ET on the Other Hand

US researchers are hoping to develop a simple analytical technique that could be used on future space missions to probe for signs of life. The technique will seek out signs of extraterrestrial chirality.

Some molecules exist in handed, or chiral, forms. A left-handed form and a right-handed form. The building blocks of proteins, the amino acids, for instance, are chiral, as too are the proteins they form and even the genetic material, DNA, that codes for the proteins. Chiral molecules can also be made synthetically, several drugs are produced in just the left or right-handed form for improved efficacy and to reduce side-effects.

Life elsewhere in the solar system could reveal itself through its chiral activities. Find out more in the April issue of David Bradley’s Spotlight on PSIgate the physical sciences site.

Tuberculosis Waste Disposal Defeats Immune System

The first detailed structure of a crucial protein-cleaving component, the proteasome, commonly known as the cellular waste disposal unit, of the tuberculosis bacterium has been obtained by US researchers. The existence of a proteasome in this microbe, only hinted at previously, could offer new targets for drug research to treat the disease.

Read on…

For more science news with a spectral angle visit my spectroscopy news page.

Testing the Substitutes

Substituted pyridines are the starting materials in the manufacture of a wide range of chemical products from agrochemicals to pharmaceuticals.

As such, understanding the fundamentals of their structures is important in developing synthetic schemes for new compounds containing this component. Now, Indian chemists have used sophisticated analytical techniques to study the vibrational spectra of these compounds and have revealed nuances of the dynamics of such molecules for the first time.

Read the full story in

Broadband Comb-over

To record a useful spectrum in a reasonable time, the spectroscopist must juggle bandwidth, resolution, sensitivity, and acquisition times.

In a technique such as cavity-ringdown spectroscopy (CRDS), high detection limits are possible but this is offset by a narrowing of the range of frequencies that can be followed quickly. However, US researchers have now developed a broadband version of this technique that neatly combs over the issue of frequency limitations and can now achieve high sensitivity, broad spectral bandwidth, high resolution, and fast acquisition times simultaneously. The team reports in the journal Science a proof of principle experiment in recording CRDS spectra from the visible to near-infrared for species such as acetylene, dioxygen, water, ammonia and argon.

You can read about this latest research in the first April issue of SpectroscopyNOW. You can find more of my news reports for the spectroscopy site here.

LED printout

In the latest issue of SpectroscopyNOW, I discuss how there are numerous redox-active compounds that emit light under electrical stimulation. Such materials are commonly organometallic complexes containing a transition metal and have been developed for labelling biomolecules for use in sensors. Related compounds are also being investigated for use in luminescent displays. Now, researchers in The Netherlands have used inkjet technology to “print” thin films of such materials to make new LED devices for display and backlighting applications.

This and more in the spectroscopy news round-up. A list of my news reports for the spectroscopy site can be found here.

Shikimic Acid Shortage Sorted

Some time ago I wrote about the possibility of a shikimic acid shortage and what science is doing to address the problem. Shikimic acid, you say? The starting material for the influenza drug Tamiflu, of course!

Microbial fermentation seemed to be the way forward, but now chemists have discovered that the seeds of the sweetgum fruit – gumballs – contain significant amounts of shikimic acid. The finding means manufacturers will not have to rely on seasonal supplies of the seeds of the star anise fruit.

Thomas Poon of the W.M. Keck Science Center at The Claremont Colleges in California who heads the team says, “Our work gives the hearty sweetgum tree another purpose, one that may help to alleviate the worldwide shortage of shikimic acid.” The findings, which could help increase the global supply of the drug, Poon told the annual meeting of the American Chemical Society, this week.

Shikimic acid is used to make a generic drug called oseltamivir (Tamiflu) which is used to fight many types of flu viruses. Some health experts believe that this and similar antiviral drugs could help save lives by slowing the spread of the virus in the absence of a bird flu vaccine, which is still in development.

Alchemical ChemWeb

The latest chemistry news round-up from David Bradley is now available on The Alchemist.

This week, I report on a glowing reporter that can spot biological zinc, a new class of enzyme inhibitor that starves the malaria parasite of its human blood supply, and how to convert slimy waste oil into compost. We also find out what Europeans are doing to address concerns over chemical unknowns and how at least one meeting at this week’s ACS meeting is truly sweetness and light.

Visit The Alchemist to find out more.

Spam Flood

Isn’t web spam wonderful? The Sciencebase blog received a dozen new “comments” to posts overnight, all from a single source in China and all listing chemical compounds a company over there is trying to sell.

Here are just a few, 2,2-Bis(hydroxymethyl) propionic acid, Morpholine, Pelargonic Acid, 2,2-Dimethylbutyric acid (without the links to the spammer’s site, of course). The first person to give me a run-down of what these materials are used for can award themselves a gold star!

Swell Gels

A new type of microscopic particle that has a hard shell and a soft core that changes structure depending on the temperature has been developed by Walter Richtering and graduate student Ingo Berndt of the University of Aachen, Germany, and Jan Skov Pedersen of the University of Ã…rhus, Denmark, and their colleagues. The particles might have industrial and biomedical applications. For instance, they could be used for the controlled release of substances held within the shell.

Read the full story in the March issue of chemistry newsletter Reactive Reports

Chemical Closures

A press release just in from the UK’s Royal Society of Chemistry announces that HEFCE (Higher Education Funding Council for England) intends to throw £5million ($9m) into two major initiatives from the RSC and the Institute of Physics. The announcement follows an agreement last year that HEFCE would work with a group of organisations to support strategically important and vulnerable subjects.

At a time when UK chemistry and physics departments seem to be getting earmarked for closure on an almost yearly basis, this additional funding might be quite timely. Steve Egan, Acting Chief Executive of HEFCE, explains the rationale behind it, ‘We believe that the long-term health of these subjects can best be secured by ensuring that there is an increasing demand from people wishing to study them who are well informed about future career prospects. We are pleased to work with partners – including the learned societies, universities, schools, colleges and employers – to stimulate interest and excitement in these subjects and to bring them to the attention of pupils from a wide range of backgrounds.’

Exeter University, Queen Mary’s, Kings College London, Swansea, to name but a few have all closed their chemistry lab doors for the last time and at the time of writing the future of Sussex University’s chemistry department (5-rated and the source of two Nobel laureates remains in the balance. Sussex’s senate intends to hold a debate with “stakeholders” (students, staff and advisers in other words) in the near future before making the final decision to shut it down.

The plan will cripple all the chemical sciences at the university, including biochemistry, chemical biology, and medicine, Harry Kroto said in a video appeal to Sussex ( where he carried out his Nobel-winning fullerene research.

Where were these initiatives when those institutions were seeing dwindling chemistry enrolment numbers? Why didn’t someone think to check how the physics and chemistry departments were doing before allowing them to close? Of course, some of these departments have been re-born as merged and rebranded subsidiaries of biology. But, where will the fundamental physics and chemistry be taught if students are more concerned with biotech applications than understanding the underlying principles?

The RSC press release tells us that “The Chemistry For Our Future programme aims to ensure a strong and sustainable chemical science community within higher education, and to provide a sound basis for continuing the success of industries that rely on chemistry.” IOP’s, on the other hand, “Stimulating Demand for Physics programme will be funded in partnership with several universities and a wide range of other organisations.” The aim is to enhance understanding between schools and universities, smoothing the transition to higher education while informing curriculum development.

Is a few million quid going to save other chemistry departments from the bio fate? One can hope so, but the recent Oxford Uni refurb that is taking that particular department forward with considerable pace cost £60m. £5m might seem too little, too late for some departments heading the way of King’s and the rest.