What is Sciencebase.com?

Sciencebase.com has been on the web since 20th July 1999. It emerged from the first-ever chemistry webzine, Elemental Discoveries, started by David Bradley in December 1995, building on Bradley’s website from earlier that year. Over the years, Sciencebase has covered a lot of areas of scientific, technical, engineering, and medical topics, with an occasional foray into social media, business, and even mathematics.

Who owns Sciencebase.com?

David Bradley Science Writer

Who produces the content?

David Bradley Science Writer, except where otherwise indicated.

Who else does David Bradley write for?

Click here for the David Bradley Science Writer about file and link to a more-or-less comprehensive of his dozens of clients and outlets, past and present.

What does David look like?

You can find a fairly recent photo on the page linked in the previous question; if you really must.

What does sciencebase mean?

The name comes from the generic term for the underlying scientific infrastructure, the researchers, laboratories and equipment, research results, and the scientific literature – the science base, in other words.

How has the Sciencebase site evolved?

The site was originally chemistry based and unique at the time of its inception, expanded into other areas of science, and recently added David Bradley’s photos – birds, Lepidoptera, and more, and his music. There is still plenty of science stuff, including new for 2020, a COVID-19 section.

What else might we see on Sciencebase?

Much of the past content included summaries or pointers to articles written by David Bradley for other outlets, such as ChemWeb, BioMedNet, New Scientist, Science, Nature, SpectroscopyNOW, Materials Today, and others. Follow the resume link dB/ to see a full list of David’s more than thirty-year career as a science writer. Occasionally, a blog post will point to other such outlets.

What is the Sciencebase RSS news feed channel?

Click here to add our newsfeed to your newsreader.

Has Sciencebase.com won any awards?

Sciencebase.com and its associated sites have won several awards and commendations from the likes of Encyclopedia Britannica, BioMedNet, The Guardian, Scientific American, New Scientist, The Scout Report. David Bradley has received several personal awards for his science writing over the years too, although has not submitted any work to any recently.

What’s with the dB/ logo everywhere?

Well, it’s a stylised version of my initials and the common abbreviation for decibel, which is a bit sciencey looking but also to do with sound and music, the slash is meant to represent the needle on a decibel meter dial.

Does David Bradley run any other sites?

Yes, currently ScienceSpot, ImagingStorm, and the C5 the band website. You can find some of his original music here, and references to the bigMouth and TyrannoChorus choirs, C5 the band, the Cottenham Theatre Workshop pit orchestra, and his photography. Previous websites now mothballed included SciScoop, ChemSpy, and ScienceText.

Are David Bradley and Sciencebase on social media?

Does Winnie defacate in the 100-acre wood? We have been on all the main social media sites almost from the start: Mastodon, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook are the ones on which most activity will be seen.

Are you the same David Bradley that sends photos into the news and weather programs in East Anglia? Are you David Bradley the actor, the serial killer, the pr0n star, the IBM engineer who came up with Control-Alt-Delete, former CEO of EMI, the tractor company, the chocolatier, the editor of The Atlantic, etc etc etc?

No. Obviously not.

Do Sciencebase accept guest posts, PR pitches, text link ad requests?

No. Definitely not. If you send me unsolicited PR pitches you will be in breach of GDPR.

Does Sciencebase collect any personal data?


How do I become a Science Writer?

So you want to be a science writer…? There are many routes into the profession and some expert advice can be found at the ABSW, CASW, and NASW websites in their respective SYWTBASW documents.

What’s the sciencebase copyright position?

Unless otherwise stated, all text and images on this website are the sole property of David Bradley. No portion of the content may be reproduced, copied, or used in any manner without the express written permission of David Bradley.

When was this FAQ updated?


What is the meaning of life?

In the face of the eternal entropic heat death of the universe in trillions and trillions of years time, it is probably best not to worry about such things, try and enjoy yourself while your metabolism holds entropy at bay and be kind to others.

How do I get answers to my other questions?

Think for yourself, talk to experts, use a search engine.