First trip of the year to the Suffolk Wildlife Trust nature reserve known as Lackford Lakes. 2nd January 2025, glorious sunny day, first such of the year and the first for quite some time.

Having seen four raptors on the journey there – Buzzard, Kestrel, Sparrowhawk, Red Kite – a trek through the reserve to see what we could see then gave us:
- Blackbird
- Black-headed Gull
- Blue Tit
- Buzzard
- Canada Goose
- Chaffinch
- Cormorant
- Coal Tit
- Coot
- Dunnock
- Egyptian Goose
- Gadwall
- Great Tit
- Great White Egret
- Greenfinch
- Greylag Goose
- Grey Heron
- Kestrel
- Lapwing
- Little Egret
- Long-tailed Tit
- Mallard
- Marsh Tit
- Moorhen
- Mute Swan
- Nuthatch
- Pheasant
- Pochard
- Red Kite
- Robin
- Siskin
- Snipe
- Song Thrush
- Sparrowhawk
- Teal
- Treecreeper
- Tufted Duck
- Wigeon
- Wood Pigeon
There was also a very odd looking bird being harried by a Blackbird in a tree. It was probably a juvenile Blackbird, but it seemed to have a rufous bib and a very pale, speckled breast for a brief second I imagined it might be an Asian vagrant in the form of a Red-throated Thrush. But, very, very doubtful.
2nd January 2025 was also our first outdoor picnic of the year! Is an indoor picnic an oxymoron?