Periodic Table History

UPDATE: June 2011 – debate is raging as to what format the Periodic Table should ultimately take and indeed whether there is an ultimate, fundamental structure or whether it is merely a convenience. Check out the periodic table debate here.

Here’s a book no chemist, or indeed no scientist, should miss – The Periodic Table: Its Story and Its Significance, by UCLA chemical philosopher Eric Scerri. Older readers will recall my Alchemist interview with Eric Scerri.

The book has already had some excellent advance reviews, one in particular from my good friend John Emsley, of Cambridge U says: “Written to a high standard of scholarship, ‘The Periodic Table’ is the only book of its kind currently on the market, giving both an historical and philosophical perspective to the development of this key to the elements. The philosophical discussion Scerri weaves through its pages is rarely found in chemistry books, giving it a special quality that will appeal to the scientific community at large. In years to come it will be seen as essential reading for all who aspire to lecture and write on the subject.”

Peter Atkins, who I have never met admittedly, had this to say: “Few concepts are more important in chemistry than the periodic table, and Eric Scerri’s book offers a wonderfully thorough, lucid, and provocative introduction for both chemists and the scientifically literate to this major cultural contribution. Anyone interested in the foundations of chemistry will take delight, inspiration, and information from this highly approachable book.”

You can place an advance order via amazon, the book hits the shelves September 15 at $35 hardcover.

The Periodic Table

Science News with a Spectral Twist

Channelling toxins Novel treatments for high blood pressure and other disorders could emerge from high-resolution solid-state NMR studies that reveal how toxins affect the structure of potasssium channels in the cell.

Marc Baldus of the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry in Göttingen and colleagues in France and Germany have exploited a special protein synthesis procedure to follow how potassium channels and toxins combine to change the structure of the channel.

Zeolites step-by-step The evolution of zeolites has been followed by University of Minnesota chemical engineer Michael Tsapatsis and colleagues using microscopy and X-ray diffraction. Their study could lead to a new approach to designing and synthesizing novel variations on the zeolite theme for use as molecular sieves, catalysts, and sensors.

Analytical raft floats organic NLOs A combination of analytical techniques has proved its worth in assessing a series of non-linear optical materials for use in future organic optoelectronics devices. Juan López Navarrete of the University of Malaga, Spain, and colleagues at the University of Zaragoza-CSIC and the University of Minnesota, Morris, USA, used UV-vis, IR, and Raman spectroscopy, nonlinear optical (NLO) measurements, X-ray diffraction, and cyclic voltammetry to assess the properties of a series of tricyanovinyl (TCV)-substituted oligothiophenes.

A particularly golden study US researchers have devised what they describe as a very efficient method for making well-defined gold nanoparticles with equal numbers of hydrophobic and hydrophilic arms. The V-shaped arms are alternately distributed across the surface of 2 nanometre gold core particles. The solubility of these nanoparticles in a wide range of solvents means that they should be amenable to further processing with various chemical modifiers. Such nanoparticles have potential in optoelectronics, catalysis, and biomedical applications.

Alchemical Slicing

Slicing up carbon to make a new class of electronics, caught The Alchemist’s eye first this week, and then a new class of antibiotics that slices up bacteria came to light. In this issue, we also learn how layered ceramics could build three-dimensional nano-devices and that cars produce too much carbon dioxide for environmental targets. Finally this week, designer zeolites could soon be with us thanks to a new model of the crystal growth process.

Check out The Alchemist’s discoveries on the relaunched ChemWeb site.

Natural Born Painkillers

According to a press release I only just spotted from the journal “The Cochrane Library, a randomised controlled trials has demonstrated that extracts of Devils Claw (Harpagophytum procumbens), White Willow Bark (Salix alba) and Cayenne (Capsicum frutescens) all reduce low-back pain better than placebo. Devils’ Claw and White Willow Bark also compare well with conventional medicines, claim researchers in a a systematic review published in Issue 2 of the journal this week.

Devils’ Claw is apparently well known for its anti-inflammatory and analgesic qualities and purportedly can reduce pain to the same degree Vioxx (well anything can beat Vioxx these days, surely, seeing as it’s a banned medication). But, that aside, it’s the seeming surprise in finding that S. alba can relieve pain. An extract of cricket bat willow was the very product that kick-started the pharmaceutical industry when German manufacturer Bayer branded a modified version of the active component, acetylsalicylic acid, as aspirin.

There is no mention of this in the press release, but it’s unlikely that the papers authors were totally unaware of the natural evolution of this compound.


Russian Chemical Bulletin

Several Sciencebase visitors have been trying to locate the Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Division of Chemical Science, a chemistry journal coming out of, you guessed it, Russia. Well, according to the Springer Publishers website this journal is now known as Russian Chemical Bulletin and can be found here.

The journal is edited by well-known Russian chemist O.M. Nefedov and publishes some 500 original, peer reviewed papers a year in the fields of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Organometallic Chemistry, Chemistry of Natural Compounds and Bioorganic Chemistry. So, now you know.

Clearer View of Teary Role

Peter Petrov of the University of Exeter and colleagues have found that tears are a much more complex fluid than previously thought. Their surfaces are, they say, highly structured, almost like cell membranes with a protective coating just two molecules thick.

The tear film that covers and moistens our eyes must keep debris and microorganisms out as well as holding water in and keeping the eye lubricated. Petrov’s team has investigated how this two-molecule coating, made up of a mixture of many different biological molecules, is ordered with the aim of getting a clearer view of its role.

Some of the molecular components of the tear film’s “skin” are soap-like lipid molecules. These are similar to the key constituents of cell membranes, and have a water-soluble ‘head’ and an insoluble ‘tail’. At the surface of water, these molecules tend to sit in layers one molecule thick, with their water-loving heads immersed and their insoluble tails poking up out of the water. But some other constituents of tear films are wholly ‘water-fearing’ (hydrophobic) — they will dissolve readily in fats, but very poorly in water. On their own, such molecules tend to clump together in droplets on the water surface, like droplets of oil or fat.

Petrov and colleagues have attempted to explain how this mixture organize itself in a tear film by bouncing X-rays off the surface of both natural tear films (taken from cows) and artificial analogues composed of a comparable mixture of lipids and oily compounds. Their results show that, in both the real and the synthetic films, the molecules seem to line up at the water surface in regular, orderly arrays, rather like two-dimensional crystals.

When the researchers added fluorescent molecules to synthetic tear films containing just the lipid components, they saw that the lipids separated into two different states: a relatively disorderly state, like a two-dimensional liquid, interspersed with blobs of a more closely packed, crystal-like state. These lipid crystals grew into remarkable patterns shaped rather like flower heads. When the fat-like components were added to these artificial films, they seemed to form a separate later on top of the lipids, which enabled them to remain out of the water. Petrov and colleagues think that this arrangement enables the tear film to keep a relatively constant structure even when it is severely squeezed and stretched, as is likely to happen for example when we blink: squeeze the film and the lipid crystals grow a bit bigger; stretch it out and they become smaller again.

Petrov and colleagues describe their findings at the Condensed Matter and Materials Physics conference in Exeter today.

A Cadmium Conundrum

How do you clean up waste water contaminated with the deadly metal cadmium and what do you do with the resulting material? French scientists reckon they have found the answer.

The mineral hydroxyapatite, like its natural counterpart found in tooth and bone, has an affinity for the toxic heavy metal cadmium, they say. Now, they have used X-ray diffraction spectroscopic analysis, and electron microscopy to follow the kinetics of uptake and release of this metal from hydroxyapatite and have demonstrated that a solid apatite solution of cadmium is formed. Their findings could have implications for the dual use of this material as a decontaminant and a storage medium for cadmium.

Read on…

Improved Biological Imaging

French researchers have now demonstrated a way to circumvent one of the main problems associated with cellular imaging and can obtain nanomolar concentration readings even for complex biological samples using their approach.

The method has led to an extension of the use of spectroscopy and spectro-imaging to many more parameters associated with cellular activity in both cultured and xenografted cells, and living tissues. No other analytical technique is available that can analyse tissue sections without embedding, fixation, or reagents adding, at the resolution and sensitivity obtained by the team.

Read on…

Traditional Chinese Medicine Analyzed

Huángqí (huangqi) is a plant root used in one of the most common tonics of Chinese traditional herbal medicine with purported activity in cancer, diabetes, inflammation, and nephritis.

As such, there is a lot of interest in the active ingredients of this species as it might lead to novel pharmaceuticals against a range of illnesses. Now, researchers in China have used a powerful spectroscopic technique to identify the active chemical components of this remedy.

Read more…

Greener Toxic Metal Analysis

Improving detection of toxic metals in the environment and trace elements in medical samples is often time-consuming and, worse, reagent demanding, as well as potentially having false positives as samples become contaminated by pre-treatment.Portuguese researchers have now overcome these drawbacks by using an online sample pre-treatment method.

The team has coupled an online high-intensity focused ultrasound system with a more conventional analytical technique, which they say is greener than conventional approaches because it needs less reagents but more importantly avoids contamination and cuts the amount of time taken to analyse metals such as mercury in water and urine samples. The approach should be generally applicable, the researchers say. You can read the full analysis of this research in the latest news round up from David Bradley at