Ayurvedic analysis

I, like many with a chemistry training, have on occasion dismissed the more mystical-seeming strands of non-western medicine. The origins of homeopathy, for instance, relied on literal Bible bashing of glass phials to ensure the infinitely dilute remedies would work. Which of course western medicine says is ludicrous. Herbal medicine on the other hand needed the industrial age to extract its active ingredients and bring us the likes of aspirin from the sap of the cricket bat willow and asthma inhalers from ephedra plants.

One area of non-western science that many western medics and scientists say is nothing more than pseudoscientific claptrap is Ayurvedic medicine. This is a holistic healing system that emerged in ancient India. It talks of the mind-body balance and the kind of “energy” and humours that modern science claims not to exist, yet there may be a grain of truth in some aspects of this system for which modern science has not given due credit.

Consider the western approach to the common problem of anaemia in pregnancy. The treatment of choice, according to western medicine, is simply to ingest iron sulfate. In this form, iron can be readily absorbed by the body, assimilated into new red blood cells, and anaemia solved.

Unfortunately, many pregnant women cannot tolerate iron sulfate and regurgitate it so they don’t get to ingest the iron and the anaemia remains.

Now consider the Ayurvedic approach. The sage assesses the pregnant woman, finds she has an imbalance in her energies, humours, whatever, and prepares a herbal infusion aimed at shifting the balance towards a more healthy state. It works, there’s no vomiting, the morning sickness subsides, and that anaemic look is replaced by the flush of pregnancy once more.

So, what is going on? How can a bunch of herbs cure anaemia so readily?

AP de Silva of the Queen’s University Belfast, whom I recently interviewed for Reactive Reports, was once equally as sceptical of the possibilities of Ayurvedic medicin. He told me that, as a fledgling chemist, he challenged an Ayurvedic practitioner to answer the question of validity. The practitioner, however, was entirely confident of his position and turned the tables on AP suggesting that he take away the herbal infusion and analyse it in his lab, which he did.

The result? A standard elemental analysis revealed the infusion to contain a stabilised concentration of iron(II) ions. Natural chelating agents in one of the herbs provide a suitable chemical environment to maintain iron in the II state, as opposed to its more common (III) state. This allows it to be ingested, absorbed, and to cure the anaemia without the sickness of raw iron sulfate.

This is, of course, circumstantial evidence, and does not provide the support of full double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trials. However, the chemical analysis provides one possible rational explanation of the efficacy of this remedy beyond a placebo effect.

Perhaps it is time modern science took a closer look at the multitude of alternative remedies that sit under the Ayurvedic umbrella. Ancient herbal remedies evolved from folk knowledge and a huge proportion of modern drugs are based on such remedies, 40% of them, or thereabouts. Instead of instantly assuming isolation of an active ingredient is the optimal approach, perhaps science should consider the holistic approach to drug discovery with a view to coping with the side effects and improving efficacy overall.

Science journalist in the news

UPDATE: October 2023 I heard from UCL chemist Andrea Sella, who had attended a Poliakoff lecture, that Martyn still gives me a shoutout when discussing SCFs, which is great to hear!

It’s not often that I’m on the receiving end of journalism, but today Jenny Gristock gave me a taste of celebrity in a Guardian media article about the role played by science journalism in science.

I’d tipped her off about one of the biggest success stories, from the perspective of academic research becoming an industrial commercial reality, that had emerged from the pages of New Scientist in recent years. This is how she put it:

“In 1994 freelance science journalist, David Bradley, wrote an article about the work of the Nottingham University chemist, Professor Martyn Poliakoff (Yes, brother of…). Poliakoff was conducting experiments with supercritical carbon dioxide, a highly compressed gas that can dissolve all manner of chemicals. “It acts like a solvent, but has none of the environmental problems of traditional ones,” says Poliakoff.

Bradley’s article captured Poliakoff’s vision of his research. After it appeared in New Scientist, Poliakoff’s world changed completely. “I was happily working away as an academic, and then the article was published,” says Poliakoff. “Thomas Swan, an industrialist, read it and phoned me. He said we ought to collaborate.”

The result, says Poliakoff, is one of New Scientist’s greatest success stories. In 2002, Poliakoff and Thomas Swan & Co built the world’s first full-scale, multi-reaction supercritical carbon dioxide plant.”

You can read Gristock’s full article here, although you’ll need to register with the Grauniad site to do so. Alternatively, Gristock has posted the full text on her blog.

I’m just waiting for the paparazzi to arrive, and the full profile in Hello magazine, and maybe even a chance to jump up and down on Oprah’s sofa!

Synthesizing a new breed of chemist

Mark LeachFrom the age of 13, Mark Leach has had a subscription to the popular-science magazine Scientific American, and more recently the journal Nature. His scientific interests include cosmology, high energy and nuclear physics, materials science (particularly carbon nanotubes), geophysics, molecular biology, evolution, information technology, the brain, defense technology, and scientific ethics. Professionally, Mark is a chemist interested in ‘chemistry, the-whole-thing’. I interviewed for my Reactive Profile column this month, find out about the origins of meta-synthesis.com, Dr Leach’s aspirations for his various sites, and how he believes chemistry education could be radically improved through a re-think of some fundamental principles.

The latest Reactive Profile is in Issue 60 of our chemistry magazine.

Geekish girls

The Cnet newsite has a rather politically incorrect item this week listing the Top Ten girl geeks. I’m not entirely sure how they’re defining geek but among those listed are Marie Curie, Ada Byron (Lovelace), Rosalind Franklin (after whom my wife wanted to name our daughter), and…Paris Hilton (don’t ask).

So, where’s crystallography pioneer Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin? And, what about Judith Howard, first female Professor of Chemistry in the UK? Then there’s Helen Sharman first British woman in space (also a chemist), finally what about Margaret Thatcher (she trained as a chemist too and then spent her time in office effectively dismantling UK science, can’t get more geekish than that!

Alchemists, crucibles and chemistry

AlchemistWhat alchemist’s den would be complete without a crucible? The tough little vessels used for mixing all those odd ingredients, goat urine, cow’s blood, sweat, philosopher’s wool, saltpeter etc etc…

Now, the 500-year old mystery of how crucibles could survive all that chemical punishment and high temperatures has been revealed by archaeologists at University College London and Cardiff University.

Earlier research had demonstrated that the crucibles are found in archaeological sites across the world, including Scandinavia, Central Europe, Spain, Portugal, the UK, and even colonial America. Many researchers have tried to reproduce these vessels but have always failed.

Now, writing in Nature, the researchers reveal using petrographic, chemical and X-ray diffraction analysis that Hessian crucible makers made use of an advanced material only properly identified and named in the 20th century.

Marcos Martinón-Torres explains, “Our analysis of 50 Hessian and non-Hessian crucibles revealed that the secret component in their manufacture is an aluminium silicate known as mullite (Al6Si2O13). Today mullite (not to be confused with mullet) is used in a wide range of modern conventional and advanced ceramics, such as building materials, electronic packaging devices, optical materials and catalytic converters, as well as in ceramic matrix composites such as thermal protection systems and liners for aircraft and stationary gas turbine engines.

Mullite was only described in the 20th century although the makers of crucibles were exploiting its properties almost half a millennium ago. It was produced by firing a crucible made from kaolinitic clay to above 1100 degrees.

Mullite is extremely resistant to heat, chemical and mechanical stresses, making it perfect for the Alchemist’s den. It is thanks to the availability of Hessian crucibles that the discoveries of several chemical elements and their thermochemical behaviour took place.

‘Crucible makers were not aware of mullite, but they mastered a very successful recipe, and that’s why they kept it constant, and secret, for centuries.’

What is Thallium

Thallium poisoningA former colonel in the FSB (the successor to the KGB) has allegedly fallen foul of chemistry. Alexander Litvinenko, 43, a vocal critic of Russian President Vladimir Putin, fell ill on November 1, after a meeting in a London sushi bar, reports the BBC.

Litvinenko is on life support in University College Hospital having allegedly been poisoned with a potentially lethal dose of the heavy metal thallium polonium. His condition is apparently serious but stable and he is under 24-hour armed surveillance. The BBC claims that his condition could be the work of the Russian Secret Service. Thallium (nor polonium) is certainly not available “over-the-counter” to the general public.

The alleged assassination attempt is revealed just as the British secret services try to exploit the marketing of the new James Bond movie – Casino Royale, starring Daniel Craig in the role of 007 – to recruit new spies. One British agent told BBC Radio 1 listeners that the secret services always work within the law and there is no license to kill. This thallium polonium attack comes in the wake of the gunning down in Moscow of journalist Anna Politkovskaya in October 2006 and perhaps does suggest that someone, somewhere does have a license to kill.

But, what exactly is thallium and why is it poisonous?

Thallium, Tl, is the element with atomic number 81 and lies just below indium in the periodic table (same column as boron, aluminium, and gallium). It’s tasteless, colourless, and odourless and would be undetectable if sprinkled into food or a drink in a restaurant.

Thallium ions have the same charge and are approximately the same size as potassium ions. As such, they can reach most tissues including the tissues of the central nervous system (CNS). Like other heavy metals, it binds to sulfydryl groups in the body disturbing numerous biochemical processes.

If you’re an ex-spy worried about meeting former colleagues in London sushi bars, you might be well advised to carry some D-penicillamine and Prussian blue with you. This combination can act as an effective antidote to thallium poisoning because these compounds have a greater affinity for the metal than the sulfhydryl compounds in your blood.

Lock up the cat for safer drugs

stereoselective catalystCanadian and Korean chemists have locked in a form of handedness into a common catalytic molecule that could make it useful for separating the building blocks of proteins, amino acids, into their chiral forms for biotech applications and drug development. The new locked up cat, might also be used to make purer and safer chemical starting materials for reactions in the drug, agrochemicals, and polymer industries.

Jik Chin and colleagues at the University of Toronto, Canada, working with Jong-In Hong’s team at Seoul National University, Korea to synthesise a cobalt(III) complex of the ligand "salen". Salen is a commonly used ligand in organometallic chemistry. It is a Schiff base formed from a two to one reaction of derivatives of salicylaldehyde and ethylene diamine. Complexes of this ligand are very effective catalysts for a wide range of reactions including epoxidation of alkenes.

Read on…

Statistics and low GI foods

New, healthier alternatives to processed food starches with a lower GI, or glycaemic index, may soon be on the menu, thanks to scientists in China and the US. The researcher have begun to unlock the secrets of starches that make dehusked grains, potatoes, and processed foods such as biscuits and breakfast cereals less healthy compared with low GI foods. Their statistical analysis of starchy data could lead to new processed carbohydrates that do not cause the worrying blood sugar spikes associated with conventional processed starch.

Now, Hamaker and his colleagues have looked at the various physical properties of rapidly digested starches (RDS) and SDS (slowly) to try and determine the underlying differences. They have found that the degree of crystallinity of the starch content is key. Semicrystalline structure is critical to the beneficial slow digestion properties of low GI foods but cook, or otherwise process, an SDS, however, and this semicrystallinity can be lost and a once-slow starch becomes an RDS.

Read the full story in my latest news round-up on SpectroscopyNOW.com

Heart disease and the death zone

atheromaArterial plaques represent a "death zone" within the artery in which white blood cells that would otherwise clear away such fatty deposits are killed before they can do their job.

The result is that these plaques eventually reduce the blood supply to the heart causing heart problems. These plaques can break apart at any stage in a person’s life, although most commonly in middle age, whether they are otherwise fit or not.

Chinese researchers have now used analytical chemistry to determine the toxic components of arterial plaques that are so deadly to white blood cells. Their finding not only improves our understanding of this form of heart disease, but might one day lead to new approaches to treating atherosclerosis.

Find out more in the latest news from SpectroscopyNOW.com

Frothy fakers

This week in the Alchemist, I report on how platinum metal is getting all in a frothy, man… Discover that the Europeans are faking it down on the farm, and find out how regulating a man’s estrogen levels might be used to reverse prostate disease and cancer.

Also in this week’s round-up we discover how to split a beam of light for the first time albeit ever so slightly using extract of lemon juice and find that squeezing metals into your balls (buckyballs, that is) could lead to improved solar panels and new, improved MRI medical scanning.

Read all about the latest chemistry news in my Alchemist column on ChemWeb