If I’ve counted correctly, there are 14 clearwing moths that we might see in The British Isles, some more likely in some areas than others (Welsh Clearwing, for example, and Raspberry Clearwing, Cambs and Beds). They’re generally diurnal, day-flying moths, great pollinators of wildflowers and garden flowers alike.

You might spot some on your raspberry canes or purple loosestrife on a riverbank. However, having a pheromone lure to bring them to your garden briefly for a sighting is a more certain way to see these amazing creatures. I’ve got a selection of pheromone lures from Anglia Lepidopterist Supplies, which have drawn a few.

Once drawn to the lure, the moth can be observed and photographed, the lure packed away in the freezer until next year and the moths meanwhile released back into the wild away from any watchful insectivorous birds (I’m looking at you Robin and Blackbird!)

They’re all quite small moths but all superficially resemble wasps in various ways, an evolutionary adaptation to confound predators.

I do have a lure for another moth with clear wings that is even more like a waspish creature, the Hornet Moth, unfortunately, it’s past their flying season and I did not see a single one during any luring session unfortunately, although I know from another moth-er in the village that they are in our locality.