Finding Experts

Finding expertsOne of the main tasks in my day-to-day work as a science writer is tracking down experts. The web makes this much easier than it ever was for journalists in decades since. There are times when a contact in a highly specialist area does not surface quickly but there are also times when I know for a fact that I’ve already been in touch with an expert in a particular area but for whatever reason cannot bring their name to mind. Google Desktop Search, with its ability to trawl my Thunderbird email archives for any given keyword is a boon in finally “remembering” the contact.

However, finding just a handful of contacts from web searches, email archives and the good-old-fashioned address book pales into insignificance when compared to the kind of industrial data mining companies and organisations require of their “knowledge workers”.

According to Sharman Lichtenstein of the School of Information Systems at Deakin University, in Burwood, Australia, and Sara Tedmori and Thomas Jackson of Loughborough University, Leicestershire, UK: “In today’s highly competitive globalised business environment, knowledge workers frequently lack sufficient expertise to perform their work effectively.” The same concern might be applied to those working in any organisation handling vast amounts of data. “Corporate trends such as regular restructures, retirement of the baby boomer generation and high employee mobility have contributed to the displacement and obfuscation of internal expertise,” the researchers explain.

The team explains how knowledge is increasingly distributed across firms and that when staff need to seek out additional expertise they often seek an internal expert to acquire the missing expertise. Indeed, previous studies have shown that employees prefer to ask other people for advice rather than searching documents or databases. Finding an expert quickly can boost company performance and as such locating experts has become a part of the formal Knowledge Management strategy of many organisations.

Such strategies do not necessarily help knowledge workers themselves lacking the search expertise and time required to find the right person for the job, however. So, Jackson developed an initial expertise locator system, later further developed with Tedmori, to address this issue in an automated way. The researchers discuss an automated key-phrase search system that can identify experts from the archives of the organisation’s email system.

Immediately on hearing such an intention, the civil liberties radar pings! There are sociological and ethical issues associated with such easy access and searchability of an email system, surely? More than that, an expert system for finding experts could become wide open to misuse – finding the wrong expert – and abuse – employees and employers unearthing the peculiar personal interests of colleagues for instance.

The first generation of systems designed to find experts used helpdesks as the formal sources of knowledge, and comprised simply of knowledge directories and expert databases. Microsoft’s SPUD project, Hewlett-Packard’s CONNEX KM system, and the SAGE expert finder are key examples of this genre, the researchers point out. Such systems are akin to Yellow Pages and are essentially electronic directories of experts that must be maintained on a continual basis. They allow anyone with access to tap into expertise, but unless the experts keep their profiles up to date, they can quickly lose relevancy and accuracy.

Overall, when large numbers of employees are registered and profiles are inaccurate, credibility is rapidly lost in such systems which are increasingly ignored by knowledge seekers.

Second generation expertise locators were based on organisations offering their staff a personal web space within which they could advertise their expertise internally or externally. Convenient for those searching but again relying on the experts in question to keep their web pages up to date. Moreover, simple keyword matching when searching for an expert would not necessarily find the best expert because the search results would depend on how well the expert had set up their web pages and whether and how well they had included keywords in those pages. In addition, keyword searching can produce lots of hits that must then be scanned manually, which takes time.

The third generation of expert searching relies on secondary sources, such as tracking the browsing patterns and activities of employees to identify individual experts. Such an approach raises massive privacy concerns, even for companies with a strict web access policy. Activity on forums, bulletin boards, and social networks falls into this third generation approach.

The fourth generation approach mashes the first three and perhaps adds natural language searching again with various efficiency and privacy concerns. Again, it does not necessarily find the best expert, but often just the person whose data, profile, and web pages are optimised (deliberately or by chance) to reach the top slot in the search results.

An approach based on key-phrase identification in e-mail messages could, however, address all requirements but throws up a new wave of privacy concerns, which Lichtenstein and colleagues discuss.

There are several features of email that make it popular and valuable for organisational knowledge work, and relevant to to finding an expert:

  • It attracts worker attention
  • It is integrated with everyday work
  • It provides a context for sense-making about ideas, projects and other types of business knowledge
  • It enables the referencing of work objects (such as digital documents), and provides a history via quoted messages
  • It has high levels of personalised messages which are appealing, meaningful and easily understood
  • It encourages commitment and accountability by automatically documenting exchanges
  • It can be archived, so providing valuable individual, collective and organisational memories that may be mined
  • It facilitates the resolution of multiple conflicting perspectives which can stimulate an idea for a new or improved process, product or service.

All these factors mean that email could become a very useful tool for finding experts. Already many people use their personal email archives to seek out knowledge and experts, but widen that to the organisational level and the possibilities become enormous.

The researchers have developed an Email Knowledge Extraction (EKE) system that utilises a Natural Language ToolKit (NLTK) employed to build a key-phrase extraction “engine”. The system is applied in two stages, the first of which “teaches” the system how to tag the speech parts of an email, so that headers and other extraneous information become non-searched “stop words” within the email repository. The second stage extracts key-phrases from the searchable sections of an email once it is sent. This extraction process is transparent to the sender and takes just milliseconds to operate on each email. A final stage involves the sender being asked to rank each identified key-phrase to indicate their level of expertise in that key-phrase area. A database of experts and their areas of expertise is gradually developed by this approach. Later, employees searching for experts can simply consult this database.

The EKE system has been implemented at Loughborough University and at AstraZeneca in trials and found to be able to capture employee knowledge of their own expertise and to allow knowledge workers to correctly identify suitable experts given specific requirements. The researchers, however, highlights the social and ethical issues that arise with the use of such as system:

  • Employee justice and rights and how these might conflict with employer rights.
  • Privacy and monitoring, as there is more than a small element of “Big Brother” inherent in such a system
  • Motivational issues for sharing knowledge, as not all those with expertise may wish to be data mined in this way, having enough work of their own to fill their 9-to-5 for instance
  • Relationships, as not everyone will be able to work well together regardless of expertise
  • Ethical implications of expert or non-expert classification, as the system could ultimately flag as experts those employees with little or no expertise.
  • Deliberate misclassification of experts, as all systems are open to abuse and malpractice.
  • Expert database disclosure, as such a comprehensive database if accessed illicitly by an organisation’s rivals could wreak havoc in terms of stealing competitive advantage, headhunting or other related activities.

Lichtenstein, S., Tedmori, S., Jackson, T. (2008). Socio-ethical issues for expertise location from electronic mail. International Journal of Knowledge and Learning, 4(1), 58. DOI: 10.1504/IJKL.2008.019737

Fair Use Rights

Creative Commons frownIntellectual property, copyright, creative commons, copyleft, open access… These are all terms high on the science and other agenda these days. For example, public-funded scientists the world over are calling for research results to be available free to them and their peers for the public good and for the good of scientific advancement itself. Librarians likewise are also interested in the fullest dissemination and sharing of knowledge and information, while user-creators and the new breed of citizen journalists that are the result of the Internet Age are also more liberal in their outlook regarding the proprietary nature of creative works.

On the other hand, traditional publishers, database disseminators, and the commercial creative industry consider the investment they put into the creation and distribution of works as a basis for the right to charge readers and users and for profit-making. Meanwhile, adventurous organisations that are not necessarily beholden to shareholders, to other commercial concerns, and to learned society memberships, are experimenting with alternative business models with varying degrees of success.

One aspect of copyright that arises repeatedly in any discussion is what is considered fair use and what kind of usage warrants a cease & desist order from the owner of copyright in their works.

Now, Warren Chik, an Assistant Professor of Law at Singapore Management University, is calling for a reinvention of the general and flexible fair use doctrine through the simple powerful elevation of its legal status from a legal exception to that of a legal right.

Writing in the International Journal of Private Law, 2008, 1, 157-210, Chik explains that it is the relatively recent emergence of information technology and its impact on the duplication and dissemination of creative works – whether it is a photograph, music file, digitised book, or other creative work – that has led to a strengthening of the copyright regime to the extent that it has introduced “a state of disequilibrium into the delicate equation of balance that underlies the international copyright regime”.

Copyright holders have lobbied for their interests and sought legal extension to the protection over “their” creative works. But, the law in several countries has undergone a knee-jerk reaction that is not necessarily to the benefit of the actual creator of the copyright work or of the user. Chik summarises the impact this has had quite succinctly:

The speedy, overzealous and untested manner in which the legal response has taken has resulted in overcompensation such that the interests of individuals and society have been compromised to an unacceptable degree.

For some forms of creative works, such as music and videos, there has emerged a protectionist climate that has led to the creation of double protection in law the form of the digital rights management (DRM) system and anti-circumvention laws that allows copyright owners to prosecute those that attempt to get around such restrictive devices. This, Chik affirms, has “inadvertently caused the displacement of the important fair use exemptions that many consider the last bastion for the protection of civil rights to works.”

Chik points out that this tightening of the laws run counter to the increasing penetration of electronic forms of storage and communication, the borderless nature of the Internet and the invention of enabling technologies such as the so-called “Web 2.0”. This in turn is apparently leading to a general social shift towards more open collaborative creativity, whether in the arts or the sciences, and what he describes as “the rise of a new global consciousness of sharing and participation across national, physical and jurisdictional borders.”

Whether that view is strictly true or not is a different matter. At what scale will those who like to share a few snapshots among strangers or a small-scale collaboration between laboratories realise the need for a more robust approach to their images and data? For example, if you are sharing a few dozen photos you may not see any point in protecting them beyond a creative commons licence, but what happens when you realise you have tens of thousands of saleable photos in storage? Similarly, a nifty chemical reagent that saves a few minutes in a small laboratory each week could take on global significance if it turns out to be relevant to cropping a synthesis in the pharmaceutical industry. Who would not wish to receive full credit and monetary compensation for their creative works in such cases?

Chik proposes not to destroy or even radically overhaul the present copyright regime, instead he endorses a no less significant reinvention of the general and flexible fair use doctrine through the simple powerful elevation of its legal status from a legal exception to that of a legal right, with all the benefits that a legal right entails. This change, he suggests could be widely and rapidly adopted.

Currently, he says, fair use exists formally only as a defence to an action of copyright infringement. But, DRM and other copyright protection threaten this defence and skew the playing field once more in favour of copyright holders. “Fair use should exist in the law as something that one should be able to assert and be protected from being sued for doing,” Chik says.

Such a change will render copyright law more accurately reflective of an electronically interconnected global society and also acknowledge the importance and benefits of enabling technologies and its role in human integration, progress and development.

Chik, W. (2008). Better a sword than a shield: the case for statutory fair use right in place of a defence. International Journal of Private Law, 1(1/2), 157. DOI: 10.1504/IJPL.2008.019438

Identifying Digital Gems

DOI logoSciencebase readers will likely be aware that when I cite a research paper, I usually use the DOI system, the Digital Object Identifier. This acts like a redirect service taking a unique number, which might look like this assigned to each research paper by its publisher and passing it to a server that works out where the actual paper is on the web.

The DOI system has several handlers, and indeed, that’s one of its strength: it is distributed. So, as long as you have the DOI, you can use any of the handlers (,, etc) to look up a paper of interest, e.g. will take you to a paper on water supplies on which I reported recently.

The DOI is kind of a hard-wired redirect for the actual URL of the object itself, which at the moment will be a research paper. It could, however, be any another digital object: an astronomical photograph, a chemical structure, or a genome sequence, for instance. In fact, thinking about it, a DOI could be used as a shorthand, a barcode, if you like, for whole genomes, protein libraries, databases, molecular depositions.

I’m not entirely sure why we will also need the Library of Congress permalinks, the National Institutes of Health simplified web links, as well as the likes of PURL and all those URL shortening systems like tinyURL and snipurl. A unified approach, which perhaps worked at the point of origin, the creator of the digital object, which I’ve suggested previously and coined the term PaperID, would seem so much more straightforward.

One critical aspect of the DOI is that it ties to hard, unchanging, non-dynamic links (URLs) for any given paper, or other object. Over on the CrossTech blog, Tony Hammond raises an interesting point regarding one important difference between hard and soft links and the rank that material at the end of such a link will receive in the search engines. His post discusses DOI and related systems, such as PURL (the Persistent URL system), which also uses an intermediate resolution system to find a specific object at the end of a URL. There are other systems emerging such as OpenURL and LCCN permalinks, which seek to do something similar.

However, while Google still predominates online search, hard links will be the only way for a specific digital object to be given any weight in its results page. Dynamic or soft links are discounted, or not counted at all, and so never rank in the way that material at the end of a hard link will.

Perhaps this doesn’t matter, as those scouring the literature will have their own databases to trawl that require their own ranking algorithms based on keywords chosen. But, I worry about serendipity. What of the student taking a random walk on the web for recreation or perhaps in the hope of finding an inspirational gem? If that gem is, to mix a metaphor, a moving target behind a soft link, then it is unlikely to rank in the SERPs and may never be seen.

Perhaps I’m being naive, maybe students never surf the web in this way, looking for research papers of interest. However, with multidisciplinarity increasingly necessary in many cross-disciplines it seems unlikely that gems are going to be unearthed through conventional literature searching of a parochial database that covers a limited range of journals and other resources.

Make Music, Boost Brain

Power of musicI’ve played guitar – classical, acoustic, electric – for over three decades, ever since I pilfered my sister’s nylon string at the age of 12, although even before that, I’d had a couple of those mini toy guitars with actual strings at various points in my childhood. Even though I never took a single guitar lesson, I eventually learned to follow music and guitar tablature, but was only really any good at keeping up with a score if I’d already heard someone else play the music, it don’t mean a thing if it ain’t got that swing…after all.

Meanwhile, I took up singing in a choral group (called bigMouth) and have felt compelled to become ever so slightly more adept at reading music in a slightly more disciplined environment than jamming on guitars with friends. Big Mouth formed in the autumn of 2007 and we meet weekly for singing practice and have now done a few small “local” gigs. We even put together a last-minute audition video tape for the BBC’s Last Choir Standing, but didn’t make it through to the heats, (un)fortunately.

Anyway, that’s probably enough detail. The point I wanted to make is that until I joined Big Mouth and began making music regularly with a group, I’d always felt like I was quite useless at remembering people’s names. Like many people I’d always had to make a real conscious effort to keep new names in mind. However, in the last few months, with no deliberate action on my part, I’ve noticed that I seem to remember stuff like fleeting introductions, the names of people mentioned in conversations, or press releases and other such transient data much better than before.

I’m curious as to whether it’s the ever-so-slightly more formal discipline of group music practice that’s done something to the wiring in my brain or whether it’s simply to do with expanding one’s social group in a sudden burst like this. Ive heard of people claiming increased brain power after taking music lessons, here you can find piano teaching resources. It’s probably a combination of both and my suspicions about the power of music for boosting the brain are bolstered somewhat by a recent TED talk from Tod Machover and Dan Ellsey on the power of music

I also wonder whether there’s some connection with the Earworms concept for language learning, which I reviewed back in 2006.

A Wrench for Social Engineering

Social engineering attacks, what used to be known as a confidence, or con, tricks, can only be defeated by potential victims taking a sceptical attitude to unsolicited approaches and requests for privileged information and resources. That is the message that arrives from European researchers.

Most of us have received probably dozens of phishing messages and emails from scammers on the African continent seeking to relieve us of our hard-earned cash. Apparently, these confidence tricksters are so persuasive that they succeed repeatedly in hustling funds even from those among us with a normally cynical outlook and awareness of the ways of the world.

On the increase too are cowboy construction outfits and hoax double-glazing sales staff who wrest the life savings from senior citizens and so-called boiler room fraudsters who present get-rich-quick schemes so persuasively that thousands of unwitting individuals lose money totalling millions of dollars each year.

Con artists and hustlers have always preyed on greed and ignorance. As the saying, goes a fool and their money are easily parted. However, the new generation of social engineers, are not necessarily plundering bank accounts with promises of riches untold, but are finding ways to infiltrate sensitive databases, accounts, and other resources, using time-honoured tricks and a few new sleights of hand.

Now, Jose Sarriegi of the Tecnun (University of Navarra), in San Sebastian, Spain, and Jose Gonzalez, currently in the department of Security and Quality and Organizations, at the University of Agder, Norway, have taken a look at the concept of social engineering, and stripped it down to the most abstract level (International Journal of System of Systems Engineering (2008, 1, 111-127)). Their research could lead to a shift in attitude that will arm even the least sceptical person with the necessary social tools to spot an attempt at social engineering and stave off the attack with diligence.

Fundamentally, the researchers explain, social engineering is an attempt to exploit a victim, whether an individual or organization, in order to steal an asset, money, data, or another resource or else to make some resource unavailable to legitimate users in a denial of service attack or in the extreme instigate some terrorist, or equally destructive, activity.

Of course, a social engineering attack may not amount to a single intrusion, it could involve layer upon layer of deceptions at different places and on different people and resources. The creation of a sophisticated back-story, access to less sensitive resources, and targeting of the ultimate goal is more likely to be a dynamic process. This, the researchers suggest, means that looking for “heaps of symptoms”, as might occur in attempting to detect someone breaking into a computer system, is no longer appropriate and a dynamic response to a dynamic attack is more necessary now than ever before.

Recognising the shifting patterns of an ongoing and ever-changing social engineering attack means better detection of problems low in the metaphorical radar, the team suggests. Better detection means improved efficacy of security controls. The best defence is then to build, layer-by-layer, feedback loops that can catch an intruder at any of many different stages rather than relying on a single front-line defence that might be defeated with a single blow.

Online Science

How can science benefit from online social media?

My good friend, Jean-Claude Bradley of Drexel University, a chemist and host of the UsefulChem Blogspot blog, who is very keen on the use of information technology and the notion of the open notebook was first to respond to my question when I asked a variety of contacts for their opinions: “For me the answer is clear: it is a great way to find new collaborators whom I would otherwise not have met.” I’d have to agree, I’ve known JCB for quite some time now, although we’ve never even shaken hands. He was one of the early interviewees for my Reactive Profiles column. We didn’t meet virtually through online media, however, but through a mutual friend Tony Williams, then of ACD/Labs and now increasingly well known as ChemSpiderman.

Erik Mols, a Lecturer in Bioinformatics at Leiden University of Applied Science, The Netherlands, echoed JCB’s remark: “It gives me the opportunity to discuss with people I never would have met,” he said, and added that, “It creates possibilities for my students to do their internship abroad.”

Another good friend, Egon Willighagen, who is a post-doc at Wageningen University & Research Center, provided a quite detailed answer: “It provides one with the means to mine the overwhelming amount of information,” he says, “For example, searching for some scientific piece of software is more targeted when I search amongst bookmarks of fellow bio/chemoinformaticians than if I were to search Google.” He points out that the Web 2.0 services are most useful when one’s online friends have labelled or tagged particular tools, or better still commented or rated them, as can be done with, for instance. This concept holds just as true for publications, courses, molecules, and other content.

Willighagen points out that conventional search engines do fill an important gap (WoS, Google, etc), “But, they lack the ability in itself to link this with expert knowledge,” he says, “This is particularly why Google, I think, is offering all sorts of services: to find a user profile from a mining point of view. FOAF, social bookmarking, etc, makes such profiles more explicit, allowing more targeted search results.”

Personal contact Joerg Kurt Wegner, a scientist at Tibotec (Johnson & Johnson), suggested that my original question might be couched in slightly different terms: “The question is rather why ‘social science’ is different to ‘editorial science’?”

He suggests that one of the best visualizations for this difference is Alexa’s web ranking statistic comparing Wikipedia and Encyclopaedia Britannica. Wikipedia is a social information gathering process and Britannica is an editorial process. The graph shows that Wikipedia increased its access and popularity dramatically compared to Britannica. “Based on this, I would conclude that the benefit (not only the plain access) is higher for the social service,” Wegner says. He then emphasises that there is indeed a shared problem among scientists, that of information overload.

“Honestly, I cannot see how any editorial process can cope with this problem,” says Wegner. Social software in contrast might be able to tackle this challenge. “Social software is driven by small dedicated user groups (oligarchies),” he explains, “So, compared to an editorial process the number of ‘real’ contributors might actually not be higher. However, the enrichment of diverse and really interested people might be better. If you think that you need for science the smartest set of diverse people, then ‘social software’ cannot be a bad choice, right?”

Wegner suggests that anyone who does not believe this to be the case should carry out a search for their collaborative partners using conventional information sources. The likely result once again will be information overload. More information but no increase in our reading capacity. “Information overload solutions and social software looks like a matching relationship to me,” he adds. The final obstacle is for social software, web 2.0, online networking, social media, whatever you want to call it, to be accepted by the majority and to mature. “Has social software reached a mature status in Gartner’s hype cycle,” asks Wegner, “that means that even conservative people will realize that it is highly recommended to adopt this technology. The question here is also not if science benefits from social media, but how steep the benefit curve is. The longer you wait, the flatter the benefit curve.”

Deepak Singh of the business|bytes|genes|molecules blog adds that, “Historically communication among scientists was limited, e.g. you could get together with your peers from around the world at a conference, or through newsgroups. That’s where collaborations were born, but the scale was limited out of necessity.” Things have changed significantly. “Today, with resources like open wet-ware, etc, and more avenues for online conversation, including blogs and wikis collaborations become a lot easier and feasible.”

In addition, Singh suggests that science is no longer restricted to peer-reviewed publications as the only means of formal communication within the scientific community. “You could publish a paper and blog about the back story, or like some others, e.g. Jean-Claude Bradley, you could practice Open Notebook Science.” He points out that the likes of videos and podcasts only add to the options now available for communicating science.

Nature NetworkHowever, there is another thread to the idea of social media benefiting science and that is that it could also benefit the public with respect to science. “For some reason,” says Singh, “science ended up becoming this silo and preserve of the experts and we ended up with a chasm between experts and others.” Social media could close this gap and make it easier to create virtual communities of people who have common interests, like to share their knowledge, are just curious about things, or are lobbyists and others. “One area where I see tremendous opportunity is education,” Singh adds, “whether through screencasting, or podcasts, or just video lectures and wiki-based learning, that’s probably the one area where I am most hopeful.”

Find David Bradley on Nature Network here and on Nanopaprika nano science network here.

Curing Pubmedophobia

Scienceroll’s Bertalan Meskó has come up with a solution for PubMed fatigue. It’s a debilitating condition that leads to feelings of inadequacy, but it’s not the patient who feels inadequate it’s the PubMed bot itself. “For a site that is as vital to scientific progress as PubMed is, their search engine is shamefully bad. It’s embarrassingly, frustratingly, painfully bad,” says Anna Kushnir on her nature networks blog.

So, Meskó has been connecting up some pipes on the interwebs to come up with the Scienceroll Search. Basically, a personalized medical search engine powered by “You can choose which databases to search in and which one to exclude from your list,” he explains, “It works with well-known medical search engines and databases and we’re totally open to add new ones or remove those you don’t really like.” I almost have a feeling it is something that might have been done with a personalized Google search, but I doubt it could be taken to this logical extreme in Google. So give it a try and leave feedback on Meskó’s site.

Sciencebase Seedier Side

Censored elephant

Anyone would think Sciencebase resided in one of the seedier corners of the internet. Because of all the recent fuss about the new seven deadly sins, I was just checking out the visitor traffic using Google Webmaster Tools and found some quite worrying search queries that bring you, dear readers, to this cybershore.

Apparently, 4% of the searches on Google Images this week brought you looking for the periodic table of sex!

Well, I have to admit, there is a thumbnail graphic of said item on the site, mentioned in a post Periodic Post, from August 2006. And, Sciencebase ranks #7 in Google for that phrase, so it’s perhaps not surprising. Slightly more worrying is what people were searching for who reached my post Giving Good Headline, which was about the subject of press releases and the best approach to headline writing. Then there are the dozens of visitors looking for Girly Games who found my article on the psychology of video game addiction and how it apparently differs between males and females.

I’m loathe to list some of the other terms people are searching for on Google Images for that brings them to Sciencebase, oh go on then, you twisted my arm: erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, seven deadly sins, erotic, and several I’d blush even to type.

Sexy search queries

Now, Sciencebase, for one reason or another (and it’s not because, it’s that kind of site) somehow ranks quite highly for several of those terms. However, there are a few others that bring visitors to the site for which the site ranks way, way down the search engine results pages (SERPs), and I don’t just mean the bottom of page 1, or page 2 even, I mean bottom of page 73. Now, that reveals true search diligence, I’d suggest. Whoever works their way through 72 pages of results to get to that one item?

Most visitors are not after smut, thankfully, they’re after the site’s hard-hitting science news and views with a cynical bite. Unfortunately, as I was writing this post, I realised that posting it in its original form was unlikely to reduce the tide of filth, in fact it might simply encourage more of those seedier searches, so I’ve removed a few of the less choice keywords, just to make it safe for work and to prevent the site from getting slapped with an adult-filtering ban.

Afters I’d put the finishing touches to this piece, I checked the site’s top searches in GWMT again, just to see if there had been any additional phrases of interest. I discovered that Sciencebase is now ranking for “polar bears willie soon” in blog searching. Asa search phrase that has to be pretty unique. I assumed it was from someone in the UK urgently tracking down Arctic bestiality sites, or Inuit innuendo, until I realised it’s actually two phrases – Polar Bears (the Arctic beast in question) and Willie Soon (the climate change skeptic) – both of which I mentioned in my CO2 refusenik post recently. It seems that Sciencebase is not quite the quagmire of filth some of the site’s visitors had hoped after all.

Linked In Questions

Linked In QuestionsRecently, I did a little blogging experiment on the business networking site LinkedIn (inspired by a post on Copyblogger). I was writing a feature article for Sciencebase about risk and the public perception of trust in science and technology. As an alternative route into the opinions of lots of members of the community, I posted an open question asking rhetorically why the public no longer trusts science and told potential respondents to let me know if they didn’t mind being quoted in the article.

The question was worded very loosely with the aim of eliciting the strongest responses possible. It’s not something I would usually do, I’d simply approach independent experts and contacts and ask their opinions directly in a more traditional journalistic way. But, like I say, this was an experiment.

Replies poured in quite quickly. One respondent thought I was crazy for imagining that the public does not trust science. “People do trust science and scientists," he said, "Anyone who doesn’t, please stand up and be allowed to fall immediately victim to polio, the Black Death, measles, chronic sinus infection, prostate cancer, and on on and on.” Others were in a similar vein.

They were not the kind of responses I was expecting. As if by listing the various things that many people take for granted somehow measures their trust of science. In fact, one can make a similar list of the kinds of science-related topics that are alluded to in the research about which I was writing in the original post – GMOs, nuclear, cloning, mobile phone radiation, stem cells, cancer risk, adverse drug reactions, superbugs, vaccines, environment, pollution, chemical weapons, biological agents, military technology.

These are all science subjects, in some sense, and are considered seriously problematic in the eyes of the public. Of course, the solutions to all those problems also lies with science, but that doesn’t detract from the fact that the public commonly distrusts.

The article itself looked at how the public respond to such issues, specifically cancer clusters, and delved into how trust in such matters is actually coloured by the particular organisation or entity that is offering the information about the topic. Moreover, the study showed that the way people assess risk when faced with such information differs greatly depending on the source of the information. Their thinking seems to change in working on such a risk-benefit equation depending on the source, whether it’s come from an official organ or a pressure group, for instance.

Strangely, another respondent accused me of bias in my writing, as if somehow the placement of a deliberately provocative question in a public forum was somehow the writing itself rather than simply an enquiry.

I could not understand why he thought that my posing a question journalistically would preclude me from writing a neutral piece? It was his response to my initial broad question that has led me to write this post, however, so maybe I should thank him for the inspiration.

As I explained, I put the question with a deliberate and strong inflection in order to provoke the strongest response from the community. That’s pretty much a standard approach to getting useful opinions from people on both sides of an argument in journalism. If you don’t believe me listen to the way people like the BBC’s Jeremy Paxman and John Humphrys posture through their questioning in order to get the best response out of their interviewees. They often hint at a strong statement through their question one way or the other and people will either support what you say and offer their positive opinions or else argue against you.

It’s usually best to lean away from them (not only to avoid the blows but to inspire them to give the strongest argument for their case, and I’m not referring to Paxman or Humphrys here). Either way, you get useful comments on both sides that will provide the foundations for the actual writing and so allow you to produce a neutral article that reveals the pros and cons of an issue without personal bias.

Anyway, as an experiment, it didn’t work too well, initially. However, once the community had warmed to the question and I’d added a clarification some quite useful answers that weren’t simply an attack on the question itself began to emerge.

As it turns out, none of the responses really fit with what I wanted to report in the original post, which you can read in the Sciencebase blog under the title In What We Trust, by the way, and so I intend to write another post discussing the various points raised and namechecking those members of the LinkedIn community who were happy to be quoted.

Search and Cite for Science Bloggers

Crossref for WordPress

A couple of weeks ago I was reading a post by Will Griffiths on the ChemSpider Open Chemistry Web blog about how the DOI citation system of journal article lookups might be improved. The DOI system basically assigns each research paper a unique number depending, with an embedded publisher tag. Enter a DOI into a look up box (e.g. the DOI lookup on Sciencebase, foot of that page) and it almost instantaneously takes you to the paper in question. I use the DOI system for references in Sciencebase posts all the time.

There are a few cons that counteract its various pros, for instance, not all publishers use it and among those that do there are some who do not implement the DOI for their papers until they are in print, as opposed to online. Despite that it is very useful and commonly used. Having read Griffiths’ post about OpenURL a non-proprietary DOI alternative, I thought maybe it would be even more powerful if the concept were taken back another step the author level and I came up with the concept of a PaperID, which I blogged about on PaperID, I reasoned could be a unique identification tag for a reasearch paper, created by the author using a central open system (akin to the InChI code for labelling individual compounds). I’m still working out the ins and outs of this concept and while a few correspondents have spotted potentially fatal flaws others see it as a possible way forward.

Meanwhile, CrossRef, the association behind the publisher linking network, has just announced a beta version of a plugin for bloggers that can look up and insert DOI-enabled citations in a blog post. I’ve not investigated the plugin in detail yet, but you can download from a Crossref page at the Crossref plugin apparently allows bloggers to add a widget to search CrossRef metadata using citations or partial citations. The results of the search, with multiple hits, are displayed and you then either click on a hit to go to the DOI, or click on an icon next to the hit to insert the citation into their blog entry. I presume they’re using plugin and widget in the accepted WordPress glossary sense of those words as the plugin is available only for WordPress users at the moment with a MoveableType port coming soon.

According to Geoffrey Bilder, CrossRef’s Director of Strategic Initiatives, “CrossRef is helping jumpstart the process of citing the formal literature from blogs. While there is a growing trend in scientific and academic blogging toward referring to formally published literature, until now there were few guidelines and very few tools to make that process easy.” Well that reference to a jumpstart sounds like marketing-speak to me, as Sciencebase and dozens of other science blogs have been using DOI for years.

Whether or not I will get around to installing what amounts to yet another WordPress plugin I haven’t decided. I may give it a go, but if it works as well as is promised you will hopefully not see the join. Meanwhile, let me have your thoughts on the usefulness of DOI and the potential of OpenURL and PaperID in the usual place below.