How to produce static electricity with water

Water powered batteryYesterday, we ran a video showing you a water powered battery that can generate a 15kV spark using nothing more than some simple hardware and a professor who looks a bit like Einstein. Some readers may have worried that it was a spoof given the date (April 1) but this is a genuine piece of science based on the principles of static electricity.

Water is a polar molecule – there is a small difference in electric charge from one end to the other – but pure (deionized) water is also a very good insulator. As the droplets of water fall through the bottomless metal cans, their polarity induces a charge in the cans (which are by the way heavily insulated from earth (or ground). A positive charge builds up on the cans as the water molecules falling into the buckets become negative. This results in a charge separation or a potential difference between the paint cans and the buckets of water (which are also heavily insulated from earth).

Eventually the potential difference reaches a threshold at which point the insulating properties of the air between the two balls breaks down and a spark leaps across the gap. This spark, which has a temperature of several thousand degrees Celsius carries a voltage of between 10 and 15 thousand Volts, far more than you need to power even the biggest set of plugin speakers for your mp3 player.

Several questions remain. Where does the energy come from to create this enormous potential difference and could this form of electricity be tapped by building some kind of power station at the top of a waterfall and using two enormous cans and buckets? Well to answer the first question just look at the vertical arrangement of the equipment. The energy comes from gravity, from the potential energy of the water, which is above the paint cans. The second question is a little more complicated to answer. It would be possible to build a bigger generator, although insulating the components from earth would be tougher and the dissolved salts in river water would make it far less efficient than a generator using deionized water, but those are probably not the main issues.

Think about it, to make electricity generation useful we need a current to flow. How might you “tap” off a current from this type of generator when its product is effectively small-scale lightning? A capacitor in the spark zone, you say? But then isn’t the air acting as a capacitor, still doesn’t solve the problem of tapping off a current. Find an efficient and safe way to tap the power of lightning and you could make a fortune and solve the world’s energy needs. But, please don’t try those kinds of experiment at home!

Instead of generating static electricity, however, it is possible to use gravity’s power to move water to produce a current, much more readily…think water wheel, dynamo-type generator…think hydroelectric dam.

By the way, this experimental setup was originally devised by Lord Kelvin in the nineteenth century and is known as Kelvin’s Thunderstorm, it featured in Bill Beaty’s amateur scientist column in 1995, you can find a more detailed explanation there.

Water-powered mp3 Player

UPDATE: 31st March 2011 In hard times, humour is often all we have to lift our spirits. Given the current situation in Japan regarding the state of their nuclear power stations following the tragic and devastating earthquake and tsunami, a twitter follower, Christophe Shiffert thought this electric sweet potato funny enough to tweet about it and to allude to the constantly unfolding tragedy that is humanity’s failure to address the problem of energy in more creative and sustainable ways.

In this week’s video, MIT’s Walter Lewin demonstrates how to produce 10 to 15000 volts of electricity using a couple of empty paint cans, a bucket of water, some wire, and two balls. The question is how does this work and could you use it like the potato powered mp3 player?

<br /> &lt;a href=&#8221;; flashvars=&#8221;&amp;subtitle=on&#8221;&gt;Watch on Youtube&lt;/a&gt;

I’ll look forward to seeing your suggestions in the comments and will post a more detailed explanation the the answers tomorrow.

Intelligent materials protect sports lovers

An intelligent plastic that is so flexible when left to its own devices while flow like a very slow moving liquid, but hit it with a hammer and the intelligent molecules form which it is made stiffen up instantaneously and absorb the energy of the blow. Such a polymer has been incorporated into textiles and clothing to create lightweight and flexible body armour for high-impact sports and other activities to save users from serious impact injuries. The polymer and textile-embedded material was the brainchild of UK company d3o, which has recently worked with a sports clothing manufacturer to develop a range of protective gear.

There was a video that demonstrated how to protect a falling egg using this material. This would make an excellent science fair project: compare different packaging materials for protecting eggs – cardboard, polycarbonate, d30 intelligent material. Unfortunately, the vid is no longer available.

The smart material is made up of a matrix of polymers with tiny pockets filled with a fluid. In normal wear, the material moves freely with your body movements but if you take a dive, the intelligent molecules in the fluid stiffen in less than a thousandth of a second, which makes them absorb the energy of the impact It works because under normal conditions, the polymer molecules move and slide across each other, but when they are put under rapid shear stress in an impact, for instance, the polymer molecules immediately form cross-links with one another and the material stiffens to take the brunt of the impact. Once the force is removed, the polymer cross-links are disengaged by further low force movements and the material reverts to its flexible state.

Levitation for Real

Magnetic levitationThis isn’t exactly your average high school science fair project, in fact please don’t try this for yourself without proper supervision, as you’ll need a magnet, a chunk of high temperature superconductor and a flask of liquid nitrogen, oh and a pot that won’t crack when you pour in the liquid nitrogen. (Standard cyro lab safety equipment is recommended) When this video first hit the streets, lots of people said it was a fake, but what it is, is a classic demonstration from modern physics of non-classical behaviour in materials cooled below a certain critical temperature. The effect in question is well-known to scientists working with superconductors and is known as the Meissner-Ochsenfeld effect, or more commonly the Meissner effect. Poor old Ochsenfeld rarely gets a name check. It was discovered by the pair in 1933, so it’s nothing new to physics, relatively speaking.

So, what’s going on? How does the high temperature superconductor levitate the magnet and if it’s high temperature why does it have to be cooled with liquid nitrogen to near 77 Kelvin, that’s almost minus 200 Celsius). Well, we’ll answer the last question first, it’s the easiest. The High is relative! Low temperature superconductors only work at close to absolute zero, minus 273 K, so anything at the almost balmy temperature of liquid nitrogen is positively smoking!

Now to the hard bit. Superconductors are unusual ceramic materials. They have lots of weird properties not least the fact that they superconduct, which means they can carry an electric current with zero resistance. So, picture the magnetic field around the magnet, if you bring the magnet close to the ceramic when it’s at room temperature, the magnetic field lines pass straight through. But, when the ceramic is chilled below its critical temperature to make it a superconductor, those magnetic field lines can no longer penetrate the ceramic. But, that doesn’t really answer the question, it just begs another – why can the magnetic field not penetrate the superconductor?

The final answer lies in the fact that the magnet induces tiny electrical currents in the superconductor as it is lowered towards the superconductor (remember, a moving magnetic field induces a current in a conductor, it’s the basis of the dynamo and electrical generation). However, this is no ordinary conductor, it’s a superconductor and so those electrical currents keep flowing round and round in infinite circles within the superconductor. Now, conversely to a moving magnetic field producing a current in a conductor, an electrical field will induce a magnetic field and because of Fleming’s right-hand rule, that induced magnetic field matches the pole to which the superconductor is exposed by the placing of the magnet in the first place.

The resulting repulsion is counteracted by the downward force of gravity and the magnet hovers neatly above the superconductor, at least until it warms to above its critical temperature.

Just for completeness, I should also point out that the magnet is effectively pinned in position by an effect known as flux pinning, which is caused by magnetic field lines getting snarled up by impurities in the superconductor. But, if you set the magnet spinning it will spin without friction (well not in this demo because there is air friction). Incidentally, this levitation effect has a serious application in some types of Mag-lev train.

Hacking a 9V battery

Battery HackHave you ever been stuck for AAA batteries? You know those skinny kid brothers of the AA 1.5 volt you use in your mp3 player? No? Well, this guy obviously has. But, unbelievably what he wasn’t stuck for was a 9V battery and a pair of sharp-nosed pliers. So, with a handful of dead AAAs and no battery store for miles, he hacks open the 9 volter and pulls out six skinnier still unmarked batteries, which he refers to as quadruple A (AAAA) batteries.

9 Volt Battery Hack! You’ll Be Surprised… – video powered by Metacafe

Now, I’d come across AAAA batteries before in laser pointers and such but unfortunately the 9V I hacked open myself didn’t contain these things at all, it was layered like a car battery instead. But, let’s assume that at least the brand of battery he shows in the video, an Energizer, is composed of six AAAAs. Then his hack should work to replace those worn down triple As in your device. But, think about it, what device uses AAAs that you really, really couldn’t do without so much on a trip that you’d hack open a 9V Energizer for. More to the point if you don’t carry AAA spares for said device what are the chances that you’d have a 9V in your glovebox anyway? I half suspected this was yet another spoof like our old friend the sweet potato mp3 player, which we featured on Sciencebase a couple of weeks ago, but Wikipedia also claims that some brands of 9V batteries are comprised of 6 qud As. But, hey, why bother hacking a 9V battery, when you could just use a couple of yams instead?

Newton’s Laws Explained With Lego

Newton gravity appleEveryone who studies any science at school will have come across Newton’s Laws of Motion. His three physical laws explain the relationships between the forces acting on a body and the motion of that body and were first published in 1687 in his magnum opus – Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica.

Newton’s laws underpin so-called classical mechanics, as opposed to quantum mechanics or relativity theory. I’ve summarised them below, but you’ll get a much clearer understanding of bodies in motion if you watch the video.

  1. Objects stay still or move with constant velocity unless a force pulls on them or gives them a shove
  2. Pulling or shoving an object changes its velocity (accelerates it) at a rate proportional to the force of the pull or shove
  3. If you shove or pull an object it will pull or shove back with an equal and opposite force

And remember, gravity isn’t just a good idea, it’s the law!

What are Significant Figures?

Significant FiguresBy definition the use of significant figures in measurement and value is a form of rounding. They represent the the number of digits in a number, beginning at the first non-zero digit and including any trailing zeros. For instance, 0.005746180 has 7 significant figures. All 7 of those digits are significant, if someone were measuring a distance, volume, time period or whatever and they included all those numbers as well as that final zero, you would assume that they had measured the value to seven significant figures. The next number after the final digit would not be reliable and so is not included.

Understanding the application of significant figures is crucial in science and engineering, especially when converting between units, litres to fluid ounces for instance, pounds to kilograms, or feet to metres. Often conversion factors of the kind cited and used at online conversion sites are quoted with long strings after the decimal point. These represent (usually) the level of accuracy the standard measurements are known. However, if you measure the distance from A to B with a tape measure marked in inches, the best degree of accuracy you will obtain will be down to a quart or possibly an eighth of an inch.

Your error will then be + or – a sixteenth or thereabouts. If the value you obtain is 46 and three eighths inches, and the gradations on your tape only go down to eighths then you cannot know for certain any smaller a fraction. That figure would be 46.375 inches. Five significant figures. But, you might round that to three significant figures, 46.4 to accommodate measuring errors.

Now, you want to know what that inch measurement is in centimetres, so you go to your online converter and get the conversion factor. 1 cm is equal to 0.393700787 inches. That’s quite a few digits to tap into your calculator. But, wait! We’ve got nine significant figures in that conversion factor, that’s way about the three we’re looking at in our actual measurement, so we need to round it to the same level of precision. Our conversion factor would be 0.394. 46.4 inches is therefore divided by this factor to give the value in centimetres, 117.766497….

Again, the calculator can fool us into believing we’ve gained some extra accuracy. Remember, we began with only three sig figs, so we should end up with only three sig figs in our converted value. our measured value of 46.4 inches should therefore be 118 centimetres, rounded to 3 sig figs.

One thing you should always remember about doing calculations on measurements. If you have a bunch of different values to different levels of accuracy then you must use the number of significant figures in the value with the least number of sig figs to start with. So if you’re doing an acceleration calculation, for instance, and you have velocity as 1.56 m/s, distance as 12.45 m and time as 82 seconds, then the least reliable value of the three is the time. That’s only cited to two SFs so you have to round your final answer to two SFs too, once you’ve done the calculation.

NearIR Nightly

Organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) are finding applications in a whole range of devices now not least because of their flexibility, in both the physical and viability sense, and their high energy efficiency. Until recently, however, OLED research was focused on visible emission. Now, US scientists have developed a near infra-red OLED, a NIR OLED. They reckon an NIR OLED could be used in future night-vision devices. NIR OLEDs might also one day find use in small-scale, portable NIR spectrometers or lab-on-a-chip systems for medical and environmental analysis, or potentially chemical and bio weapons detection.

Mark Thompson of the University of Southern California and colleagues at Princeton University, Steve Forrest’s group at the University of Michigan, and Julie Brown’s team at Universal Display Corporation have used a phosphorescent platinum-porphyrin complex as a doping agent to create the new class of NIR OLED.

You can read the full story in my SpectroscopyNOW column this week.

If anyone gets the allusion in this post title, drop me a line.

Negative refraction

Light at the end of the tunnel“Can visible light ever be manipulated so that it bends the wrong way?” asks Katharine Sanderson in Nature. She suggests that successfully reversing light by making a negative refraction material could open up the possibility of some rather futuristic devices, such as microscope lenses that can resolve objects smaller than the wavelength of light or the much-desired invisibility cloak.

Sanderson reveals that Jennifer Dionne and Henri Lezec, working in Harry Atwater’s group at Caltech have made a material with a negative refractive index for visible light. The findings were announced at Nanometa 2007 in Seefeld, Austria, but are yet to be peer-reviewed for publication.

The only caveat is that Dionne and Lezec have only demonstrated the effect with a two-dimensional system. Does that count as true negative refraction, asks Sanderson? She quotes Atwater as explaining the options of upgrading to 3D: “Atwater envisages stacking a dense array of waveguides on end: “We have not done this yet, but at least this work illustrates the inherent possibility of doing so.”

Let’s hope so, I really fancy one of those invisibility cloaks.

Egg in a Bottle

Egg in a bottleEver fancied squeezing an egg into a bottle? No? Well, it’s a kind of perennial physics demonstration that science teachers the world over love to do. I could simply describe how to do it and the results you might expect, but that would be no fun at all. Instead, I spent a good ten minutes scanning videos on the net where individuals attempted to carry out this experiment, some of them more successfully than others. Most handling naked flames and solvents (methylated spirits and the like) in a non-laboratory setting with absolutely no safety equipment (not even goggles) in sight.

More importantly though, most of these experimenters managed to get most of the egg in the bottle, but usually the egg split and simply splurted into the bottle rather than squeezing through the neck and plopping into the bottle intact.

In this video, the “researchers” succeeded in getting a nice squeeze and plop (far better even than the Brainiac team in their attempt).

The key to their success is apparently using a bottle with a nice wide neck. Most of the other videos try to use a beer bottle or something similar which constricts the egg as it squeezes through the opening and splits it.

So, how does it work? What mysterious force is pulling the egg into the bottle? Well, the answer is there is no mystery it is simply air pressure pushing down on the egg. But, wait a minute, what’s the burning paper got to do with air pressure?

Okay, here’s the short of it. Dropping a burning spill (or burning piece of paper into a bottle) and the air in the bottle will quickly expand and a small volume escapes. When the hard-boiled egg (with the shell removed) is placed into the opening, the spill goes out, the remaining gas cools and contracts and the greater outside air pressure pushes the moist flexible egg into the hole nicely.

If you use a nice moist egg and a bottle with a wide enough neck you’ll get a nice squeeze and plop. Anyone who has a use for a hard-boiled egg covered in burnt paper stuck in a bottle is welcome to contact us at Sciencebase with their ideas. Additionally, if you know how to get the egg out again without breaking the bottle leave us you thoughts in the comment form.