UPDATE: This was backfilled and reverted to what looks like farmland a couple of years ago. The opposite side of the drove is now being excavated and has attracted a few interesting birds just the same on the pits that fill with water and the margins. Presumably, this area too will be backfilled once they have extracted all the sand and gravel they can.
Yes, for they are men driving those diggers and lorries on the Cottenham quarry north of Cambridge. Didn’t see any women there. And, The proto-Beatles allusion in my title referencing The Quarrymen would have failed if there had been…
I drove down Long Drove once again, yesterday, dog and bins in tow, in the vain hope of spotting the Hooded Crow and the Iceland Gull that have been hanging around with the other corvids and gulls in this part of our village for months now. No sign in the fields opposite the dump and no sign on the quarry.
So, herewith a few snaps from the Drove of the quarry activity (they’ve shaved away the raised edge along the drove so you can see clearly into the site just standing alongside dog and car. There were a few gulls and crows but nothing Icelandic, despite the snow and nothing corvid.
As I understood it, as with virtually all of the East Anglian gravel and sand quarries, there might have been aspirations from consverators and ecologists to see this quarry converted into a nature reserve once they’ve scraped out everything they want from the Earth here. Unfortunately, there are no plans in place to make that happen and the contractors will simply “make good” the land and the scars they’ve created, which is a crying shame.