Several birders I’ve bumped into over the last couple of years have mentioned Lynford Arboretum in Norfolk as being a good place to see Hawfinches, Crossbills, Siskins, Firecrests, Bullfinches, and other bird species. We took a trip there on a very grey day (which means high ISO, noisy photos) and so quite a few bird species but no Firecrests, no Crossbills and no Hawfinches, unfortunately.

On the list of 26 species we did see were, in no particular order:
1. Nuthatch
2. Marsh tit
3. Brambling
4. Chaffinch
5. Wood pigeon
6. Redwing
7. Rook
8. Fieldfare
9. Robin
10. Long-tailed tit
11. Blue tit
12. Great tit
13. Coal tit
14. Goldcrest
15. Siskin
16. Mute swan
17. Gadwall
18. Coot
19. Canada goose
20. Chicken
21. Moorhen
22. Mallard
23. Blackbird
24. Wren
25. Dunnock
26. Bullfinch
It’s honestly not worth my sharing the Goldcrest, Nuthatch, Siskin or any of the others, such a photon-compromised day.