Kill Gutenberg

UPDATE: When you’ve upgraded to version 5, you will now see a notice from WordPress on how to revert to the classic editor.

If you’re using WordPress for your self-hosted blog and have just upgraded to version 5.0 you will have no doubt noticed that the system is now forcing you to use their new “block” style editor. Well, I’ve got deadlines on this blog and others that mean I’ve no time to faff around with a new editor before Xmas.

Thankfully, there are, according to Kinsta at least three ways to revert to the classic WordPress editor. The first involves installing a WordPress-accepted plugin called Classic Editor. This simply disables Gut and runs your site with the old skool editor. Does what it says on the tin, to be frank.

The second way used a plugin called Disable Gutenberg, which also DWISOTT but with a few additional features that complete hide Gut from all of a site’s users.

The third way is slightly more convoluted but has a much lower overhead than installing and running a plugin, it involves added a snippet of code to your functions.php file (or to your site-specific plugin):

add_filter('use_block_editor_for_post', '__return_false');

This latter method is my preferred choice, adding a line of code to my “sciencebase” site-specific plugin is easy and it means avoiding the need to run a third-party plugin.