A smelly boost for your mothing life

TL:DR – Recent research has demonstrated that adding the volatile organic compound amyl acetate to a scientific moth-trap can boost the number of moths attracted to the UV light by almost a third.

A social media discussion about UV light sources for scientific moth-trapping, the type of vanes on the trap, and the environment in which one traps brought up some interesting thoughts. Several moth-ers use double sources to give them a better chance of enticing numbers and diversity to their traps. Although moths have been shown almost always to simply opt for the most energetic (higher frequency, shorter wavelength) when given a choice. There is evidence that black lights (UV bulbs painted black) are not so effective for attracting those species that are drawn more to visible light.

December Moth
December Moth

Also, it seems that white plastic vanes seem to work better than other types of vane and certainly better than rain-shield supporting rods on the commonly used Robinson and Heath moth traps. It also seems that the specific terrain and vegetation can affect numbers and diversity in some ways more than light source or other factors. There was also some recent work on how low-wattage UV light sources have a very limited range of attraction, but also the range varies among macro moth families, some attracted from 30 metres others from just 10 metres.

Merveille du Jour
Merveille du Jour

Anyway, in the discussion, fellow moth-er Stephen Roughley mentioned a paper by Chris Tyler-Smith and Yali Xue in the journal Ent Rec, Amyl acetate increases macromoth catches in light traps” 2021, 134(6), 315-321,  that looked at how lepidopterists might boost their haul for scientific and citizen scientific purposes. They suggest the use of a simple organic molecule that smells of fruit, called amyl acetate, amyl is an alternative name for the five-carbon alkyl chemical group pentyl, to augment one’s trapping. They demonstrated that amyl acetate boosted the number of macro moths drawn to the UV trap by up to about a third. Strictly speaking, the product contains 3-methylbutyl acetate, so five-carbon group but not in a straight chain.

Chemical structure of the ester amyl acetate
The ester amyl acetate smells fruity

The molecule, sometimes known as pear oil, is used as a flavouring agent, as a paint solvent, and in the preparation of penicillin. It is also the fuel for Hefner lamps. But, it is also found naturally in the volatile organic compounds exuded by ripe pears and presumably other fruit and fermenting or decaying vegetable matter.

I asked author Xue about the work. “We only tried amyl acetate from Etsy, but suspect that moths would not care about the grade, and any that smells like pear drops to a human would be fine, they told me. “We used enough to moisten a cotton wool pad and placed this beside the trap in a metal bowl as the solvent dissolves plastics.”

Beaded Chestnut
Beaded Chestnut

Many species of moths are known to be attracted to the odours given off by ripe fruits and flowers. There is a suggestion that some female moths may well be particularly attracted to such odours, including amyl acetate, as they seek out ripe fruit in which to lay their eggs. Indeed, it’s worth noting that a lot of moths that are not necessarily interested in light can be drawn to a strong-smelling sugary solution made from molasses boiled with beer or wine and various other concoctions. Most moths use their olfactory senses to locate food, mates, and suitable habitats, so this is perhaps not surprising. It was the technique of sugaring to attract moths that inspired the team. (See also wine roping). Amyl acetate mimics fruit odours and so should attract moths. Indeed it has been used in the past as a sugaring ingredient.

Black Rustic
Black Rustic

The team suggest, however, that the chemical simply applied could substitute for sugaring concoctions and might boost moth trapping where scented flowers are not present at a site. It all adds to the useful data that might be gathered to feed back to moth recorders for scientific purposes and to show where and when various species appear around the country. I have previously discussed the pros and cons of moth-trapping on Sciencebase.


TL:DR – I wrote about bird migration and so I thought I’d write a poem about it too.

I have a post in which I discuss the intriguing and changing migratory behaviour of the Blackcap, Sylvia atricapilla. For several years, we have seen this species spend the winter in our garden. One year we had a male and a female.

The likelihood is that these birds flew from their summer breeding grounds in southern Germany and instead of reaching Iberia or North West Africa they got slightly lost and ended up in Old Blighty…England. It’s been happening like this for a couple of decades at least.

The male that overwintered with us 22/23 has departed and soon the Blackcaps that migrate from sub-Saharan Africa will arrive in our woodlands to breed in the summer.

Anyway, I wrote a poem for Sylvia.

An overwintering poem for Sylvia, the Blackcap


She came in from the East. Her compass quite askew
Should’ve spent the winter in Iberia, but Old Blighty will have to do
Her chestnut cap is fluffed up. And her buff breast is scruffy too
Those chilly winds chill the feast, there’s nothing else that she can do

but peck at firethorn berries behind sparrows in the queue
And sulk among the mistletoe. Till Christmas takes its due
This land beyond the floodlands, with a date she’ll take in lieu
No nest, no mate. No direction yet, a Blackcap looking blue

When seasons change, they’ll send her back to the place where once she flew
And with the spring and high on life, she’ll bid us all adieu
Then find a mate, and build a nest for now she takes her cue
She’ll live her life and raise her brood with not a thought for you

But the world will turn and the winds will change as always they will do
Bring her back to Old Blighty. Yet, with no different a point of view
She’ll sulk and peck at mistletoe. The winter she’ll see through
And bravely hide from Easterlies, there’s nothing else that she can do

–David Bradley

Are crypto currencies destroying the planet?

TL:DR – Bitcoin mining uses vast arrays of energy-hungry computers many of which are powered with an unsustainable, non-renewable energy supply, generating enormous carbon emissions. It is estimated that Bitcoin is currently wasting 140 terawatt-hours of electricity annually and producing 70 megatonnes of carbon emissions each year.

Bitcoin is a form of digital currency. Each Bitcoin has a digital ledger, a blockchain, that records all transactions and is at the heart of the value in the currency. Bitcoin transactions are typically irreversible and can be made anonymously, providing a level of privacy. It operates on a decentralized, peer-to-peer network independently of governments, banks or any financial authority. It was ostensibly created by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2009, but that pseudonym may represent an unknown individual or a group of people.

The way in which Bitcoin was created means that there is a known and limited supply. The total number of Bitcoins that can ever exist is capped at 21 million, making it a finite digital asset. Scarcity, of course, can be seen as giving Bitcoin value and it has become a popular form of alternative investment. The value of Bitcoin can fluctuate wildly with no physical asset, such as gold or a commodity to underpin it nor government backing. Its value is determined solely by supply and demand in the crypto market.

None of this is free. Bitcoin is a digital entity and must be sustained by a network of computers all using electricity. Indeed, each Bitcoin transaction created when someone sends or receives a Bitcoin has to be verified and this is done by a process called mining. Mining involves nodes (computers) in the Bitcoin network solving a complex mathematical problem to validate the transaction before it can be added to the digital ledger, the blockchain.

Now, the obvious question arises why would a person with a computer or an array of computers use their resources to solve those mathematical problems to validate Bitcoin transactions to add to the digital ledgers? The answer is that the owner of the computer that solves the problem and validates the transaction first is rewarded with Bitcoin! Validating transactions, which usually takes about ten minutes for a powerful computer, is a competition with Bitcoin as its prize.

The mathematical problems that miners must solve require significant computational power and energy to undertake the so-called Proof-of-Work (PoW)*. The solution to the mathematical problem is the “hash” a unique cryptographic code that verifies each transaction and locks the new link in place in the blockchain. A third party hoping to hack and so steal a Bitcoin would need unimaginable computer resources to solve the thousands of hash codes in a single Bitcoin. The PoW system makes Bitcoin validation decentralised and secure.

The electricity consumption in Bitcoin mining is enormous. The primarily attributed to the computational power required to solve the PoW puzzle, the cooling and infrastructure needed to run the mining hardware, and the continuous operation of the mining equipment. The University of Cambridge’s Bitcoin Electricity Consumption Index currently estimates that the annual power usage is almost 140 terawatt-hours. That is roughly half the electricity usage of Finland or about a third of that of Venezuela!

A particularly cynical aspect of Bitcoin mining is the exploitation of cheap electricity in the developing world, which not only affects the environment detrimentally but reduces access and raises prices in those regions. That said, while it was originally China with the most Bitcoin mines, the US has gone into polluting pole position after China shut them down citing environmental reasons!

It seems obvious that Bitcoin mining is not an environmentally benign process. There are other crypto currencies that use other types of PoW puzzles and these too add to the power burden. That said, there is some effort underway to develop an alternative to PoW that would use far less power – Proof of Stake (PoS). Instead of miners solving complex mathematical problems, validators (or “stakers”) are chosen to validate transactions based on their ownership or “stake” of the cryptocurrency.

There seems to be no obvious solution to this growing problem. Good intentions rarely pass muster among the greedy and it is likely that crypto currencies will continue to consume huge amounts of electricity, generate huge carbon emissions, and as equipment fails or becomes obsolete produce even more electrical waste.

I’ve talked about all of this previously, but an NYT piece triggered me.

*The PoW puzzle in Bitcoin is a complex mathematical problem  involving finding a hash value that is numerically lower than a specific target value. This requires miners to perform extensive calculations using the SHA-256 algorithm, searching for a hash that starts with a certain number of leading zeros in its hexadecimal representation.

For example, let’s say the target value is represented in hexadecimal as “00000000F123456789ABCDEF123456789ABCDEF123456789ABCDEF123456789ABC”. Miners must try different inputs in combination with the transactions and the hash of the previous block, encrypt them using the SHA-256 hash function, and check if the resulting hash is a lower number than the set target value.

The first miner to find that lower number and so successfully solve the PoW puzzle gets to add a new block of transactions to the blockchain and is rewarded with newly created Bitcoins. This PoW puzzle serves as a security mechanism to prevent double spending, validate transactions, and maintain the integrity of the Bitcoin blockchain.

Why do some moths have eyes on their wings?

TL:DR – A few examples of plants and animals that use disguises.

Lots of animals and even plants have evolved to have a visual resemblance to other organisms. The flowers of the Bee Orchid as the name would suggest look like female bees and as such attract roving male bees who alight on the “female” hoping that they’ve found a mate. In so doing, they inadvertently pick up pollen from the male part of the flower and this is transferred to female parts of the next “mate”, thus pollinating the plants.

Bee Orchid closeup
Bee Orchid complete with fur and pollen sacks

There is a bird that has evolved to look like a snake and so ward off predators. Indeed, not only does it look like a snake when it postures defensively, but it writhes around so that its head really does look like a snake about to pounce.

Snake-like Wryneck
Snake-like Wryneck

Among the lepidoptera, the moths and butterflies, there are so many disguises it is hard to know where to start. The Bufftip moth resembles a piece of snapped of birch twig while the unrelated Buff Arches resembles a piece of flint on a stony woodland floor.

Buff-tip moth and twig
Buff-tip moth and twig
Buff Arches moth
Buff Arches moth resembles a chunk of flint

There are so many examples of this faking it camouflage among the Lepidoptera. Perhaps the most obvious examples of this pareidolia are among the species that have “eyes” (ocelli, singular ocellus) on their wings. The European Peacock, for example, roosts with wings closed. The dark undersides are sufficient disguise in the dingy nook of a tree during hibernation but if disturbed it flashes its eyes, which to a bird or other predator look shockingly like a big face staring back, the face of an animal that might fight back rather than a gentle butterfly.

Dark undersides of Peacock butterfly wings
Dark undersides of Peacock butterfly wings
Four eyes of the European Peacock
Four eyes of the European Peacock

The Emperor moth also has four eyes but does not have the advantage of being able to fold its wings flat against each other. When disturbed or agitated it opens out its wings to reveal four scary eyes staring back at a predator.

Emperor moth showing its four eyes
Emperor moth showing its four eyes
The staring "face" of an Emperor moth at rest
The staring “face” of an Emperor moth at rest

However, even at rest with its forewings covering its hindwings the Emperor is always watchful. Indeed, if one imagines a predator flying into to check out tasty morsels on the heather, it will be shocked to see something resembling a predator staring back at it!

Why moth?

TL:DR – Reasons to be a citizen scientist lepidopterist.

I’ve been mothing since July 2018. By which I mean I have used a lure (an ultraviolet light source) and a trap to allow me to monitor, count, photograph, and release the moths that pass through my garden at night. It has apparently become a popular hobby, particularly among wildlife enthusiasts during the time when we were all in covid lockdown and had limited opportunity to be out and about exploring nature in situ, birdwatching, gulling, seeking out wildflowers, etc.

Convolvulus Hawk-moth
Convolvulus Hawk-moth, a rare migrant to the UK that sometimes breeds in Spring, but is generally unable to overwinter here.

There is an argument that mothing might be detrimental to the already heavily threatened populations of moths, but I think the benefits in terms of scientific insight and education far outweigh the negligible impact on moth populations.

Clifden Nonpareil
The stunning Clifden Nonpareil was once relatively common in the UK but disappeared. It is seeing a renaissance and spreading northwards
  1. Moth trapping and recording is a valuable citizen science activity that allows non-scientists to contribute to scientific research and conservation efforts. The overall scale of scientific moth trapping on reserves and at research centres is far greater than amateur garden mothing.
  2. Moths play important roles in ecosystems as pollinators, food sources for other animals, and indicators of environmental health and so understanding their behaviour and distribution can help in deciding on conservation initiatives.
  3. Moths are often overlooked compared to butterflies (which are actually just a grouping within the Lepidoptera like any grouping of moths), but there are around 160,000 species of moths worldwide (2500 in the UK), making them an incredibly diverse and fascinating group of insects. The more we know about such diversity, the better.
  4. Moths are also important bioindicators, as they can be used to monitor changes in habitat quality and climate.
  5. Moth trapping and recording can help identify new species, expand knowledge of distribution and range, and range extension and reduction, as well as migration, and provide important data for conservation efforts.
  6. Moths are often nocturnal and elusive, making them difficult to study through traditional observation methods. Moth trapping provides an opportunity to observe and study these insects in greater detail.
  7. Moth trapping can also provide a unique opportunity to engage with the natural world and inspire curiosity and interest in science and conservation in young and old alike.
  8. Moth trapping can be done in a non-invasive and ethical manner, with moths typically released unharmed after being recorded and identified.
  9. Moth trapping can provide valuable data on population trends and species diversity, which can help inform conservation decisions and management strategies.
  10. Moth trapping is a relatively low-cost and accessible activity that can be done by people of all ages and backgrounds in their own gardens or even from the balcony of a tower block, making it an ideal way to engage a wide range of people in science and conservation. Lots of nature reserves running mothing events open to the public

Nocturnal pollination #MothsMatter

TL:DR – Many species of moth are important nocturnal pollinators.

2018 was the year I took a serious interest in studying moths in my garden having been loaned a scientific mothtrap by a friend in the village. It was late July that year that I fell in love with the “nocturnal” Lepidoptera.

December Moth
December Moth

By the September, I’d recorded about 120 species of animal I’d never noticed, seen, nor observed ever before. In subsequent years I added yet more species. There are about 1600 moth species in the UK and I have ticked 464 (as of 1 April 2023).  That same month there was some research demonstrating once again why moths matter and why we should not dismiss these remarkable creatures. The paper:

Construction, validation, and application of nocturnal pollen transport networks in an agro-ecosystem: a comparison using light microscopy and DNA metabarcoding

Callum J. Macgregor, James J. N. Kitson, Richard Fox, Christoph Hahn, David H. Lunt, Michael J. O. Pocock, Darren M. Evans First published: 17 September 2018 https://doi.org/10.1111/een.12674

The study compared two methods, light microscopy and DNA metabarcoding, for constructing pollen-transport networks of nocturnal moths, with a focus on their feeding mouthparts. The researchers found that DNA metabarcoding detected more pollen on individual moths and more interactions per moth species compared to microscopy.

Merveille du Jour
Merveille du Jour

The results also showed that the pollen-transport network metrics differed between the two methods due to their varying abilities to detect multiple pollen types per moth and to separate morphologically similar or related pollen. The team also demonstrated some unexpected moth-plant interactions using metabarcoding, revealing new insights into nocturnal pollination systems.

Beaded Chestnut
Beaded Chestnut

The authors suggest that while the two methods revealed similar yet distinct networks, the potential applications of metabarcoding for studying plant-pollinator interaction networks, especially for understudied pollinators like moths, are encouraging.

Black Rustic
Black Rustic

Trip to Teesdale

TL:DR – Brief spot of garden birding with friends in Teesdale and some sightseeing.

We spent a lovely couple of days with wonderful friends at their place in Teesdale…unfortunately I’ve been struggling to walk with an ankle injury so the usual long country walks and sightseeing were off the agenda, but we did get to toddle around the fabulous Bowes Museum in Barnard Castle and to sample some local ale at the local pub for local people (and their friends).

Through-window shot of male Great Spotted Woodpecker
Through-window shot of male Great Spotted Woodpecker

Our friends had also arranged a fabulous selection of birds to use their garden bird feeders while we were there: Brambling, Nuthatch, Coal Tit, Great Spotted Woodpecker (M+F), Redpoll, Goldfinch, Long-tailed Tit, Great Tit, Blue Tit, Dunnock, Robin, Chaffinch, Jackdaw, Rook (either or both of which repeatedly knocked the feeders on to the lawn), Blackbird, House Sparrow, Starling (mainly in the trees not on the feeders); also Chiff Chaff calling from one of their trees. Didn’t see Tawny Owl on this visit.

Typically Teesdale
Teesdale cottages
Typical Teesdale
Teesdale village view

The Tees at Barnard Castle was too rough and high within my walking range to catch sight of Dippers or wagtails fishing this time, but there were Mallard ducklings on the foamy banks and a solitary Whooper Swan looking rather out of place below the castle ruins.

One of very few authentic French Art Deco pieces in a public British collection. This by Jacques Gruber
Art Deco stained glass window by Jacques Gruber held at The Bowes Museum
The pseudo chateau of The Bowes Museum, Barnard Castle
The Bowes Museum, Barnard Castle
The Butterbur, Petasites hybridus
Butterbur on the banks of The Tees
Yellow mallard/hybrid duckling on the Tees
Yellow hybrid Mallard duckling on the Tees
Solitary Whooper Swan, Cygnus cygnus, on the Tees at Barnard Castle
Solitary Whooper Swan, Barnard Castle
Teesdale Brambling
Teesdale Brambling
Common Redpoll photographed through a kitchen window
Redpoll photographed through the kitchen window
Through-window shot of male Great Spotted Woodpecker
Through-window shot of male Great Spotted Woodpecker
Through-window Nuthatch, Teesdale
Through-window Nuthatch, Teesdale
Teesdale chicken
Gallus gallus domesticus



TL:DR – Recent experience with asking ChatGPT chemistry questions reveals the limitations of this language model, despite the claims and hype of an ignorant US politician speaking in March 2023.

There was lots of talk of ChatGPT apparently deciding to teach itself organic chemistry…now…ChatGPT is language model, it’s not really an artificial intelligence (AI) in the strict sense, all it really is is a sophisticated autocomplete that analyses your prompts and weighs up the most likely combination of words with which to reply. I wondered whether the only chemistry in all that hype was the chemistry between olfactory receptor and odourant molecules in bovine ordure. So, I set it a challenge, giving it the following prompt:

You are to act as an expert organic chemist. You need to devise a reaction scheme using retrosynthetic analysis for the drug molecule Taxol.

This is how it responded:

Taxol is a complex natural product that has antitumor activity and is used in the treatment of various cancers. The molecule contains a complex array of functional groups, including multiple stereocenters, which make its synthesis a significant challenge.

Here is a possible retrosynthetic analysis of taxol:

Step 1: The first step involves disconnection of the C13 side chain from the taxane core. This can be achieved using a standard acid-catalyzed esterification reaction between a carboxylic acid and an alcohol. This disconnection leads to the formation of the intermediate 10-deacetylbaccatin III.

Step 2: The second step involves disconnection of the A and B rings from the taxane core. This can be achieved using a retro-Diels-Alder reaction. The retro-Diels-Alder reaction involves breaking the six-membered ring formed in the Diels-Alder reaction between the A and B rings. This leads to the formation of the intermediate 9-dihydro-13-acetylbaccatin III.

Step 3: The third step involves disconnection of the C ring from the taxane core. This can be achieved using a ring-opening reaction. The ring-opening reaction involves breaking the bond between C9 and C10, leading to the formation of the intermediate 7,8-didehydro-10-deacetylbaccatin III.

Step 4: The fourth step involves disconnection of the D ring from the taxane core. This can be achieved using a ring-closing reaction. The ring-closing reaction involves forming a new bond between C1 and C14, leading to the formation of the intermediate 5-deoxy-4-O-methyltaxol.

Step 5: The final step involves disconnection of the C2 side chain from the taxane core. This can be achieved using a standard nucleophilic substitution reaction. This leads to the formation of the final product, taxol.

Overall, the retrosynthetic analysis of taxol involves a series of complex reactions, including esterification, retro-Diels-Alder reaction, ring-opening reaction, ring-closing reaction, and nucleophilic substitution reaction. These reactions can be challenging to carry out in practice, and developing efficient and practical synthetic routes to taxol remains an active area of research in organic chemistry.

Now, it’s a long time since I did any retrosynthetic analyses for organic chemistry and I was never any good at them when I was meant to be. So, I’ll put this to social media and see what some proper chemists think.

First comment in was from ChemJobber, who said “the first disconnection to start with 10-deacetylbaccatin is reasonable”

I wrote about the first total synthesis of Taxol back in the 90s, and recall that the overall reaction scheme had well over 20 steps…

Nessa Carson dissected it and found the ChatGPT scheme rather lacking – here. She also pointed out that in Step 5 it completes the retrosynthesis of Taxol by disconnecting it all the way back to… Taxol (lol)

Red-green Carpet

TL:DR – It’s spring and at least one hibernating moth, the Red-green Carpet, has arrived in our garden so far this year

Lit up with my Heath trap again last night and despite the rain, but perhaps because it didn’t drop below 9 Celsius there was a small clutch of moths to ID and record this morning. Specifically, 2x Clouded Drab (new for the year), Common Quaker, Early Grey, 2x Hebrew Character, and a Red-green Carpet, also NFY.

Red-green Carpet (Chloroclysta siterata)
Red-green Carpet, Chloroclysta siterata

The Red-green Carpet is usually on the wing in the Autumn, the males die, but the females can hibernate to lay eggs in the spring. To my eye, they generally look green with some spots and patches at this time of year, but the autumnal ones are more obviously green and red…ish.

The “carpet” part of its name refers not to the notion that its larvae eat carpets, rather than in the 1700s when species were first being classified and named, the early entomologists and indeed the Lepidopterists perceived the beauty of these creatures and equated their colourful patterns and markings as being like the luxury items carpets were at the time.

The Red-green Carpet moth is a beautiful and fascinating species of moth that belongs to the family Geometridae, which includes many other species commonly known as “carpet moths”. This moth is found throughout Europe, including the United Kingdom, where it is one of the most common species of carpet moth.

Like all Lepidoptera, the species undergoes a complete metamorphosis, with four distinct life stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. The eggs are laid on the leaves of the host plant, which can include a wide variety of deciduous trees, most commonly oak and rowan. The larvae, which are often called “inchworms” (US usage) because of their distinctive way of moving, measuring the earth…hence geometers undergo several moults before pupating. The pupa is a non-feeding, transformative stage in which the larva transforms into the adult moth. Finally, the adult emerges from the pupa and begins the cycle anew by finding a mate and the females laying eggs.

The northern lights aren’t in my eyes – Aurora borealis

TL:DR – The Northern Lights, Aurora Borealis and their antipodean equivalent, the Southern Lights, Aurora Australis, are a visible phenomenon seen in the polar skies as particles from the solar wind interact with particles in the earth’s upper atmosphere.

Lots of lucky locals, by which I mean people a bit further north in Norfolk saw the northern lights, the Aurora Borealis, in Norfolk and elsewhere. There is a slight possibility of seeing them in Cambridgeshire although finding somewhere with little light pollution around here is a tough call, but more to the point it’s been cloudy and wet when other places have had their lightshow these last couple of nights. In recent years they have been observed from Devon and Cornwall.

Aurora borealis at Vestrahorn, Southern Iceland by German photographer Simaron
Aurora borealis at Vestrahorn, Southern Iceland (Credit: Simaron)

So, what are the northern lights?

The northern lights are a natural phenomenon generally occurring close to the poles, in the high or low latitude regions of the Arctic and Antarctic. The phenomenon is caused by the interaction between charged particles from the Sun and the Earth’s protective magnetic field.

The Sun constantly emits a stream of charged particles, called the solar wind, which travels through space and interacts with the Earth’s magnetic field. When these charged particles collide with the oxygen and nitrogen in the Earth’s atmosphere, they gain energy, they are excited, when the excitement passes, the particles release energy in the form of light. This produces the glowing, coloerful display that we see as the Northern Lights, or the Southern Lights, the Aurora Australis.

The colours of the Northern Lights depend on the type of gas particles that are colliding with the charged particles and the altitude at which the excitement occurs. Oxygen at higher altitude will glow red and at lower altitude will grown green. Nitrogen produces blue and purple hues.

Usually, seeing the Aurora Borealis involves heading to the colder regions Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Finland, or Canada during the winter months and hoping for a strong solar wind, caused by lots of activity on the surface of the sun. Occasionally, activity and conditions are just right for people to see them farther from the poles as has happened in recent days.

Aurora comes from the name of the Roman goddess of the dawn. It’s related to the name of the Indo-European goddess of the dawn and ultimately the root is from ancient Greek “to shine” with particular reference to the dawn sky.

Borealis comes from the Latin Boreas meaning the “north wind” and from the Greek Boreas, also the name of the god of the north wind.

Australis derives from the Latin word auster meaning “south wind” and hence relates to the southern part of the world.

I haven’t ever managed to see nor photograph the Northern nor the Southern Lights hence the allusion to the lyrics of a 1978 song by progressive rock band Renaissance. The singer with the band, Annie Haslam, was renowned for her operatic training and her five-octave vocal range. I recently updated an article you might like on how to sing.

The photo above was taken by Simaron at Vestrahorn, Southern Iceland in September 2022.