A cutting from the Nepalese government website for the National Seismological Centre dated 2011:
“From the available data there has been no great earthquakes of magnitude >8.0 in the gap between the earthquakes of 1905 AD and 1934 AD and there is a real threat that a major earthquake may occur in this gap that will affect Western Nepal.”

A big earthquake was long overdue, and while it was magnitude 7.6, just look at the number of lives lost and the people injured. Earthquake proofing of buildings and emergency planning is feasible, but only if there’s a willingness to spend the money and if those holding the purse strings deem it worth the investment!
The best way to help in the aftermath of the earthquake is not to send stuff, nor is it to grab your backpack and head for Nepal, leave that to the logistics people and the rescue and healthcare experts. The best way for you to help is to GIVE MONEY NOW
Time has a list of organisations to which you can donate money as does The Guardian. This NPR article may help you decide to which organisation you should donate.