Adela reaumurella – Green Long-horn Moth

Day-flying moths among the tops of the sycamores today

Adela reaumurella, the Green Long-horn Moth, is a species of moth belonging to the family Adelidae. It is a small moth with a wingspan of around 12-15 mm. The forewings are metallic green, the hindwings slightly darker. The most distinctive feature of this moth is the long antennae that can be twice as long as the wingspan. The Green Long-horn Moth is widely distributed throughout Europe and parts of Asia. It can be found in a variety of habitats, including woodlands, heathlands, and grasslands.

The species typically has two generations per year. The first generation emerges in May or June, and the second generation emerges in August or September. The larvae feed on leaf litter.

The species is not considered to be a threatened species. However, like many moth species, it is under-recorded and little is known about its population status. As with many Lepidoptera, it plays an important role in the ecosystem as a pollinator of flowers. It is also a valuable indicator species for monitoring the health of woodland habitats.

The Emperor returns

I have a pheromone lure to attract the male of the lepidopteral species Saturnia pavonia, also known as the Emperor moth. It’s a beautiful creature. The male flies during the day drawn to the sex attractant exuded by the night-flying and less brightly coloured female. I’ve photographed them on the wing in the garden previously and also on a stage with a macro lens, as regular Sciencebase readers will know.

I only put the lure out for a few moments once a week or so, but it never fails. A couple of males turned up today within 20 minutes of the pheromones being released. One of them ended up in the conservatory, frantically flapping on a curtain for a few moments, so I got some fast shutterspeed (1/4000s) shots of him before giving the curtain a bit of a gentle flick to send him on his way and putting the lure back in the freezer until next week. It’s wonderful to know that these beautiful creatures are going about their lives with no care for our human woes.

Wren – Troglodytes troglodytes

As regular Sciencebase readers will be well aware, I often work from my laptop in the garden in the summer time, when the weather is fine…I reach right up and grab a camera sometimes…

Showing well today, a rather bold Wren, Troglodytes troglodytes, munching on grubs and caterpillars from various bushes and not worrying too much about my presence. I’ve been making efforts to let the garden go a bit wild, without it simply turning into a couch grass, thistle, and nestle patch. Lots of wildflower seeds are in, the pond is buzzing. Red Valerian and Green Alkanet are thriving, foxgloves are about to burst into bloom (hopefully). There are bird seed (mixed, sunflower, nyjer) and fat (suet) feeders aplenty.

Kingfishers at Dawn

Kingfishers at dawn…well…it wasn’t quite dawn. We awoke at about 7am had a cuppa and then headed out to a very local patch of waterway we know to see if we could spot the Kingfishers going about their business, all part of our once-daily exercise allowance under Covid-19 lockdown, social distancing, self-isolation rules.

We avoided touching any styles or fences, there were no other people around to avoid, apart from a farmer, just as we had finished our exercise. Anyway, combining photos from first thing last Sunday morning and today in this post

Nest Watch

Fans of the Facebook page may have seen the various Live broadcasts I’ve done in the “Watch” series, all very tongue in cheek and an excuse for me to broadcast some of my music or offer some relaxing video – there’s been PondWatch, LawnWatch, FeederWatch, and the fascinating ShedWatch.

Today, I once more put my phone on a tripod and pointed it at a feeder hanging in our apple tree for SuetWatch. Robins, Erithacus rubecula, have been pecking at this all week. I hoped to catch them on video. I don’t think I did, but when I went to terminate the video I noticed for the first time a nest in an old homemade nest box hanging on the shed. I wondered whether it was the Robins, so pointed the phone camera there and stepped back so as not to disturb the birds.

A quick scan through the video revealed a Dunnock, Prunella modularis, sitting on top of it at one point, so perhaps most likely that bird’s nest rather than that of the Robin.

The footage is awful and the bird activity so brief I won’t bother posting it. But, do take a look at my Facebook as there will most likely be more in the Watch series coming soon…

Dave Bradley on Facebook here.

Noc migging- Night flight call recording

I mentioned noc migging at the end of last year as something I planned to do in the spring of 2020. “Nocmig” or Night flight call (NFC) recording as the Americans know it, is basically making an audio (or indeed video) recording of the sky above you at night with the aim of plucking from the audio the calls of birds flying overhead as they migrate.

We’re coming into the main migratory season in the UK with a few of our summer visitors already here, many more heading this way and crossing the Iberian Peninsula and other parts of the continent lying between their winter holiday homes further south and The British Isles. Of course, the wintering birds are also returning to their summer roosts and mating grounds further north, in the far reaches of Scotland, Scandinavia, Siberia, and The Arctic.

So…I just need to waterproof a microphone to stick out of the window and setup some audio recording software to run overnight. I’ll use my music software as it has lots of options for cleaning up the sound. With a “tape” in hand it can either be scrolled manually looking for bursts of sound in the waveform and these sampled out to be analysed spectrally or it fed into a second bit of software such as a spectrogram to filter out barking dogs and vehicles and other non-avian noises. Cornell University then has an app – Raven – that can take the cropped analysis and identify the birds from their calls in your recording.

I’ll keep you posted…

Thirty years of the barrier method and other science stories

Thirty years ago this month I wrote my first professional article. It was a short feature about the biggest organism having the biggest orgasm and was entitled ‘The Barrier Method’. It explained some of the chemistry, biology, and geography of the sex life of Australia’s Great Barrier Reef and appeared in the April 1990 issue of the Royal Society of Chemistry’s young chemists’ newsletter Gas Jar.

Incidentally, I  later renamed the magazine and helped relaunch it in full colour as New Elements with Editor Dr Mandy Mackenzie, which carried my Elemental Discoveries news round-up for several years from 1995 onwards.

I also used to publish Elemental Discoveries online on what was perhaps the first chemistry news website. It was to become a model for several news site launches over the following years that I instigated or was involved with for various organisations, including Reactive Reports for ACD/Labs, PSIGate Spotlight, which became Intute, Spectral Lines (for Wiley, now, Distillates for the RSC magazine Education in Chemistry, and a couple of others. Elemental Discoveries itself was hosted by ChemDraw creators Cambridge Soft for a couple of years before I relaunched it as in July 1999.

The article ‘The Barrier Method’ was chosen as runner-up in the 1990 Young Science Writer Awards hosted by The Daily Telegraph and the British Association for the Advancement of Science. A later article entitled “Not every sperm is sacred” won in 1991 and led to my writing about science for The Telegraph for several years after that. I got a merit award after the sperm and eggs with an article about xenon and anaesthesia, but sex science has remained a focus of much of my writing over the years, hah!

You can see a hopefully complete list of all my clients from the last thirty years as a freelance science writer here.

The photo accompanying the article was by Mrs Sciencebase long before she was Mrs Sciencebase. I can’t find the original magazine, hence the monochrome copy.

Learning a little birdsong

Back in the pre-covid good old days, when you could take a countryside or woodland walk and chat to others on the highways and byways, the conversation would almost always turn to birds, especially if one of you were carrying a set of bins or a camera with a big lens.

blackbird firethorn 4

If you reveal any sort of knowledge about which bird is which, people are even more surprised if you know which call or song you can here. I’ve not counted how many birds I recognise from their songs and calls but a few of the ones I know for definite would be: Blackbird, Robin, Dunnock, Wren, Song and Mistle Thrush, Magpie, Jay, Rook, Raven, Carrion Crow, Jackdaw, Blue, Great, and Long-tailed Tit, Buzzard, Goldcrest, Treecreeper, Yellowhammer, White Throat, Black Cap, Chiff Chaff, Reed Warbler, Reed Bunting, Bearded Reedling, Green and Great Spotted Woodpecker…I’ll stop now…


Anyway, there’s a crowdsourced website called Xeno-Canto where you can hear recordings of the calls and songs of birds from around the world.

chaffinch 768
Male Chaffinch

But, as we’re all at home now, here’s a selection you might hear from an open window in your self-isolation.

Chaffinch – song, call

Blackbird – song, alarm call

Song Thrush – song

Robin – song, call

Dunnock – song, call

Wren – song

Great Tit – song

Chiffchaff – song

You can find the complete tick list for our garden birding here.

Bird Report 11 – Out and about – or not!

UPDATE: 20:45, same day – The National Trust has issued a new statement just hours after I posted this, no longer allowing access to their land other than the public places they manage.

UPDATE: March 2020. Oh, the irony. I wrote this article for our village newsletter long before the Covid-19 pandemic had arisen. Since then, so much has changed and so many places are shut down. The countryside is still open, of course.

So, if you’re not self-isolating, you’re not in a vulnerable group, and you’re practicing social distancing, there are still plenty of places to visit to see the wildlife. The very wildlife that is entirely unaware of humanity’s woes and may benefit in some way from falling pollution levels through lower numbers of flights and other activities.

Anyway, on with the original newsletter report:

I occasionally mention sightings of interesting bird species from places other than in and around Cottenham itself. It is possible, nay probable, that some readers might not know about other patches they might visit that are just a short hop from the village. Most, I’d admit are not within a short walk, but some are accessible by bicycle and certainly by car. I’ll leave readers to plot their own route and decide on their means of transport if they fancy visiting.

Among the more well-known spots is the National Trust’s Wicken Fen, which is always worth a visit, although it can get busy, which means less chance of seeing birds closeup. They usually have a noticeboard listing sightings, but I think that’s their overall tick-list and chances of seeing a range of species will depend on time of day, time of year, and the weather. There are commonly marsh harriers quartering over the parts farthest from the visitor centre, as well as some hen harriers. But, your mileage will vary.

You will be almost certain to see a buzzard or a kestrel, but they’re quite common over much of our local countryside. In the summer months you might catch sight of a hobby catching and eating dragonflies on the wing. Hobbies are a falcon that resembles the peregrine and the kestrel but sits, in size between the two, it’s a summer visitor. There are lots of Reed Buntings at the Fen and in the summer, you’ll likely see and hear various warblers, including reed warbler, sedge warbler, white throat, and others.

Head out beyond Wicken itself to Adventurer’s Fen and Burwell and Tubney Fens. If you want to see the short-eared owls that have taken to Burwell Fen and mentioned in my previous report, you will probably have to wait until next winter when they come back from their far-north breeding grounds. But, you will see barn owls anywhere around these fens at dusk on a good day. Oh, and on your way back don’t forget Kingfisher Bridge Nature Reserve, which has some interesting species as well as a couple of constructed nesting sites to attract sand martins.

There are plenty of fens around and plenty of lakes, commonly ex-gravel pits that play host to quite a range of species, with the odd rarity turning up every now and then. Check the lakes and land of RSPB Ouse Fen (coming from either the Needingworth or Over entrances) and if you’re keen-eyed you will almost undoubtedly see any of the above depending, again, depending on conditions and time of year. There are often snipe and green sandpipers to be spotted at the Reedbed Trail side of the reserve (Over) and a couple of pockets of bearded reedlings (formerly known as bearded tits). That species is quite shy and does not like the wind much, but if you hear a pinging type call from the reeds watch out for this unique species darting about, the males sporting their black sideburns on a grey face.

Great white egret, little egret, and grey heron frequent this area too and you might hear booming bitterns in the mating season or if you’re lucky spot one taking a short flight between nestling areas of the reedbeds. As mentioned in an earlier report, occasionally cranes will fly high over this, and other reserves, and in the summer months on a hot day replete with lots of dragonflies you might see half a dozen, if not more, hobbies.

On the Needingworth side and other areas waders, gulls, terns (in the summer, including black terns) are all keen on the feeding here. At the time of writing there were numerous smew on one lake as well as a plethora of more common waterfowl such as tufted duck and wigeon. Cormorants are frequent flyers here too and you will often see them on the water’s edge perched and drying off their wet wings in the classic pose of this sooty species.

So, where else might you visit for a bit of bird watching? RSPB Fen Drayton (which we used to known as Swavesey Lakes) has a similar profile to Ouse Fen but often has good-sized starling murmurations on winter dusks. NT Anglesey Abbey and Wimpole Hall are perhaps less for bird watching than tree and flower watching, but there are woodpeckers, treecreepers, hawfinches (sometimes at Wimpole), nuthatches, and the usual range of what we might call “garden birds” to see there, but in a more natural habitat than the garden. Milton Country Park at quiet times is also as good a place as any for a quick avian detour It has plenty of different types of gull and several kingfishers, which you might see darting back and forth across a lake to a central island. Rarities do turn up, such dunlins, goosander, some of the more obscure warblers, and others.

As I’ve hopefully helped you note in previous reports you don’t have to go far from your home in Cottenham to see any of dozens of species of bird. Check the back issues for more info on local warblers, owls, cranes, raptors, garden birds, and more.

Wilding the garden with Seedball

The lovely people at Seedball sent me a small sack of their products, a great mix of wildflower seeds embedded in clay pellets with natural fertilisers, minerals and chilli (to keep the invertebrates off until germination takes place). I’ve mentioned them before. I did some “wilding last year. This year, I’d planned to scale up, but maybe not quite the completely wilding the garden I’d initially thought about. I’ve previously shared details of the contents of the sack.

Bag clips for the seeds harvested from garden plants and the allotment at the end of last summer

Anyway, I’ve scooped out an additional chunk of lawn on the back garden, turned it over a couple of times, pulled our roots and grass that remained after the digging, did a final rake and then scattered some seeds I’d harvested from Corn Cockle (from a friend via hashtag #AllotmentLife), Yarrow, Rosebay Willow Herb, Purple Toadflax, Wild Fennel, and a couple of others. Raked over that and then scattered a good couple of handfuls of Seedball and watered copiously from the waterbutts.

It doesn’t look too exciting yet. A few other harvested seeds I scattered around the broken up ground under and behind our apple tree next to the almost one-year-old resurrected pond hashtag #pondlife.