Popular Mastodon servers

TL:DR – A list of the most popular Mastodon instances being used by the people I follow on Twitter.

@[email protected]

The Debirdify site (also Twitodon, Fedifinder, and Movetodon) [no longer] lets you quickly find people from your Twitter lists, which can include the list of people you follow and your followers, who have added a link or Mastodon ID. As of now, 15% of the people I follow on Twitter have a Masttodon ID in their Twitter bio. UPDATE: Leon Umsk blocked Debirdify.

Mastodon logo

Incidentally “mastodon.social” is just a website address not really any different to sciencebase.com, just that the top-level domain, the bit after the dot, is social instead of com.

Anyway, the Top 20 most popular Mastodon servers/instances/websites among the people I currently follow on Twitter is as follows.

Although worth a look is science.social

So, take your pick if you haven’t joined already, there is lots to learn, but it’s fun. I have some frequently asked questions in my Mastodon FAQ.