
It’s not something Nirvana mentioned in their elemental song, I presume they had other things on their mind, but there isn’t enough lithium in the universe. It’s not that there’s a shortage, it’s just that our knowledge of cosmic and stellar chemistry would suggest that there ought to be more of this alkali metal than there actually is. A paper published in this week’s Nature could offer an explanation.

The problem is that old stars, which ought to be made from a mixture of elements close to the ‘primordial’ blend generated in the Big Bang, don’t appear to have as much lithium as this would require. Although most of the matter produced by the Big Bang was hydrogen and helium, theories of element production predict that there should also be a fair proportion of lithium. But the amount predicted is a factor of two or three times larger than that seen in old stars. This implies that our understanding of the physics either of the Big Bang or of stars – or both – is lacking.

Andreas Korn and colleagues look at 18 stars in a cluster of old stars to see how the elemental content of their atmospheres changes with evolutionary stage. They find that various elemental abundances depend on a star’s temperature. This, the researchers say, is because heavy elements tend to diffuse deep into the star. For those stars that have evolved into giants, the elements are mixed back into the stellar atmosphere by convection, so that the stars’ composition is restored. Not so for lithium: it does not survive the trip through the stellar interior, as it is burnt when temperatures exceed 2 million degrees.

Korn and colleagues estimate that the original lithium abundance in these stars was around 78 percent higher than that suggested by current average values – which is enough to make up the discrepancy with the predicted primordial abundance.

Nature, 2006, 657-659

Chemical Structure of Avenacoside B

Structure of Avenacoside B

Polish student Marcin Mielecki emailed to ask where he might find a 3D, as opposed to 2D, structure for the compound Avenacoside B. A very quick Google brought me almost immediately to this page (by searching for “avenacoside b mol file”:, which provides the flat molecular structure and a link to the MDL mol file for this molecule. If Marcin has Chime or another mol reader installed in his browser clicking that link will spawn the 3D structure he requires. It’s also in Pubchem of course.

Marcin’s research focuses on the biological role of the avenacosides, which are steroidal saponins from Avena sativa.

A hearty approach to female sexual dysfunction

Heart drugs are proving rather useful to pharma companies hoping to find lucrative treatments of another kind of disorder, that maybe involves the heart, but mostly involves the loins.

A heart drug that went into clinical trials in the 1990s has become the linchpin for efforts to develop a medication to treat female sexual arousal disorder (FSAD), researchers are reporting. An estimated 40 percent of women have FSAD or another form of female sexual dysfunction, the difficulty or inability to find satisfaction in sexual expression.

Compounds that sustain the activity of vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) are a major target of drug research efforts. VIP controls blood flow to the vagina, and decreased blood flow is believed to be one factor in female sexual dysfunction. VIP is degraded in the body by several enzymes, including an enzyme called NEP. Blocking NEP thus allows VIP to continue working.

David Pryde and colleagues at Pfizer in the UK (the company that brought us Viagra) began work with Candoxatril, a powerful NEP inhibitor tested in the 1990s for chronic heart failure. By re-engineering Candoxatril’s molecular structure, they developed a compound with the key actions needed for an FSAD drug.

The new compound blocks NEP, takes effect rapidly, and continues having an effect for a relatively short time. “The compound demonstrates excellent efficacy in a rabbit model of sexual arousal and was expected to be similarly efficacious in humans,” the researchers state in the Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. The compound is undergoing clinical evaluation as a potential treatment for FSAD.

No plaice like home

flat fish plaice

The slime that covers the flat-fish plaice contains an antimicrobial agent that kills Staphylococcus aureus, the bacteria causing concern in hospitals across the globe as its drug-resistant strains spread.

Chemical engineer Trude Tvete of Nord-Trondelag University College (HiNT) in Norway, has developed a technique for extracting the antimicrobial protein from plaice slime and has tested its biological activity against several types of bacteria. “Previous research has shown that plaice slime kills bacteria, but it didn’t show which substance breaks the bacteria,” says Tvete. “I found that there is a protein in the slime that has the greatest effect.”

Read on…

Pyridine joins the supersonic set

pyridine structure

The pyridine chemical group, basically a benzene ring in which one of the six carbons and its attendant hydrogen atom have been swapped for a nitrogen atom, is one of the building blocks of a vast number of biological molecules and is a crucial component in the functionality of an almost as expansive selection of pharmaceuticals. As such, understanding its chemistry and physical properties are important in a fundamental way to the chemical and life sciences.
Now, chemists Yoshinori Nibu, Ryosuke Marui, and Hiroko Shimada of Fukuoka University, in Japan, have used infra-red spectroscopy to sniff out important new clues as to this aromatic compound’s behaviour.

You can read the full story in the first August edition of my science news round-up for

Light Harvest for the World

In order to trap the energy from sunlight antenna plants construct chlorophyll groups through chemical self-assembly in a highly ordered manner. Emulating this system would not only improve our understanding of how plants function so effectively but could also lead to new materials for harvesting solar energy as an alternative to silicon-based photovoltaic devices.

Researchers have exploited long-range chemical order to creating aggregate compounds that can either trap light or transfer energy. Now, Tsutomu Ishi-i and Shuntaro Mataka of the Kurume National College of Technology and their colleagues have synthesised a new type of light harvester and by incorporating different materials into the aggregate structure they can induce energy transfer too. UV-Vis spectroscopy and other techniques were used to reveal the details of this novel group of artificial self-assembling light-harvesting compounds that will help us understand plant photosynthesis and may eventually lead to an alternative to semiconductor-based solar panels.

I offer a light report via SpectroscopyNOW

Photovoltaics InternationalAlso, in partnership, Sciencebase is offering a free trial issue of Photovoltaics International to qualified subscribers – senior engineers and executives working in companies that produce wafers, cells, modules, install utility grade installations or are at current utility grade energy companies working with solar as a power generation source.

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Water waste

Water is commonly known as the universal solvent because it dissolves more substances than other compounds. But, water is commonly known as an enigmatic substance too, with many properties that seem at first glance paradoxical and others that chemists are yet to explain. Researchers at Argonne National Laboratory hoped to learn more about how ions interact with mineral surfaces in water and have used X-ray studies to open the door on understanding how contaminants travel in the environment.

Ions, ranging from nutrients such as calcium to contaminants such as lead, are present in natural waters across the globe. Their transportation through the environment is often controlled by the degree of adsorption to mineral surfaces. Understanding the adsorption and desorption processes involved could lead to new ways of controlling water quality.

Get the full story here.

South African shards

Raman analysis of South African pottery (shards) dating from the 13th and 14th centuries reveals that the potters used a variety of clays and fired their wares at less than 800 Celsius using open fires rather than kilns. Such details could only be unearthed without damaging the artefacts using this powerful spectroscopic technique.

Chemists Malebogo Legodi and Danita de Waal of the University of Pretoria in South Africa examined samples from four archaeological sites – Rooiwal, Lydenburg, Makahane, and Graskop using normal dispersive Raman spectroscopy. They complemented this technique with X-ray fluorescence, X-ray diffraction and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy.

Read the complete story in the latest online issue of

Diesel to drugs

A new process for converting sugar into diesel fuel and feedstock chemicals for the manufacture of plastics, drugs, and other products, could help industry circumvent the problem of rising oil and natural gas prices. James Dumesic, of the University of Wisconsin-Madison has demonstrated how to make hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) from the fruit sugar fructose using a straightforward acid-assisted dehydration process. Two additives reduce the formation of side products while butan-2-ol helps push the HMF into the non-aqueous phase ready for extraction. Yields are 80% of HMF with 90% fructose conversion. The HMF product can be used as an intermediate in polymer production and as a diesel-fuel additive, or even as biodiesel itself. Until now, the high cost of HMF has precluded its widespread use.

The latest on this now available at

Grape expectations controversy to put you to sleep

Certain Italian grape varieties used in popular red wines may contain high levels of the sleep hormone melatonin, according to an analysis by Marcello Iriti, Mara Rossoni, and Franco Faoro at the University of Milan. However, a melatonin expert in the US is unconvinced by the results citing the undefinitive nature of the analytical procedures used to test the wine.

Until recently, scientists considered melatonin to be a compound produced exclusively by mammals. Some researchers reckon plants too could produce this compound. Melatonin has also been shown to have antioxidant properties. Russel Reiter and colleagues at the University of Texas Health Science Center, in San Antonio, reviewed the literature and explained how melatonin directly detoxifies the hydroxyl radical (OH), hydrogen peroxide, nitric oxide, peroxynitrite anion, peroxynitrous acid, and hypochlorous acid.

Find out more in the latest chemistry news round up at Reactive Reports.