Update: Adding at least one new-for-me species every couple of days now to my mothematics gallery. Most interesting and fascinating were the March Moth, the Twenty-plume, and the Nut-tree Tussock (which laid 47 eggs and I am going to attempt to get them to hatch).

Previously, I posted about some of the early moths (early in the year, that is, as opposed to Early Moths, a species of that name) that have been attracted to the actinic light of the trap.

On the evening of the 14th March 2019, it was relatively uncold, cloudy and pretty much windless.

There was a definite upturn in numbers and diversity to the trap: 4x Small Quaker, 10x Common Quaker, 3x Clouded Drab, 1xEarly Grey, and Double-striped Pug. That was the first Pug of the year, saw lots of that species and its relatives during the summer of 2018. Diurnea fagella was hanging on the LED fairylights on a cultivated honeysuckle in our garden).

By morning, the Pug had gone but a Hebrew Character and a Twin-spotted Quaker were in residence in the trap (all ethically released after logging and photographing, of course.