Alchemical Happenings

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As regular Sciencebase readers will know, I write a regular chemistry news round-up for ChemWeb under the plome-de-nume of The Alchemist. This is the latest incarnation of a column I first wrote for the original almost a decade ago. ChemWeb is now owned by chemical industry search engine, which is fast developing the site into an indispensable resource for anyone working in the chemical sciences.

Anyway, here is a summary of the latest Alchemist chemistry news headlines.

This week, iron and chemical education skills are rewarded, while analytical and synthetic efforts finally pay off after almost four decades or work on a natural insecticide with the first total synthesis of the neem tree extract azadirachtin. The Alchemist also discovers that diamonds really are almost forever and nanoscopic polymer capsules can facilitate one-pot cascading biotransformations. Finally, a new range of fluorinated contrast agents for medical imaging could make cancer diagnostics stick and computational developments on actinide compounds could revolutionize our understanding of the chemistry of radioactive materials. That synthetic odyssey undertaken by Steve Ley and colleagues at Cambridge University to synthesise azadirachtin will feature in more detail here in a forthcoming post.

Antibodies Online

antibodies-online launched in April 2006 and calls itself the marketplace for research antibodies providing scientists in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland with invaluable assistance in finding antibodies quickly and easily, a task that was once very time-consuming when predominantly paper-based catalogues were the only resource for searching available.

The company also acts as a kind of immunological broker allowing antibody distributors and producers to ply their trade online at low costs and no risks. The reason I mentioned it on is that the their site provides access to information on some 60,000 antibodies in a database, with that number growing every day. Such a resource could prove invaluable to many researchers working in silico let alone in vitro and in vivo. claims to be one of the largest vendor-independent platform for research antibodies in that region and plans to increase its product portfolio to more than 100,000 antibodies by Spring 2008, which could make it an even more useful resource.

Growing Nano Journals

The American Chemical Society is following up the success of its preliminary reports publication Nano Letters with a full-blown journal – ACS Nano. Penn State’s Paul Weiss will be Editor and the journal will publish monthly in print and online.

The inaugural issue features work from David Allara, Hongjie Dai, Prashant Kamat, and Frank Caruso, as well as a conversation with Nobel Laureate Heinrich Rohrer, and an editorial from Weiss. A news ection, NanoFocus, will also feature.

If you’re an institutional subscriber you can access Nano at no extra charge for the remainder of 2007 at

Wound Healing and Super Cabbage

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This week in The ChemWeb Alchemist, I report how Illinois chemists have developed a novel catalytic approach that side-steps functional group modifications to streamline organic syntheses. The Alchemist also discovers that a serendipitous finding leads to a bright spot in observing electron transfer in single molecules under the scanning tunneling microscope. While mixed signals appear in C&EN regarding the safety of bisphenol A.

In Africa, extracts of the leaves of the so-called hemorrhage plant could provide medical science with a new approach to faster, cleaner wound healing. Finally this week, upping the glucosinolate content of an entirely different group of plants, brassica crops, might not only help cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower ward off pests and so save on pesticide use, but could also boost the cancer-fighting powers of these foods for people who eat them.

Speedy synthesis – University of Illinois chemists hope to meet the efficiency challenge in organic chemistry by exploiting a newly developed class of carbon-hydrogen catalyst. Christina White and her colleagues are creating a new chemical toolbox of highly selective and reactive catalysts that are tolerant of other functionality. “By offering fewer steps, fewer functional group manipulations and higher yields, this toolbox will change the way chemists make molecules,” White claims. A palladium/sulfoxide catalyst provides the team with a selective method for directly inserting nitrogen functionality into relatively inert C-H bonds without having to manipulate functional groups. The team has reported streamlined syntheses of various compounds, including a peptidase inhibitor drug candidate, a nucleotide-sugar L-galactose, and the chemotherapeutic reagent acosamine. She and her colleagues are currently applying the technology to synthesizing the antibiotic erythromycin A.

Read this week’s Alchemist for summaries and direct links to all featured chemistry news

Short Chicken Wire Roll Up

Double wall chickens

In a past life I was deputy editor on the RSC journal Chemical Communications and recall the excitement and tension around the time we published Sir Harry Kroto’s pioneering fullerene paper. At the time, there were all kinds of imaginative plans emerging for what might be done with these odd all-carbon soccerball shaped molecules.

However, it was not the spherical, nor the spheroidal, fullerenes that became the darlings of materials scientists and nanotechnologists the world over. Instead it was their stretched cousins – the carbon nanotubes. Resembling a sub-microscopic roll of chicken wire, these long, hollow molecules have been touted as potential components for the future of microelectronics, as conducting connectors for nano devices, as catalysts and even as smart drug delivery agents.

Chemical scientists have developed various methods for synthesising nanotubes that are just a single atom thick, others that have a double wall, like two layers of rolled up chickenwire, all just a few nanometres in cross-sectional diameter. However, according to researchers writing in the International Journal of Nanotechnology (2007, 4, 618-633) there are no widely accepted techniques for producing useful quantities of short nanotubes of a specific length.

Simon Smart, G.Q. Lu, and D.J. Martin of the Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology, University of Queensland, Australia, and W.C. Ren and H.M. Cheng of Shenyang National Laboratory for Materials Science, of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, have now devised a production method for making shortened double-walled carbon nanotubes using by high-energy ball milling.

On the everyday scale of things, a ball mill is type of cylindrical grinder within which are loose balls (ceramic, steel, or flint pebbles, commonly) and to which is added the material to be milled. The ideal technique for shortening nanotubes has to have three characteristics, say the researchers. First, from a practical point of view, it should be able to produce gram quantities of individual samples. Secondly, it has to be able to shorten the nanotubes without significantly impacting on their purity of destroying the nanotubes entirely. Finally, the method has to be controllable so that it can shorten the nanotubes reproducibly and accurately.

Other researchers have attempted to shorten nanotubes using ultrasonic agitation, chemical cutting techniques, and ball milling. Ultrasound is not particularly controllable in terms of producing large quantities of nanotubes of a similar length while chemical methods are convoluted and can damage the nanotube walls. So, Smart and colleagues have focused on ball milling. This technique requires no chemical additives and can have a high throughput.

The team tested the shortened nanotubes using transmission electron microscopy (TEM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Raman spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS).

The researchers now plan to use their ball-milled carbon nanotubes in novel polymer nanocomposite materials and to carry out toxicological studies. It should be possible to disperse these shorter nanotubes much more effectively in composite materials, explain the researchers, because they do not form bundles so readily as long nanotubes but would still endow the nanocomposite with novel strength and flexibility properties. “In fact, early results are showing that in polyurethane elastomers, the shorter nanotubes out perform the longer ones,” Smart told Sciencebase. He adds that, “These materials are most suited towards polymer nanocomposite materials. The presence of
carbonyl functional groups on the sidewalls does lend itself towards further chemistry and possible applications in drug delivery or sensing applications. However, at this stage of research, the ball milling process induces too many defects for use in applications that utilize the nanotubes
unique electronic properties.”

American Biotechnology Laboratory Free Subscription

American Biotechnology Magazine – ABL is one of the leading editorial publications for the life sciences research community for the last twenty years. The magazine is free to readers in North America and will help you keep abreast of the latest developments in life science instrumentation and apparatus, bioanalytical chemistry, kits, and biologicals. Just click the link and fill in the form to qualify for a free subscription for qualified professionals.

Chemical Summer

It’s a bumper summer special issue over on Reactive Reports, with an interview with Chemistry Central OA advocate Bryan Vickery and a stash of breaking chemistry stories

Bryan Vickery
Reactive Profile–Bryan Vickery, Chemistry Central
Bryan Vickery did his BSc and PhD in electrochemistry at Liverpool University, England, but eschewed damaged jeans and fume cupboards for the world of electronic publishing.



Attractive Changing Colors  Yadong Yin and colleagues at the University of California, Riverside, have discovered that a simple magnet can be used to change the color of nanoparticles of iron oxide in aqueous suspension.




Fairytale Insulin Substitute  People with type I diabetes could one day be prescribed an extract from pumpkins that will drastically cut their reliance on daily insulin injections.



Multichannel Microchemical Factory 
In the mid-nineties, microchemistry was set to revolutionize the chemical industry.



No Munchies with Cannabinoid Antagonist  The pharmaceutical rimonabant latches on to the cannabinoid 1 (CB1) receptors in the brain and blocks their activity.



Contaminated Seabirds  A new approach to monitoring seabirds for contamination with polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and other persistent organic pollutants (POPs) has been developed by scientists in Japan.

We are all made of stars

Stellar moleculesA cocktail of chemicals is venting in enormous jets from the oxygen-rich surroundings of a supergiant star 5000 light years from earth, according to Arizona radio astronomers. Using the the Arizona Radio Observatory’s 10m Submillimeter Telescope (SMT) on Mount Graham, which is so sensitive it could detect emissions from deep space that are weaker than a typical light bulb, the team has picked up the chemical signatures for a range of small molecules and ions.

Among the score of small chemical species detected in the environment around the supergiant star VY Canis Majoris is common salt (NaCl), hydrogen isocyanide, phosphorus nitride, and protonated carbon monoxide ions. These materials contain several of the elements critical to the formation of life, explain the researchers, something that was not expected to be found in the atmosphere of a cool dying star.

“I don’t think anyone would have predicted that VY Canis Majoris is a molecular factory. It was really unexpected,” says Arizona chemist Lucy Ziurys, Director of ARO, “Everyone thought that the interesting chemistry in gas clouds around old stars was happening in envelopes around much closer, carbon-rich stars.

We are all made of stars, but whether or not this latest evidence points to a stellar origin for life on earth remains to be seen. Apparently, comets and meteorites dump about 40,000 tonnes of interstellar dust on our planet each year, presumably this figure was much higher when the earth was mere millions of years old and given that most of its original carbon evaporated away from its primordial methane atmosphere it is very possible that we do indeed owe our existence to a heavenly body.

You can read my full write-up on this over on

Mice and a slice

Raman brain sliceA new methodology for fibre-optic Raman mapping and FTIR imaging of secondary cancer cells, metastases, and detecting tumour cells has been developed by researchers in Germany. The technique facilitates imaging of samples thicker than 50 micrometres and could be used in detecting cancer cells, as a tool for molecular histopathology, in metabolic fingerprinting, general disease diagnostics.

Team member Christoph Krafft is currently in the Department of Materials and Natural Resources, at the University of Trieste, Italy, but will be returning to Dresden University of Technology with a new research grant in September. I spoke to him about the research and he told me that, “This fibre-optic Raman method will allow detecting tumour cells and tumour tissue in vivo and enable studies of tumor development.” You can read more details in the latest issue of in the Raman ezine.

Molecular model of bleach

TL:DR – David Bradley Science Writer provides the molecular structure of bleach

It seems to be something of an obsession with visitors, but for some nothing would delight them more than to discover the systematic name for bleach, the chemical formula for bleach, the molecular structure of bleach, or to find a molecular model of bleach.

Well, the structure of bleach depends on what you mean by bleach. There are various kinds of chemical agents that will “remove” the colour from pigmented materials. Perhaps most commonly considered bleach is the liquid mixture that contain sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl, Na for sodium, O for oxygen, Cl for chlorine atoms). This is the active ingredient in the common household bleaches that “get right up under the rim” and “kill all known germs”It is the “hypo” part of the name that gives it its bleaching properties without the O it would simply be sodium chloride or common salt, and if the O were in the wrong place – NaClO – we’d have sodium chlorite (a less powerful oxidising agent used to whiten textiles without harming cellulose fibres).

There are now several non-chlorine bleaches available for domestic use such as those containing hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), this material is well known as a bleach and often associated with people who allegedly have more fun). To the right you can see a simple molecular model of hydrogen peroxide.