Despite a very wet night, there were 68 moths of sixteen species drawn to the actinic light trap overnight, including just one that was new to me, the Small Elephant Hawk-moth, Deilephila Porcellus. Unlike most of the other Hawk-moths, this one seems quite small, although bulkier than the vast majority of moths. The Small EHM has the same pink and olive colours as its cousin the much larger Elephant Hawk-moth. The Small EHM has a wingspan of about 40-45mm while the ever-so-slightly duller, but nevertheless gaudy, EHM is 45-60mm.

Neither moth is named for its colouration nor for any resemblance to elephants pink or otherwise, the name refers to the larva, the caterpillar, which is dully and greyish brown and somewhat wrinkled and looks a bit like an elephants trunk. Two large “eyes” at one end might be interpreted as the trunk’s nostrils whimsically.