We spent a few days in Lisbon in early October, our first time in the beautiful and cosmopolitan capital of Portugal. Man, it was nominally a city break to celebrate our 32nd wedding anniversary, which was earlier in the year. There had been the notion of perhaps heading up to the Tagus Estuary Nature Reserve to see the flamingos, but we didn’t get there in the end. We kept our eyes peeled for birds in between more conventional city sightseeing in the city, as well as Belém (west along the river) and Oriente (to the east, as the name would suggest).
We didn’t spot any Black Kites, Azure-winged Magpies, nor Hoopoe, which I’d hoped for, but there were lots of Crested Myna, Black Redstart, and Rose-ringed Parakeets at the Mosteiro de Jeronimos in Belém. A couple of hours at the Parque Eduardo VII added Sardinian Warbler, Short-toed Treecreeper, and Serin to the list. Then another couple of hours in the Botanic Gardens added two species of parakeet Blue-crowned and Rose-ringed.
It was wonderful to spend some time in the peace of the Lisbon Botanical Gardens away from the bustle of the streets and the trams. It was also warm and sunny while we were there and with the sight and sound of Willow Warbler and Blackcap around it was almost like a summer rewind. The deciduous trees were starting to show signs of the autumn, of course, but it was still 25 Celsius and very humid, twice the temperature it had been at home when we left Old Blighty.
We finally caught up with a load of European Serin, Serinus serinus, in the Edward VII park in Lisbon. Not seen this bird species before, it’s related to the Ethiopian Siskin and the Black-headed Canary, but you could also say it’s a distant cousin of the European Goldfinch and the European Siskin, to which is bears more than a passing resemblance. They’re all finches, basically.
The hopefully complete bird list for our four-day ostensibly non-birding trip. Birds without a place were seen in various places or just around Lisbon/riverside in general. Birds marked * are lifers for us.
Black-Headed Gull
Black-tailed Godwit – Oriente
Blue-Crowned Parakeet* – Botanic Gardens
Common Black Redstart – Parque Edward VII
Common Blackbird
Common Buzzard
Common Chaffinch
Common Chiffchaff – Parque Edward VII
Common Sandpiper – Oriente
Crested Myna* – Naval Museum, Belém
Eurasian Crag Martin* – Miradouro de Santa Catarina
European Herring Gull
European Pied Flycatcher – Heard only, Botanic
European Robin
European Serin* – Parque Edward VII
European Starling
Eurasian Blackcap – Parque Edward VII, Botanic
Eurasian Blue Tit
Eurasian Jay – Parque Edward VII
Eurasian Oystercatcher – River
Eurasian Wren
Feral Pigeon
Great Black-backed Gull
Great Cormorant – River
Great Tit
Grey Heron – Naval Museum, Belém
House Sparrow
Lesser Black-backed Gull
Long-Tailed Tit
Rose-Ringed Parakeet – Naval Museum, Botanic etc
Ruddy Turnstone – Riverside to Belém
Sardinian Warbler – Parque Edward VII
Short-Toed Treecreeper* – Parque Edward VII, Botanic
Spotted Flycatcher – Parque Edward VII
Spotless Starling* – Parque Edward VII
Western Jackdaw
White Wagtail – Belém
Willow Warbler – Parque Edward VII
Yellow-Legged Gull
Just to add, we saw a few Large White butterflies, presumed Speckled Wood, and a few Lang’s Short-tailed Blue, and also Velvet Carpenter Bee, and some fish in the river, but, that was pretty much it on other wildlife, as you’d expect from a city break.
Birds photographed with a Canon R7 mirrorless digital camera fitted with an appropriate adapter and an ancient Canon EF L 70-300mm f/4-5.6 IS lens.
Another view of the juvenile Osprey that has been feeding and resting at Milton Country Park since 5th September 2024. It is an unringed bird, so not a fledgling from the breeders at Rutland Water. It is, rather, most likely to have flown in from Scotland or Cumbria, a wild fledgling, heading to Gambia or a neighbouring country for the winter.
Usually, the adult birds tend to fly from their nesting sites right through to Africa without needing to stop over at country parks and the like. But, inexperienced juveniles, like all children, get hungry on a long journey and so this juvenile has stopped off to refuel. One person in the park reported that the juvenile had settled on their garden fence in the village briefly.
Having said that about the adults flying through, I also saw an adult at the park on the day I first saw the juvenile. More to the point, there had been reports of an adult on the Cam and possibly the same, or different bird, in nearby Chesterton and at Dernford Reservoir.
I think I missed seeing the juvenile catch a fish by minutes. When I caught up with it having hung around watching and waiting for an hour, it was eating a roach or a perch while being mobbed by corvids (magpies and jackdaws) on its usual oak perch in the park.
Pandion haliaetus – Sometimes known as the Sea Hawk, Rive Hawk, Fish Hawk. Only extant member of the genus Pandion. Molecular phylogenetic analysis shows that the Pandionidae is a sibling family to the Accipitridae and suggests that the two families diverged more than 50 million years ago. The Accipitridae includes the hawks, eagles, kites, harriers and Old World vultures.
UPDATE – 23 October 2024: The juvenile Osprey that appeared in Milton Country Park on the 5th September was last reported on its feeding perch on 21st October. It seems that it had finally headed south for the winter.
I asked expert Tim Mackrill, an ornithologist at the Roy Dennis Wildlife Foundation about the bird. “It is fairly common for juveniles to stop-over in this way during September and October, and some birds even stay into November, particularly on the South Coast [of England],” he told me. “Most juveniles depart their nest site before they have caught a fish for themselves, so if they encounter a location where they are catching fish relatively easily, they can often linger for a number of days or even weeks, as your bird did.” He adds that most Ospreys in England and Wales are ringed, but there are many Scottish sites where chicks are not ringed. “It is most likely that this was a Scottish youngster” he told me. “That said, some Scandinavian birds also pass through England on autumn migration, so that can’t be discounted either.”
If it reaches Africa, it will stay there for several seasons before flying back to somewhere near the place it hatched earlier in 2024 to seek a mate. Meanwhile, another migrating Osprey was seen at RSPB Fen Drayton on 22nd October.
Famously, there are nesting Ospreys at Rutland Water, which is probably the nearest spot we’d expect to see these breeding summer visitors. However, migrating birds on passage can turn up anywhere there’s water and fish if they sense a safe place to refuel on their journey to or from sub-Saharan Africa. I suspect the passage migrants mentioned in this post have flown in from much further north, Cumbria or Scotland, perhaps. No signs of leg rings and the Rutland birds are all ringed.
We have lots of gravel pits in this part of Cambridgeshire that have been repurposed as nature reserves and parks. One of them, Milton Country Park has seen lots of interesting birdlife over the last few years. You’re almost always going to see Kingfisher, Cormorants and various ducks and waders there as well as woodland birds and even occasionally exotic warblers. Geese numbers seem to be way down recently.
Back in late April 2014, a Eurasian Osprey turned up and hung around for a while. This was presumably a migrant heading north. The previous year one was present in September, presumably heading south. Prior to that 2008.
There’s an Osprey at Milton CP right now, first appearance, 5th September 2024 or thereabouts. It’s a juvenile. Not long after, an adult was seen on the nearby stretch of the River Cam at Bait’s Bite Lock. There have been some other local sightings in Chesterton and at Dernford Reservoir.
Mrs Sciencebase and I took a stroll around the Milton CP site on the morning of 14th September, and while we saw Kingfisher, there was no sign of any Ospreys. We had another try on the afternoon of the 15th and spotted one flying over one of the lakes. It was airborne for a few minutes before heading to a roosting point high in an oak tree, a spot others had seen it several times in previous days. We had great views of it in the air and then at its roost. It would occasionally bow, perhaps a precocious mating bow, so I suspect it’s a female. I saw no sign of it on the morning of the 16th September.
As we were leaving the park, we took one more look from a viewing jetty and saw another (adult) Osprey that had flown in from the direction of the River Cam. It had apparently fished briefly just before we saw it in the air and then it quickly disappeared back towards the river. This was definitely a second bird, as the roosting juvenile has a nick from one of its wings whereas this apparent adult did not.
Lake Kerkini is an astonishing place in northern Greece. Mrs Sciencebase and I visited in June 2024. I’ve put together galleries of the butterflies and moths we saw on our trip, trekking and boating in the area.
I took rather a lot of photos and have only now got around to processing the birds. We saw a lot of birds, tens of thousands of them were Common Cormorant, hundreds were Great White Pelican and Dalmation Pelican, lots were herons and egrets of various species, Spoonbills, a handful of Nightingales, fleeting glimpses of Hoopoe (sadly), a solitary Glossy Ibis, and just the vocalisations of Sardinian Warbler, Cirl Bunting, and a few others no solid sightings. Merlin app also picked up a few that we didn’t see nor hear, and are possibles but questions that will never be answered, such as Wryneck, Thrush Nightingale, Hawfinch, Red Crossbill.
Here’s a list of the 90+ bird species we saw and heard. I suspect we also saw Lesser Kestrel and Eleanora’s Falcon at some point without getting positive IDs on those two:
Bee-eater, European (Merops apiaster)
Blackbird, Common (Turdus merula)
Blackcap, Eurasian (Sylvia atricapilla)
Bunting, Cirl (Emberiza cirlus) (heard only or Merlin)
Buzzard, Common (Buteo buteo)
Buzzard, Honey (Pernis apivorus)
Chaffinch, Eurasian (Fringilla coelebs)
Chiffchaff, Common (Phylloscopus collybita)
Coot, Eurasian (Fulica atra)
Cormorant, Great (Phalacrocorax carbo)
Cormorant, Pygmy (Microcarbo pygmaeus)
Crossbill, Red (Loxia curvirostra) (heard only or Merlin)
Crow, Carrion (Corvus corone)
Crow, Hooded (Corvus cornix)
Cuckoo, Common (Cuculus canorus)
Dove, Collared (Streptopelia decaocto)
Dove, Turtle (Streptopelia turtur)
Eagle, Booted (Hieraaetus pennatus) Michael d only
Egret, Little (Egretta garzetta)
Firecrest, Common (Regulus ignicapillus)
Flamingo, Greater (Phoenicopterus roseus)
Flycatcher, Spotted (Muscicapa striata)
Goldcrest (Regulus regulus)
Goldfinch, European (Carduelis carduelis)
Grebe, Great Crested (Podiceps cristatus)
Greenfinch, European (Chloris chloris) (heard only or Merlin)
Gull, Black-headed (Chroicocephalus ridibundus)
Gull, Caspian (Larus cachinnans)
Gull, Yellow-legged (Larus michahellis)
Hawfinch (Coccothraustes coccothraustes) (heard only or Merlin)
Heron, Grey (Ardea cinerea)
Heron, Night (Nycticorax nycticorax)
Heron, Purple (Ardea purpurea) Niko the skipper only
Heron, Squacco (Ardeola ralloides)
Hobby, Eurasian (Falco subbuteo)
Hoopoe, Eurasian (Upupa epops)
Ibis, Glossy (Plegadis falcinellus)
Jackdaw, Eurasian (Corvus monedula)
Jay, Eurasian (Garrulus glandarius)
Kestrel, Common (Falco tinnunculus)
Kingfisher, Common (Alcedo atthis) (heard only or Merlin)
Nightingale, Thrush (Luscinia luscinia) (heard only or Merlin)
Oriole, Golden (Oriolus oriolus)
Owl, Little (Athene noctua)
Pelican, Dalmatian (Pelecanus crispus)
Pelican, Great White (Pelecanus onocrotalus)
Pigeon, Common Wood (Columba palumbus)
Pigeon, Stock (Columba oenas)
Raven, Common (Corvus corax)
Redstart, Black (Phoenicurus ochruros) (heard only or Merlin)
Robin, European (Erithacus rubecula)
Shrike, Masked (Lanius nubicus)
Shrike, Red-backed (Lanius collurio)
Skylark, Eurasian (Alauda arvensis)
Sparrow, House (Passer domesticus)
Sparrow, Spanish (Passer hispaniolensis)
Sparrow, Eurasian Tree (Passer montanus)
Sparrowhawk, Eurasian (Accipiter nisus)
Sparrowhawk, Levant (Accipiter brevipes)
Spoonbill, Eurasian (Platalea leucorodia)
Starling, Common (Sturnus vulgaris)
Stork, Black (Ciconia nigra)
Stork, White (Ciconia ciconia)
Swallow, Barn (Hirundo rustica)
Swallow, Red-rumped (Cecropis daurica)
Swan, Mute (Cygnus olor)
Swift, Pallid (Apus pallidus)
Tern, Common (Sterna hirundo)
Tit, Blue (Cyanistes caeruleus)
Tit, Coal (Periparus ater)
Tit, Great (Parus major)
Tit, Long-tailed (Aegithalos caudatus)
Treecreeper, Eurasian (Certhia familiaris)
Wagtail, Grey (Motacilla cinerea)
Wagtail, White (Motacilla alba) (heard only or Merlin)
Warbler, Cetti’s (Cettia cetti)
Warbler, Eastern Olivaceous (Iduna pallida) (heard only or Merlin)
Warbler, Great Reed (Acrocephalus arundinaceus)
Warbler, Moustached (Acrocephalus melanopogon) (heard only or Merlin)
Warbler, Sardinian (Sylvia melanocephala) (heard only or Merlin)
Wheatear, Northern (Oenanthe oenanthe)
Woodpecker, Great Spotted (Dendrocopos major)
Woodpecker, Green (Picus viridis)
Woodpecker, Middle Spotted (Dendrocopos medius)
Wren, Eurasian (Troglodytes troglodytes)
Wryneck, Eurasian (Jynx torquilla) (heard only or Merlin)
All my blog posts about our Greece24 trip can be found here. The bird gallery is over on my Imaging Storm site.
With thanks to Tricia, Michael “d”, Martine, and Niko for many of the first sightings and IDs of birds, butterflies, moths, and other creatures. I have added photos of several of the various invertebrates we encountered to the introductory blog posts on our 2024 trip to Greece.
Mrs Sciencebase and I spent a week in the beautiful wilds of northern Greece not far from the Bulgarian and North Macedonian borders in early June. At first glance, it was a holiday, but it was more realistically a fascinating international biology field trip with lots of butterflies, moths, birds, and plants to photograph and record. The list of butterflies we saw and recorded can be found below.
We had 6:30am starts most days except the 5am on Lake Kerkini boat-trip day, expertly piloted by Niko. It was certainly not the usual lounging-by-the-pool-all-day type holiday with lingering lie-ins et cetera. There was, however, all those butterflies and birds. Delicious Greek food and quaffable Greek beer every evening certainly felt holiday-like!
We were staying in a small town called Chrisochorafa, which isn’t far from the beautiful Lake Kerkini with its hundreds of pelicans (Dalmation and Great White), tens of thousands of Great Cormorant, numerous Spoonbill, various heron and egret species, and on and on!
Our expert eco-guide, Michael, kindly drove us all over the region. We swung way west to the border with North Macedonia, but also east and north almost to Bulgaria too. Michael, is a diptera and lepidoptera expert and did a bit of independent flycatching in between identifying butterflies and birds for his research. He hopes to identify the groups that may well have been lost to regions ravaged by forest fires in northeastern Greece in recent years.
We also had one other travelling companion, Martine – a modestly expert amateur lepidopterist who was a great help to us in spotting and identifying the novel species of Lepidoptera. We hiked several km most days even when it was sometimes 38 degrees Celsius in the shade.
Somehow, I managed to take more than 11000 photos. Too much of the time I had my camera in rapid-burst mode. I’ve plucked more than 500 from the SD cards. I will pull out and process what I think are the best to share here on the Sciencebase blog and on my social media. I may be some time. You Have Been Warned.
I now have photographs of dozens of species of butterfly that I’d not seen before, and we saw well over 73 species in total. Lots of birds and more than 40 moth species, more than a couple of dozen of which aren’t present in the UK and I’d not seen before. 90+ birds seen and/or heard.
I didn’t do a lot of handheld focus stacking, but I did try with the above Balkan Copper photo. It was on the ski slope at Lailias, no snow, obviously. There were quite a few other butterflies and day-flying moths here.
It’s worth noting that contractors were strimming the lovely meadow at the foot of the ski slope for some unknown reason. This will inevitably have destroyed thousands of blooms, sending the invertebrates that were thriving there into oblivion. There was presumably a good reason for the strimming, but it put paid to our butterflying on that patch.
Overall, we had a fabulous trip although some of our target species were entirely absent from even the most likely sites. Tessellated Skipper, for instance. Indeed, its larval food plant was absent from the site too. Temperatures were too high for June in this region for the whole week. This may well have contributed to the much lower than anticipated numbers and diversity of Lepidoptera, although we still saw plenty.
Here is the complete list of butterfly species of which I have now published photographs on Sciencebase. There were several others that we saw that I didn’t get photos of or that didn’t warrant sharing – Essex Skipper, Small Skipper, Dark Green Fritillary etc. I think the total count for the trip for me and Mrs Sciencebase was 73+ butterfly species.
Blue, Amanda’s (Polyommatus amandus)
Blue, Eastern Baton (Pseudophilotes vicrama)
Blue, European Common (Polyommatus icarus)
Blue, Green-underside (Glaucopsyche alexis)
Blue, Iolas (Iolana iolas)
Blue, Lang’s Short-tailed (Leptotes pirithous)
Blue, Large (Phengaris arion)
Blue, Little Tiger (Tarucus balkanicus)
Blue, Mazarine (Cyaniris semiargus,)
Blue, Small (Cupido minimus)
Brown Argus (Aricia agestis)
Brown, Large Wall (Lasiommata maera)
Brown, Lattice (Kirinia roxelana)
Brown, Meadow (Maniola jurtina)
Brown, Northern Wall (Lasiommata petropolitana)
Brown, Wall (Lasiommata megera)
Cardinal (Argynnis Pandora)
Clouded Apollo (Parnassius mnemosyne)
Clouded Yellow (Colias croceus)
Common Yellow Swallowtail (Papilio machaon)
Copper, Balkan (Lycaena candens)
Copper, Lesser Fiery (Lycaena thersamon)
Copper, Purple-shot (Lycaena alciphron)
Copper, Sooty (Lycaena tityrus)
Eastern Festoon (Allancastria cerisyi)
Fritillary, Heath (Melitaea athalia)
Fritillary, Knapweed (Melitaea phoebe)
Fritillary, Lesser Marbled (Brenthis ino)
Fritillary, Lesser Spotted (Melitaea trivia)
Fritillary, Marbled (Brenthis daphne)
Fritillary, Niobe (Fabriciana niobe)
Fritillary, Pearl-bordered (Boloria euphrosyne)
Fritillary, Queen of Spain (Issoria lathonia)
Fritillary, Silver-washed (Argynnis paphia)
Fritillary, Spotted (Melitaea didyma)
Grayling, Eastern Rock (Hipparchia syriaca)
Grayling, Great Banded (Brintesia circe)
Hairstreak, Blue-spot (Satyrium spini)
Hairstreak, Green (Callophrys rubi)
Hairstreak, Ilex (Satyrium ilicis)
Hairstreak, Sloe (Satyrium acacia)
Hairstreak, White-letter (Satyrium w-album)
Heath, Pearly (Coenonympha arcania)
Heath, Small (Coenonympha pamphilus)
Hermit (Chazara briseis)
Nettle-tree Butterfly (Libythea celtis)
Painted Lady (Vanessa cardui)
Scarce Swallowtail (Iphiclides podalirius)
Skipper, Dingy (Erynnis tages)
Skipper, Grizzled (Pyrgus malvae)
Skipper, Large (Ochlodes sylvanus)
Skipper, Mallow (Carcharodus alceae)
Skipper, Yellow-banded (Pyrgus sidae)
Southern White Admiral (Limenitis reducta)
Tortoiseshell, Large (Nymphalis polychloros)
Tortoiseshell, Small (Aglais urticae)
White, Balkan Marbled (Melanargia larissa)
White, Black-veined (Aporia crataegi)
White, Eastern Bath (Pontia edusa)
White, Marbled (Melanargia galathea)
White, Small (Pieris rapae)
White, Wood (Leptidea sinapis)
Woodland Ringlet (Erebia medusa)
Technical footnotes
I took rather a lot of photos on this week-long trip (well over 10,000) and then spent the weekend pulling out what I think are the best. I’ve got about 500 that I need to work through and do a second-line purge.
I will process the select few from the camera RAW files using DxO PureRaw4, which I’ve mentioned previously. This software carries out corrections to the photos you take based on the known distortions associated with your camera and lens combination. Its main purpose however is to remove noise from an image without removing detail. It does this very well, improving any photo you feed it to the tune of 3 or so full stops of ISO. This can make all the difference with photos shot in the limited light of a woodland or at twilight.
Some of the photos need a different kind of processing and I’ll use Topaz Sharpen for the ones that could do with a bit more tightening up to remove motion blur, for instance.
I’ve talked about warblers before. Basically, the warblers are a non-scientific grouping of similar birds. In the UK, we often see and hear a variety of warblers, mostly summer visitors, among them Blackcap, Cetti’s Warbler, Chiffchaff, Garden Warbler (Sylvia borin), Grasshopper Warbler, Great Reed Warbler (occasionally), Lesser Whitethroat, Reed Warbler, Sedge Warbler, Whitethroat, and Willow Warbler.
I headed to RSPB Fen Drayton Lakes nature reserve on a promise of Arctic Terns as a big influx had been reported on Tuesday, some 36, arriving in two waves, 29 and then 7, from Grafham Water. This is a huge number for one inland patch, especially in East Anglia.
More often, we’d have Common Terns and only a sporadic appearance of single figures Arctic. I had alerted the local birding community to a Sandwich Tern on 17th April 2024. A relative rarity that unusually stuck around for several days at the reserve. We also get Black Tern on these lakes.
Anyway, I saw just a few of the Arctic Terns on the water. However, a nice patch facing out over Ferry Lagoon fringed with some very noisy trees and bushes had Garden Warbler and Sedge Warbler calling noisily alongside Chiffchaff, Lesser Whitethroat, and Willow Warbler. There were several of each species. There were also two or three Cuckoo calling from far off trees. That aside, I got a shot of one of the Garden Warblers. I thought it was my first attempt at photographing this bird, but I discovered that I had photos of it in the warbler post from 2022.
At least 43 birds on sight or sound this morning:
Arctic Tern
Black-headed Gull
Blue Tit
Carrion Crow
Common Tern
Garden Warbler
Great Crested Grebe
Great Tit
Green Woodpecker
Greylag Goose
House Martin
Lesser Whitethroat
Long-tailed Tit
Marsh Harrier
Mute Swan
Sand Martin
Sedge Warbler
Song Thrush
Willow Warbler
Wood Pigeon
Footnote: We do see Grasshopper Warblers (Groppers) locally, but I didn’t today. Dartford Warbler was seen a couple of summers ago, but a fairly rare sight. I’ve seen the rather rare Wood Warbler, but not in the UK, it was up the hill in Split, Croatia, back in 2017 before we drank all that dark ale on the way down and had catfish and chips for tea.
More about the British warblers on the BBC Countryfile site here.
Mrs Sciencebase and I opted to follow the footpath from the RSPB Ouse Fen (Earith) car park to what we refer to as the “Clouded Yellow Field”, which is the patch where we saw that butterfly in numbers in 2022 and that leads on to Brownshill Staunch where I spotted the previously mentioned Sandwich Tern.
It’s a nice stretch to stretch one’s legs. Lots of Marsh Harrier activity over the reed beds, Chinese Water Deer and Roe Deer to see. Calls from Sedge Warbler, White Throat, Chiff Chaff (all warblers). We could hear some Bearded Reedling calling and Bittern booming and saw two different pairs of that latter species flying over the reedbeds. Also plenty of Reed Bunting around resplendant in their breeding plumage.
If this bird were named in the same way as one of its close relatives, Emberiza citrinella, it would be called a Reedhammer (as in Yellowhammer, where “hammer/ammer” is old German for “bunting”. Of course, in modern German the Yellowhammer is the “Goldammer”, while the Reed Bunt is “Rohrammer”, Rohr meaning pipe and presumably alluding to the pipe-like reeds.
In my photo you can see an example of why it’s important to get a catchlight in the eye of a bird or other animal. Without that tiny glint of reflected light, the eye would have little character and with a bird like this would be lost against the black of its facial plumage.
I used DxO PureRaw4 to do automatic lens and camera corrections and to denoise the RAW file from the Canon R7 (lens was Sigma 150-600mm at full extent). I then ran the DNG output from PureRaw4 through Topaz Sharpen AI v 4.1.0 to tighten up those feathers a little and then PaintShopPro Ultimate 2022 to tweak levels ever so slightly and to crop and add my logo. Camera settings: f/6.3, t 1/4000s, ISO 800.
The image below is an unedited JPG grab from the original camera RAW file
Yesterday, I spotted a Sandwich Tern, Thalasseus sandvicensis, colloquially known as a Sarnie, patrolling the open river lock at Brownshill Staunch on the Great River Ouse. It flew back and forth over a stretch of about 200 metres for 20 minutes or so before heading off downstream.
The river cuts through the RSPB Ouse Fen nature reserve (I’d walked in from the Over end rather than Needingworth). The lock is currently open to allow flood water to run to the sea, although it’s not flowing as violently as it was about a month ago.
Anyway, I’ve seen several Common Terns fishing on this reserve and a Black Tern fly through one pre-covid summer. But, a Sandwich seemed unusual so I posted my spot to the local patch’s birding social media group when I first saw it. There was a flurry of interest and one member, Richard Thomas, keen to see the bird, headed to the Staunch. Unfortunately, for him the bird had moved on by the time he arrived, and I hadn’t checked back in on the group after my initial update to let them know. He dipped out. My bad.
I later spoke to Richard about the presence of the Sandwich Tern. I had assumed it wasn’t a so-called mega rarity, but still its presence was rather unusual. He told me he thinks they’re almost annual in this area despite their being so obviously coastal feeders and breeders.
“Sandwich Terns are just about annual locally – I’ve seen them on six occasions in 20 years and missed them more times than that,” Richard told me. “They are an absolute pain in the neck because they rarely stay more than a few minutes. I’ve been lucky on four occasions with “fly throughs” (including a flock of seven at the Brownshill Staunch).” He added that they’re annual at Grafham Water reservoir, which isn’t far from here either and a nice birding spot, but again, he says, they were almost invariably fly throughs.
There was a subsequent flurry of activity in the social media group, my having alerted the birders to the presence of the species, and it was quickly tracked down to yet another patch of old gravel pits turned nature reserve, RSPB Fen Drayton. Several birders were excited to know it was there and surprised that it had roosted rather than flying through.
The River Great Ouse empties into The Wash on the north Norfolk coast. It’s worth noting that Brownshill Staunch, which lies on the Greenwich Meridian, is the last stretch of the river that still feels the effects of the tide. In recent weeks, my fellow togger friend Andy Hoy saw a seal sunning itself on the riverbank at this point. It had presumably swum upstream from the coast. Seals are not uncommon on the river, although they’re usually seen further downstream. In the summer of 2023, a female dolphin and two offspring were seen on this stretch of river too.
Richard has the last word in adding that one good tern deserves another, he suggests that Caspian Tern or Roseate Tern would be firsts for the patch should they turn up…
Latest intel on the Sarnie is that it’s feeding on the river near Ferry Lagoon at RSPB Fen Drayton 18h00 on the 18th April. On the 17th it roosted on the islands in the Lagoon. The bird was still being seen on 20th April. Interesting that quite rare for this species to stay in Cambridgeshire this long. Some birders said not known it before, others pointed out that one may have over-wintered at Grafham Water in 1987.
Having spent a couple of evenings watching Starling murmurations with hundreds of thousands of birds, it was time to seek out some Aves in smaller numbers. I had a quick look in at RSPB Ouse Fen (Earith) as it was bright and sunny on Saturday morning. I was hoping to that there would be a chance that the Cranes would be showing. They weren’t but there was a Great White Egret, as ever, and a Chinese Water Deer, I had only fleeting, distant views of a solitary Marsh Harrier. I headed out to Chain Corner to check on the Whooper Swans, a few on the water and one that flew right over me.
Next on to a patch of flooded farmland, often used for fen skating historically, it had lots of waterfowl, but no Glossy Ibis there this year, despite their having bred not far from here in 2023. Then on to RSPB Berry Fen, which is just a short hop further up the road. Chiffchaff calling, lots of Widgeon whistling but no Black-tailed Godwit, there were several hundred earlier last week, apparently.
There was also a distant piping Redshank and the Merlin app picked up the sound of a Green-winged Teal (it’s perhaps the same American vagrant we’ve seen here over the last two or three years; previously, there has also been a Blue-winged Teal). There had also been Dunlin and similar species there but I couldn’t see them. There was a Sparrowhawk, known affectionately as a Sprawk to birders, that flew right over me and away with its familiar flap-flap-glide flight pattern.
Further round, the flood, a group of Greylag Geese hanging out with some Russian visitors – three White-fronted Geese. This species, Anser albifrons, might better be known as “white-faced” as you can see from the photos. But as is often the wont of naturalists names sometimes don’t quite match the species description.
According to the BTO website: Two races of White-fronted Goose occur in the UK. A. albifrons (the European WfG) breeds in western Russia and is usually about 1000 to 2000 of them are found in the south and east of England in the winter. A. flavirostris breeds in western Greenland (the Greenland WfG) and about 10000-12000 of this subspecies usually spend the winter in the north and west of Britain and Ireland.
UPDATE: I mentioned the murmurations to a choir friend, Sara, and bumped into her and her husband on the Fen. I warned them that, because it was very windy, we might not get such good murmurations as I’d mentioned before. But amazingly, as dusk rolled on, even though it wasn’t a bright sunset, we got some wonderful activity from a staggering half a million Starlings.
I chunk estimated numbers from my photos and the video at perhaps 400,000. However, I then fed some photos and video stills to Google Gemini AI and asked it to process, analyse, and count the birds. Gemini estimated the size of the flock in my video from a still capture as being 500,000. There were many more birds outside the video frame, so I suspect on this evening there were between 550,000 and 650,000 birds murmurating. ChatGPT got similar numbers from my photos. Microsoft Copilot simply told me the images were of murmurations and said it was too difficult to count the number of birds.
The main activity was very much over the reedbeds among which we stood rather than being half a mile away as occurred on my previous two visits. This made it hard to get the full murmuration in the camera frame at the level of zoom I had with me. So, the above video was done on my phone as a record.
The birds would whoosh over out heads at about 50 metres altitude. I warned the people around me not to look up with their mouths open and within a few minutes, my choir friend had undergone a full birding initiation with three deposits from above in quick succession. Amazing that I didn’t get splashed as I was standing only a metre or two away from her.
Anyway, the birds gathered in a very dense flock at about 17h50 and bedded down into the vast reedbed in front of the entrance to the reserve. There were undulations for a good ten minutes as it got darker and darker. At one point, a Merlin was reported to have caught one Starling on the wing. The other 199,999 were fine and had roosted down among the reeds by the time we departed.
At the end of February, I got wind of there being very large numbers of Common Starling murmurating at a local nature reserve – RSPB Ouse Fen (Earith). I got a few photos on an evening visit. There were probably half a million birds, it was quite astonishing. I based my estimate on counts I’ve done of photographs of smaller flocks and extrapolating to the huge patches of sky that were covered with birds on the evening.
I got some nice photos at sunset but my phone video was very smeary and low-res. So, a second visit was essential. Unfortunately, rumour had it that the numbers the next night were smaller, that some of the birds had moved to roosting over the Over side of RSPB Ouse Fen…nevertheless, Mrs Sciencebase and myself headed over to Earith on 3rd March.
It was a much better evening and definitey fewer Starlings, but still many tens of thousands. This time I got some decent video footage of the murmurations.
We also ticked three Short-eared Owls, half a dozen Chinese Water Deer, heard numerous Cetti’s Warbler and saw just one, saw Great White Egret and Grey Heron, heard a couple of Bearded Reedling, and heard one or two booming Bitterns, lots of Geese, Cormorants, Reed Bunting, Widgeon calling, Little Grebe, Water Rail etc. The Cranes that had been displaying south of the car park on the gravel works land flew in to roost about a quarter of a mile in front of us as we watched the starling murmurations. It was a wonderful evening of nature watching.
I played my video to the Merlin app, although we all knew what birds we could hear, but it came back with Coot, Greylag Goose, Canada Goose, Cetti’s Warbler, Ring-necked Pheasant. It didn’t pick up Wigeon, Little Grebe, Reed Bunting, Bearded Reedling, which we had heard.
I opened up one of my stills with a huge flock across it and enlarged it on my laptop screen. I drew a square around a patch that I estimated had 100 birds in it. Double-checked and adjusted the size of the square to make sure it was very close to 100. I measured the square in pixels and then worked out how many such squares would fill the area of the photo filled with birds. It came to about 75000 birds. This assumes average density across the photo. There were probably areas outside the area of the photo that would be around 25000 birds. So, the biggest flock would be around 100000, there were probably about half the same number of birds in the air elsewhere. The previous evening of murmurations I’d have said there were 5-6 such flocks, so guesstimating at least half a million birds going to roost on this patch of the reserve.