Health and Medicine on Twitter

health-on-twitterMy good friend Jo Brodie who works at DiabetesUK and twitters as @JoBrodie was crucial in helping publicise my recent scientists on twitter page. She recently gave the list a shout out on the PSCI-COM science communicators discussion group and added a few science tweeps of her own and a few in the health and medical communications area. So, here, with permission is Jo’s list:

Jo points out that if you’re “watching” an event unfold, there is usually a hash-tag associated with that event, whether it’s Obama’s Inauguration, the plane in the Hudson, the Mumbai bombings, or anything else of wide interest. For example, if the events at a conference are being live-blogged, then everyone talking about the event will usually use the agreed hash-tag e.g. #scienceconference, #scio09, #sciblog08. This makes the event easily searchable on twitter and is captured with all the other feeds mentioning that term. “Trending”, i.e increasingly popular terms are displayed on the twitter search page, or you can have them show up above the array of friends on the twitter page using a Greasemonkey script in Firefox.

You could also check out a ranked list of 100 health tweeps. Nice to see sciencebase ranking in the top 40.

*My add to Jo’s list.

I’m also occasionally adding to this list of medical types on twitter. Feel free to tweet it or leave a comment with your twitter ID:

Michael Bach
Cindy Oohlala
Eric Robertson
Terry Simpson
Bertalan Meskó

For those unfamiliar with Twitter, a fairly useful slideshow: