More about Mastodon and more

While Mastodon (I’m @sciencebase there and here’s my Mastodon FAQ) has become perhaps one of the most talked about alternatives to Twitter in recent weeks, there is plenty more to investigate in the alternative, federated social media world. This infographic from the JoinFediverse Wiki shows some of the many branches on the Fediverse tree. I’ll leave Sciencebase readers to do their own searching of the terms on the tree, but they’re all linked from here. Some of the terms and systems have been around a long time.

@[email protected]

Fedverse family tree
Click the graphic to see the latest full-size version

Part of the ethos of the fediverse…as the name hints – fe – diverse, is acceptance of diversity. There are moderators but there are no algorithms., many of the systems encourage and welcome minority groups and interests. It’s definitely a much more woke world than some other sections of the internet and to my mind, that’s a good thing. Fascism is not tolerated.

As I’ve been saying for many years now, better antifa than antiwoke, I think that’s an important concept of this new federated realm of the Internet that has been pulling away from the worst aspects of the mainstream.