canorus) in a field beyond a hedgerow…call seemed to be getting closer…at which point two males flew over our heads calling, each presumably attempting to out court any nearby females. Female song is very different from that of the male and not heard so often. I got a quick shot of one of the two as they passed overhead calling all the while and they separated in their ongoing search for cuckoo nookie.

The male’s call is familiar to many people even if they have never seen this thrush-sized bird that resembles a small bird of prey, but is neither thrush nor raptor.

Eurasian Reed Warbler (Acrocephalus scirpaceus)

I suppose it was obvious in hindsight, it was RSPB Fen Drayton Lakes, there were reeds, there was warbling, it was a reed warbler (Acrocephalus scirpaceus). Despite his whitethroat and white rings around the eyes, he’s simply not a whitethroat (Sylvia communis). He wasn’t singing the whitethroat tune either.

Bird expert and friend Brian Stone explains: “Subtle but distinctive, the head shape is typical of the Acrocephalus warblers. Rather pointy with a steep forehead. That genus also tends to be very uniform in colour and many species are extremely difficult to separate if not singing. Fortunately we only have two really common species here and sedge warbler looks rather different.

Indeed, I had seen and identified positively sedge warbler recently at RSBP North Warren on the outskirts of Aldeburgh, north on the way to Thorpeness, and had seen said sedge warbler again not a few paces from the reed warbler.  Brian tells me: “Much more streaky and with a very bold face pattern. Reed Warbler goes much more for the no-nonsense brown on top, pale buff underneath approach.”

What birds might you see at RSPB Fen Drayton Lakes?

To me, it will always be Swavesey Lakes, but when the RSPB took on the old gravel pits that lie north of Fen Drayton, south of Holywell and west of Swavesey, they deemed a name change was in order, as I understand it.

The lakes, riverside, traditional meadows and hedges are linked by a network of paths and alongside is the Great River Ouse, which begins in Syresham in South Notts winds its way through East Anglia to The Wash. It’s a lovely site, you’ll see vast starling murmations at dusk in the early autumn, but at this time of year it’s a flutter of activity from countless feathered friends.

We parked up at about 10 on the late May Bank Holiday Monday in 2017, and could immediately hear willow warbler, chiffchaff, great tit and a couple of distant cuckoo.

Overhead what I thought was probably a marsh harrier or two, but actually realise now they were red kite. On the “board” promise of a bittern and oystercatchers with young. We saw a colony of greylag geese with goslings on the opposite bank of the River Great Ouse, but no other obvious bird young. The greylag’s had neighbours too: Egyptian geese.

On the pontoons that festoon some of the lakes there were plenty of black-headed gulls nesting and some common tern. On the outcrops into the lakes and the water’s edges: mallard, tufted duck, lapwing, mute swan, great crested grebe, redshank, cormorant, pochard, grey heron, and various others.

In and around the trees: blackcap, sedge warbler, long-tailed tit, robin, blackbird, wood pigeon, chaffinch, chiffchaff, goldfinch, collared dove. And, among the reeds, reed bunting, whitethroat, and reed warbler too. And a pair of nuthatch, based on a fleeting glimpse of two small birds with blue-grey colouring and rusty flanks and a monotonic and repetitive whistling.

Overhead Canada and greylag geese, mute swans, housemartins, barn swallows, and others.

Having heard the cuckoo there was always the hope of spotting one of these rapteurish-looking parasites, but we were not in luck.

I was also hoping to catch a shot at a yaffle or two (green woodpecker, in French: Picvert, “green pick”). As we drove off the site, there were lots of LBJs and we almost ran over a yaffle, which took to the air just in time. The female partridge on the opposite side of the road barely flinched and the female yellowhammer just flew.

I should point out that we were there in the middle of the day, a dawn or dusk visit would be much more fulfilling given the dawn chorus or the twilight hunters and the birds coming home to roost, respectively.


Silent wings of the barn owl

Walking the dog at dusk out on the Cambridgeshire fens mid-May, lots of swallows around, meadow pipits, yellowhammers, the inevitable wood pigeons, collared doves, starlings and blackbirds, a few LBJs (little brown jobs), chaffinch, house martins, robins, (barely glimpsed, but certain) goldcrests and more. Heading along the lode thought I saw a little egret out of the corner of my eye, but turned to see a beautiful barn owl (Tyto alba) in the lowering sun circle the fields, hunting small mammals, worrying the skylarks on their nests.

barn owl in flight, closeup
The shot above was the first I captured, it’s often the way, first shot on the reel is the best, the most spontaneous, the one that’s just right, the subsequent photos are as the owl passes by and so mostly rear-end shots. He did bank around again and fly towards us a couple of times, taking no heed of our presence nor of the dog, and not even the sound of the camera’s shutter distracted from his time to pray. Here he is being defined in his nomenclature by the that most obvious of farm buildings, a barn.

barn owl and prey
He circled back around of the field on our side of the lode and we watched as he dived down, emerging from the long grass a few seconds later with a shrew in his talons before heading off in the direction of a patch of woodland (ironically close to where we’d parked the car).

barn owl and barn
It must be ten years since I last got a photograph of a barn owl. We’ve seen a few and certainly enjoyed watching one range alongside the car in the Yorkshire Wolds a couple of years ago, presumably hoping our wheels would disturb the roadside mammalia into scurrying.

Barn owls are well known as silent fliers. Their wings are huge compared to their body size and mass, they are also curved. Both characteristics are evolutionary adaptations to their hunting technique. They can move very slowly with barely a flap even in the lightest of updrafts almost hovering over prey they have sighted. But, it is the structure of the feathers which makes them much quieter than other raptors allowing them to hear prey without the background noise of their own wings.

The barn owl’s wing feathers are soft which smooths airflow, reducing noisy turbulence. In addition, the leading edge of their foremost wing feather (the 10th primary) is fluted appearing to have tiny barbs (that have tiny barbs upon them) that break up the airflow hitting the wing and again reduce noisy turbulence.

It might be that the flutings raise the frequency (pitch) of the sound above that audible to prey and perhaps the owl too. Indeed, the owl’s silence does mean that it can hear its prey in the groundcover whereas other noisier raptors need to rely almost entirely on their sight (viz, the kestrel hovering high above likely targets).

Nice BBC program showing pigeon, peregrine, and barn owl in flight. The sounds they do or don’t make and the turbulence their wings do or don’t generate. It’s worth noting that pigeon wing flaps are thought to be a communication device too. Peregrines stoop on their prey so quickly and aren’t flapping when they do so any noise the make in normal flight doesn’t matter. Also, Barn Owls keep quiet not so that their prey don’t hear them, but so that they can hear their prey and home in on the tiniest rustle of blades of grass or the twitching of a rodent whisker.

Oak apple day

An oak apple or oak gall is the common name for round, vaguely apple-like, galls formed on many species of oak, they’re usually and inch or two in diameter. They grow when a female wasp of the family Cynipidae (commonly in Europe, the wasp Biorhiza pallida) lays a single egg in a developing leaf bud. The larva that emerges secretes chemicals that cause the tree to pump nutrients into the “infected” leaf bud and the larva then feeds on the gall tissue.

There were numerous oak apple growing on this tree (Quercus robur, commonly known as the pedunculate oak or English oak) growing in the centre of Rampton Pocket Park. Oak Apple Day (or Royal Oak Day) used to be a public holiday in England held on 29th May to commemorate the Restoration of King Charles II in 1660, alluding to him purportedly hiding in an oak tree during the English Civil War.

Great spotted fledgling

The Great Spotted Woodpecker chick (Dendrocopos major) I have been photographing these last few days is getting very bold and almost bouncing out of his tree house when the adults visit with food.

I am surprised that there is only one chick, maybe nest size limits how many eggs the female lays. Either way, this little fellow with his red crown (does that make him a male?) is clacking away requesting regular invertebrate meals from the male (with the red nape to his neck) and female (black and white, but for her rump). Mrs Sciencebase reckons the clacking of the adults from neighbouring trees is probably encouragement for the chick to fledge (we’ve not heard much calling from them). The chicks head seems at least as big as his mother’s, so presumably he is almost read to leave the confines of his woody abode.

Here are a few more shots of male and female attending to the needs of the chick. That beak is sharp, makes sense for Dad to close his eyes while passing grubs beak to beak.


Speckled brown butterfly

Snapped a speckly brown butterfly in the local woodland, went to my book…misread the page pictures, thought it was a woodland brown (Lopinga achine), but 1 AND 2 were of the same speckled brown species, the woodland brown is absent from British shores. Turns out to be a female speckled brown (Pararge aegeria). A lot less timid and flitty than many of the butterflies around, sunning itself on a nettle patch while I walked around it to get a couple of closeups. I was using a 600mm lens from about 3 metres away, but had to walk closer to it along the path to get to the other side for the open-wings view.

Thanks to Lisa King for correcting the error, I have now added the speciment to my invertebrates gallery on Imaging Storm.

Kingfisher – Alcedo atthis

UPDATE: 21 Jan 2019. If a male Kingfisher joins this female on the Cottenham Lode then we can hope for Fisher Princes and Princesses by late spring 2019.

The common kingfisher (Alcedo atthis) unmistakable at the river bank if you’re quick enough to hear the “pip pip” just before it darts across the water and out of sight. You may well spot one perched on an angled branch or mooring staring keenly at the surface investigating the depths with speary intent.

Unlike many other species, numbers seem to be on the rise in the UK, personally I’ve seen them fishing regally in at least four different locations over recent weeks [this was January to February 2017]. However, it was only with the acquisition of a flashy new lens that have I been fortunate enough to get a shot of one.

The scientific binomial for this bird derives from the Latin alcedo (from the Greek for kingfisher, halcyon) and Atthis, who was a beautiful young woman of Lesbos, and favourite of Sappho. If you were wondering about that former word, halcyon, its etymology can be found here, suffice to say that its modern meaning of calm and peaceful, as in halcyon days of yore, refers to calm weather before the winter solstice. At that point in the calendar, a mythical bird (something like a kingfisher) was said to build its nest on the calm seas. Hence halcyon days are those times when it’s sufficiently calm that you could something as odd as build a nest on the sea! The word has nothing to do with conception nor salt as some sources claim.