New Facebook friends and blogging advice

If you’ve been on Facebook for any length of time you will have had friend requests from people you don’t know. That’s fine. Often they’re just spammers. Sometimes, they’re users with whom you might have a few friends in common. If paths haven’t crossed I usually redirect requests to the Sciencebase Facebook page instead of automatically accepting the request. Occasionally, the new wouldbe friend turns out already to “like” the page, says so and starts a conversation. Also fine. Half proves they’re not some kind of bot. Virtual friendships can spring from such occurrences. It’s what this social media lark is all about, right?

Indian medical blogger Pranab Chatterjee who runs Scepticemia, sent me a friend request and I went through the process described above and he pointed out that he already liked the fan page, was surprised to learn I also run Sciencetext and wondered how I manage to juggle so many words at once. He also thought that I might be able to offer him some advice on boosting visitors to his blog as he felt like it had reached a plateau. He wanted the recipe for my secret sauce of success…well I don’t have one, I just work (probably too) hard and hope for the best. So, I turned the tables on Pranab and asked him what I could do to improve my blog.

He was a little taken aback, but offered some encouraging words about the liking the clean look of the blogs and putting in a request for more hardcore medical posts, he’s a doctor, hence the interest. I do write about medical matters, but I will probably leave the hardcore stuff to the hardcore medical bloggers (and I don’t mean Dr G)

Anyway, if there is a recipe for blogging success, other than going black hat it has to be plenty of persistence a wadge of hard work, and perhaps a very strong background in the subject on which you’re blogging coupled with experience in the wider journalism industry and/or experience in science (or other field) and the conference circuit. I think enjoying writing probably helps as does have an analytical approach. Being active in social media, particularly Facebook and Twitter seems to help raise one’s profile although is not really reflected in traffic, in my experience (a few hundred to a thousands new visits extra each week, perhaps) and the occasional spike. Others might perceive that differently, but more than 80% of Sciencebase traffic is still search engine derived. Nevertheless, make sure every new blog post is as perfect and precise as you can, and then tell your Facebook followers, twitter crowd about it. It’s also always worth doing a spot of whitehat SEO, just to improve search traffic benefit.

That’s just a few, almost random thoughts. Bottom line is: if you enjoy writing, you probably should have a blog. If you enjoy people you probably should make friends.

Scientists on Twitter

TL:DR – An out-of-date list of people working in science and their twitter accounts, dates back to 2009

I started a list of scientists and others on twitter back in the early days, long before Twitter itself even had lists. This is the legacy list of scientwists I started in January 2009. It eventually reached more than 500 members. Keeping it up to date became a chore early on when scientwists (scientists, science writers, science librarians, others in science) changed their avatars or bios. I have not updated the list for many years, many of these people will have left twitter in the meantime, some are still around, others have moved over to Mastodon.

sciencebase David Bradley
Science Writer, sci-tech journalism, guitar, singing, photography, family, friends, dog, good wine, real ale. Tweet me @sciencebase or visit
Washington DC
Scientist gone over to the dark side – policy, communication, engagement, and all that stuff! Oh, and am the Science Advisor to the Project on Emerging Nanotech
pining4fjords Michele Ledgerwood
Scientist. Writer. Editor. Traveler. Linguist. Oenophile. Culinary Enthusiast. Mother.
Mucking about in boats on the River Thames as well as doing Tech Transfer for Cancer Research UK
Washington, DC
Quick news blasts from the American Chemical Society, the world’s largest scientific society
Central Florida
Entomologist, Beekeeper, African Bee (Killer Bee) removal expert, geek scientist,Too Tall. Got questions about Bugs? I can answer them for you!
alandove Alan Dove
Science writer, technology enthusiast, and all-around geek.
Policy wonk, ex-physicist.
Allochthonous Chris Rowan
Edinburgh, UK
geologist, sarky bastard, fan of real ale and proper coffee
Creative communications for science and healthcare
alun Alun
Midlands, UK
One of the archaeoastronomers connected to Leicester University. Doesn’t follow social media experts.

Palo Alto, CA
Helping technical women connect with each other, resources & opportunities through my work at the nonprofit Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology

annabones Anna
College student, twin, Special Education major, oboe player.
Anarchyswan ShawnACyran
iPhone: 40.657547,-74.128082
Scientist, teacher, Photographer, small business owner, cancer survivor.
andrewspong Andrew Spong
An STM publisher. Most likely to hashtag: content, STM, EBM, H20, medicine, medical, health, healthcare, primary, secondary care, EHR, EMR, PHR
andrewsun Andrew Sun
Guangzhou, China
Chemical pianist
Kolkata, India
I am an entrepreneur, software architect, java, php & wordpress guru, blogger, human being. Need more info? –

Science journalist for Nat Geo News, Universe Today and my own blog, _100 Days of Science._ Interested in the environment, society, travel, triathlon.
Somewhere near Oxford
Galaxy Zoo Technical Lead


One of the Department of Energy 

South Africa
In teachers’ professional development. Life long learner
Newcastle upon Tyne
By day Andy is a mild-mannered science communicator. Later, well, I couldn’t possibly comment.

Woodland Hills, CA, USA
Space science writer for and the Universe Today. British, but lives in the US. Enjoys a good beer but prefers tea. A toast and butter advocate

Astronautics ??? Astronautics ???
Space and Astronautics News
Space Shuttle, NASA, ESA, International Space Station, astronomy, NOAA, USGS, weather, earthquakes, hurricanes, oceans, animals
Rosman, NC
Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute
research scientist, rookie coder, biotech geek, Mac OS X, Unix, Android, Arduino fan, life extension supporter
London, UK
Science writer, Japanophile, consumer
aygul Aygul Zagidullina
Stuttgart, Germany
Web2.0 girl, social media freak :)
Myrtle Beach, SC’s Guide to Chemistry, scientist, mom, writer, gardener, musician.
BadAstronomer Phil Plait
Astronomer, author, skeptic, funny guy, writer
Scientist formulating cosmetics and topical pharmaceuticals.

bcbray Bethany Bray
State College, PA
Assistant Director of The Methodology Center at Penn State, and all around research methodology nerd.
Berci Bertalan Meskó
Debrecen, Hungary
Founder of, health 2.0 consultant, medical student and blogger; Second Life resident, Wikipedia administrator and a geneticist wannabe
earth science, physics educator, tech/VW, SL: Ivy Innis

Palm Beach Gardens, Florida
Attorney. International relations, science, space, intelligence, philosophy, writing, book collecting and reading, etc.


Oxford, UK
scientist, blogger (The Scientific Activist)
BioPortfolio BioPortfolio
BioPortfolio is the leading careers, news and information resource for the life science and pharmaceutical industries.


Novato, CA
Prod. Mgr. @ manufacturer of real-time pcr probes & primers
BiotechTweet Ian Hallett
Business Development Manager, Early Drug Development, interested in improving drug development with new technologies, cycling, running and cooking
bleaklow Nick Roberts
Bristol, UK
Biologist, runner, and with a new bionic arm

Blugger Beatrice Lugger
Munich, Germany
media consulting, science journalist, web 2.0, social networks
(Bio)chemist who tries to save the world from the bad guys messing around with chemical and biological weapons.
Writer and Editor working for Nature

bmossop Brian Mossop
San Francisco, CA
Scientist by day, blogger by night.
Arkansas Ozarks
Maker of wooden spoons, strong-backed cohort of a wifely potter, gardener, aspiring macro photographer, back yard naturalist with a 40-acre backyard.
Waterhen Lake Sk.
Hi all. I am a high school science teacher in North Central Sask. but my passion right now is instructional technology.
Chapel Hill NC
Science communication: blogging, publishing, teaching.

United Kingdom
Journalist on sabbatical leave (PÚBLICO newspaper). Interested in literature, science and communication. Imperial College PG student.
brett_hoover Brett A. Hoover
Cleveland, OH
Serial Entrepreneur, Stem Cell/Molecular Biologist, Commercialization and New Venture Analyst, Funding Finder, Business Buddy, and Fighter of the ‘Good’ Fight.
Low Earth Orbit
Entomology. Nerdery. Gardening.

SP, Brazil

calxcape Khanh Dang
Cambridge, Massachusetts
explorer. biological engineer. architect. photographer.
CameronNeylon CameronNeylon
Open Science, Open Access, and bringing more experimental technqiues to the biosciences.
carlosrizo carlosrizo
iPhone: 43.683758,-79.387398
ePatient, MD, eHealth researcher, visual thinker, idea machine, entrepreneur, father, husband, passionate about innovation, humility, serendipity, randomness

CarltonHoytPhD Carlton Hoyt
Troy NY / Hoboken & JC NJ
Biology PhD, hot off the presses. Looking to move into clinical trials. Specializing in Cardiovascular, CNS, and Opthamology.
A science writer (most recent book: Microcosm)
South Carolina
I am a [science] writer, a college student, an inorganic chemist, an antsy graduate school applicant who relies on coffee to spur literary thought.
Research scientist, contemplating writing a book, spends a lot of time photographing things, eats an awful lot of cheese
Lexington, KY
excitable but quiet chemist. loves kitties, sleep and cooking.
Philadelphia, PA
cell therapy analytics, stem cell research, sci web geek
cephalopodcast Jason Robertshaw
Sarasota, Florida
Science edu + ocean info and stuff.
Washington, DC
I’m a biological scientist, government consultant. social software experimentalist, catalyst, speaker, advisor, writer, and co-founder of Government 2.0 Club.


ChemPub Graham McCann
Cambridge, England
STM Publisher with the Royal Society of Chemistry: personal twitter @JetPlane
ChemSpiderman ChemSpiderman
North Carolina
I am the host of ChemSpider, father of two and fun guy all around..
Yorkshire, UK
Diet: Black Sheep Ales-Cake-Coffee. Atmospheric science (NCAS)-chemistry-Environment-Leeds Univ UK –
chrislintott chrislintott
Oxford, England
Astronomer, zookeeper and journalist, based at University of Oxford.
christinagiles christina giles
science-writing, ale-drinking cat calendar enthusiast

Houston, TX
Science reporter and blogger for the Houston Chronicle. I cover everything from hurricanes to nanotech. Likes: family, cycling, football. And ice cream.

Science journalist, formerly at New Scientist, then Nature, now freelance. PhD in developmental biology

claireoconnell claireoconnell
Scientist, journalist with The Irish Times, mother of two gorgeous children and wife of just the one gorgeous husband

Santa Barbara
CoGI is developing global solutions through collaboration, PhD education, and research
San Diego, CA
Biotechnology and Life Sciences Marketing and Business Development (Mary, Founder)
Washington, DC
work @NASA HQ in Legislative Affairs; Space Geek & Political Junkie (R). Also mom of 2 juggling work and play day by day
Königswinter, Germany
All things astronomy & space (and then some) – in tiny bits & pieces … :-)
Culver, Indiana, USA
Science geek heavily invested in ed tech, chemistry and his family. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to work for Apple. I have too many gadgets.
Philadelphia, PA
Biologist by day, craftster (stamps, calligraphy), baker, gardener, knitter, seamstress, by night… and camerawoman for ForkYou on the weekends!

crc2008 crc

surgery, scenarios, innovation, technology…’ /> 

I write sf&f, homeschool, native-plant/community/rain garden, costume, <3 FiberCrafts/Geodesics/Buckyballs/CChondrites/SkyHooks; Mom, Wife, NASAFellow, A
Futures/FOREX Trader, Trading Advisor, Science Educator, Blogger, Dorval Islander.
ctorgan Carol Torgan
DC area
Health scientist, eHealth strategist, blogger, nature girl. Science+tech+design+art = innovative health solns
cupton1 Chris Upton
Victoria BC
Viruses and bioinformatics
Belgrade, Serbia via Rome
web activist and consultant. project manager. global nomad


Not an expert in anything, but I blog about health at Asia Health Care Blog anyway. Duke alumn that calls Beijing and N. Carolina home.
Davidson, NC
I’m a writer. I blog at and, and I run
iPhone: 51.662125,-0.381676
Biomedical Scientist working in Laboratory Medicine
Gambler, pipesmoker, scientist, historian, writer, and public servant at EPSRC
Collins, Mississippi
An entrepreneur, affiliate marketer, and blogger.
Silver Spring, MD
The Discovery Education 3M Young Scientist Challenge is the premiere National Middle School Science Competition. Erin tweets on this page!
Cambridge, UK
I work in human evolutionary genomics, and blog about the genetic testing industry
World Wide
Spreading health and working for a cure!
Etna, NH
Medicine and martinis. Science and sex. Fashionable and fabulous. Bisexual and brazen. Chirpy cheeky crazy carnal girl.

Kingston/Cape Cod/Cambridge MA
Managing people & programs. Parent. NASA. Science. Women In Science. Westies. Unemployed,help!
I study and teach people how to use bioinformatics to learn biology
DIUS_Science DIUS_Science
To build a dynamic, knowledge based economy DIUS draws together the nation’s strengths in colleges, research, science and universities.
West Lulworth
Dublin-born release engineer living in Cambridge, UK.
Indiana, USA
Physicist, philosopher, drinker, socialite, and overall good chap. Ohh and modest :)
Eau Claire, WI
Confused Individual who enjoys connectedness and confusion.
doctor in london, likes social media, beaches & the meaningful interpretation of evidence. Patient Eye blog on
Edinburg, Texas
A Canadian in Texas. Associate professor at The University of Texas-Pan American studying brains, behaviour, and evolution, mostly using crustaceans.
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Living a life of a Medic

Oakland, CA
Researching cellular senescence, blogging about biogerontology at Ouroboros: Research in the Biology of Aging
DorothyBeach Dorothy Beach
Recruiting researcher with experience in science, consumer research and more recently in headhunting in some of the largest companies in America.
Professor of Environmental Health, chronic disease epidemiologist
Hampshire, England.
Science writer, author, journalist.
Southampton, UK
Philosopher, bounder, provocateur, distinctly average psychologist, even worse photographer.
Major Research University (MRU
Dr. Isis is a physiologist and blogger at She writes about being a woman in academia, science, and shoes.
V St NW & Flagler Pl NW, W
Science Policy dude, Writer for Ars Technica, sneaker fiend.
San Francisco, CA
Science is sexy.
Isle of Wight, UK
Author of “It’s ONLY Rocket Science – An Introduction in Plain English”. Also Engineer, Astronomer, Freelance Science Writer and Speaker.

DrQz Neil Gunther

San Francisco Bay
The Netherlands
a Dutch psychiatrist working in a University hospital
Washington, DC
CEO, Better Health LLC
British Columbia
Assistant professor @ the University of Northern British Columbia
Biologist turned epidemiologist (the dark side to my bench friends) studying cancer. Soon to be phd. Fascinated by biology DNA & gene-environment interactio
easternblot Eva
science communication – but not so much here, I’m afraid.
ecarone ecarone
Washington, DC
Eternal New Yorker who is passionate about science, public health and science writing/communications. Heading to grad school shortly, freelancing presently

Mystic, CT
Science writer, creator of Not Exactly Rocket Science, works at Cancer Research UK, lives in London, married to Alice, addicted to internet.
Follow me for the latest from EMBO, the European Molecular Biology Organization

Enabling Grids for E-sciencE (EGEE) is the largest multi-disciplinary grid infrastructure in the world
Eagle, Idaho
Versatile Tissue Simulation for Biomedical Research & Education
EpicBear EpicBear
Washington DC
DC lover. Knowledge kindler. Indie bliss-rocker. Crypto-dancer. Sun-dappled genomicist. Binary auteur. Chiffon-strapped carpetbagger. Quixotic mudlark.
Princeton, NJ
Mad Scientist

eroston Eric Roston
Washington, DC
“A generalist is someone who learns less and less about more and more things until he knows nothing about absolutely everything.” — Edwin Salpeter

European Union of Science Journalists

EvaEarth Eva
The US East Coast

Outer Worlds & Deep Space
The Art and Science of Exoplanets and the Search for Life on other Worlds.

expeditionlog expeditionlog
Southern Ocean
Expedition exploring undersea volcanoes around Antarctica

Faculty of 1000 – expert post-publication peer review. Identifying the biomedical papers that really matter.

tech r&d: mobile, wireless, energy. innovation. ventures. social entrepreneurship.

Northeast US
MPH, BS Biochemistry, Nutrition, Integrative Medicine, Diabetes (current work), Aerospace Engineering (former work), Simple Food.
Kensington, Greater London
birder (I run @BirdGuides), moth-er, butterflier, periodic table maker and gadget freak

feministchemist Feminist Chemist
Third year Ph.D. candidate in Chemistry. Academia awaits!

Cambridge, UK
Linux, Mac, Paddling, Molecular Biology, Geek, blogger, Mythtv, Reader, Climber, and now house renovation!

fisicainteressa Renato P. dos Santos
Scientwist and Professor. Physics teaching, Web 2.0, Second Life, RPG, History of Physics, Epistemology, …I do my best to make Physics interesting!

Eustis, Fl
Florida Citizens for Science Communications Director

flipphillips flip phillips
Gilbert Corners, New York
vision scientist, ex pixar

The Colorado Front Range
I study the modeling of our musculoskeletal system with floating compression models (AKA tensegrity models). The bones: they float!

Revolving around science, photography and music. Experimenting with the ways science is done.

The Flying Trilobite – art in awe of science. Illustration by Glendon Mellow.

Medicine Hat, AB, Canada
Semi-retired biology teacher. Also working with student teachers. Mac user. Alberta Science Literacy Associaiton Board Member

Maui, HI
surfer-physicist (multiclass)

Clean energy entrepreneur and blogger. and, Kayaker, Outdoorsman

Paisley, Scotland
seamouse enthusiast, student, mother, lepidoptera lover, biologist, invertebrate conservationist.

Manchester UK | Blacksburg VA
Biochemist, Computer Scientist, Systems Biologist, Professor, Flyier, Programmer, SysAdmin, Enzymologist, INTP, Geek!

Upstate NY, USA
Scientist, photographer, former college professor, current FFS math / science chair

girlscientist Chris Gunter
Geneticist, recovering Nature editor, buddhist, and single mom in Huntsville

Mom who writes about ADHD and science projects. Not necessarily in that order…

goodlaura Laura Good
Sacramento, CA & Calaveras
Twitter Apprentice | Med-Tech Biz Dvlpmt Consultant | Dog Lover | SciFi enthusiast | Auntie | ENFP | Love Jesus | Good Friend | SARTA MedStart

London, UK
Nature Publishing Group evangelist. Varied interests to do with science communication, publishing, marketing/PR. Aspirant nu-geek. Loves shoes

Efland, NC
Middle School Biotechnology Teacher, Scientific Visualizations, Learning Progressions, #apbio

London, UK
News and comment from the Guardian’s technology team

Knoxville, TN
A phd student in planetary science & geology. I play with thermal cameras, neutron detectors & video games. I like physics and electronics.

A clever & funny videogames netcast that chats to academics and other cool people, with new music for every show.

Morzine, France
Medical writer and editor, skier and francophile

St Andrews or Edinburgh
A physics student, but with social skills

Washington, DC
Editor in Chief of

Salisbury, England
Traffic and transport psychologist based at University of Bath

Bradford on Avon
I’m a Scientist, Get me out of Here! is an online event that gets young people talking to real scientists online.

London, UK
Keeping you up to date with the latest mechanical engineering events and webcasts from the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE)

imyra_mi_chan imyra_mi_chan
A Biologist, violinist, and a little geek. I think it is a very good combo =)

Inderscience publishes more than 250 international research journals in a wide range of disciplines. Follow our tweets to get the latest on highlighted papers

Tempe, AZ
Genetics major, music fiend, integral obsessive, love/hate relationship with humans.

interactome Joshua Havumaki
Currently work for small systems biology company Plectix BioSystems, launching a cell signaling web-based platform called Cellucidate. Returning to Grad School

Grad office most likely
Geology, Sedimentology, Stratigraphy, Grad Student

Just some astronomer. Or proto-astronomer, at least.

Mebane, North Carolina
Science Blogger, developmental biologist researcher, aspiring college professor

Ann Arbor, MI 48103
Pharmacology research scientist interested in the cardiovascular system, homebrewing and all things geeky.

Hinxton, UK
Bioinformatician throwing data around.

Los Angeles
I am where my actions take my thoughts. Thinker, Entrepreneur, Pharma Field Medical, Competitive Intelligence, Mom 1.0 leading Business 2.0.

San Francisco, CA, USA
scientist – web developer – indie rock musician. That last one is kind of stretching it.

Los Angeles, CA
I’m an astrophysicist…with many earthly interests: travel, technology, science, & soccer among them.

Cambridge UK
(ex)chemist definitely a coder, a guitarist and a burgeoning bassist
jayhawkbabe Michelle Gill
New York, NY
Biophysicist-studies enzyme dynamics via Nuclear Magnetic Resonance/Postdoctoral Fellow Columbia University/B.S. Kansas/Ph.D. Yale/Mac-Unix chick

Associate Prof of Chemistry

Child neuropsychologist – director

Windsor, Ontario, Canada
High School Chemistry Teacher, Web 2.0 initiate, lover of corny jokes, and Father and Husband in the best family ever.

Portsmouth, UK
Sci, Tech, Med & Scholarly news from Wiley-Blackwell books and journals, and my own general ramblings… (for embargoed news please DM me)

Berkeley, CA
Biophysicist. Side interests: photography, home-made kites, technology for public health.

Former biology professor turned science policy fellow, blogger, and artist. Currently working on new media/communications/Gov 2.0.

Idaho, USA
Cell & cancer biologist, educator, biological modeler, husband & father, outdoor adventurist, enjoy poetry, writing, music, philosophy, sunsets & su


web video/science communication/tv producer/general-purpose geek

University Of Leicester
supporting the small worlds project

London, UK
Science Information Officer & Research Liaison Officer (formerly Islet Project Coordinator), Diabetes UK

London, UK
Senior Editor at Nature Materials and freelance science writer

Quadsville, Iowa 52722
Champion of Science. Invoker of Logic. Promoter of Reason. Educator. Security Professional. Astronomer. Blogger. Skeptic.

London, United Kingdom
A chemistry PR, I love science, tech, Macs and PCs, comedy and miscellany

Cambridge, MA
Physiology graduate student, science editor, intern at Nature

New York
Becoming science educator extraordinaire; having fun with informal science education- I teach ’cause I can’t help it! I’m a total nerd about STEM

san francisco, california
science craft awesome geology

Natural History Museum scientist, Beagle Project science directrix, blogger, romantic materialist, Darwin groupie, hella telemark skier, reluctant Londoner

Work for a great Chromatography Company – trying to add more color to the world

New York and California
science journalist who likes biology, astronomy, history, good writing, and places where these things intersect.

Szeged – Ghent
Open source, The Universe and Everything. But most of all DRUPAL and LIFE SCIENCES. Co-founder of Pronovix.

Kyrsten_Jensen Kyrsten_Jensen
iPhone: 49.205055,-122.904495
Science enthusiast, political junkie, knitting fanatic, music maven

Beaufort, NC
Marine Biologist, Writer, Musician, Purveyor of the Spineless, Evangelist of Open Access

A magazine for laboratory managers and research professionals. Ken is the GM of Lab Manager and LabX.

Orange County
LabRoots is a free, social networking site that enables scientists, engineers, and other technical professionals to connect, collaborate with, and learn.

Iowa City, IA
Molecular Biology Grad student at UIowa who runs a science social network. Enjoy the news and stop by the site!

Auctions and classifieds ads for new and used laboratory equipment, medical, test, process and pharma.

Medical Librarian, former scientist, mom, wife and human

LCGC Europe publishes peer-reviewed articles on chromatography, sample preparation, electrophoresis and more. We also produce e-mag The Column, available online
Fresno, California
reconciliation ecologist, evolutionary biologist, cine buff, amateur nature photographer

Assistant Director of Science Outreach at COMPASS. I get giddy about oceans, fish, deep-sea corals, science journalism, evolution, communication, behavior

Father of 5, Minister For Science & Innovation, Labour peer, car nut

New York
Environmentalist/Blogger/Journalist/Conservationist @

pittsfield, ma
editor at laurin publishing; interests: photonics, lasers, light, science, physics, forensics, cameras, biotech

Reading, MA
spouse, pop, guy in the choir, physical chemist, computer/web dilletante

Emmaus, PA
Lunatic Astronomer

LungAssociation American Lung Assoc.
United States
The American Lung Association is the leading organization working to save lives by improving lung health and preventing lung disease.

Publishing of all flavours (working in online STM), London, the countryside, the world

New England
Philosophy prof. Aikido Blackbelt, Blues guitar player, terrible drummer. Love Bassett Hounds. Drink red wine and Jack Daniels — not mixed together.


en la costa del Mediterráneo
Profe de BioGeo, miembreo de la RedBioGeo

Munich, Germany
String Theorist. That says everything, right? Besides that: web addict, coffee addict (espressionist) and addicted to my wife *charm*

Porto Alegre, Brasil
Doctorate student. Transposons. Arthropods. Phylogenomics. Python. Bioinformatics. Science. Robotics. Linux. Evolution. Good and True Indie Rock.

Simonyi Professor for the Public Understanding of Science and Professor of Mathematics

science blogger, podcaster and doer

Science-Mum of Two

MarioBisi Dr. Mario Mark Bisi
La Jolla/San Diego, CA, USA
Solar and heliospheric postdoctoral research fellow. Welsh, but currently lives in California, USA. Enjoys good tea, coffee, wine, and beer! Loves travelling!

Kendal, UK
Astronomy writer and Outreach Educator and frustrated martian! :-)

Loves: teh internets, videos, internet videos, things you can play (especially poker). Also cheese. Officially: Multimedia Editor for science charity

BDM in pharma B2B publishing. Looking to discuss all things pharmaceutical and publishing.

San Diego, CA
San Diego Biotech Babe

MaryKnudson Mary Knudson
Washington, DC metro area
Health/medical journalist teaching writing at Johns Hopkins U., interested in future of journalism, heart failure, animal appreciation

Minneapolis, Minnesota
Journalist for magazines and Web, author, blogger, photographer, obsessive traveler. Professional disease geek. Recovering newspaper reporter. Also @MRSA_blog.

Weinheim, Germany
Editor-in-Chief of the materials science journal Advanced Functional Materials. Solar cells, organic electronics, and more!

Paris, France
Common sense quantum physicist, easy to grasp approaches to quantum physics, Physics Quote of the Day, Blogger, Wiki-projects

iPhone: 39.744446,-104.996002
Icarus Consultants, Pharma, Biotech, Marketing Strategy, Competitive Intelligence, Science, Market Research, Oncology, Cancer, Hematology

London, UK
Editor at Nature. Reader, parent, blogger, commuter. Find me at Nature Network and FriendFeed – where my worlds collide.

Seattle, WA
Neuroscientist , Foodie, Music, Travel, Reader, Outdoors

Computational Chemist from Minnesota living in Singapore

Flight Academy Blogger, World Traveler, entry level science/space nut

Brief Interesting Facts and Tips for Medical Students.

Santa Monica
Human Genetics Researcher

MicrobeWorld MicrobeWorld

Manager, Public Outreach for the American Society for Microbiology

Washington, DC
biologist interested in neuroscience, data vis & analysis, digital collaboration, and open publishing

I’m a high school biology teacher in Maryland. My class blog is Extreme Biology.

New Mom. New PhD grad. Contractor for NASA Ames Research Center.

Westlake Ave N & Republica
Somewhere between a molecule and a byte. Open data geek. BizDev for EC2 (esp large scale computing) at Amazon Web Services

London, U.K.
Neuroscience postgrad, science blogger/ writer, film buff, funk fanatic, amateur photographer, bibliophile

molmodelblog Molecular Modeling
Keep updated with what’s new in the modeling world, read executive summaries of the latest literature and stay in touch with peers.


Oxfordshire, UK
Martyn Bull: working with science, media, and the web in Oxfordshire, UK

Freelance molecular evolutionary biological videographic scientific microgravitational communications space specializing program manager & Phish head.

San Diego

The SUPERBUG blog: Digital whiteboard for a new book by Maryn McKenna, science journalist, author, blogger. SUPERBUG the book: Coming in 2009 from Free Press.

Cambridge, UK
Organising the world’s scientific data, 140 characters at a time

Writer for and Space Lifestyle Magazine

nancyshute Nancy Shute
Washington, DC
Science and medical writer, blogger for US News & World Report, sometimes gardener.

A website dedicated to nanomedicine and bionanotechnology

Ankara, Turkey
Ögrenci. Student. Blogs about nanotechnology in Turkish.

Washington, DC
The National Academies Press (NAP) publishes the reports issued by the National Academies.

NatureProtocols Nature Protocols

Nature Protocols is an online resource for authoritative, peer-reviewed protocols.

Low ranking bioscience bod working at the academic coal face. Also likes to do other things. Rarely does them though.


Ann Arbor.
Clinical Scientist, Psychologist, and editor of These are my SNPs on academic life

Guitarist, scientist-in-training and general arse. Available for birthdays, weddings and Bah Mitzvahs.

London 2.0
Neuropsychology postgraduate, researcher, blogger.

NextAdvance NextAdvance

Averill Park, NY
High-quality, convenient, and reliable lab equipment. Our goal is to make lab procedures faster and easier.

Cupertino California
NextBio is open science — search across all of the world’s life science information, share data, and collaborate.

Following the intersection of science, technology and information. Edited by @wjjessen and @hleman

‘Nature’ editor who thinks neuroscience isn’t exactly rocket science; it’s more like brain surgery.

Charlottesville, VA
Astronomy grad student by day, bellydancer by night, and skeptical all the time.

Librarian in the Rowland Institute, Harvard University

Notzu Nonia Pariente

Editor, EMBO reports

novoseek is a biomedical search engine based on NLP technology

Kingston, ON
bioinformatician, biologist

Quadsville, Iowa 52722
Astronomer. Scientist. Blogger. Photographer. Mac user. Atheist. Single. Skeptic. Futurist. Primate. Secret Agent. Sock Monkey.

The Universe
Replacing god with Reason.. one tweet at a time
Theoretical Physics -student and a photographing sci-fi geek.
Academic, Scientist, Blogger, Music and Book lover, flirt…

On-Screen Scientist blogger. Marketer and author of science education software (OnScreen Science, Inc).

We make chemistry learning content free, open and available to the world

orthostichy David Welch
ÃœT: 55.830074,-4.261692
Market development with Life Technologies: stem cells, primary cells, and other exciting things

San Diego, CA
Marine biologist and science blogger

My daddy was a grizzly bear and my mama was a mountain lion. I’m a geologist.

Award-winning writer & author, ex- NASA PIO, covers space news & OK crime for Examiner

Arlington, VA
Colombo-Canadian Brit-gringo scientist, work at NSF running climate change programs, and running their Twitter channel

Davis, CA
Evolutionary biologist, Open Access advocate, and Professor at UC Davis

Palo Alto, CA

Freelance science communicator who studies, researches, strategises, writes, markets, in an atheistic, artistic, married, enthusiastic way….

New York
Dr. Cliff Pickover, author of 40+ books, science, science fiction, technology, strange reality, futurism, innovation, mathematics

State College PA/Frederick MD
Social Media & Web Apps since 1995. AFCEA, InfraGard, PRSA. Rainmaker. Cluetrain rider. Catholic layman. Dad. Trendspotter. Analyst/Scribe. WELL alumnus.

London and Colchester, UK
Innovative Publisher in the biochemical, cellular and molecular life sciences. Subsidiary of the Biochemical Society

Honeoye Falls,NY
Chaotic, loud, energetic, fun-loving,22 year veteran physics teacher. Recently National Board Certified and NASA MESSENGER Fellow. STANYS Physics DAL

Victoria BC
Communicating science & technology; wiener dog walks; YouTube junkie; social media

virus guru, professor, host

neuroscience aficionado, web 2.0 enthusiast, budding geneticist, natural-born feminist

The world
Podcasting university lectures and science education project

Anaheim, California
Learning to be Internet savvy, mostly for knowledge and fun.

Arlington, Virginia
I am a writer and scientist. I am also the Abbess of @TheUrbanAbbey, a monastery w/out walls. Also, in my copious free time, I’m a moderator of @bookies.

iPhone: 53.049900,-3.000662
Doctor specialising in Obstetrics & Gynaecology in U.K,interested in Blogging,web 2.0 & web designing native country Srilanka.Tamil
Writer (NYT Mag, Oprah, etc), Contributing Editor, Popular Science, Author of forthcoming “The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks” (aka HeLa)

redfender Red Fender
iPhone: 39.862057,-104.671234
Microbiologist/molecular biologist, Mac User, sort of guitar player

Ypsilanti, MI
I’m a biomedical illustrator who loves music, genealogy & kitties.

Marlborough, Wiltshire
Business Information Entrepreneur; sometimes triathlete; likes to swim; interested in chemistry, life sciences, sea kayaking.

Medical writer learning about Twitter
Alexandria, VA
Research!America works to make research to improve health a national priority.

The best blog posts about peer-reviewed research

Cambridge, Mass.
Creating an online community for scientists and researchers!

Fort Myers, Florida
School teacher, amateur astronomer in pursuit of the Herschel 400

Barboursville, Virginia
AKA Richard Drumm The Astronomy Bum, President, Charlottesville Astronomical Society

Psychologist, author and magician.

Web developer, graphics guy, mechanical engineer

Entrepreneurial Scientist & Pharmacologist interested in how our senses and receptors work and everything else that follows from that…

rpg7twit Richard P Grant
Mad scientist, poet, gadfly

London, UK
News and banter from Jon Edwards in the RSC press office

Father. CEO & Founder @ BioDATA – a BioIT startup company. Biologist. Macist. Guitar Noise maker.

current project: bluff way through theoretical quantum physics phd, with no maths or physics training whatsoever…

Biological Engineer, DNA Network co-founder, Science 2.0 enthusiast

The Netherlands
Science and technology enthousiast with photography and computer programming as hobbies

Boulder & YYZ!
I’m going to space, want to come? I’m a globe-trotting PhD candidate who loves to play hockey, sail, and ski. My passion is space and I’m an astronaut hopeful.

Longmont, Colorado
Biochemist and Herbalist creating botanical skin care & wellness products, doing cosmetic microbiology, blogging, teaching. Love herbs, food, gardens, fiber

Winston-Salem, NC
biophysicist; associate professor of physics

sandnsurf sandnsurf

ER physician, writer, father, disambiguant

software engineer, psychology and cognitive neuroscience enthusiast

Lover of learning; Mom to many; Scientist and Teacher, High School Chemistry, Physical Science, and Biology Teacher

scanman Vijay

a radiologist peering into the interwebs

Issaquah, Washington
CEO Coach & Business Sherpa

Science for Humanity is a not-for-profit organisation seeking to match scientific capability with human need.

Philadelphia, PA
Science Cheerleader, writer, blogger, doer, increasing adult science literacy, raising the ranks of citizen scientists, opening doors to public participation.

Sciegirl Robin Kolnicki
Mass, USA
eclectic academic: Evol Bio., Cen DNA, histones, kinetochores, bats, lemurs/ transposable retroviral elements / orthomolecular med

science_facts Science Fact

The North Pole
Dispensing daily interesting science facts to the masses. DM fact suggestions!!!

Washington US
I’m a science educator, blogger, and EdD candidate. Hobbies? Who has time?

Winchester, at INTECH
Regional Officer for the British Science Association in London and the South, and occasional in-house designer, a varied but cool job!

Silver Spring, MD
Follow us for official Science Channel updates, network exclusives & breaking science & tech news. We’re not just test tubes & beakers anymore…

Boulder, CO
physicist, writer, educator, blogger, podcaster, consultant. 8-)

University of Illinois-Urbana
University lab instructor, video science book reviewer, former international model who LOVES science!

Science (from the Latin scientia, meaning “knowledge”) is the effort to discover and increase human understanding of reality.

The National Association of Science Writers fights for the free flow of science news.

scientificfeed ScientificFeed

South Africa
ScientificFeed strives to educate the masses through simple one-liner “did you know” facts.

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
(Mostly) thoughts about technology for science libraries and publishers. See my blog for more info.

Biotech, Diagnostics, Science blog-publishing, Science blogging

San Diego California
Scientist Solutions is a life sciences web discussion board run by scientists for scientists with the mission to connect every scientist in the world

Scitable by Nature Education is a collaborative learning space for science undergraduates.

San Diego, California, USA
San Diego Biotechnology Network

Los Angeles
Physicist, writer, raconteur.

Washington, DC
Our mission is to facilitate evidence-based decision making at all levels of government by bridging the gap between science and politics.

seapr Shelley
Cape Cod

searchmedica Lois Wingerson

United States
Content manager for, free authoritative medical search designed for and by doctors

Nevada, here and there
Geologist, meanderer, explorationist

shamsha shamsha
Houston, TX
Medical librarian interested in evidence based medicine, librarianship, and social media

Cambridge, MA
Social Pharmer (Social Media in Pharma) | Founder and Host, Med 2.0 Blog & Podcast (

sigmaaldrich Sigma-Aldrich

St Louis, MO (38.629447, -90.2
Sigma-Aldrich is a Life Science and High Technology company. Our products are used in research, biotechnology, pharmaceutical development, and manufacturing.

The frozen tundra of Michigan
astronomer, variable star junkie, fundraiser, blogger, gardener, musician, madman

SimPhone Simeon Trieu
San Luis Obispo, California
Making my way to China, one degree at a time. Cal Poly SLO student, MSEE/MBA, Light Emitting Diode Researcher, Photonics and Bandgap Engineer, International Biz

SimpsonDR Duncan Simpson
Cambridge, UK
Research Networking in the University of Cambridge Multidisciplinary Interdisciplinary

Newcastle Upon Tyne, Newcastle
Bioinformatician, (sometime) blogger, (more often) microblogger

Connecticut, USA
Grad Student – Scientist – Raconteur

Working on a doctorate in transfiguration theory (Condensed Matter Physics – Phase Transitions).

Rotterdam, South Holland (51.8
a sciencegeek!

Chicago Burbs
I work with soap and lotions and stuff.

socesbiotchr Elliot Snider
San Fernando Valley, CA, USA
Biology teacher SOCES AP Honors Regular Volleyball SCUBA marine biologist


spacemodulator Hal

Monroe, Michigan U.S.A.
43 year old science & astronomy buff that’s always gazing into space.

Minneapolis, MN

Mystic, Connectictut, USA
Science, medicine, philosophy, art, connector, writer, translator

stardiverr Luann Lee
Washington State
Shark-diving NBCT AYA/Sci 1998, teaching biology, physics, and marine biology; doctoral candidate; SCUBA instructor; aquarium volunteer, technology fan

subatomic Karthi

Programmer | Photographer

51.520223 / -0.118331

science design

SusietheGeek Susan Murph
at home
Podcaster Mom who loves Science, SciFi,Gaming and raising Geeky kids!

Edinburgh, Scotland
Research fellow at Edinburgh Uni working in systems biology

Physics, Drupal, eCommerce, Science, Skeptic, Think, Liberal!

Coastal NC, USA
Astronomy, Space, Night Sky, Astrophotography

North Carolina
Davidson grad; geek of green, tech, public policy, and social change. Moving to San Antonio in July ’09

Mead, Washington
Internet Marketing, Science Education, Web Design, affiliate marketer

Antibody news from realbiotek

United States
Beauty questions answered by the scientists who make the products

A physicist with a deep passion for communicating science to the masses

thesciencenerd Science Nerd
Houston, Texas
I’m the one who blinded him with science.

thesquirrelman tj mckenna

Hartford, CT
I’m the Gallery Scientist at the Connecticut Science Center…putting science in the young hands of our future.

Santa Barbara, CA
Science is the root of hope. Read about the latest research on health and fitness in my blog.

London, England
Dazed and confused

Editor, Molecular Systems Biology. Most of my online activity is tracked at

Philadelphia, Pa. USA
MS sharepoint consultant, science writer, martial arts enthusiast, reader

Lexington, Kentucky
I am a speaker, writer & consultant on sustainability, forestry & environment

iPhone: 51.525739,-0.589528
Biochemist, trainee Bioinformaticist & chocolatier. Kitesurfer. Ecclectic, though wide & deep.

toraks toraks
Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
Professional scientist; mother; wife; newbie author; sexy woman; sci fi, fantasy, & romance reader; American; mitochondria & Drosophila reseacher

Links, Ideas and Conversation from the TreeHugger hive mind, the latest in modern green.

Biology Teacher Post-16 in Londons not so trendy Tottenham. Full on Geek. Likes Zombies and coffee.

Madison, WI
Science/Technology Teacher sharing his interest in all things about science. Maybe some humor thrown in.

Grad student and future medical student. Amateur microbiologist and geneticist

Houston, Texas
Media relations rep at UH

University of Houston media rep & alumna (BA, JOUR; MA, PR); science writer; “retired” musician; interests: eldercare, Maine Coon cats, music, cool shoes

Health- and nursing informatician, professor, e-learner, learner,

Los Angeles, Ca.
Mom, former journ, manager of the NASA-JPL news office; & the voice of NASA missions @MarsPhoenix (’08 Shorty Award winner), @MarsRovers, @MarsScienceLab

viralnerd Eric Donaldson, Ph.D

Chapel Hill, NC
I am a virologist with interests in evolution, bioinformatics, structural biology, synthetic biology, evolutionary psychology and writing.


Portland, OR
Science, crafts, writing. Rinse and repeat.

Oakdale, CT
I teach. I learn. I love.

Astronomy journalist and blogger

Cancer biologist and bioinformatician, biomedical and science writer, husband and father, easily distracted and interested in everything.

wgraziadei Bill Graziadei, PhD
8 Jeremy Ln, West Harwich, MA
State University of New York (SUNY) Biology Professor Emeritus & (e)Learning Consultant

Rotherham, England, UK
Into all things Astronomy, I enjoy finding out Why? alot as well as the other Ws (What Where When hoW and Who)

widdowquinn Leighton Pritchard

Computational biologist in plant pathology at SCRI. Potato diseases a speciality.


Working on my PhD in Inorganic Chemistry. Find me here when procrastination calls…

Portland, OR
Graduate student in Behavioral Neuroscience

Charlotte, NC
Achieving national excellence in science

Gilroy, CA 95020, USA
A computer geek and amateur astronomer

Here on earth, looking to the
Women in Planetary Science Blog

I like looking, doing, pointing, sitting, blinking, sneezing, youth work and Science (with a capital S).

Spokane, WA USA
Health sci, educ, & design programs @ beautiful new downtown campus on river. Acct managed by @BarbChamberlain.

Drug Development Earlier and Better, microdose, microtracer, ADME, PK, FDA, MIST, EMEA

Transhumanist, atheist, vegetarian…

computational bioinformatics biology biotech science

Additions for period ending 2009-07-31

Longwood Station, Massachusett
Bio grad student in love with art in general.
Greater Vancouver, Canada
Microbe-loving bioinformaticist and genomics researcher aiming to better control infectious diseases in a sustainable way. Also a Mum.
Washington, DC

Additions for week ending 2009-05-01

pathoadaptation MarkStrom
iPhone: 47.849194,-122.220840
Microbiologist/molecular biologist, genomics applications, Mac User, part-time blues guitar player
Debrecen, Hungary
I am a molecular biologist. I decided to improve my life and help others to do so.
skyponderer Colin Stuart
Freelance science communicator, writer and broadcaster specialising in audio content. Astronomer at Royal Observatory, Greenwich.
Browntideguy George Boneillo
Norfolk, VA
smallpkg Elia Ben-Ari
Northern Virginia, USA
science writer and editor (after doing time in lab), bibliophile, yogi, x-country skier, shutterbug, nature lover, tea drinker, friend, partner.
Scientist, Mega Geek!!! and Music lover!!! with a band that no ones like!
macbruski Ciarán Brewster
Cork, Ireland
Biological anthropologist. Interests: Palaeoanthropology, Upper Palaeolithic, Human Evolution, Science, Scepticism
Blithe Blithe
Los Angeles, CA
scientist, grad student, tech geek, not your average girl
Scientist and occasional blogger, full-time nerd
razibkhan razib khan
Your brain
Blogging on all that is good, bad, and weird in neuroscience
A medical student and graduate student, I am an MD / PhD student graduating this spring and headed to residency!
PhD in genetics, teach at university and other audiences, try to facilitate considered decision making
THE SCIENCE SCOUT DRINKING GAME: Everytime the twitter related science jargon is mentioned, everyone must drink…
Blithe Blithe
Los Angeles, CA
scientist, grad student, tech geek, not your average girl

Additions for week ending 2009-04-24

postdoc astronomer
Manchester, UK
An astronomy blog usually based in the UK. Pondering questions such as “What is the point of Twitter?”
Cardiff, UK
Astrophysics PhD student from Cardiff.
Yet another Perl hacker, pretending to be an astronomer, pretending to be a Perl hacker.
Leiden, The Netherlands
Astronomer, Engineer, Wannebee Photographer
Austin, TX, USA
Dutch, Food & Beer.
nottingham, england
interested in things and stuff, astronomy and life
sevinfo Sarah Vogel
San Jose, CA
Pharma / Biotech information researcher / librarian, voracious reader, and mom
Houston, TX
chemist, educator, policy wonk, working at the interfaces between science and society with an emphasis on nanotechnology
Berkeley, California
Digesting the fungal genomes
ijamsville, md
Stem Cell entrepreneur
crc2008 crc
surgery, scenarios, innovation, technology…
Madison, WI
I am a Ph.D. dissertator working on Biodiversity Informatics, and the Semantic Web
nparmalee Nancy Parmalee
New York, NY
Graduate student in genetics living in NYC, bartender extraordinaire.
Twitteronia, San Francisco energy and science staff writer. Working on a book about the history of green tech in America.
Twitteronia, San Francisco CA
Science editor for, geologist, beer snob, calm assertive pack leader.
iPhone: 48.834197,2.332917
Astrophysics, cosmology and more
amyforestell Amy Forestell
imarinova Irina Marinova
cbonnett Christopher Bonnett
barnaby_rowe Barnaby Rowe
Wannabe waster but real-life astronomer. Actually I am wondering whether I would rather be a bon viveur than a waster – I daresay I must be getting old.
andrewzirm Andrew Zirm
Baltimore, MD
Astronomer, Traveller, Erstwhile Buddhist, Film/Video Guy
Pleasant Hill, CA
Medical and Science Journalist. SF Bureau Chief for Intl. Med News Group
sf CA
scientist, dad, impressionist – wanna hear Walter Brennan?
klonpapst Marc Egelhofer
mariahilldublin Maria Hill
Dublin, Ireland
Lab Slave (24/7). Guitar banger and lazy photographer (once in a blue moon).
rnaworld Anne Simonson
San Diego
Fan of: the ribosome; bicycling; molecular evolution; Challenged Athletes Foundation, rabbits. Yes, I said rabbits.

Additions for May 2009 Added June 2009

mireyamayor Mireya Mayor, Ph.D.
Explorer, Wildlife Expert (Expedition Africa),Twice Emmy Nominated Wildlife Reporter for National Geographic, Inspirational Speaker and Former NFL Cheerleader
New York
Freelance science writer and editor, non-practicing oceanographer, hiker, kayaker, yoga fanatic, certified Reiki practitioner
London, UK
First microbiologist, then science blogger, now acting editor at Trends in Microbiology
trolles Andres Fernandez
Santiago de Compostela
Chemistry Graduate, aiming for a PhD in biomedicine.
Portland, OR
Reverse engineering cancer, developing new strategies for anti-cancer drug discovery
Williamsburg, VA
Evolutionary biologist, foodie, love wine, scotch
Molecular Biologist with an interest in circadian rhythms, RNA processing and genomics
jamesaurquhart James Urquhart
Science writer, professional wanderer, guitarist, aspiring film-maker, and on a quest for truth
DJWebber Daniel J Webber
Cambridge, England
Chapel Hill, NC
A blog covering the latest microscopy research, news, events and new products. Authored by Nancy Lamontagne.
tpoi Tim
Adelaide, South Australia
A conservation ecologist working on ways to improve the fate of the world’s biodiversity, including that of the self-destructive Homo sapiens.
marchNks marchNks
General Health Care and researcher
London, UK
Publishers to the Institution of Mechanical Engineers
jbhathaw James Hathaway
UNC Charlotte
science writer, interested in microbial ecology, urban ecology, paleoanthropology
Austin, TX, USA
Astronomy researcher at the University of Texas at Austin
Grants Pass, Oregon
Natural Products Chemist, Medicinal Plant Specialist, New Beekeeper, Science/Nature photography, forager of wild things
Nicosia, Cyprus
Developmental biologist, member of BirdLife Cyprus, and blogger.
failed scientist turned govt flunkie
San Francisco
Synthetic biologist at UC San Francisco, entrepreneur, runner, wine enthusiast.
IET Land, Illinois
IET Ltd. Refurbished Lab Equipment Worldwide! Since 1979! (tweets by CK, Dir. of Marketing) #IET
Chapel Hill, NC
A blog covering the latest microscopy research, news, events and new products. Authored by Nancy Lamontagne.
topoisomerase topoisomerase
molecular biologist primarily focusing on genomics, particularly next-gen sequencing at present. i also possess legendary Guitar Hero skills.
Boston, MA
PhD editor at Cell Press (Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism) who runs for wine and cheese and owns too many shoes
Lindau, Germany
Lindau Nobel Laureates Meetings, News, Views, People, Quotes and more
Aachen, Germany
Physicist and ScienceBlogger
Bloggende Biostudentin, Zelda-vernarrt, mit seltsamen Musikgeschmack, Heimweh & ebenso nerdigem türkischen Ehemann + dominantem Katzentier
Exeter, UK
CAM researcher, co-author of ‘Trick or Treatment: alternative medicine on trial” but really really famous for almost getting fired by Prince Charles
Tampa, FL, US
Theoretical oncologist interested in evolution.
Knoxville, TN
National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis
Albany, NY
Freelance Science Writer
Tampa, FL
Making Early Drug Development Easy
Raleigh, NC
Consulting firm for biopharma, pharma, diagnostics companies
dfgaddy Daniel Gaddy
Molecular biologist working on gene therapy for diabetes, and looking for a job in biotech/pharma.
jterning John Terning
Davis California
UC Davis physicist/family guy
physiologyprof Chris A. Hanousek
nearly grown up 60’s activist, political junkie, proud mom and grandma, biology prof
Cosmologist and extragalactic astrophysicist working at the Open University.
petersw Peter St.Wecker
San Francisco, CA
Passionate participant in biotechnology, clinical operations, program management, trial software, and all forms of communication.
Open scientist, biophysicist –
Molecular Biologist becoming Policy Wonk
Monterey, CA
Science writer specializing in writing about science
Los Angeles, CA
Dr. Ian Cook, Academic Psychiatrist at UCLA
ChemistGeek Joan Manel
I am a medical student.
Karlsruhe, Germany
molecular biology PhD student and science blogger
tech magazine staff reporter, amateur, general science journalist, robotics blogger, sci-fi enthusiast and books and gadgets junkie
JanetStrath Janet Strath
Spent last 8 years at Leeds Uni, now back in London. Love laughing, my cat, drawing and painting (though my PhD is biochemistry).
New York City, NY, USA
Scientific American Magazine and online, over 150 years of science news
???? (??)
Open scientist, biophysicist. Magnetic Resonance Imaging, brain morphometry, fossils, cells, cryobiology, cognitive evolution. Image: .
Washington, DC
Chemist with US EPA and a chemistry adjunct professor with over 7 years of college-level teaching experience.
nshepherd Nancy Shepherd
Founder and CEO Shepherd Research. Business development expertise for life science firms. Scientist- genetics/genomics
Mickle Trafford, Chester, U.K.
Academic – developing health sector and humanitarian agency tailored climate forecasts mostly at seasonal scales. Do you remember Gopher?
Business consultant in the cell therapy & regenerative medicine sector.
hatchethead jason miller
rural Missouri
GTDwannaB in HigherEd (Math). Searching for a perfect beer, and willing to entertain candidates.
Cheminformatician into Drug Discovery and Life Sciences.
Charlotte, NC (USA)
Visualization and visual communication are my main interests. I am also a professor at UNC Charlotte.
kshameer Khader Shameer
PhD Student in Computational Biology @ NCBS – TIFR
drckitty Hedi Hegyi
Computational biologist with severe postdoc experience at Yale, EMBL, etc. Interested in alternative splicing protein isoforms and their 3D structure.
Toulouse, France
Expatriate U.S.-born scientist and renaissance woman
Liza_Brooks Liza Brooks
iPhone: 51.438522,-2.138596
Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Biomedical scientist, PhD Student in Biochemistry and Molecular Pharmacology (Lab of Neuroscience)
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council – pioneering research and skills
Budapest – Spicy world of NanoScience
jgarnettTSC Jeannine Garnett
Houston, TX, USA
Biologist and mother who loves music, travel and scuba.
adairrichards Adair Richards
Science communicator, BBC radio, Christian, Welsh, Coventry, Rugby, University of Warwick, Scientist
EcoAnalytix Donna Baske
Shelton, Connecticut, USA
Analytical instrument solutions to test: toys, children”s products, consumer products, food, water, environment, biofuels, solar, renewable energy and more.
Ft. Greene, Brooklyn (almost)
Physicist at Brookhaven National Laboratory, Intermittent blogger
Science Technology Business Development
Ames, Iowa, United States
Aspiring genetic engineer studying at ISU
ayun ayunda firsty
sciorama Cait MacPhee
England, then north a bit.
Physicist, biologist, all-round scientist. Mother-of-two, slight insomniac, Radio4 listener.
Bloomington, IN
chemistry grad student, wannabe science writer, teller of tales
Columbus, Ohio
mathematician, linguist, astronomy student, author, teacher, atheist, intellectual
New Zealand
Scientist comments on science, philosophy, religion and human rights
HQ:L.A.,Ca +UK, Brazil+China
Science Technology from American Elements- Nanotechnology, Robotics, AdvancedMaterials, AlternativeEnergy, Lasers, Military, GreenTechnology, LifeScience, Space
Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Promovendus & onderzoeker persfotografie en fotografische iconen & docent ‘Media, War & Historical Representation’ Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
mitpostdoc An MIT postdoc
Cambridge, MA
hackerkey://v4sw8CFPUY$hw6ln7pr8Pck0ma9u8FLMw7GXm7l7FGKMUi6520Ce9$t3Ab9AHIKLMOPRSTen6a2Xs0r1p -5.62/-1.85g5ACGHMOPRTV
Palisades, NY
The Borehole Research Group conducts scientific research by lowering tools into oceanic boreholes.
Oxford, Ohio, USA
Computational biologist. Interested in gene and protein function prediction, prediction of function from structure, metagenomics
SmallCasserole Ian Hopkinson
Cheshire, UK
…sometimes known as SomeBeans. Scientist. Attention span of a …
Auckland, New Zealand
Receive immediate updates on the activities of the New Zealand Prime Minister’s Chief Science Advisor, Professor Sir Peter Gluckman

Health and Medicine on Twitter

health-on-twitterMy good friend Jo Brodie who works at DiabetesUK and twitters as @JoBrodie was crucial in helping publicise my recent scientists on twitter page. She recently gave the list a shout out on the PSCI-COM science communicators discussion group and added a few science tweeps of her own and a few in the health and medical communications area. So, here, with permission is Jo’s list:

Jo points out that if you’re “watching” an event unfold, there is usually a hash-tag associated with that event, whether it’s Obama’s Inauguration, the plane in the Hudson, the Mumbai bombings, or anything else of wide interest. For example, if the events at a conference are being live-blogged, then everyone talking about the event will usually use the agreed hash-tag e.g. #scienceconference, #scio09, #sciblog08. This makes the event easily searchable on twitter and is captured with all the other feeds mentioning that term. “Trending”, i.e increasingly popular terms are displayed on the twitter search page, or you can have them show up above the array of friends on the twitter page using a Greasemonkey script in Firefox.

You could also check out a ranked list of 100 health tweeps. Nice to see sciencebase ranking in the top 40.

*My add to Jo’s list.

I’m also occasionally adding to this list of medical types on twitter. Feel free to tweet it or leave a comment with your twitter ID:

Michael Bach
Cindy Oohlala
Eric Robertson
Terry Simpson
Bertalan Meskó

For those unfamiliar with Twitter, a fairly useful slideshow:

Social Media for Scientists

facebook iconinstagram icon e1526381769741twitter icon




NB This post is more than a decade old.

social-media-for-scientistsTowards the end of October 2008, I received a flurry of emails asking me to check out new social networking sites for scientists, I’ve already reviewed the nanoscience community, of course. I suspect that, the academic year having moved into full swing, there were a few scientists hoping to tap into the power of social media tools and the whole web-two-point-ohhhh thing.

This from Brian Krueger:

“I came across your blog during my weekly google search for “science social network.” I thought you might be interested in my website, It’s a social network for the sciences that I’ve had on-line for the last two years and I recently got my University to send out a press release about it. I think you should stop by and check it out. Let me know what you think, I’m always looking for suggestions on how to improve the site.”

LabSpaces has all of the features of a social-networking site with the addition of a daily science newsfeed, lab profiles, a science forum, blogs, and a science protocol database. Apparently, the site provides space for researchers to create their own user profile, add their publication history, upload technical research protocols, blog about science, and share research articles with the community. The site will soon host a free video conferencing service to facilitate long distance collaborations and journal clubs.

New Zealander Peter Matthews who works in Japan emailed:

“I am a full-time researcher from NZ, working in Japan, at a museum with many international research visitors. This multilingual environment made me very aware of: (1) the difficulties that non-English based researchers face when using English, and (2) the difficulties that English mono-linguals face when trying to access or publish research in other important research languages, such as Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, French, and so on. Hence my website: The Research Cooperative – Please have a look, join if you want, and please tell any friends and colleagues about this site if you think they might find it useful.”

Pascal Boels, Managing Director of emailed with a medical tale:

“Our website is for and by medical professionals. It’s a video-sharing site for surgeons and medical professionals to show off their newly minted skills. It makes it easy for medical professionals to upload videos or slideshows and share those with the community. You can search for videos by specialty, organ/region, tissue, etiology, operation type, or technique. Many surgeons perform original and high-quality techniques in their operating room and equally many surgeons would like to learn from these new and inspiring techniques. Up till now it was very difficult, time consuming and expensive to take a look in each others operating room and share practical knowledge, tips and tricks. provides the solution for this problem. We are currently serving over 4000 surgeons from more than 124 countries, sharing over 400 procedures

Priyan Weerappuli had long been interested in scientific research but felt that applied research was guarded by private institutions while basic research was held within the confines of colleges and universities by overpriced journals and an oversimplification that occurred whenever research results were translated for more general audiences. His forum/platform will attempt to open this research to a general audience –

Some correspondents are claiming they’re approaching web 3.0 nirvana:

ResearchGATE is proud to announce a major update: We greatly improved our search functionality and called it ReFind. The name symbolizes the importance of an efficient and result-driven search functionality within research in general and within our network in particular. ReFind is one of the first search engines based on semantic, “intelligent” correlations. It enables you to find groups, papers, fellow researchers and everything else within and outside of ResearchGATE without having to read through dozens of irrelevant results. Just type a few sentences into ReFind or simply copy and paste your abstract. Our semantic algorithm will then search the leading databases for similar work, providing you with truly relevant results.” [Sounds like my Zemanta/ idea, DB]

One observer pointed out, however, that ResearchGate’s semantic search is maybe not the greatest thing to happen to search in a decade (especially, when we have the likes of True Knowledge Ubiquity, and Zemanta. Indeed, some users have said it is not much of an improvement on conventional search.

Then there was:

“ – Science in the 21st century – A wide forum for science – on an interdisciplinary, international and individual level., the only universal online portal for science, advanced teaching and academic research, bridges a major gap in scientific research and learning. is a virtual conference room, lecture hall, laboratory, library and meeting venue all in one.”

But, perhaps the best is saved for last. An Oxford graduate student, who has completed his PhD, Richard Price, has launched, which he says does two things:

“It displays academics around the world in a ‘tree’ format, according to which institution/department they are affiliated with. And, it enables researchers to keep track of the latest developments in their
field – the latest people, papers, and talks.”

Price wants to see every academic in the world on his tree and already has Richard Dawkins, Stephen Hawking, Paul Krugman, and Noam Chomsky as members. But, that’s the hype what about its potential? It resembles BioMedExperts because both use a “social” publishing tree, but is that enough to engage scientists?

It will be interesting to see whether any of these sites gain the traction their creators hope for and how things will pan out as the credit crunch bites harder. “There are a bunch of them out there,” Krueger told me, “It’s kind of scary how many came out after Nature and I went on-line in 2006. There’s definitely a lot of competition out there, it seems like a new one appears every month. I wonder how the economy and loss of tech funding is going to affect the larger start-ups.”
Then, there are those perhaps more well-known social media sites and networks for scientists, some of which are mentioned in Sciencebase and its sibling sites (tomorrow), in no particular order:

  • Nature Network – uber network from the publishing giant (discontinued December 2013)
  • BioMedExperts – Scientific social networking
  • BioWizard – Blogged up Pubmed search
  • Mendeley – Digital paper repository and sharing
  • Labmeeting (blog) – Ditto
  • YourLabData – socialised LIMS
  • SciLink – Sci-Linkedin
  • – mostly workflows.
  • similar to Researchgate. Not particularly social beyond groups and sharing documents with collaborators, but email is better, and arguably more secure.
  • – collaborative science news publishing
  • SocialMD – Med-Linkedin
  • Ozmosis – Ditto
  • DNA Network – network of DNA/genetics bloggers
  • ResearchCrossroads – Socialised grant databases
  • MyNetResearch – Socialised LIMS at a price
  • SciVee – YouTube for scientists (see also Watch with Sciencebase page
  • Scientist Solutions – science chat
  • Twitter science group and Scientwists list

There are so many, I can barely keep up, but if you have any you think I should add to the list, let me know via the comments box below. Or, more importantly, if you have used any of these systems please leave your thoughts.

Meanwhile, my apologies if you were expecting a lesson in how to use the likes of Twotter, FiendFreed, Ding, Pyuke, or Facebok’s feeble science apps, to help you get on in science socially, but I thought it was about time I did some linking out to the web 3.0 brigade in the world of science, so here they are.

Blogging tips

For readers who don’t already know, I thought I’d let you into a little secret, I’ve been unfaithful to the Sciencebase Blog. While bringing you a regular daily dose of science news and views on Sciencebase I’ve also been running around with a frisky little site that goes by the name of Significant Figures. Here’s a summary of what I’ve been getting up to with that site lately:

  • Boost Your RSS Subscribers With Easter Eggs

    The Internet Duct Tape site offers blogging, programming, technology, and lifehacks as does Significant Figures, but IDT is way ahead of the game when it comes to attracting RSS subscribers. One of the neat little ideas the site describes is how to create a secret Easter eggs page for your blog’s…

  • Click an Orange, Feed the World

    Ever wondered what those little orange icons that litter blogs and websites are all about? If you have, where have you been, those little oranges are the key to the amazing world of newsfeeds.With this post we’re launching Click an Orange Day with the slogan – Click an orange and feed the world,…

  • Season of Compliments

    Just a few recent comments from our regular readers for your delectation:Great work with this one, nicely done!Your site is very interesting, very calming effect just reading it. Will spend more time with certain areas. Well done and good luck with your work.Hello everyone. Nice to meet you here!The…

  • Accepting Comment Spam

    In the past, you have focused on avoiding comment spam on your blog using tools like Bad Behavior and Akismet. These coupled with wary moderation allow you to stave off the cr*p flood of phentermine, tramadol, lager breast, and bigger member spams that hit your comment queue in a regular tsunami of…

  • Feedburner Competition

    Now that Google has acquired Feedburner and we can all use MyBrand for free, I would like to open up a little competition for Significant Figures readers who have their own blog running a Feedburner feed.Here’s the deal. Look up your Feedburner subscriber number and leave a link to the counter…

  • Dump the Blogroll

    Wayne Smallman over on the technology news site BlahBlahTech dumped his blogroll this week. He had several very good reasons, not least was that a lack of context for all those links to external sites means the blogroll has had its day and is no longer providing a service to readers. Shame, he tells…

  • Converting a WordPress Blog into a Static Site

    Some time ago, I built a simple little website for UK hydroseeding company CDTS Ltd. Cambridge Direct Tree Seeding convert brownfield and other sites into lush landscaped areas.Initially, I suggested to the company that there would be several advantages to running their site as a blog, allowing them…

  • How to Boost Your Feed Readers

    Recently, I left a comment on a fellow blogger’s site suggesting he add a small link to a ‘What is RSS?’ post close to his feed subscription button. My rationale was based on my experience with Sciencebase subscriber numbers and some insider knowledge on web surfing habits and how these might…