UPDATE: 2023-02-01 The surgery did a bunch of other tests this year as part of a general healthcheck. My glucose and inflammatory markers were normal. My GGT was about the same as it was when I was in the Fenland Study (102 as it was 11 years ago). 0-54 is considered to be normal and alcoholics in hospital usually have a level in the 700s. I think my normal level is just higher than what is considered normal by clinicians. I know other people with GGT in the 70s with no problems. Anyway, they will want to test again, I’ve halved my omeprazole does in the meantime, as that can raise GGT too.
UPDATE: 2012-03-26 Two weeks off the booze. Follow-up blood test on Thursday. Given that the half-life of GGT (colloquially known as gamma) is 14-21 days or thereabouts, I am assuming that if my serum level of this enzyme has halved by Thursday from the value that was recorded at the Fenland Study, that the spike was essentially down to alcohol consumption the few days before that blood test rather than something like gallstones, liver disease or a muscle injury. Any of those things can raise one’s GGT levels and I don’t think I had any at the time.
Given my slightly worrying feedback from the Fenland Study, my neurotic brain latched on to the headlines today in which male 40-somethings seem to be dropping like flies, jaundiced and with failed livers.
The BBC reports: “Deaths from liver disease in England have reached record levels, rising by 25% in less than a decade, according to new NHS figures. The reports say that heavy drinking, obesity and hepatitis are to blame, with 37% of deaths due to alcohol abuse. Obesity is apparently on the rise, but why are liver problems due to hepatitis on the rise too?
Now, cutting back on fats, sugars, alcohol are probably a good idea for most people who indulge, but is it just a little bit of a coincidence that this report appears ahead of the government announcing a review of alcohol use, laws? Oh and that controversial issue of minimum pricing on booze that could rapidly net the government a few extra pounds to help it address the national debt and ultimately reduce NHS costs? As if politicians would care about our health…
Just for the record, I had a slightly higher than normal serum concentration of the liver enzyme GGT (gamma-glutamyltransferase) in my data back, which was flagged for referral from the Fenland team. Other readings were fine and my GP reckons it could easily be a blip and suggested cutting down on the sherberts and shandies a smidgeon.
BBC News – Liver disease deaths reach record levels in England.