Some time between joining a community choir in its opening month more than 14 years ago (September 2007) and helping set up a local “Arts Night” about 9 years ago (April 2012) that ultimately evolved into my gigging band C5, I started writing and recording music in earnest. None of the youthful noodling that led nowhere back when I was a youthful noodler, these were meant to be proper songs and instrumentals with an intro, middle-eight, and a coda. The works.
Well, several years on I seem to have amassed around 200 or so songs and instrumental many of which are on my BandCamp and SoundCloud pages. The BandCamp stuff is under two different names – davebradley and sciencebase, my SoundCloud stuff is all under the username sciencebase.
I think there are about 135 songs on the 9 collections pictured above…back in the day a 40-minute vinyl album would usually have 10 or so tracks (prog rock excepted), so I reckon some of these are double albums, and that older “If at First…” album (the spider’s web one) which has 25 songs is almost a triple album!
If you’ve been to any of my solo gigs, the CCC Arts Nights, or even early C5 gigs you may well have heard a few of these songs live, among the ones from the collections that I remember singing in a pub, at a party, in a community hall, festival, or other venue are: Winter Warmer, Sunny Days and Rainbows, White Whine (First World Problems), Bedding Down the Roses, Too Old to Die Young, Grace, Give My Love to the Waves, Bridges (Crossed and Burned), It’s Never Too Cold to Snow, Christmas Present, Burning the Candle at Both Ends, The Mighty Fall, Wild Honeysuckle, The Silent Spring, Turncoats, Burning Out etc etc
Obviously, none of the Lockdown LP nor the After the Lockdown songs have had a live airing. Moreover, while some of these songs fit the C5 format of – lead vocal, acoustic and electric guitar, drums and bass, and backing vox, it’s been a long time since the band ran through any of my material and we’ve not had a chance to rehearse the party cover songs we do ready for upcoming autumnal gigs, so it may be some time before they get that live treatment.
UPDATE: As of, 12 Nov 2021, I have written four new tunes since late September 2021, that are now part of my Lifelines EP.